MTL - I Was Fed the Fruit by the World Nobles and Became the Fifth Emperor-Chapter 187

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Aunt's situation is actually a little worse than Kaido's. She has many islands under her command, but she doesn't know how to govern, and only treats the people on the islands as targets of exploitation.

Not only did she exploit the money of the people on the island and collect a large amount of taxes, but also often held tea parties that hurt the people and money, and let the people on the island contribute a large number of cakes and delicacies to her.

As mentioned earlier, in this world where most of the places are islands, the value of food is actually similar to gold, but she has squandered the food a lot.

Now that she can come up with 50 billion of funds, it is not easy, not to mention the current price has been shouted to 70 billion, which is a price that she cannot afford alone.

"Kaido, let's join forces!"

"Lingling, that's exactly what I mean!"

The two hit it off and planned to join forces to deal with the navy again. Each of them could only provide 50 to 60 billion yuan of funds, but if the two of them were combined, they would have hundreds of billions of funds.

In this way, the two were able to **** Hades from the navy at a price they could accept, which was very worth it to them!

The two negotiated joint ownership, and after developing it together, Auntie announced that she had withdrawn from the auction and asked Kaido to confront the navy.

After seeing the two people muttering for a long time, the Warring States suddenly felt bad.

As expected, Kaido shouted directly to Chenos after the two negotiated, "Eighty billion Baileys!"

"Nine billion!"

"One hundred billion!"

When Kaido called the price to 100 billion, everyone present took a deep breath.

Because this is probably the highest auction price in the world, and the price is so high that even the rich and powerful can't help but admire it.

"There are only 2.5 trillion Baileys in circulation around the world. The price of their auction this time directly accounts for 1/25 of the price. It's really scary!"

"Haha, it's really the right time to come to the Golden City this time. To be able to see such a big scene, it's fun, fun!"

"Guess, can the Warring States period push the price of gold medals up again?"

"It shouldn't be possible. The current price is as high as 100 billion Bailey. Even if it is an inhumane navy, it will be difficult for them to come up with more funds."

"Even if they can take it out, it is estimated that they will not be able to beat Kaido and Auntie together. The funds of both of them are at least around 150 billion!"

Warring States opened his mouth several times and wanted to bid again, but he couldn't. The Five Old Stars had already made it clear just now that this was the limit that could be given to him. The Navy's money must be used, but the problem is, the current Navy has no money!

Warring States pondered in his heart, "Do you want to give up?"

Chapter 385 Congratulations to the Admiral of the Navy for taking the picture of Hades

Warring States did a careful calculation. Just now, Kaido's personal offer reached a maximum of 63 billion Bailey, while Auntie's offer was 50 billion Bailey. In this way, the two together would have 113 billion Bailey's funds. .

Although he has no funds now, he can consume Kaido and Aunt's funds, so that the funds of the two become less, which can also delay the time for the two to develop Hades.

It's just that this move is playing with fire. If you play well, you can consume the funds of the two to the maximum, but if you play badly, it is very likely to anger Chenos, and the consequences of angering Chenos will be bad. What it is, no one will know, and it is very likely that they will all explain it here.

Sengoku's face was full of confusion, and after hesitating for a long time, he raised his hand again.

"110 billion Baileys!"

Sengoku was staring at Kaido and Aunt Ma at this time, as if a gambler had studded everything and waited for his opponent to open his cards.

It's just that he bet that Kaido and Aunt will continue to follow. If he wins the bet, he will be able to consume Kaido and Aunt's funds. If he loses, he will have to give up to 111 billion Baileys to Che. North, or don't pay, to meet Chenos' wrath and the world's ridicule.

Before Kaido could speak, Chenos said first: "The two of you, and everyone present, let me tell you first, you can quote the price at our auction at will, but after winning the bid, if you can't get the money. If you do, I will not only take back the sold items, but also cause damage of the same value to your forces!

So, if you make an offer, you must come up with the corresponding funds. If you don't have it now or don't have enough, please prepare it before tonight and hand it over to our Golden City staff, understand? "

Chenos' words also caused some people who didn't bring enough money to panic. These people didn't have no money, they just didn't bring so much money. After all, no one would go out with hundreds of millions or billions of dollars. They originally thought they could pay later, and it shouldn't matter. After all, no one dared to owe Chenos money, but they didn't expect Chenos to ask for it tonight.

This is a little embarrassing!

It's just that they have no way to resist Chenos, they can only choose to be obedient.

At this time, the king of loan sharks stood up and said to Chenos: "Lord Chenos, I don't have ten billion funds with me, can I give you a few days of grace? Don't worry about the money, I don't dare to owe you. funds!"

Seeing the king of loan sharks looking nervous, Chenos said with a smile: "Of course, I remember that the auction brochure I sent you says that as long as the auction price exceeds one billion baileys, we will give it to us. In a week's time, let you mobilize funds.

And for big deals like Sengoku and Kaido, we will also give them ten days to send the funds. "

Before the auction started, the staff sent everyone an auction brochure, which recorded the rules of the auction and the auction items, but most people only looked at the auction items. Some of the rules of the auction are simply too lazy to read.

After hearing this, the king of loan sharks breathed a sigh of relief. He was rich, but if he wanted to hand over 10 billion to Chenos in one night, it would be difficult for a strongman.

Others who didn't bring enough funds also took out the auction manual. After they read it, they breathed a sigh of relief. As long as the auction fund exceeds 100 million Bailey, they will be given about three days. One billion is a week. , the cap is ten days.

The people present are all major forces, and this time is indeed very relaxed for them, so they have also relaxed.

It's just that everyone present relaxed, but Sengoku began to sweat.

If they have money, ten days is indeed enough time for them to collect and ship it, but the problem is that they have no money?

He heard it very clearly just now. If he can't pay the money, Chenos will cause damage to the force of equal value. Their auction price is as high as 111 billion. If Chenos destroys it in the past, it is estimated that Will the entire naval headquarters be destroyed?

And when the time comes, Chenos is justifiable, even the world government will not blame Chenos for this, but will punish him for doing things poorly, which will lead to such a result.

Kaido, who originally wanted to continue the offer, heard Chenos' words, and an idea suddenly popped into his mind.

He asked Chenos, "If someone takes the picture, does the person after him get the auction?"

After seeing Chenos nod, Kaido's face suddenly showed a sinister smile.

If the Warring States period took the blueprint of Hades, they would need to deliver 111 billion bellies to Chenos. What if they robbed the money during the navy delivery?

Not only will the navy have to bear the wrath of Chenos, but they will also be able to win the design of Hades at a price of 100 billion. The most annoying thing is that they can also use the money from the navy to pay Chenos.

In this way, they can not only obtain the blueprint of Hades in the hands of Chenos, but also earn 10 billion Baileys from the navy.

It also allows Chenos to go to the Admiralty for sabotage, so that the Navy has no time to seek revenge from them.

Finally, they still have sufficient funds to develop Pluto!

It can be said to be a multi-tasker!

After he told Auntie this idea, Auntie's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Well, well, grab the navy's money and come to buy the design of Hades for us, wonderful, that's the decision, we will go together when the time comes. Even if the navy sends three generals to **** us, we are also sure that we will be able to make this money. Take the money!"

"Lingling, then we'll do our job again. Speaking of which, we haven't robbed anything together for decades!"

After speaking, the two looked at each other and laughed.

On the other side, after hearing Kaido's question, Sengoku suddenly felt bad, and after hearing the laughter of the two, he even guessed what the two were discussing.

Sure enough, after the two finished laughing, Kaido stood up and shouted to Chenos in high spirits: "I abstain! The design of Hades will be given to the Navy!"

Chenos on the stage shouted loudly: "Let's congratulate Admiral Mr. Sengoku for obtaining the blueprint of the ancient weapon Hades at a record price of 111 billion!"

"It's over!"

Chapter 386 It seems that I can see a big show

Sengoku covered his head in despair, and couldn't help but feel remorse in his heart.

It's just that now that things have happened, he has to face everything, to extract 10 billion funds from the Navy's funds, and send it to Chenos together with the 100 billion Baileys given by the world government.

I have to guard against Kaido and Big Mom's attack.

If they can't prevent it, they will not only get nothing, but also have to bear the wrath of Chenos. It can be said that if they are not careful, their naval headquarters will be gone!

The people present were also human beings. After seeing Kaido's reaction, they immediately reacted. They don't have to take the auction item at all, they can directly **** the person who took the auction item. , not only do not spend money, but also get baby.

At this time, people from other underground forces who were weak in terms of funds, but not weak in terms of force, were all eyeing those who participated in the auction, especially the king of loan sharks, who photographed the artificial devil fruit technology, Everyone around is salivating.

If they can obtain this technology, then their strength can go further and rise to become the biggest force under the Four Emperors.

The safest thing in the entire auction was Shanks, who was bleeding profusely for a Devil Fruit. Everyone present would not offend the Four Emperors because of a Devil Fruit.

After the auction ended, Chenos said to everyone: "From now on, all of you can visit and play in the Golden City by yourself. If you think it's good, you can also live in the Golden City directly, but a friendly reminder. Come on, all the entertainment facilities here will be charged after tomorrow!

I'm also going to the fish-man island to watch the fish-man performance. I wish you all a happy time in the Golden City! "

After finishing speaking, Chenos bowed slightly to the crowd and left the venue, and all the auction items in this auction were also sealed in gold safes, waiting for the person who took the item to pay the fee. Give that item to them.

Shanks happily brought his men to play in the Golden City. As for raising funds, he left it to Beckman and Diamond Joze.

Tickey, who was in the Red-haired Pirates, said to the people around him, "I'll go to the toilet first. I didn't want to miss the auction just now. I'll find you later!"

The people around looked at Tiki covering his feet and jumping around, and couldn't help laughing, but it was the same for them, and they didn't want to miss tonight's auction because of going to the toilet.

Even if they are already members of the Four Emperors, tonight's auction really opened their eyes, so they all said to Titch with understanding: "Go, don't pull it in your pants! "

Tiki rushed out in a hurry, bumping everywhere, making his friends laugh again.

After the red-haired pirates all went out to play, Tickey came out of a hidden place with a doll mask in his hand that he didn't know where to find it.

"Chenos just said that he wants to go to Fishman Island to watch the fishman performance, and hope to have a chance to talk to him!"

Although he said that he hoped to have a chance, his eyes were very firm. This time, he would do whatever it takes to get the dark fruit in the hands of Chenos!

Chenos sat on the Turtles and drove in the direction of Fishman Island.

During the construction of the Golden City, Fisher discussed with Chenos and Tezolo, and wanted to move Fishman Island to the New World.

The former Fishman Island was just below the Holy Land Mary Joa, and not too far away was the Chambord Islands where human traffickers were prevalent and the headquarters of the Navy. It was not suitable for fishmen to develop in such a place.

And Princess Otoji has always wanted to move the fish-man island to land, and has been initiating speeches and lobbying for people, but with little success.

But if they move the fish-man island next to the Golden City in the new world, not only will the fish people live on land, but the fish people will also be able to sell all kinds of fish-man island special items to tourists from all over the world who come to the golden city. They make money to support themselves, and the fish people can also perform and play in the Golden City and accept the protection of the Golden City.

In this golden city with countless gold, Tezzolo's strength can be infinitely magnified, becoming the existence second only to the four emperors, and can completely protect the safety of the fish people.

The Chenos Pirates will often come here to deal with things, shop and play, and can also provide protection for the fish people on Fishman Island.

Especially Hancock and Liu Ji will often come to the Golden City for shopping. If they come, they will definitely bring Chenos with them. If Chenos is here, who else in this world would dare to be presumptuous here?

Even the Tianlong people can't do it. If the Tianlong people dare to be presumptuous here, it is estimated that Chenos will directly unscrew their heads and play as a ball.

What's more, Fisher himself will come to see the situation of the murlocs when he has nothing to do. Fishman Island will also be guarded by the murloc pirates day and night, which also allows the murlocs on the Fishmen Island to live safely on land. , enjoy the beauty of the sun.

Moreover, the murlocs can also interact with the territories under the control of Chenos, forming the beginning of the elimination of the estrangement between humans and murlocs!

Chenos and Tezzolo certainly wouldn't reject Fisher's proposal, especially Tezzolo, who was eager for the murlocs to come to the Golden City, which would then become a highlight of the Golden City.

Soon, Chenos came to Fishman Island, saying that it was Fishman Island. In fact, it is just a big ship now, but this is also because the fishmen have moved here for a short period of time. As time goes by , they will continue to move more things to build the real fishman island.

Recently, Fisher is also trying to find a way to get the huge ark in their fish-man island. If the whole ark can be moved over, the ark can be turned into a fish-man island.

When Chenos first came to Fishman Island, he was warmly welcomed, and the pirates present also roared excitedly when they saw Chenos' appearance.

Facing these pirates who came to visit the Golden City, Chenos also greeted them with a smile.

At this time, Doflamingo walked to Chenos's side with a big laugh, taking steps that he did not recognize.

"Furfurfurfurfurfur, Chenos, our plan is going well. It is estimated that it will not be long before the whole new world will be in chaos again. I wonder how your side is going?"

Hearing Doflamingo say that the plan went well, the smile on Chenos' face grew even wider.

"My side is even smoother. Warring States offered a sky-high price of 110 billion Bailey to bid for the design of Hades, and Kaido "suddenly" chose to abstain!"

Doflamingo's eyes suddenly lit up, and he understood why Chenos put the emphasis on "suddenly", and laughed again.

"Furfurfurfurfurfur, it seems that I can see a big show!"

Chapter 387 Do you think the navy is just?

The faces of the underground powers who walked out of the auction were all different, some were excited, some were angry, some were embarrassed, some were aggrieved, and some were longing.

But they have one very same thing, that is, all of them are very fast, and they are still calling with a phone bug in their hands.

"Quick, quick, mobilize the strongest team in our forces now, to intercept the ship of the King of Loans, and rob me of all the money transported on the ship!"

"I'm Feld, immediately mobilize 10 billion baileys from the underground bank, and find a way to transport it to the New World Golden City. The time is only one week. Remember, there are **** from other forces on the road who will intercept them, no matter what they use. The means must be sent over!"

"This time, there will definitely be people with great power who will mobilize their combat power to guard the money that needs to be transported, or attack the ship that transports the money. We are different. We will attack these people's sites. If we can take the opportunity to take If we go down a few sites, we will make a profit this time!"

Almost every faction is giving orders to their forces with different purposes, and the whole new world has become chaotic because of these orders.

The people under the king of loan sharks, after loading the money on the ship as instructed, sent a large number of people to guard the transport ship, but just after leaving the base camp, they encountered people from other forces.

Halfway through the battle between the two sides, the king of usury had already achieved a comprehensive advantage, but before they were happy, people from third-party forces began to intervene and join forces to attack the king of usury.

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