MTL - I Was Fed the Fruit by the World Nobles and Became the Fifth Emperor-Chapter 201

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However, after Chenos was arrested this time, Chenos must be executed as soon as possible. Who knows if Chenos will run out again after being imprisoned and pushed into the city.

Those of them who are subordinates can't always trouble Master Yimu!

Sengoku looked at Waldo who was rushing over, and then looked at Chenos and Barrett who were watching the play, and relaxed a little bit. Now that the two had no intention of shooting, he could use Valdodo to delay for a while.

It won't be long before Garp will come, and when he and Garp join forces, they can delay Chenos for a longer time.

"Fight with Valdo first, and bear with him for a while!"

Thinking of this, the incarnation of the Warring States period became the form of a Buddha, and with one palm, Valdo, who had rushed above the warship, was blasted out.

"Waldo, are you obediently going back to the advance city and staying, or will I take you in?"

"Hahaha, Warring States, you villain who hides behind his back and plays tricks, just rely on you to defeat me Waldo? Let you see what a world destroyer is!!"

He held a pistol that he had snatched from a navy soldier and kept firing bullets at Sengoku.

The bullet, which was only the size of the little finger, turned into a giant cannonball at the moment of firing, and bombed the Sengoku in the form of a big Buddha.

Looking at the giant cannonballs, Sengoku's expression remained unchanged, and he calmly slapped at those cannonballs.

"Buddha's Impact!"

A shock wave emanated from Sengoku's palm, and the terrifying power of the shock wave directly shattered all the giant shells that hit him, and some of the aftermath rushed towards Valdo.

Chapter 418

Seeing this, Valdo shouted, "A hundred times faster!"

His figure disappeared directly in front of the Warring States Period, holding the standard saber in the hands of the general navy, and shouted again: "It's a hundred times bigger!!"

The saber instantly turned into a huge blade with a size of 100 meters and slashed towards the Warring States Period.

Seeing this scene, Sengoku couldn't help frowning.

But he didn't think it was because this move was very powerful or tricky, but he felt that if he continued to fight like this, it was estimated that Valdo would not be able to last long before he would be defeated by him.

Once Valdo was defeated, he also didn't know if Chenos would make a move.

He hesitated for a moment, and 'extremely reluctantly' avoided Valdo's blow, and then waved his palm again, knocking Valdo back.

The corners of Valdo's mouth, who were repelled, flowed from the corners of his mouth, but he laughed excitedly.

"Hahaha, as expected of an admiral of the navy, the combat power is very strong, but this also makes me more eager to defeat you."

After finishing speaking, Valdo rushed towards Sengoku again, constantly using various attacks to deal with Sengoku, but during the battle, Sengoku narrowly avoided his attack, and counterattacked him, making Waldo Got some minor injuries.

Valdo's performance also made Chenos and Barrett shake their heads.

"Is this guy a fool? Now Sengoku is playing with him, and he doesn't show his full strength, but this guy can't see it at all. Lord Chenos, is this guy really worth joining the Pirates?"

Chenos sighed and said: "This guy's domineering level is too bad, when he goes back and lets him practice, his combat power should be able to improve to a higher level, but his greatest value is not in combat, but in other aspects, He has the ability to make things bigger, and it's a good choice for him to be a support staff."

"Forget it, if we let him continue to fight, it will only disgrace us. I won't wait for Garp, let's go and fight Sengoku to warm up first!"

But Barrett was stopped by Chenos again.

"Don't worry, look, Karp is here!"

Barrett looked in the direction of Chenos' finger, and indeed found that a warship was rapidly approaching here, and in front of the warship, there was a small black spot that kept blasting bursts of sonic booms in the air, extremely fast. He rushed in the direction of the Warring States.

"Hahaha, it's good, I just had a bad fight in the prison, just now I can have a good fight!"

Barrett squatted down, kicked the ground hard, and stepped on the ground out of a ten-meter-wide pothole, and turned into a cannonball and charged towards Karp.

Garp originally planned to support Sengoku, but he could see the situation on Sengoku clearly in the air, and also knew that Sengoku was not fighting with all his strength, but was just using the battle with Valdo to delay the time.

He grinned when he saw Barrett rushing towards him again.

"Hahaha, Barrett, long time no see, I didn't expect your kid to become stronger than before!"

Although Karp seemed to be greeting an old friend, his hand was filled with a lot of domineering arrogance, and he punched Barrett with a punch.

"Kapp, you immortal, it's a miracle that you can still swing your fist now!"

Barrett also greeted Garp on his mouth. When he was on Roger's boat, the person he dealt with the most was also Garp. After all, Garp had been chasing Roger at the beginning.

Although he always thought that Karp was a bit weaker than Roger, Karp's punches still impressed him to this day.

However, it has been more than ten years now, and his combat effectiveness is much stronger than before. If Garp's combat effectiveness has not declined, he can just use Garp to verify his progress over the years and let him see what he is chasing now. Did you see Roger in the past?

Barrett entered the devil mode in the air, and his whole body was wrapped in a thick layer of domineering armed color, and his fist was wrapped with domineering domineering again on the basis of armed domineering.

Neither of them had any intention of evading, fist-to-fist in the air, and punched each other in a frontal and rigid manner.


After the fists of the two sides collided, there was an explosion sound that was more violent than the cannonball. The force of the fist collision turned into a shock wave and scattered around, and a terrifying shock wave instantly spread around.

The space in the air also seemed to be unable to withstand the strength of the two fists, and the sound of clack clack continued, and countless tiny cracks appeared in the air.

The strength of the two is comparable, and they are both frozen in the air, both staring at each other with red faces.

Then the two tacitly glanced at each other and grinned, and at the same time withdrew their fists, quickly waving their fists towards attacking each other.

Looking at Barrett, who was on a par with Garp, Chenos nodded in satisfaction.

This time, the biggest gain from advancing to the city is Barrett. His combat power is very strong. It is estimated that once he enters the Varys Pirates, he will become the strongest in the Varys Pirates.

Now thinking about seeing Wang Luffy defeating Barrett in his previous life, Chenos couldn't help but feel a little funny. If Wang Luffy hadn't had the aura of the protagonist, it was estimated that the person who died would definitely be Wang Luffy.

Barrett's combat power is completely above Kaido's mother, but it is a pity that such a powerful character was killed by the script.

But it's different now. With his intervention, such a script killing scene should not appear.

On the other side, after seeing Garp coming, Sengoku didn't release any more water, and used a unique trick directly.

I saw that the shape of the Great Buddha on the Warring States body began to change, becoming a three-headed and six-armed Buddha, and he stretched out his palm and waved at Waldo.

"The Buddha came into the world!!"

A shock wave in the shape of the palm of a big Buddha fell from the sky and smashed towards Valdo.

This move originally helped Sengoku resist Kaido and Big Mom's joint technique, and its power is self-evident.

Waldo looked at the huge palm falling from the sky, and began to panic a little. He couldn't take such a terrifying attack.

He is not a pedantic person, since he can't beat him, he can run!

It's just that he just wanted to escape, but found that his breath had already been controlled by the Warring States period, locked by the giant palm that controlled him, there was no way to escape at all, he could only take it hard.

He vigorously swung the 100-meter-long giant sword in his hand, roaring and swung it towards the Warring States period.

It's just that his attack was like a man's arm blocking the car. Under the giant palm, Valdo's giant sword was crushed inch by inch, constantly cracking, and it couldn't hurt the giant palm of the Warring States period at all.

Although blocked by the giant sword, the speed of the giant palm did not decrease but increased, and it smashed towards Valdo quickly.

Valdo looked at the giant palm in a daze, and he secretly said in his heart: "Are you going to die? It's a pity that I couldn't fulfill my wish to take my brother to the world for adventure!"

Chapter 419 Isn't this invincible?

At this time, Valdo has closed his eyes and is ready to die, because he thinks that even his closest friends will betray him and let him be designed by the people of the world government, which will lead to him being arrested and sent to prison, not to mention the fact that he has just met Chenos.

And the two of them looked down on him along the way, so this time he will die at the hands of the Warring States!

"Waldo, as my subordinate, don't give up hope at any time, understand? You have to believe that as the boss, I will definitely come to save you!"

After hearing Chenos' words, Valdo opened his eyes in disbelief and looked at Chenos who was standing in front of him.

At this time, the giant palm from the Warring States was in front of him, but Chenos still turned his head and smiled at Valdo, as if Chenos was not facing an attack that was enough to kill Valdo, but a breeze Same, so relaxing.

Valdo couldn't help shouting to Chenos: "Be careful!!"

It’s just that it was too late when Valdo shouted. The giant palm of the Warring States slammed into Chenos firmly, and after the giant palm hit Chenos, it emitted a dazzling light, so that Valdo could not see anything. .

Although Valdo felt in his heart that with Chenos' strength, he should not die in the face of such an attack, but he still couldn't help but worry that Chenos would have an accident.

After a while, the light disappeared, and Valdo also regained his sight, and saw clearly the condition of Chenos, and the condition of Chenos was... nothing?

He looked at Chenos in disbelief. Although he knew that Chenos was very strong, he was the most powerful in the world in the mouth of the jailer, but no matter how strong Chenos was, it was enough to kill him in the Warring States just now. In his attack, he shouldn't be unscathed, right?

How can I look at Chenos' appearance, as if his attack just now was really a breeze, and it has no impact at all?

Looking at Valdo's shocked appearance, Chenos also knew what Valdo was thinking, so he said to Valdo: "I am a person with the ability to rebound fruit, I can absorb all attacks into my own energy, and then bounce it out. This kind of small attack has no effect on me!"

Small attack?

Hey, hey, this is an attack that can kill me!

I thought my fruit ability was abnormal enough, but I didn't expect you to have a fruit ability that can absorb all attacks. It's too abnormal, right?

Wouldn't that make it invincible?

Valdo complained frantically in his heart, but he didn't dare to say these words to Chenos, he could only look dull, and said dryly to Chenos: "No... it's fine!"

After Sengoku watched Chenos take action, his first reaction was not to attack Chenos, but instead he turned his head and rushed towards Karp, intending to help Karp defeat Barrett first.

As long as Barrett is defeated, then he and Karp can team up to deal with Chenos and try to delay it for a while.

Sengoku rushed towards Garp at his fastest speed, but before he reached Garp, he saw that Chenos had appeared in front of him, blocking his way.

"Barrett finally has a good opponent to fight, let them have a good fight!"

Looking at Chenos who appeared in front of him, Sengoku's face became ugly.

He didn't see the battle between Im and Chenos before. Although according to speculation, Chenos' strength was much stronger than before, but when he faced Chenos head-on, he still felt a very strong feeling. A strong sense of oppression, such a sense of oppression that he has only felt on Lord Yimu.

Fortunately, looking at Chenos' appearance, he did not intend to shoot, but stood in front of him and watched the battle between Barrett and Garp.

This also relieved the Warring States. His own purpose was to delay Chenos. Now that Chenos does not shoot, it is better that they can delay for a longer time.

Im on the World Government's ship and galloped towards the Propulsion City, and the Five Old Stars also set off with Im.

The five old stars were looking at Yimu's face all the way. Although they couldn't see anything through the mask, they could feel that Yimu was in a very bad mood right now.

After the boat was traveling for a while, Yimu asked the Five Old Stars and the others, "Have you found the reason why Chenos fled?"

"My lord, I didn't realize that, it stands to reason that Chenos has more than a dozen handcuffs and a dozen ankle cuffs tied to his body. These handcuffs and anklets are all made of Hailou stone, even if they are opened with a key, It would take a while, not to mention that Chenos didn't have a key, and outside of these handcuffs, he was also sealed with a sea floor stone prisoner that sealed Chenos' entire body.

There is no one in the advance city who can help Chenos open the prison. Although it is incredible, we speculate... Chenos may have opened the Hailou stone prison by himself. "

Yimu beckoned and asked someone to bring a Hailoushi handcuff. He grabbed it in his hand, and tried to break the Hailoushi handcuff with both hands, but he failed to pull it off the first time.

Yimu used all his strength to pull Hailoushi's handcuffs again, and barely broke Hailoushi's handcuffs.

"With more than a dozen handcuffs and shackles, there are Hailou stone prisoners outside? Oh, it's a bit interesting, it seems that Chenos concealed his strength before and did not use his full strength to fight against me.

Hope Chenos doesn't let me down again this time! "

The five old star with the knife sneered and said: "My lord, this time is also his last chance. If Chenos disappoints you this time, just kill him!"

Yi Mu looked at the knife-wielding Wu Laoxing with his scarlet eyes, and the cold eyes also made the knife-wielding Wu Laoxing tremble in his heart. He no longer had the arrogant appearance before, he lowered his head and dared not look directly into Yimu's eyes.

"I don't need you to talk about anything I make or do!"

Wu Laoxing with a knife trembled in his heart and knelt on the ground.

"My subordinates dare not!"

The recent performance of the Five Old Stars has always disappointed Im very much, and even his attitude towards the Five Old Stars has begun to deteriorate.

If it wasn't for Chenos who had no one to deal with but him, he really wanted these old guys to deal with Chenos by himself.

"However, it's time. I will take away Chenos' fruit ability. After that, you should have no problem dealing with dragons and Chenos' remnants."

Wu Laoxing quickly replied: "No!"

If they can't even deal with the remnants of Long and Chenos, then they really have no face to serve as five old stars.

However, several people heard that Im will take away Chenos' fruit ability, and there was a flash of excitement in their eyes. If Lord Im can gain Chenos' ability again, then Lord Im will be truly invincible, even in the future. When Joyboy appeared, he couldn't deal with Lord Im.

They can rule the world longer!

Chapter 420 Hair. book} small. Say. Group ヘ9;8?02,0. ;5?8/5:6, even if I'm seventy, I still beat you

Barrett quickly threw his fists at Karp with both hands.

Garp also unceremoniously threw his fists back, and the fists of the two kept colliding in the air, making the air like firecrackers, and the sound of explosions continued to sound.

There is nothing fancy about the attack of the two, that is, the fist to the fist, the fist to the flesh, the **** battle. As the battle progresses, the strength of the two is also rising, and the power of the fist is also becoming more and more powerful. come bigger.

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