MTL - I Was Fed the Fruit by the World Nobles and Became the Fifth Emperor-Chapter 192

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The five-meter-sized ice ball, in front of the huge magma fist, was like a grain of millet, and was instantly evaporated by the heat wave on the magma fist.

At this time, the frozen Kaido was also able to break free, but as soon as he broke free, he saw the huge magma fist hitting him.

I saw Kaido open his arms and shouted: "Yanyun!!"

A purple flame cloud entangled towards the magma fist that was about to fall in the air, forming a spiral shape under the magma fist, as if to net the magma fist.

Under the entanglement of the flame cloud, the speed of the magma fist began to slowly decrease.

Kaido calmly looked at the magma fist that slowly stopped above his head, with a disdainful smile on his face.

"Your strength is indeed a lot weaker. This move is very powerful, but it is not suitable for attacking me at this time. You should use that kind of small-range, but extremely powerful move to attack me.

A move with a large range and great power like this actually doesn't work for me at all, and it may even be used by me in turn!

Fire Dragon Torch! "

Kaido transformed into a blue dragon, charged directly towards Sakaski's magma fist, and took the initiative to charge into Sakaski's magma fist.

It's just that the flames on the magma failed to hurt Kaido. Instead, it seemed to be drawn by Kaido, and the flames surrounded Kaido, forming a flaming dragon.

The size of this flaming dragon is even larger than the magma fist, and it is several hundred meters long.

Kaido, who incarnated into a flame dragon, circled the dragon body like a spring, compressing his body, as if pressing the spring to the bottom.

After being compressed to the extreme, Kaido let go abruptly, turning into a sharp arrow and charging towards Sakaski.

Kaido wrapped the dragon's head with a domineering domineering look, making his dragon horns glow with black and purple light, and at the same time locked Sakaski's breath, making Sakaski unavoidable. Just take it hard.

"volcanic eruptions!!"

At this time, Sakaski's whole person incarnated into a state of magma, but the magma did not flow out, but seemed to be absorbed into Sakaski's body, and at this time Sakaski's beginning became dark. , like volcanic black rock. And there are many cracks on the body.

When Kaido's faucet approached, Sakaski's move was completed. The whole person was like a real volcanic eruption. His head that turned black as a rock exploded directly, turning into a red torrent. It spewed out towards Kaido's faucet.

After the power of the two flames collided with each other, a violent explosion occurred suddenly.


A terrifying heat wave swept all around in an instant.

After seeing Kaido's move, Kuzan rushed towards Sakaski's position without hesitation, intending to help Sakaski to resist Kaido's terrifying blow.

It's just that before he got to Sakaski's side, the moves of the two had already collided.

The heat wave also swept towards Kuzan. It was just the heat wave that ignited the big man on his body. Fortunately, he was elementalized in time. Otherwise, it is estimated that his big wavy hair will be affected by this heat wave. Burned.

Chapter 397

In the Golden City, countless spectators were in a mess at this time, because the battle between the Four Emperors and the Navy was too messy.

Not long ago, they also passed Tezzolo's explanation and knew what happened.

The navy cheated and used the Admiral Warring States and the three generals of the navy as bait to attract the attention of Kaido and Aunt, and secretly arranged for the former general Zefa to **** funds to the Golden City.

It's just that the navy has not yet succeeded, and Kaido got the news, which caused Kaido to go into a rage, and a joint technique with Aunt defeated the Warring States. After that, Kaido fought one against two, and Aunt took people to chase Zefa.

The change of things was so fast that the audience couldn't react to it, but this reversal also filled them with surprises.

"You said, can Kaido be able to fight two generals with one emperor now?"

"Kaido is a sea emperor who has been standing in the new world for decades. He shouldn't have any problem dealing with two admirals!"

"Hehe, the two admirals all have the most terrifying nature-type devil fruit, and each of them is a natural disaster-level existence. Even if Kaido is a monster, the two people he faces are also monsters!"

"It makes sense. If you are dealing with one admiral, I dare to say that Kaido will win, but if you are dealing with two admirals, Kaido still struggles a bit, especially two admirals, one is an ice fruit that can freeze everything, and the other is a The flames are even higher than the rock berries, one is invincible in control, the other is invincible in damage, if the two cooperate with each other, it is estimated that this time Kaido is more fortunate than fortunate!"

After the audience discussed with each other for a while, most of them thought that Kaido could not win against the two admirals, so they all went to the front desk to raise money and pressure the navy to win.

When Auntie and the others left, Tezzolo said it on the stage, and the bet continued, except that the bets became Kaido and the two admirals.

And the odds given are that Kaido is 1:0.9, and the odds of the two admirals are 1:1.1. Once the navy wins, they bet 10,000 Baileys, and they can earn 10,000 Baileys.

Under such circumstances that the navy has an advantage and the odds of the navy are still higher, they will of course choose to overwhelm the navy.

As a result, the audience present once again took out their pockets and put more money on the navy.

After everyone had placed their bets, the performance of the two admirals did not disappoint them either. One was frozen to control Kaido, and the other seemed to have removed all the magma from the volcano and smashed it towards Kaido.

"The Navy will win!"

"The Navy will win!"

"The Navy will win!"

Countless spectators held the Navy's betting ticket high in their hands and kept waving and shouting. Those who didn't know it thought it was the Navy holding a fan meeting.

Just the next second, all the shouting stopped abruptly, and everyone's movements froze in place. They watched Kaido easily break free from General Aokiji's control, and they slowly said that the two were insufficiency. As if the teacher was teaching the students, they suddenly lost their confidence in the victory of the navy.

Immediately afterwards, Kaido controlled the flame cloud, dragged the big fire of the Akainu general, turned into a giant dragon, and in turn absorbed the flame on the big fire, forming a flame dragon with a size of several hundred meters, moving towards the red fire. After General Inu rushed past, everyone closed their eyes in despair.

After Kaido's flame dragon attacked, they saw that Akainu was being scorched black by Kaido's blow, and Kaido's side was just that the flame dragon was much smaller, and his head seemed to be a little dizzy. It's just that Kaido shook his head a few times, and then recovered again, so that everyone was so angry that they threw the ticket to the navy on the ground, and his mouth kept booing angrily.

In a two-on-one situation, the two of them were beaten by Kaido almost without injury.

As for the remaining Aokiji General, they didn't put their hopes on him either. Just now, the two of them couldn't beat Kaido in two-on-one.

The result of the matter was as they expected. Aokiji demonstrated extremely strong fighting power and seriously injured Kaido, but in the end, Kaido was defeated by his abnormal physical fitness.

After seeing the end of the battle, the live broadcast on the field also ended, and did not let the audience see how Kaido dealt with the two admirals and the comatose Admiral Sengoku next.

Just as everyone was about to leave, Tezzolo said to everyone on the stage: "Hello everyone, now I have good news to tell everyone, we have now sent a live broadcast machine to find the Navy ship, and now You can continue to broadcast live.

Can the Navy bring 111 billion funds to the Golden City?

Will they encounter accidents during the transportation?

Can Aunt find the Navy's transport ship under the obstruction of Admiral Kizaru?

Of course, this is the second live broadcast. If you want to watch it, you need to buy a new ticket. I wonder if you are interested? "

The audience under the stage was instantly dumbfounded.

You must know that this is the navy's deceitful strategy. It was incredible that Chenos could obtain the information of the navy before. Now Chenos and the others have even found the ships transported by the navy.

Seeing the enormous power of Chenos in the new world is simply unimaginable!

Although he felt incredible for the power under Chenos, none of the people present wanted to leave. Such a top battle in the world, such a tense and exciting competition for wealth, can’t be seen in other places even if you want to spend money to watch it. What's more, watching such a big event will also allow them to better understand the strength of each faction, obtain more information, and know the future direction of the new world.

No matter what the reason is, spending 10,000 Baileys to watch such a top-level live broadcast is a huge profit.

So the audience took out the money in their pockets and bought tickets to watch again.

For Chenos and the others, more than 100 million Baileys have been recorded.

Both sides got what they wanted and laughed very happily.

Especially Tezzolo, the speed of making money like this is simply too fast.

During the naval battle just now, due to Kaido's wonderful performance, they created enough reversals, which also allowed them to earn nearly one billion baileys in the gambling game. In this way, in one night, they would, Just made a billion baileys.

The speed of making money like this is frighteningly fast, and it is many times faster than those pirates who risk their lives to rob and can't get much money.

Chapter 398 Do you choose to step aside or resist?

After looking at the big box full of money, Shanks couldn't help but take a deep breath.

He looked at a large box of money in front of him and said excitedly, "111 billion is really here!"

At the same time, in front of the big screen, the audience also gasped. They were all cheated by the sincere fat captain just now, and many people were betting money and not on the boat.

"Damn, what kind of captain is this captain's acting skills? It's good to be an actor in the theater!"

"My Bailey is gone again, **** it, I should have trusted my intuition just now!"

"Hahaha, let you listen to me, you don't listen, it's alright now, the bet money is gone!"

The atmosphere of the audience can be described as ice and fire.

However, seeing those who made the bet get back a lot of Bailey, it also inspired them to continue to bet, thinking that they can bet next time.

But this is just the joy of ordinary audiences. Those people from the underground forces in the new world and people from various nobles are not very concerned about these small money. What makes them more concerned is how things will develop next.

If Shanks took the money, then the Navy would not only have no way to get the blueprint of the ancient weapon Hades, but would also need to face revenge from Chenos.

Once things get to this point, the navy will lose all face this time, and from now on, its majesty will be gone, and it will also face huge losses.

The loss of 110 billion Bailey's funds, the naval headquarters will be attacked by Chenos, and several admirals and admirals of Warring States are still alive and dead.

The final result is that, for a long time to come, the navy will be unable to suppress the pirates in this world. Whether it is the great route or the four seas, the pirates will be rampant, and there will be more people going out to sea. Pirates.

The consequence of this is that another wave of pirates hits.

In the future, it may be difficult for the navy to maintain the security of various countries in the sea under the offensive of pirates.

This is the situation that the underground forces want to see the most, and it is also the situation that the nobles of various countries do not want to see.

Therefore, the people on both sides were staring at what kind of action Shanks would make.

Without any hesitation, Shanks directly asked his men to move all the money to their boat.

After seeing this scene, all the nobles frowned and cursed.

"Nima, didn't you say Zefa was guarding the boat? What about the people?"

"Are you crazy or Zefa is crazy, if it was anyone else, Zefa would probably have taken action long ago, but Shanks' red-haired pirates have all passed away, so what if Zefa comes out? Death? "

"Did you just watch Shanks take away this 110 billion? This is our country's tax revenue for almost a year!"

Just when everyone thought that Zefa was afraid of death and dared not stand up, a big hand grabbed a pirate who was walking towards the cash box and threw it out.

"Shanks, our navy has given you face before. I don't know if we can give our navy a face this time. Don't take this money, you know... this money is related to the future of our navy."

After Zefa finished speaking, he slowly lowered his head, his knees slowly bent down, kneeled on the ground with both knees, and his head slammed heavily on the deck of the ship.

Some navy soldiers who had been hiding in the crowd rushed out with red eyes after seeing this scene, and wanted to help their teacher, who was over sixty years old.

"Teacher, we fought with them, there is no need to kneel to a group of pirates!"

"Teacher, trust us, even if we fight for our lives, we will keep our money!"


At this time, Zefa, who was kneeling on the ground, roared, "Shut up for me, didn't I say, don't come out without my order?"

Those students stubbornly raised their heads and did not answer Zefa's question.

Looking at Zefa's touching teacher-student relationship, Shanks scratched his head embarrassedly.

"That, Zefa, don't be like this, get up, make it look like I'm some kind of wicked person, as for money...

I'm sorry, I won't take all the money, but I will walk in the 10 billion Bailey, so that you can't completely bid, and it won't cause you too much economic loss.

Everyone knows that once your navy takes the blueprint of Hades, your navy will be too powerful, and it will destroy the balance of the entire sea. "

Zefa raised his head in despair and asked Shanks: "Shanks, you said that our navy is too strong? Now that we are completely suppressed by Chenos, even facing you four emperors, we are a little powerless. , is this too strong?

Why didn't you say that after the blueprints of Hades were taken away by Kaido and the others, their power would become stronger?

You know who Kaido and Big Mom are.

Look at the kingdoms under Kaido's command, which one doesn't live in the chaos of war all day long?

Look at the many islands under the aunt's command, which one is not exploited to death by the aunt's trick of sacrificing desserts? In order to survive, they have to sacrifice their lifespan to auntie?

Do you want such a **** to acquire the ancient weapon Pluto?

Or do you want to watch more people die under their ambitions? "

Shanks' face became indifferent, he stared at Zefa for a long time, and finally sighed deeply.

"Zefa, you are a righteous person, but it does not mean that the navy is just, and countless countries are also being exploited and squeezed by the world government.

You are not fundamentally different from Mama Kaido.

In a word, for the sake of the past, I will only take 10 billion Baileys, which will not cause you too much loss, but I will not let you get the blueprint of the ancient weapon Hades.

Read The Duke's Passion