MTL - I Was Fed the Fruit by the World Nobles and Became the Fifth Emperor-Chapter 161

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After hanging up the phone, the person on the other end of the phone walked into a passage, trotted to a mysterious man who was wrapped all over his body and said, "Sir, you can start moving!"

The mysterious man nodded, stood up and walked out of the passage.

When he walked outside, there were rows of fleets of the Four Emperors, and on the boat, there were countless pirates patrolling nervously.

That person didn't rashly approach the fleet of the Four Emperors, but stood there and waited for something.

After a while, several masked navy soldiers appeared behind the man, and they each carried a huge fan and placed them behind the man.

After seeing the navy soldiers set up the fan, the man still did not move, but continued to wait. At this time, a soldier trotted over and saluted the man: "Report, sir, the rest of the soldiers have been transferred, and can start action!"

After the navy soldier finished speaking, he saluted the man again, then quickly turned to leave, and the man started to act only after the navy soldier disappeared.

I saw that he unhurriedly unfastened the heavy protective clothing on his body, took off the mask used for breathing, and after taking off his clothes, a pair of black, bat-like wings appeared behind him, with two wings on top of his head. A horn, just like Satan came to the world.

At this time, he slowly raised his hands and looked at the pirates outside the passage.

"Poison Cloud!"

Chapter 324 Choose to go back or be beaten out?

When the man activated the fruit ability, the navy soldiers in the surrounding isolation room immediately controlled the two huge fans, and the fans immediately generated strong wind, blowing out the poisonous cloud created by the man.

Outside the passageway corresponds to a whole row of the fleet of the Four Emperors. The strong wind carries the poisonous cloud, blowing from the first row to the last row of the Four Emperors fleet.

The poisonous cloud, which originally had a little purple color, turned into a nearly transparent color under the blowing of the strong wind, making it impossible to tell the difference at all.

At this time, the pirates on the pirate ship were all vigilantly observing the surroundings. After all, this is the naval headquarters. The navy and pirates are natural enemies. Now they have entered the enemy's base camp, even if there are no naval guards around. However, they did not dare to take it lightly.

The pirate ship at the front was Shanks' pirate ship, and the members of the red-haired pirates patrolling the ship patrolled in groups of three and two, chatting while watching the surroundings vigilantly.

"You said, this naval headquarters is also a bit strange. We have so many pirates staying here, but none of them have shown up. They just let us stay here. They are not afraid that we will directly demolish the naval headquarters. already?"

The pirates who were patrolling around laughed and said, "Haha, just now you didn't see the appearance of those navy soldiers facing Kaido's boss, they seemed to be scared to pee, and now they dare not come to guard us, I guess I was also afraid that we would charge and kill all those navy soldiers!"

An old pirate glared at them, "Be careful, now three fleets of our Four Emperors Pirates are staying here, the navy's reaction is obviously abnormal, pay attention, don't let any abnormal phenomenon go. .

These anomalies are likely to kill us! "

The two pirates around didn't refute the old pirate's words, because these words were the key to the old pirate's survival in the new world.

At this moment, the rookie pirate suddenly asked the two of them in surprise: "Speaking of the abnormal phenomenon, I didn't find it, but I feel that my state is a little abnormal.

Why do I feel so tired now and I can't lift myself up? "

The pirates on the side laughed out loud, and even the old pirates laughed along.

"Haha, rookie, it's not unusual for you, are you too nervous? Didn't you sleep well last night... Eh, strange, I was still full of energy just now, why did I suddenly feel powerless. Woolen cloth?"

The old pirate's face changed greatly, "No, it's definitely the navy who did it..."

It's just that the old pirate was talking, and he became weak and collapsed directly to the ground.

Soon, not only did they find something wrong, but almost all the pirates found it, but it was too late when they found out, and everyone fell down like wheat. on the ground.

After seeing that all the pirates fell, the Satan-like man crouched down again and put on the protective suit and mask again.

Several navy soldiers trotted towards the man and helped the man put on the protective suit.

A soldier saluted the man and said, "Director Magellan, now he has poisoned all the ordinary members of the Four Emperors, please instruct me!"

In the face of these navy soldiers, Magellan did not speak immediately. This was not Magellan's arrogance, but he was worried that the poisonous gas when he spoke would poison these navy soldiers to death.

Even though they had put on a very complete gas mask, Magellan was still worried because he knew how powerful his poison was.

After he put on the ventilator and confirmed that the gas he exhaled would not affect the soldiers, he said: "Cover all the pirates with sea tower stones, take them to the advance city first, and then you will also Follow the evacuation, and next, this island is likely to disappear from this world forever, hey, what a pity, I like the dark feeling under the tall buildings here!"

The navy soldiers did not fight, but saluted Magellan directly, and then left quickly, giving people the feeling of fleeing from danger.

Magellan looked at the fleeing soldiers, and only showed a wry smile habitually.

However, he has become accustomed to this feeling, and everyone will flee from him, because he is too dangerous, and if he is not careful, he may poison the people around him.

He glanced at the tall building outside the passage, his eyes became dignified, and he walked towards the tall building full of monsters step by step.

If he is a monster, the person in that tall building is a monster among monsters.

There is still a tough battle to be fought, and I hope it will go as smoothly as the Marshal had expected.

At the same time, the four emperors also came to the banquet hall in the naval headquarters.

It can be seen that the Navy has also invested heavily in the renovation of this banquet hall. The decoration in the banquet hall looks magnificent, crystal chandeliers, gold decorations, red carpets, and everything that a high-end banquet has. I can't tell that this place is actually the killing machine of the World Government, the navy.

In the banquet hall, the only thing that reminds people of the navy here are the waiters in navy clothes.

These waiters shuttled in and out of the banquet hall, constantly delivering drinks and meals to the banquet table, and then sending them to the huge banquet table in the middle of the banquet hall.

At the banquet table, several big figures of the navy were sitting at this time, and the one sitting in the main seat was the Admiral Warring States.

On both sides of the Warring States Period, two people were sitting, and these four were the four generals of the navy.

It's just that two of the four generals don't look good.

One is Zefa. At this time, except for his head, Zefa is still wrapped in bandages. It can be seen that the last time he rashly broke the absorption barrier of Chenos, it caused a lot of damage to him.

The other is Sakaski. At this time, half of Sakaski's face has been replaced by a mechanical face, and one of his arms has also been replaced by a mechanical arm.

And the reason why they became what they are now is all thanks to Chenos.

Both of them stared at Chenos with murderous eyes, their eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, and they looked like beasts who were going to choose someone to devour.

Chenos didn't even bother to look at them, so he went directly to the main seat on the other side and sat down, placing his legs on the table.

Others saw Chenos sitting on the main seat, and they had no opinion. After all, Chenos was the strongest now.

They sat on either side of Chenos in a black and white confrontation with the Navy on the other side of the table.

Warring States stood up from the main seat, raised his glass to Chenos and said, "Welcome everyone who can rush over to attend the Navy's housewarming banquet during your busy schedule. Let's raise a glass and welcome you all!"

After the generals of the navy heard the words of the Warring States period, they all stood up one after another and raised their wine glasses to face the pirates.

It's just that no one on the pirate side raised the glass, and no one even stood up.

Chenos still maintained the arrogant posture with his feet on the table, and said to the Warring States coldly: "Warring States, we will not play the game of playing the house, and now I will give you a choice.

Are you navy going to go back to paradise on your own, or let us fight it out? "

Chapter 325 Chenos, five emperors and six generals, what did you use to drive our navy out?

After Chenos finished speaking, the atmosphere in the banquet hall suddenly solidified.

At this time, Sengoku laughed and said to Chenos: "Can't wait to drive our navy out of the new world?"

"The new world is too crowded, and there is no place for your navy here. If you don't want to go by yourself, then I don't mind driving you out."

The admirals on the opposite side slapped the table angrily and shouted, "Chenos, do you think the defeated Whitebeard is the strongest in the world? Can you do whatever you want?"

"Do you have the ability to drive our navy out?"

"You're really outrageous, do you really think you're invincible?"

Warring States slapped the table and shouted at the admirals, "Silence!"

The navy who shouted at Chenos closed their mouths indignantly.

After seeing that they were quiet, Sengoku didn't return Chenos' words, but turned to look at Kaido and Auntie.

"Kaido, Charlotte Lingling, what are your thoughts on my previous proposal?"

The words of the Warring States Period immediately made Kaido and Auntie focus on the eyes of everyone in the audience, and even Shanks looked nervously at Aunt Kaido.

In the current situation, if the four emperors join forces, the navy is at an absolute disadvantage. Even if the navy has six general-level combat power, it is still not enough for the four emperors to join forces.

But if Kaido joins forces with Big Mom and the Navy, then Chenos and Shanks will be at an absolute disadvantage.

It's just that Chenos came alone now, so he's not afraid of anything. If it really doesn't work, it's fine to retreat directly, but they can't do it here.

Now they are an entire red-haired pirate group. If Mama Kaido joins forces with the Navy, they are likely to be destroyed by the group.

In this way, wouldn't their Red Hair Pirates become the biggest loser?

Shanks stared at Mama Kaiduo nervously, and Mama Kaidao did not disappoint him, and shook his head directly to the Warring States: "I don't agree to your proposal, but we can change another proposal, such as... kill Qi. North!

I can agree with that! "

At the beginning, the Warring States found Kaido and Auntie, and wanted to reach a cooperative relationship with Kaido's mother, and besiege Chenos and Shanks together. After Kaido hesitated for a long time, he still chose to refuse.

Killing Chenos and Shanks seemed to benefit them the most, but after killing them, he was the only one left in the new world to face the navy.

And now the navy has two general-level combat powers, one of which is still chasing after Roger's Karp. Faced with such a lineup, he has no confidence that he can rule the new world under the naval offensive.

For him, the best proposal is to kill Chenos.

After killing Chenos, there are still three emperor-level combat powers on the red-haired side. In this way, the five emperor-level combat strengths on the pirate side and the six general-level combat strengths on the navy side can still be maintained. New world situation.

When his Animal Fruit Legion plan is completed, he can break the three-way balance between him, the Navy and Shanks, rule the whole new world in one fell swoop, and become the new One Piece together with Lingling!

After hearing Kaido's words, Shanks relaxed.

The reason why he took the risk to attend the navy's housewarming banquet this time was precisely for this purpose.

He originally wanted to maintain the three-way check and balance of the four emperors.

It was only later that he thought about it for a long time and discussed it with Beckman for a long time, and found that this situation could not last long, because Chenos' growth rate was too fast.

Once Chenos' strength was further improved to a level that far surpassed Whitebeard's and the level of their Four Emperors, at that time, his so-called balance was simply a joke.

Although Chenos is very likely to be stuck at the current strength for a lifetime, after all, Whitebeard is like this. After the strength has grown to the peak period, there is no way to make any further progress. He has been stuck at that level for decades, until because of the As he got older, his strength began to change.

But this change is not stronger, but weaker.

But Chenos is different from Whitebeard!

After all, Whitebeard reached his peak in his thirties, but what about Chenos?

Now that Chenos is only in his teens, it is very possible that his strength will increase again!

It is precisely because of this that Shanks dare not gamble. Once the gamble is lost, then no one can check and balance Chenos.

When receiving the invitation from the Navy, Shanks realized that this was an excellent opportunity to eradicate Chenos. Once successful, they, Mama Kaido and the Navy would maintain a relative relationship for decades to come. The equilibrium state, even if there is a conflict, should only be a local conflict.

At that time, he can safely wait for that person to appear!

Mama Kaido also made the choice he wanted the most, which suddenly made his dangling heart finally relax.

Similarly, there is another person who expected Kaido's answer, and that is Sengoku.

"Okay, I wish us a happy cooperation!" Warring States nodded at Kaido, then turned to look at Shanks, "Shanks, what are your plans? Do you want to cooperate with us?"

Shanks was silent for a while, and when he was about to answer, Warring States spoke again: "Shanks, before you speak, I have something to remind you.

In fact, we don't need your consent. With the strength of both our navy and Kaido's mother, it is more than enough to deal with you and Chenos at the same time, but we just hope that there will be less trouble.

Of course, if you'd like to join us, we're welcome too, because it'll make it a little easier for us! "

Shanks cursed the old fox in his heart, but in this matter, he didn't want to take advantage or benefit. For him, as long as he can kill Chenos, it is the greatest benefit to him. .

"I'll join!"

Sengoku suddenly showed a happy smile, and finally turned his head to look at Chenos.

"Chenos, what did you just say? I didn't hear it clearly. You mean to let our Navy choose to get out of the new world or be kicked out by you?"

clap clap clap...

When the Warring States and the other four emperors were talking just now, Chenos had been watching from the side. The whole process was very quiet, and the quietness made people feel very unusual.

"This is what I said. Even now, I still say that. Will your navy get out by yourself, or will we be beaten out by us?"

Warring States looked at Chenos with some surprise, and couldn't think of where Chenos' confidence came from under such circumstances? Could it be that after killing a Whitebeard, Chenos floated like this?

"He's a man. Now our four major admirals, plus my admiral and naval hero Karp, have a total of six admiral-level combat power, Kaido, Charlotte Lingling, Shanks, Beckman and Mihawk, a total of Five emperor-level combat power.

Chenos, five emperors and six generals, what did you use to drive our navy out? "

Chapter 326 Polarity Reversal

"Wow, the five emperors and six generals are so scary, but are you sure that Mama Kaido and Shanks will stand firmly on your side and deal with me with you?"

Facing the threat of the Warring States Period, Chenos looked calm.

Warring States smiled and shook his head, "It's no use bluffing, Chenos, you are still too young, let's do it everyone, after killing Chenos, this banquet will become a funeral banquet for Chenos!"

Read The Duke's Passion