MTL - I Was Fed the Fruit by the World Nobles and Became the Fifth Emperor-Chapter 183

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But now Chenos' strength is still growing rapidly. Until now, no one knows how strong Chenos is, and no one knows how far Chenos is from Im.

But now, with the strength that Chenos has shown, his pirate group has been able to eliminate the other four emperors. If Chenos continues to develop, how long can the peaceful time last?

What's more, Chenos is still standing next to the most vicious criminal in the world. Another big force in this world, the leader of the dragon, the goal of the dragon and Chenos is the same, both to deal with the world government and overthrow the rule of the world government. .

Before they overthrew the world government, Chenos and the dragon would be the closest alliance, and no one could break it. After the two sides defeated the world government, they would be divided.

Thinking of this, Shanks walked towards Kaido and Auntie. He planned to join forces with Aunt Kaido to check and balance the development of Chenos, at least create some trouble for Chenos and let Chenos develop faster. Slow down.

Chenos didn't care about the reaction of the navy and the Four Emperors at all, but looked at Feicun in surprise.

When he assigned this task to Feicun, he did not think that Feicun would be able to complete it so quickly, because no matter how weak the Golden Lion was, it would be very difficult for Feicun to kill him at that time.

It turned out that Feicun actually killed the golden lion in just half a year, and gave him a big gift at the opening ceremony of the Golden City.

You must know that the current golden lion is not the golden lion that Wang Luffi will deal with in the future, who is already sick and unconscious. The current golden lion is still very powerful.

"Hahaha, okay okay, now that you can kill the golden lion, it means that you have made a major breakthrough in your strength, okay, welcome back, Feicun, after the ceremony, tell me about the situation in detail, I am very curious. Woolen cloth!"

After being praised by Chenos, Hiimura was also very happy.

"Okay, after this ceremony, I will report the situation to the captain properly!"

Chapter 375 Would you believe it if I said it was an accident?

The dragon, who was standing aside and waiting for the two to finish speaking, then stepped forward and said to Chenos, "Can I chat with you alone?"

"it is good!"

Chenos asked others to guide the navy, the Four Emperors, and the underground forces to the auction site, while he and Long stood in the audience and waited to watch.

After the opening performance, the staff of the Golden City began to guide the audience to play in the Golden City.

Chenos introduced to Long: "There are many interesting places in the Golden City. There are the largest amusement facilities in the world, as well as the most complete and best commercial street in the world, where you can buy services, food and other products from all over the world. wine.

At the same time, there is the world's largest haunted house, the world's largest casino, and the world's largest fun place.

As long as you can think of entertainment projects, there are here to meet all your needs.

How about it? Isn't it nice? "

Seeing such a place where flowers are blooming and laughter is everywhere, Long is a little uncomfortable.

"It's very good here, but...there are many countries in this world where people can't even eat enough to eat, and they don't even have a piece of clothing that can cover their bodies, but here is... extravagant!

The gold dust floating in the sky here, as long as a part of it is given to those people, it will be enough for them to eat enough for a week, and enough for them to buy a piece of clothing that can cover their body..."

Chenos interrupted: "Hey, hey, please, don't tell me about these human sufferings, I understand better than you, but those people are under the jurisdiction of the World Government, and the World Government ignores them, neither do I ways to help them.

Now the Golden City has just started business, but you should be able to see that this city has huge potential. Once this city shows a strong ability to attract gold, I can continue to harvest money.

After I have money, I can build infrastructure facilities, I can help the islands under my rule solve various problems, I can make the things produced by each island circulate, and I can let the people under my rule live. happy life.

As for other islands, I can't take care of them for the time being!

I tell you this because I want you to know that besides liberating those countries, there is still a lot you need to do, not after liberating them and freeing them from the rule of the World Government, they will be convinced life.

There are a lot of things you have to consider, how to protect them, how to keep them fed, and how to make them wear clothes. "

The islands in this world are all kinds of strange, and many islands are not suitable for farming, nor for producing food. If you want to eat enough, you have to transport it from the place where there is food.

In this era of pirates, if you want to transport food that is about the same value as gold, you need a large number of armed groups to guard.

With food and armed groups, it is not enough. It is also necessary to allocate resources reasonably so that goods can be circulated in various places, but it is very difficult to make the price within the acceptable range of the common people.

In order to do such a thing, it is necessary to have a large enough site. Only by occupying a large enough site can the needs of most islands be met, resources can be allocated reasonably, and the people can live a stable and happy life.

This is also one of the problems that dragons need to face now.

Why do revolutionaries need to risk their lives to liberate those countries? In fact, it is also because many countries have not only failed to lead a happy life after they left the world government, but they have lived a worse life than before. Their most basic clothing and food have appeared. problem.

For example, this island is rich in food, but there is no meat on the island, they need to find other islands rich in meat to trade, and the island rich in meat lacks salt, they need the island rich in salt, the island rich in salt is missing Vegetables, they need to trade with the island that is rich in vegetables...

It can be said that people on each island have different needs. If one is missing, the entire supply chain may be disconnected.

This is also the main reason why many countries and many islands would rather be exploited by the world government, and would rather endure the sky-high gold that is almost unbearable, rather than break away from the world government.

Because once they are separated from the World Government, then the supply they need will be disconnected, and their lives will change from being about to live to being unable to live.

The same was true for Long's revolutionary army at the beginning, so knowing that Long was there to help them, they also rejected Long, and at that time the world government didn't want to pay attention to this revolutionary army that could not succeed.

It was not until Long and the others liberated enough countries that the country where the revolutionary army was located could barely communicate with each other and survived after breaking away from the world government, then more and more countries began to be willing to break away from the world government and join Long's revolutionary army. .

And it was only at that time that the dragon became the number one target of the World Government, and it was characterized as the most vicious criminal.

Now Long's revolutionary army is fighting against the world government every day. Fighting requires money and a lot of money. This is also what Chenos intends to remind Long. He has to find a way to get money from regular channels, and it is possible to earn money. to the kind of big money.

Long was silent for a long time after hearing Chenos' words.

Many sources of wealth for the revolutionary army are actually earned by fighting pirates and liberating the original government. It can be said that it is a windfall. Such windfall may seem like a lot, but it will always be used up one day.

He also understood that it was Chenos who was waking him up so that he could hold on under the offensive of the World Government.

"Well, the words of Lord Chenos have benefited me a lot. However, this is not the purpose of my visit this time. The purpose of my visit this time is to ask you, do you really plan to auction the design of Hades? ?

It would be fine if the Pluto design was obtained by other forces, but if the World Government were to obtain the Pluto design, it would be a fatal blow to our revolutionary army.

Not only for us, but for the pirates in the new world, it will also be a huge blow to your Excellency. I don't understand why Your Excellency made such a decision! "

Chenos smiled bitterly: "Would you believe me if I said it was an accident?"

Long looked at Chenos in disbelief.

"It's really an accident. At first, I asked my men to pretend to rob the historical text, but they actually robbed the historical text back.

This thing is really too eye-catching. If I am the only one holding it, then I will not think about developing with peace of mind in the future, and I will definitely be targeted by the world government.

So I figured out a way! "

Long couldn't help covering his head, "Aren't you trying to solve a problem and create more trouble?"

Chapter 376

Chenos smiled and shook his head, "No way!"

Long asked Chenos in surprise: "Are you going to sell the fake Hades design?"

Chenos shook his head again and said, "No, it's true, the person who gets the blueprint can build Hades according to the blueprint!"

Chenos added in his mind, 'It's just a weakened version! ’

Long was even more surprised by Chenos' answer.

"Since you can create Pluto, it will definitely add a lot of trouble to you. No matter which force gets the design of Pluto, they will definitely try their best to create Pluto. Once they have Pluto, they will be able to become a big power. , can even become an existence that confronts the Four Emperors, and even the world government, I believe that few people can resist such a temptation!"

After hearing the dragon's words, Chenos laughed.

"You are right, but you must first consider a problem, that is, Pluto is an extremely difficult and extremely difficult weapon to build. To create Pluto, you need very strong scientific research capabilities.

The number of people who have such scientific research ability in this world can be counted.

World Government, me, Kaido, the Vinsmoke family and Mirai Island.

In addition, other strengths simply do not have the ability to build Pluto. Of course, now that you have Tom's apprentice, you can also create Pluto.

Even if the rest of the people have obtained the design of Hades, if they want to make Hades, it is impossible for them to take more than ten years.

Quinn under Kaido is a famous scientist in the world, but his direction is virus. Although he has a foundation, it is estimated that it will take at least five years to create Hades.

The life factor of the Vinsmoke family's main attack, but their foundation is better than Quinn, and it will take at least three years.

As for the future island, this island has actually been controlled by the world government, which is equivalent to the world government.

Note that the time mentioned here does not consider the money spent, and whether it will be disturbed by the World Government. Once there is interference from the World Government, this time will be infinitely longer.

In this way, in the auction, I only need to pay attention, not to auction to the world government, and others don't have to worry at all.

This thing, no matter who shoots it, will only cause trouble for myself and share the pressure for me. For me, there are only advantages and no disadvantages. "

The more Long listened to Chenos, the bigger his eyes widened.

He just thought about the consequences of auctioning off Hades' design drawings, but he didn't think that Hades is not something that ordinary forces can develop and manufacture, even if the blueprints are given to other forces, if they don't have the ability to develop them, even if they want to follow them Blueprints to build Pluto will not be able to create.

And no matter what force got the Pluto design, it would only fall into the predicament of being innocent and guilt, and became the number one target in the eyes of other forces.

No one wants a force with a powerful and terrifying ancient weapon, and the world government will not agree.

The forces that take pictures of Hades' designs will not only not rise because of Hades' designs, but will be attacked by concentrated fire because of Hades' designs.

At that time, it is estimated that the entire sea will fall into chaos until the design of Hades disappears.

This hand of Chenos is really high, no matter who gets it, the only person who gets the benefit in the end is Chenos.

"Aren't you afraid of being seen by others about your plan?"

Chenos shrugged and said, "So what if you see it? And it's because of it that many people are sure that the Pluto design I took out is real, and they want to come to the auction even more.

Everyone will have greed, even if most people hold back, there will always be people who can't help it, and there will always be people who think they are the real Son of Heaven, and the result will be the same. "

Long was stunned for a moment. At this time, he realized that the plan set by Chenos was a conspiracy. The bureau had already been set up, and the others had to be mobilized by Chenos' plan, whether they wanted to or not. They all have to get in.

This guy is really scary!

"Understood? Let's go, those 'VIPs' are still waiting for us at the auction!"

Long nodded and followed Chenos towards the auction.

After entering the venue, everyone's eyes were focused on Chenos, and a trace of desire flashed in their eyes.

Chenos didn't talk nonsense, he walked directly to the auction stage, this time he planned to preside over the auction in person.

"Sorry for keeping you all waiting, let's not talk nonsense and start the auction directly. For this auction, we have prepared not only the things to be auctioned on the invitation letter, but also many rare things. I hope everyone can like."

After hearing Chenos' words, everyone just applauded politely, but looking at the expressions of everyone present, it could be seen that they were not interested in other things.

For such a situation, Chenos had long expected, but he did not take it seriously. These people are not interested in other things now, but the things that will be put up for auction later will make these people crazy!

"The auction has officially started, now let's show our first auction item, artificial devil fruit technology!"

Everyone who had no interest in other auction items at first sat up straight after hearing what Chenos said, and looked at Chenos.

Kaido widened his eyes and said, "Artificial Devil Fruit? How could Chenos have this technology?"

During this period of time, Kaido has been secretly trading with a person, and the object of the transaction is the artificial devil fruit technology.

The man claimed to be a genius scientist, Caesar, with strong research and development capabilities, and also possessed Vega Punk's bloodline factor technology, which was able to create Devil Fruits.

And he also took out Vega Punk's research and development certificate.

It's just that this technology has not even been perfected by Vega Punk. It is a semi-finished technology. Caesar proposed that if you want to obtain this technology, you need a lot of money to invest in research and development.

Kaido originally had the idea of ​​​​creating an army of animal-type devil fruit abilities, but it was too difficult to collect animal-type devil fruits. After all, the price of a devil fruit is as high as 100 million.

If the Devil Fruit can be made, then Chenos and Im, he has the confidence to defeat the opponent with the sea of ​​​​tactics.

Not long ago, Caesar sent him news that there was a major breakthrough in artificial devil fruit, and now a sample can be produced, but the sample still has great side effects.

Kaido also let his subordinates eat samples, which confirmed the possibility of artificial devil fruit, so he gave Caesar another pen money.

However, how did this artificial fruit technology appear in the hands of Chenos now?

Could it be... that guy Caesar not only used his money for research and development, but also sold the research and development results to Chenos?

Kaido shouted angrily, "Caesar!!"

Chapter 377 Auction of Artificial Devil Fruit Technology

"This is the result of artificial fruit, but it is stated in advance that this technology can create artificial fruit, but it still has side effects.

People who eat artificial devil fruits have a high probability of failure. After failure, they can only have human-beast form, and there is no way to improve in all aspects like the real devil fruit.

And the loser will be deprived of other emotions and only have a smile.

Of course, artificial devil fruits are just as afraid of water as real devil fruits.

Although there are such and such problems, without exception, as long as those who eat the artificial devil fruit, their combat power will be at least doubled compared to before.

Here I can also tell you clearly that the success rate of eating artificial devil fruits is 10%, that is to say, if ten people eat artificial devil fruits, it is very likely that only one person can obtain all the devil fruit abilities, and the rest Nine people will be deprived of emotions, only human and beast forms.

And because the bloodline factor needs to be extracted, the current Devil Fruit ability is limited to the animal system.

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