MTL - I Was Fed the Fruit by the World Nobles and Became the Fifth Emperor-Chapter 181

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Zefa was about to say something when an evil laughter sounded in the air.

"Furfurfurfurfur, boy, you are right, these golds really fell from the sky!"

A man wearing a flamingo, wearing sunglasses, and walking on small leather shoes slowly landed from the air. His landing posture was very strange, as if a spider was sliding down the spider silk.

"Zefa, don't worry, I'm just here to warn you that your navy is not allowed to attack other people in the Golden City, and will not attack your dear students!"


Smog was furious when he heard the words, pulled out the weapon called Ten Hands behind his back, and prepared to attack the man.

It's just that Smog was caught by Zefa before he could attack.

"Brother Doflamingo, you don't have to come and warn me about this kind of thing, just talk to them in the Warring States period!"

Brother Doflamingo said with a smile: "Yang Yuji has already said it over there. I saw so many young faces on your boat, so I kindly came to tell you, but now it seems that your disciple is right. I'm so dissatisfied!"

"It's not your turn to point fingers at my disciple, get out!"

"Fufufufufu, old guy, I hope you can take good care of your disciples, other people are not as talkative as me!"

After that, Doflamingo's figure disappeared instantly. After he disappeared, the surrounding marines could relax from Doflamingo's terrifying aura.

"Teacher, why don't you let me take action, these guys are so arrogant, they dare to come over to warn our navy!"

Zefa looked at Smog with a face full of dissatisfaction, and then looked at the surrounding seamen who were still terrified, and couldn't help sighing.

"Smog, your ability is very strong, but your character is too impulsive, you must learn to restrain yourself, otherwise you will suffer a lot in the future.

And Doflamingo is right, no matter what you encounter here, don't take the initiative to take action, you can come to me or other admirals to deal with it, don't act impulsively, otherwise, you may really die here! "

After Zefa finished speaking, he was still a little uneasy, and waved to a girl with pink hair.

"Tina, you take care of Smog for me, and once he wants to act impulsively, I allow you to use the fruit ability on him!"

The girl called Tina trotted over from the sea soldiers and saluted Zefa: "Tina understands that although this guy Smog is not easy to manage, Tina will do her best to watch him!"

Smog said unhappily: "Teacher, I don't need... Tina, what are you doing, I didn't do anything, let me go!"

Smog just opened his mouth to speak, and Tina did not hesitate to use the threshold fruit ability, throwing out two fence-like iron branches and tying Smog.

In desperation, Smog could only turn into a puff of smoke to avoid Tina's attack.

"From now on, even if you want to speak, you must get Tina's consent, otherwise, I will arrest you immediately!"

Smog was about to say something unhappy, but was stopped by Zepha.

"Smog, and all the sailors, this time to come to the Golden City, in addition to opening your eyes, it is also training your ability to withstand pressure. Here I will tell you very seriously, don't shoot randomly, Don't pay attention to anyone's provocation, otherwise, you will really die here, understand?

At that time, even if it is me, it will be difficult to protect your comprehensiveness here. Please keep in mind that this is not a child's play! "

After Zefa finished speaking, his eyes were fixed on Smog, and the others were relieved. It was the problem of Smog that the boy needed to worry about.

Smog flew down from the air, obediently caught by Tina's fruit ability, and said to Zefa: "Teacher, I understand, don't worry, no matter what happens this time, I won't be impulsive. !"

Seeing that Smog had a better attitude this time, Zefa nodded with satisfaction and prepared to take the sailors off the ship.

Chapter 371 Welcome to the Golden City

"Hehehe, all the pirates on the spot, the navy and nobles and merchants from all over the world, hello everyone, I'm Brook of the Varys Pirates, and I would like to remind everyone that our Golden City is forbidden. The place to fight, if anyone can't help the desire to fight, they can deal with it themselves after leaving the Golden City.

Of course, if you really can't help but want to fight in the Golden City, our members of the Varys Pirates will be happy to accompany you.

In this regard, whether it is pirates, the navy, or the nobles and merchants of other countries, all are treated equally!

In addition, as long as you have the money ready, you can play in the Golden City to your heart's content.

Today is the opening ceremony of the Golden City, and all the play facilities are free!

Minasang, enjoy the beauty of the Golden City to the fullest. After today, you will need to pay for it! "

All the pirates cheered and looked at the navy side with a malicious look, but the navy side seemed very calm.

Headed by the Admiral Warring States, the three generals of the Navy were full of momentum and strode toward the Golden City. The rest of the Navy also followed behind them with their heads held high, turning a blind eye to the surrounding pirates.

At this moment, a dragon roar resounded in the sky above the Golden City, and a green dragon hovered above the Golden City, looking at the Admiral and the three generals with contempt.

"Get out of the way, you are blocking my way!"

After finishing speaking, the blue dragon swooped down regardless of whether the navy gave way or not.

At this moment, a flaming phoenix soared into the sky and slammed into the blue dragon, interrupting the swooping momentum of the blue dragon. The blue dragon instantly turned into a human-beast form, and smashed it fiercely with a hand of eight fasting precepts. flaming Phenix.

The collision of the two produced a terrifying shock wave, causing everyone in the Golden City to fall to the ground, and only a small number of people could stand.

It's just that the pirates didn't blame the blue dragon in the air, but cheered loudly.

"It's Master Kai and Master Yangyuki!!"

"Hundred Beast Kaido! Hundred Beast Kaido! Hundred Beast Kaido!"

"Hunting God Yang Youji's name is well-deserved, the power of that arrow just now is too terrifying, and only the four emperors and three generals can follow it!"

"It's so exciting, it's so exciting when you come to the Golden City!!"

Unlike countless pirates who shouted loudly, the face of the navy became a little ugly. Kaido was obviously targeting their navy. It is estimated that their navy and the world government did not help him resist Chenos' dissatisfaction before venting.

If you know it, you will know it, but on such a high-profile occasion, Kaido deliberately shows them color, which is a bit too much!

Sakaski originally wanted to stand up and confront Kaido, but was stopped by Sengoku.

"This is Chenos' territory. If something goes wrong, it will be Chenos who will be embarrassed. Just let them deal with it!"

Sure enough, as soon as the words of the Warring States fell, Yang Yuji said to Kaido: "Kaido, today is the great day of our Varys pirate ship, and I said just now that fighting is not allowed here, if you want to fight If you do, I believe our captain will be very happy to play with you!"

Kaido glared at Yang Yuki and shouted loudly, "Fighting is not allowed, so what's the point of your golden city?"

Just to say the least, Kaido didn't want to fight with Chenos either. He didn't want to be abused in the face of the public's attention, so he looked disdainful and cares about Yang Youji, and slowly landed downwards. Falling in front of the Warring States, although only one person, he blocked the way of the navy without fear!

Sengoku said with a blank face: "Kaido, get out of the way, we are not entangled with you now!"

It's just that Kaido didn't give in, still standing still.

Kaido and the navy were at a stalemate, which also made the people on the navy feel a little embarrassed. The dignified admiral and the three major admirals of the navy traveled together, but were blocked by a four emperors. No matter what, this matter is not good.

It's just that the two sides are not allowed to shoot, and they have nothing to do with Kaido. After all, they don't want to face Chenos more than the awkward situation now.

At this moment, there was a burst of exaggerated laughter in the air again.

"Well, well, what a lively scene, many people participated, I don't know if there is any delicious cake to eat!"

A fat woman who looked like the aunt next door, standing on a cloud, flew towards Kaido with a look of anticipation.

"Kaido, what are you doing standing here, let's go together, let's have dessert together!"

Saying that, Auntie took Kaido's hand and prepared to go to the Golden City.

Kaido looked at Auntie speechlessly, knowing that Auntie was sick again. In such a situation, it is better to obey her, otherwise, once Auntie goes crazy, it is estimated that Chenos will throw her into the sea.

Just when he was about to go in with his aunt, a black lightning flashed in the air, making everyone around him feel a strong sense of oppression. Although he didn't exude a domineering look, it was terrifying. It was so strong that it was about to overflow.

Kaido frowned and said unhappily in his heart: "This guy has become stronger again!"

After the man nodded and said hello to the Warring States and the three generals, he walked towards Mama Kaido.

"It's all here, it looks like we can hold an unprecedented big party today!"

"Shanks, slow down, even if you're going to a party, don't be so impatient!"

Behind Shanks were his Beckman, Marko and other crew members.

With their appearance, there are the Beast Pirates, headed by Kaido's Three Beasts Pirates, and the Big Mom Pirates, headed by Katakuri.

Their appearance also crowded the navy team back and forth. After watching the navy that was chasing and killing them on weekdays, and looked a little weak and pitiful in front of the Four Emperors, the surrounding pirates mocked the navy. on.

"Hahaha, you look at the navy. Originally, they were at the forefront, but now they are constantly being pushed back by the people of the Four Sovereigns. I laughed so hard!"

"It's you, do you dare to join? That's the Four Emperors. Today is really the right time. It's really cool to be able to see the scene of the Admiral and the three generals being crushed."

"My dear, the pressure of the Four Emperors is too strong. If only I could join the Four Emperors!"

"Now that the other three emperors have already seen the style, I just don't know if Chenos, the head of the four emperors, will appear!"

Just when everyone was talking, a handsome figure came out of the Golden City. Although he looked very young and even looked a little thin, when he appeared, everyone present focused their attention on him.

"Welcome to the Golden City!"

That man is the strongest in the world, Chenos!

All the pirates shouted frantically: "Chenos, Chenos, Chenos..."

Chapter 372 Dragons live in the sky for 800 years

After Chenos appeared, countless people were shouting Chenos' name.

Now in this world, the most successful person among the pirates is Chenos. He has nothing, he is even a slave, but with his hard work, he has not only become the world's No. 1 powerhouse, but also the world's No. 1 powerhouse. A beautiful woman took him into his arms, and now, he has a golden city like the Golden City that all pirates can't imagine.

This also makes countless people yearn to be Chenos, hope that they can create miracles like Chenos, and worship Chenos.

The four emperors, who were arrogant and comfortable, stared at Chenos solemnly after seeing Chenos appear, because they found that the strength of Chenos was now beyond their ability to see through.

Although Chenos was powerful before, it was the kind of power they could see. Like Whitebeard, he was stronger than them, but a little bit stronger. They even had a feeling that as long as their strength broke through again, they would be stronger. Able to be as powerful as Chenos.

But now, they can't see the depth of Chenos, they don't know how strong Chenos is now, and they don't know if they can reach a level similar to Chenos.

And it is precisely because they can't see through it that they are even more afraid.

Looking at the other four emperors, Chenos smiled and said to them: "Kaido, I'm very happy that you can come to the Golden City today, but remember not to be a drunkard, otherwise I will help you sober up, and look after you. Jack and Quinn under my command, if they mess around, I'll kill them even if you're there.

Aunt's condition doesn't seem normal, Katakuri, look after your aunt, if she goes mad and you can't stop her, I will help you, albeit in a way you don't want to see.

Shanks, today you can have a party like never before, have a good time, but watch out for Whitebeard's men, after all, I killed Whitebeard! "

Chenos looked at him with a smile, but the words in his mouth made people laugh. What he said just now was like offending all the four emperors, but none of the four emperors around dared to say anything. The pirates and navy soldiers around were stunned.

Kaido, who dared to block the Admiral and the three generals by himself just now, didn't dare to let go of any nonsense in front of Chenos.

Shanks, who had a terrifying appearance on the stage, did not dare to show his aura in front of Chenos. As for Auntie, Auntie is sick now, and she really looks like an ordinary Auntie.

Although Chenos didn't show any strength, he didn't even exude any momentum, but it was more terrifying than exuding momentum and showing strength.

When Chenos came to the navy, his eyes wandered on the navy's side, as if he was looking for something.

"Sengoku, isn't that old guy Kap here?"

Warring States frowned and said, "He is accompanying his grandson in his hometown!"

"Unfortunately, the strongest strength is stronger, and I still want to have a test with Karp. I can only do it next time. By the way, when I go back, help me bring some gifts to Karp's grandson. I heard that he plans to I'm looking forward to training his grandson into a legendary sea soldier!"

Sengoku thought that Chenos was planning to threaten Garp with his grandson, so he could not help staring at Chenos and said, "If you dare to touch Garp's grandson, I will definitely not let you go."

"It's really just a small gift, and I really hope that Karp can train his grandson to look like a marine."

After speaking to the Warring States period, Chenos said to the crowd, "Let's go, I'll take you to visit the Golden City!"

Chenos led the crowd towards the gate of the Golden City.

The city gate is made of a towering huge golden city wall, and at the gate of the golden city gate, there are several large characters written.

[Dragon dwells in the sky for 800 years, the brave man sharpens his sword and wants to change the sky]

After everyone saw this, they were shocked by Chenos' boldness.

In this world, the vast majority of people live a life dominated by the Heavenly Dragons. People fear the Heavenly Dragons who control supreme power, hate the unbridled Heavenly Dragons, and they all want to become Heavenly Dragons.

Many people also went out to sea to become pirates because they could not bear the persecution of the Tianlong people, but the longer they traveled in the world, the more they could understand the horror of the Tianlong people.

You can call the Admiral of the Navy at will to drive them, you can force most countries in the world to provide them with heavenly gold for them to eat, drink and have fun, and you can kill people at will.

In this world, they have become taboos that cannot be mentioned, they have become the gods of this world.

And anyone who dares to say insulting words to the Tianlong people may be killed by the CP organization of the world government, so that people dare not even mention the Tianlong people.

But here in Chenos, it was clearly written on the gate, and he and his Varys Pirates were sharpening their knives and planning to change the day.

What kind of courage is this, what kind of courage is this, to dare to write such a couplet on the gate?

It is estimated that in this world, only the world's strongest Chenos dares to do so.

After the people around were shocked, they all began to look at the navy of the Tianlong people, especially the Admiral, because the Admiral needs to be driven by the Tianlong people, and if something happens, they will be called by them.

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