MTL - I Was Fed the Fruit by the World Nobles and Became the Fifth Emperor-Chapter 195

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The Buddha incarnates into a posture of three heads and six arms, holding a flower in his hand, and a ray of strong light blooms on the flower in the Buddha's hand, stabbing towards the four-color light ball.

Although this was the strongest move in the Warring States period, it still failed to resist the terrifying power of this move in a hurry.

The four-color light ball withstood the strong light pierced by the Warring States Period, and pushed the strong light of the Warring States Period to charge towards the Warring States Period.

Its might was so powerful that even Warring States could not use his Buddha's light to deflect the four-colored light ball. The four-colored light slammed into the Buddha's golden body.


The four-colored light ball exploded instantly, turning into a beam of light and stabbing towards Warring States' chest.

At the moment of crisis, Sengoku tried his best to move his body a little to avoid the fatal blow. However, a large wound was pierced by the beam of light on his right shoulder. This huge wound left only one layer of Sengoku's arm. The skin dragged, and the entire arm was almost knocked off.

And this huge wound is only a little bit closer to the heart of the Warring States period, and the beating heart can be seen in the wound of the Warring States Period.

Although he narrowly escaped the fatal blow, it also caused the Sengoku to lose his ability to fight, and he fell into a coma.

When Warring States saw that Warring States was seriously injured, there was a grin on his mouth, turned into a blue dragon, and rushed towards Warring States, intending to make up for the sword and kill Warring States.

But at this moment, a figure flashed past, catching Sengoku and avoiding Kaido's fatal blow.

The man was wearing a black clown costume, and the clown mask on his face was painted with a cracked smiley face.

"Master Kaido, I came to pick up the Warring States under the order of Lord Chenos. Lord Chenos said, the dead Warring States have no value, only the living Warring States are valuable, and killing the Warring States now does not make any sense. , will only offend the world government."

After hearing the Joker's words, Kaido's dragon claws stagnated in the air and stopped in front of the Joker.

"Chenos? If this is Chenos' plan, why didn't Chenos tell me before?"

The clown masked man calmly said to Kaido: "If you don't believe me, you can call Lord Chenos to ask, but all communication signals here have been cut off. If you want to contact Lord Chenos, you can wait. In two hours, when the signal here is restored, check with Lord Chenos!"

Chapter 404 Escape

Kaido glanced at the clown man suspiciously, and after trying to call Chenos on his mobile phone, he found that the signal here was indeed blocked, and there was no way to make a call.

This also made Kaido somewhat believe the words of the Joker.

Except for Chenos and him, no one knew about blocking the phone bug. The clown man could say it out loud, indicating that the other party was indeed from Chenos.

Moreover, the Sengoku, who was seriously injured and dying, was no threat to them, and the strength of the clown man, to be honest, Kaido did not like it at all.

If it wasn't for the fact that Chenos was mentioned in the clown man's words, it is estimated that the clown man would have died in his hands just now.

And now everyone is surrounded by them, even if the clown man has any plans, there is no possibility of realization, even if he wants to escape, there is no way!

"Jin, search the body of Warring States to see if the blueprints of Hades are on Warring States' body. If not, put them on the pirate ship to guard."

Jhin stared at the clown man with cold eyes, spread his black wings and flew to the clown man's side, without taking any precautions, he directly put his hand into Zhan Guo's body and searched recklessly.

The clown man on the side didn't make any moves, and the clown man knew that if he made any extra moves now, he would be killed by countless eyes staring at him.

After searching carefully for a while, Jhin shook his head at Kaido.

Kaido shook his head and motioned Jin to take the two to the ship to be detained, while he himself flew to the merchant ship and looked at all the CP organization members who had been controlled.

"Let's go, if you are really Chenos' subordinate, I hope you will be smarter and don't do useless actions, otherwise, I will not rule out that I will kill you by mistake!"

"Don't worry, I care more about my life than you. My role this time is just to be the savior of the Warring States period. When you confirm the news, just put me on a small boat!"

Jhin nodded, still looking at the clown man vigilantly. After locking the two of them into a room on the ship, he locked the door outside and guarded the room in person.

After seeing that the door was locked, the clown man immediately activated his fruit ability, and a circle of light instantly filled the entire room.

After activating the fruit ability, the clown man hurriedly began to bandage the wound for the Warring States Period, and kept calling for the Warring States Period.

"Master Warring States, Master Warring States, wake up, wake up quickly!"

After bandaging the Warring States period and giving him some rude medicine, the Warring States period also woke up because of the rude movements of the clown man.

"Hey~ I'm... where?"

"Master Warring States, you finally woke up, hurry up, now we have no time, we must get out of here as soon as possible before Kaido returns to the ship!"

Sengoku frowned as he looked at the anxious clown man in front of him.

What is this game playing?

The clown man just remembered something at this time, lifted his mask directly, and said to the Warring States: "Foster father, it's me, Rosannadi!"

Warring States couldn't help but widen his eyes and looked at Roxandi, or Corazon, in disbelief.

"You... why are you here?"

"I got information that your location was installed by Chenos, so Kaido and Big Mom could locate your location in real time.

I want to pass this message on to you, but no matter how I dial your phone worm, your phone worm can't get through, so here I am!

Fortunately, I'm here, otherwise, you would have been in Kaido's hands just now! "

Warring States frowned and said to Corazon: " are confused, now you come to save me, you are exposing yourself, you are now the most important person in ambush beside Chenos, you can Get more Chenos intel for the Navy and World Government.

Now your identity is much more important than my life!

Before you are found, go back quickly! "

"But if I go back, you'll be dead!"

"It's okay, I already have the consciousness to face life and death, and I, the Admiral of the Navy, can't do well, and I will die if I die..."

"But I can't watch you die, you are my only relative!"

Corazon shouted to the Warring States: "When my brother killed me, I only had your relative left. I don't want to lose your last relative, do you understand?"

The Warring States fell silent. If he had suspected that Corazon's death and resurrection was a trap of Chenos, but when he felt Corazon's true feelings at this moment, the last doubt in his heart was also removed. Corazon is still the kind and heart-wrenching child he used to be.

He can give everything for the people close to him, but he doesn't care about his own safety.

"Okay, let's go!"

After Warring States confirmed Corazon's identity, he also understood Corazon's character, knowing that once the other party decides, no one can change it.

Rather than wasting time and showing off Corazon's warmth here, it's better to flee quickly, so as to keep Corazon's undercover identity.

Seeing that Sengoku was willing to flee with him, Corazon took out a small machine from him.

He pressed the machine in the room, and a laser shot out of the machine's opening, instantly turning into a sharp knife.

Corazon used the almost indestructible laser knife in his hand to cut a huge hole in the wall, and a passage was quickly cut out of the wall.

The sound of the laser cutting the wall is very loud, like the sound of a cutting machine cutting steel, but under the effect of Corazon's silent fruit, no one outside can hear the sound in the room at all.

And at this time, all the attention is on Kaido and Auntie, who are torturing the members of the CP organization, forcing them to tell the news of Hades' design.

All the pirates on Kaido's ship focused their attention on Kaido and Big Mom, not realizing that the room where they held Corazon and Sengoku had been cut with a huge hole.

After escaping from the room, Corazon and Sengoku easily dealt with the two guarding pirates, then dropped a lifeboat from the back of the unmanned deck, and quickly drove the lifeboat to escape.

At this time, after Kaido finally asked for the design of Hades from a member of the CP organization, everyone was cheering, but they didn't realize that the Sengoku who was imprisoned by them had escaped from their ship.

By the time they found out, Warring States and Corazon had already fled to another merchant ship, and they were sailing toward the Red Earth Continent on the merchant ship.

Chapter 405 Corazon who is ready to gamble

When the two escaped, in the vast sea, it was impossible for Kaido to know where they ran to, let alone find them.

This also made the Warring States relax.

"Rosannadi, what's going on this time?"

Corazon sighed and said, "This time it's actually a conspiracy of Chenos, he didn't want the Navy to take away the blueprint of Hades at all.

The reason why he opened this auction was that he wanted to use the name of this auction to cause chaos among the major underground forces, and to collect some of the underground forces that he thought was valuable to strengthen his own strength.

And now, he has indeed done it. The Sea King who he thought was the most valuable has died, and all his forces have been occupied by Chenos's... Doflamingo, who took over the Sea King's power.

As for the most powerful king of loan sharks, Field, the loan shark business Chenos disliked, but Field is the financial backing of the aunt. He needs to weaken the strength of the other four emperors, so that the battle for the unification of the new world can be fought more in the future. Take it easy, so he planned to make Field unable to complete the transaction, and then personally destroy it.

As for some other underground forces, after this transaction, they will also be integrated by Chenos, and those businesses that he despises also need to rely on his protection to survive.

After ruling the underground forces, it is self-evident that Chenos' goal is to deal with the other four emperors, but Chenos intends to use the smallest price for those four emperors.

So he came up with the plan to auction Hades' blueprints. He used the idea that both the Navy and the Four Emperors wanted to obtain Hades' blueprints. The Navy and the Four Emperors auctioned off high prices.

His goal is to let the Navy win the bid without letting the Navy get the Hades blueprint.

Once the navy wins the bid, it will need to give Chenos a large sum of money, which in itself is a weakening of the navy and the world government.

At the same time, he deliberately stated at the meeting that once the transaction could not be completed, he would take action to cause damage of equal value to those who could not complete the transaction.

The purpose of saying this is not only to prepare the ground for the acceptance of the underground forces in the future, but also to allow the other four emperors to **** the funds for the transportation of the navy.

In order to complete the transaction, the navy must send a large amount of combat power to contain the four emperors.

As for your success in this transaction, Chenos also played a big role in it.

In fact, the CP organization you sent to transport funds has long been under the supervision of the genius scientist Shaq, but they did not leak the information of the CP organization to the four emperors, but leaked the information from the blind Fa Zefa we arranged to the four emperors. Kaido.

By the time you put the money in his hands, they exposed your location to Kaido and Big Mom again, and cut off all your communication devices, making it impossible for you to reach everyone and for everyone to reach you .

After that, let Kaido kill you, and at the same time to get rid of you, let Kaido **** the blueprint of Hades.

In order to create the ancient weapon Pluto, Kaido and Auntie need to spend a lot of time and money into it, which will weaken the strength of Kaido and Auntie again. At the same time, he will continue to cut off Kaido and Auntie's business, so that their lives will be reduced. become bad.

After Mama Kaido builds Hades, it is estimated that their power will be weakened almost by Chenos.

Moreover, with the threat of the big killer, Pluto, he will secretly let the red hair discover this, and lure the two sides to fight.

At that time, he will be able to win the whole new world at the least price!

Not only that, in this auction, Chenos also arranged a lot of backhands, these backhands are used to deal with the world government, such as mobile phones is one of them.

In the future, he will definitely use his mobile phone to invade the great route and invade the world.

It's just that I haven't been able to get in touch with the mobile phone plan. There is no way to know what Chenos will do when the time comes. Adoptive father, you must be wary of the mobile phones that Chenos sells! "

After listening to Corazon constantly recounting all the plans of Chenos during this period, Sengoku couldn't help feeling chills all over his body.

All of them are calculated by Chenos, but no matter what they do, Chenos will be the biggest winner after this auction.

Even Chenos didn't do anything, just came forward to threaten everyone, and took out a bait that no one could refuse, and easily played everyone in the palm of his hand.

Originally possessing almost the strongest combat power in the world, coupled with that terrifying intelligence, such a person is simply too dangerous.

No, it must be reported to the Five Old Stars, and to Lord Yimu, so that they can attack Chenos, and they can no longer let Chenos grow.

Otherwise, Chenos might really become the king of the world in the future!

"Rosannadi, this time you come to save me, it's too impulsive, the future Chenos will become more dangerous, if you are by Chenos, you can get more Chenos for the navy and the world government. The intelligence that will be the key to our defeat of Chenos at that time.

But now that you come out to save me, Chenos will surely find out.

This time you don't want to go back to adventure, stay in the navy! "

After being silent for a while, Corazon shook his head at Sengoku.

"No, I have to go back. Luo is still in the hands of Chenos. If I don't go back, Luo will be turned into a killing machine by Chenos. I must rescue Luo!"

"As for Luo, our navy will come up with a solution, so don't take the risk, if you die, there will be no way to rescue Luo!

Don't worry, I will apply for the World Government to send the strongest CP organization members to go undercover next to Chenos and let them rescue Luo! "

Corazon smiled bitterly and said: "It's useless, outsiders can't enter the inner circle of Chenos at all, it is too difficult to enter the circle.

Especially now, with more and more robots being made by Shaq, all of them are patrolled by tireless and infallible robots, and the others are not lurking in Chenos' circle at all.

So I have to go back!

And I've already figured out how to deal with Chenos! "

Sengoku said anxiously: "How can you deal with Chenos, no matter who it is, they are very disgusted by betrayal. It is estimated that when you go back, Chenos will kill you!"

"No, because I found a small flaw in Chenos. Although he didn't show it, he was very proud. Believe me, I will be fine!"

"You are gambling with your life, and there is a high probability that you will lose!"

"Losing the bet is nothing but death, but winning the bet will give me the opportunity to stay by Chenos' side and help you defeat Chenos in the future battle between the Navy and Chenos!"

Chapter 406 I implore Lord Yimu to take action against Chenos

Three days later, Sengoku returned to the Naval Headquarters, looking into the distance and sighing.

"Hope Ronandi all the best!"