MTL - I Was Fed the Fruit by the World Nobles and Became the Fifth Emperor-Chapter 185

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Back in the training room, Chenos sat alone in the training room and stared at the rubber fruit.

"The rubber fruit is the Nika fruit. Before crossing the road, it shocked countless people's eyes, but it is rumored that this fruit has not been awakened for 800 years, and the world government has been erasing the true face of this fruit, making people feel I thought it was just a superhuman fruit.

That is to say, even if other people eat the rubber fruit, the effect is not very big. Only after Luffy eats it and awakens the devil fruit, can the true power of this devil fruit be reflected.

In other words, as long as I let other people eat the rubber fruit, then I can completely change the future historical trend of the One Piece world, and everything that Roger and the others predicted will become a phantom. "

Chenos touched his chin and kept thinking about whether he should let other people eat this Devil Fruit and completely change history.

"Since I came to this world, then there is no Wang Luffi, so it doesn't matter whether this Devil Fruit can be awakened, let's see who needs it, just give it to that person to eat, anyway, Wang Luffi's development idea You all know, just teach that person directly, and you can also cultivate a strong person!"

After finishing speaking, Chenos picked up the rubber fruit and was about to go out, but he stopped just after taking two steps.

Now there is only Im in front of him, and he has been cultivating hard, constantly improving his strength, and also wants to defeat Im.

According to his current rate of improvement, he is confident that he can defeat Im, but Im clearly aware that he has great potential and that he is even stronger than Whitebeard, but instead of attacking him, he keeps him alive. Chenos never figured this out.

If it was him, he would not allow such an enemy to survive.

It was precisely because he didn't understand that even though his strength was nearly double that of half a year ago, he still did not dare to challenge Im rashly, but continued to practice, intending to become stronger and ready. More fully to challenge Im.

See what confidence Im has in the end, dare to let him develop freely.

Thinking of this, Chenos looked at the rubber fruit in his hand again, and after hesitating for a while, he did not take it for the people under his hand to eat.

"Forget it, I won't destroy this fruit, let me auction it at this auction, let me see if you are the devil fruit destined for Luffy."

As a result, there was a scene where Chenos took out the rubber fruit at the auction.

In the previous life, Shanks brought the rubber fruit to Wang Luffy after he robbed CP9. I just don't know if Shanks would make the same decision as in the previous life again in this life. Will this devil fruit still be used by Wang Luffy? to eat.

At this time, Chenos was very contradictory. He hoped that Shanks and some Shanks would not be photographed.

If Shanks takes the picture and gives it to Wang Luffy again, then everything in this world is doomed. If Shanks doesn't take the devil fruit and give it to Wang Luffy, then it means Everything is possible in this world, there is no such thing as a child of luck, and there is no so-called destiny, he can also replace Luffy and become the protagonist of this world!

At this time, Shanks, who had never raised his hand, raised his hand and shouted, "1.1 billion Bailey, this Devil Fruit, I want it!"

Chapter 380 Redhead and Warring States

Shanks stood up domineeringly, looked around, coerced everyone, and seemed to be saying to everyone, I like this thing, don't rob me.

Sengoku, who had not seen the artificial devil fruit technology, ignored Shanks' domineering, raised his hand, and shouted: "1.2 billion Bailey!"

The three generals looked at the Warring States in amazement. They didn't know why the Warring States spent precious funds to buy such a useless superhuman devil fruit.

Kuzan, who was close to the Warring States, asked, "Why?"

After the Warring States was silent for a while, he said to Kuzan and to the other two generals: "This Devil Fruit is very important, it is what the Lord ordered, and his order is that once it is discovered, it will be taken back at all costs! "

The three generals all looked at the Warring States in shock. They didn't expect that this rubber fruit would be ordered by the man himself. It seems that there is an unknown secret behind this devil fruit.

And it seems that this secret Chenos and Shanks both know it!

But why did Chenos, who knew the value of this devil fruit, sell it?

it's wired!

When the three of them were puzzled, the Warring States raised their hands again, raising the price to 1.4 billion Bailey, and he explained to the three: "Actually, the special feature of this Devil Fruit is its awakening. The state, it's just... this Devil Fruit hasn't awakened for 800 years!"

The three of them immediately knew why Chenos would put this Devil Fruit up for auction. A Devil Fruit that had not been awakened for eight hundred years was either extremely difficult to awaken or would be killed before it was awakened.

If it is the first reason, there is no need for Chenos to hold it. If it is for the second reason, Chenos is not willing to try, because if it is possible to keep a Devil Fruit from awakening for 800 years, only If the world government can do it, maybe that adult did it himself.

And the person Chenos doesn't want to face right now is that adult.

But even the strongest person in the world like Chenos has scruples and put this Devil Fruit up for auction. Would Shanks, who is not as strong or powerful as Chenos, want to intervene?

No matter what, the two sides started a fierce competition under the eyes of everyone who was a little surprised.

As soon as the Warring States period shouted 2 billion, Shanks shouted 3 billion **** for tat, directly increasing the price by 1 billion.

Warring States did not hesitate, and continued to shout: "Four billion!"

Shanks looked at the Warring States with a dark face. Among the four emperors, Shanks was the freest one, but also the poorest one. If it wasn't for the current family of pirates, he wouldn't even have a land. , It's all about eating, and if you really need money, you can borrow some from the pirates you meet.

It is surprising that Shanks can come up with 3 billion now, but in the face of the Navy's offer of up to 4 billion, Shanks is also a little dark.

"Five... five billion! Warring States, this Devil Fruit is very important to me, can you give it to me?"

Sengoku said with a blank face: "I'm sorry, our navy must also take this Devil Fruit, 5.5 billion Bailey!"

The people around looked at the two with their mouths open, so shocked that they were almost speechless.

You must know that the price of ordinary devil fruits is only 100 million, and the fruit with higher value will be higher. The devil fruit with the highest price so far is the surgical fruit, but the price of the surgical fruit is only 5 billion bailey.

The fruit of surgery is the devil fruit that can perform the surgery of immortality. The devil fruit that can make people immortal is only 5 billion. The price of this rubber fruit now exceeds that of the fruit of surgery?

"Are these two crazy? Isn't this a superhuman devil fruit? Give me five billion Baileys, and I can buy at least forty devil fruits!"

"Crazy, just now they didn't use the artificial devil fruit technology, but now they are bidding up to 5.5 billion for a devil fruit, the navy is really stupid and rich!"

"I think it's you who are stupid. One of them is the Four Emperors and the other is the Admiral of the Navy. If this Devil Fruit has no value, do you think they would be so stupid?"

The people present were all human beings, and they didn't react at first, but after someone reminded them, they all came to their senses.

This devil fruit should have some kind of special ability, which will make the four emperors and the naval marshal fight.

It's just that they have no interest in exploring these secrets, even if they have the financial resources, but they have no plans to mix it in, because the level involved is too high, once they end, there is only one consequence, that is to be punished. The people of the two major forces joined forces to tear it apart.

As for Kaido and Aunt who were able to participate, they didn't have any interest either. Kaido didn't know the value of this Devil Fruit, and his goal was the design of Hades, the highlight of the night. Now he wants the two of them to fight to the death. , One less competitor, especially the Navy!

"Six! Ten! Billion!"

Shanks gritted his teeth and shouted the final price, which was all he could come up with. If he could buy this Devil Fruit, he would be poor for a long time in the future.

Warring States was about to raise his hand again. For him, the money could be reimbursed anyway, and it didn't matter how high he shouted, but at this time, Polsalino suddenly stopped Warring States.

"Marshal, I think you should ask the World Government, if they don't reimburse them, our military spending this year will not be enough!"

Warring States thought for a moment, nodded, and said to Chenos: "I need to make a call, can I pause for a while!"

Of course Chenos had no opinion, and he also wished that Sengoku could come up with more money to raise the price again.

In fact, he did not expect that the rubber fruit could be sold at such a high price, which was completely beyond his expectations.

It seems that both Shanks and the Warring States knew the speciality of the rubber fruit.

At this time, Chenos also set his sights on the Warring States period. He was very happy when he saw the navy and Shanks vying for it just now. The navy's wealth is recognized by the world, and their money is scary.

And Shanks, the poorest of the four emperors, should be no match for the navy.

In this way, it is destined to be fake!

But at this time, the Warring States suddenly proposed to make a call, which made him a little uneasy. Could this Devil Fruit really be photographed by Shanks?

Chapter 381 The Great Injustice Shanks

The only people who can make a decision on this matter are Wu Laoxing and the adult, but the adult will not contact them directly, so he called Wu Laoxing.

"I'm the Warring States period, and now there is a rubber fruit at the auction in the Golden City, and the price has already been shouted at 6 billion. Do you think I still need to increase the price to win it?"

"Six billion? Are you crazy? Stop filming, just remember who took this Devil Fruit!

After the auction, use other news to suppress the news of the rubber fruit, and then I will let the people of the CP organization investigate who this Devil Fruit has fallen into, and you don't have to worry about the future! "

After the Warring States period heard the words of the Five Old Stars, he immediately understood.

This Devil Fruit is very valuable, but it has no value to the World Government. It does not need to be auctioned or even scrambled. This will only make others realize the value of this Devil Fruit.

What they have to do is to turn this devil fruit into an ordinary devil fruit, an inconspicuous and unawakened superhuman fruit, as long as this goal is achieved!

But why is this rubber fruit valuable to others but not to the world government?

Countless possibilities flashed in Sengoku's mind, and then they were screened out one by one. At the end, they came to a conclusion that this Devil Fruit is likely to pose a threat to that adult!

It is of no value to the World Government, because even if the people of the World Government get this Devil Fruit, it is useless, and they cannot use this Devil Fruit to deal with their adult.

And if others get it, it is very likely to pose a threat to the adult, especially if it falls into the hands of a genius like Chenos, once the person who eats the devil fruit grows to the point of awakening, it is very likely replaced by an adult.

This can also explain why the World Government has always wanted to erase the special features of this Devil Fruit.

The characteristic of devil fruit is that if no one eats the devil fruit, no matter how long it takes, it will be preserved forever until someone eats it.

Devil fruit is also unique. There will only be one devil fruit with this characteristic in the world. Once someone eats it, a new devil fruit will not appear until the person dies.

If you deal with it according to the characteristics of the devil fruit, the best way is to hold it in your hand, and then seal the devil fruit in a secret place that no one knows about forever. In this way, the devil fruit is equivalent to being in this The world is gone.

But Wu Laoxing and the others did not do this. It is estimated that they have tried it before. There is no way to seal the devil fruit with this method, so they can only erase the ability of the devil fruit, so that everyone does not know the secret of the devil fruit. .

After that, we will monitor the person who eats the devil fruit. If the person who eats the devil fruit has no potential, then just ignore him and let the devil fruit be stored in that person's body for decades.

If that person has potential, kill him before he grows up!

It's just that the world is very big, and even the world government that dominates the world has no way to supervise everything. There will always be a few people who are not supervised by the world government and eat the rubber fruit.

It's just that these people failed to awaken successfully. It seems that it is very difficult for this Devil Fruit to awaken!

A fruit that may be dangerous to the adult cannot be sealed, and can only be left to drift. However, the awakening of the devil fruit is very difficult, so the current approach of the world government is indeed the most correct.

Don't attract anyone's attention, let everyone think this is an ordinary devil fruit.

Usually if you see it, you can take it in an unobtrusive way, then take it down, if not, it doesn't matter, just remember the person who took the Devil Fruit.

In this case, there is really no need for the Navy to auction it off!

Within seconds of hanging up the phone, Warring States figured out the reason.

After he returned to his position, he smiled at Shanks and said: "Six billion seems to be the limit of your red-haired pirates. Since Your Excellency Shanks wants it so much, I will give you a face, this Our navy will not grab the Devil Fruit!"

After speaking, Sengoku smiled and sat back in his seat, looking refreshed.

When Shanks heard that Sengoku was not following, he finally breathed a sigh of relief and laughed with joy.

"Thank you, Warring States, if you don't grab it, then I will accept this devil fruit!"

Beckman, who was beside Shanks, covered his face, and kept pulling on Shanks' clothes, motioning Shanks to stop talking. He was put together by someone, and in the end he thanked them, which was really shameful.

After seeing the reaction of the Warring States, the people around them realized that all this was just a set by the Warring States.

"The old guy in the Warring States period is really too dark. Seeing that Shanks is interested in that devil fruit, he will cut down the price desperately. After confirming that Shanks has reached his limit, he will let it go to Shanks.

"Warring States' move is really unexpected. At first, I thought this Devil Fruit was amazing, but I didn't expect it to be a strategy of Warring States. I guess it was to drive Shanks out of the game in advance, so that Shanks had no way to go. Compete with them for the ancient weapon Pluto."

"Shanks is also a big injustice. He was deceived into circles, and he thanked others!"

"Tsk tsk, 6 billion Bailey buys a superhuman devil fruit, Shanks is domineering!"

Shanks also heard the comments and ridicules of the people around him, and he was also stunned, pointing at the Warring States with a look of anger, if it wasn't for Marco and Beckman, who were on the side, he would have wanted to go up and make peace. The Warring States fought.

After waiting for a while, watching Shanks was persuaded to go back by the people around him, everyone laughed again, and they stopped paying attention to Shanks like a clown.

Looking at Shanks who stopped, Beckman said helplessly: "Shanks, don't be so impulsive next time, I advised you just now that you don't listen, really...

Well now, it has become the object of ridicule of everyone. This time our Red Hair Pirates are really embarrassed! "

It's just that after he finished speaking, he turned his head to look at Shanks, but saw the smile that Shanks covered with his hand.

"Beckman, just get what I want. If others want to laugh at them, let them laugh at them. The devil fruit I got tonight is more valuable than an ancient weapon!"

Beckman: "???"

Chapter 382 Tiki and the Dark Fruit

The redhead looked at the people around him and said to Beckman in a low voice, "I'll make it clear to you when I go back, but you believe me, this Devil Fruit is worth so much money!"

Beckman frowned and looked at Shanks. After looking at Shanks' sincere eyes, he said helplessly: "You better have a better excuse, otherwise, I won't be able to explain to the people under my hands. Six billion is our entire wealth!"

Suddenly, a voice sounded beside Beckman.

"Is it really worth it to buy a devil fruit with all your money?"

Beckman was startled. With his vigilance, someone would come to his side. When he spoke, he realized that he was about to draw a pistol to face the man, but was held down by Shanks.

Shanks said with a faceless look: "Anyway, the money has been spent, and it can only be regarded as worth so much, Chenos, thank you for sending it in person!"

It was Chenos who came, and he personally took the rubber fruit and gave it to Shanks.

"I'm looking forward to what kind of owner you will find for this devil fruit. Can you introduce me to know him in advance? After all, once he eats this devil fruit, his worth will skyrocket by six billion!"

Shanks scratched his head and said with some embarrassment: "Actually, I don't know what kind of owner should I find for this devil fruit, but I will find a good owner for it!"

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