MTL - I Was Fed the Fruit by the World Nobles and Became the Fifth Emperor-Chapter 152

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On this island, there is a great swordsman named... Golden Lion Shiki! "

Feicun's eyes suddenly widened, and he looked at Chenos in disbelief. As a pirate, how could he not know about the golden lion.

You must know that it is the legendary pirate who is as famous as Whitebeard and Roger.

Chenos actually asked him to deal with the legendary pirates?

Feicun, who was originally in high spirits, suddenly became a little less confident.

"Don't worry, the reason why I asked you to deal with the golden lion is because the golden lion's head was severely damaged, and because of his escape from prison, he also cut off his own feet. Now his strength has declined a lot, it is appropriate The object of your experience.

Go and bring back the head of the golden lion, I believe my chef can defeat the golden lion and win! "

Chapter 303 The Whitebeard Pirates' Revenge Plan

The Whitebeard Pirates are an extremely large force. There are more than 1,600 people in the entire Pirates, and they are divided into 16 teams. The captains of each team are very powerful.

Under the Whitebeard Pirates, there are 43 affiliated Pirates.

Most of Whitebeard's islands are taken care of by his subordinates. If Chenos and the others want to occupy Whitebeard's forces, they need to defeat them all.

It's just that the Whitebeard Pirates without the pillar of Whitebeard, although huge, are like giants without a backbone, and can only be reduced to nourishment for others to grow.

Obviously, Marco also knew this, so when Chenos proposed to let the Whitebeard Pirates give up their territory, he didn't refute a word, just silently left with Whitebeard's corpse.

Originally, Marko wanted to bury Whitebeard on the small island next to Sphinx Island, because this was the place where Whitebeard had said when he was alive that he wanted to be buried.

It's just that Chenos is now on Sphinx Island, and it seems that he intends to use Sphinx Island as a base camp, which makes Marko uneasy about burying Whitebeard here.

In desperation, he could only choose a small island with very beautiful scenery and bury Whitebeard first.

All the captains and 43 subordinate captains of the Whitebeard Pirates went to the island to attend Whitebeard's funeral. Almost all of them had sadness on their faces, but their emotions were more angry.

"Marko, Daddy is dead, we sons have to avenge Daddy no matter what!"

"Marco, I propose to gather all the captains and captains of the Whitebeard Pirates and kill Chenos together. In the battle with Dad, it is impossible for Chenos to be unharmed, and now we are killing them. He, the best time to avenge Dad."

"Yeah, we can't continue to delay time, now the longer we delay, the less chance we have to kill Chenos, we must do it now!"

Seeing that all the captains were excited, they planned to take revenge for their father while Chenos was injured, but Marco was not so optimistic.

You must know that when Chenos and Dad were fighting, although Dad's strength declined a bit, it was not as good as the peak period, but his strength was still top of the world. Under such circumstances, Chenos was able to kill Dad. , the strength is unfathomable.

Moreover, Chenos is only in his teens now. At this age, no matter what kind of injury or disease he has, he can recover quickly by relying on his body alone.

As long as Chenos recovers half of his strength, they are no longer opponents of the other party. If they recover more, then they will go to Chenos for revenge, which is simply to die.

It is precisely because of this that Marco has been silent all the time. Now he has the most influence in the Whitebeard Pirates. He is worried that because of one of his decisions, the entire Whitebeard Pirates will be destroyed.

After pondering for a while, Marco stood up and asked the crowd: "Chenos is very powerful, once he recovers, if we go to fight Chenos, we will die.

Now, let me ask you a question, are you ready to die? "

Everyone present looked at Marco firmly.

Everyone said in unison: "We are ready to die!"

After Marco finished listening, he took out a jug of wine from his waist and poured it in front of Whitebeard's grave.

"Dad, you have also seen that all your sons are good, and they all intend to die for you. Since this is the case, then I have no way to obey your will.

Everyone is ready, and immediately set off to crusade against Chenos and avenge the father! ! "

After speaking, Marko slammed the jug in his hand to the ground, raised his right hand, and roared loudly.

"Avenge Daddy!!"

Everyone present roared in unison, "Avenge Daddy!!"

Marko knew that this time, there was a possibility that there would be no return, but what about that, without the Whitebeard Pirates, can they still be called the Whitebeard Pirates?

Can't kill the enemy by hand, watch the enemy who killed the father show off their power on their territory, and these sons, in order to survive, live in humiliation?

Instead of living in such a miserable life, it is better to go and fight with Chenos. If you can help Whitebeard to avenge, even if all of them as sons die, so what!

In the excited crowd, one person also kept shouting revenge for Whitebeard and slashing the slogan of Chenos, but his eyes kept rolling, as if he was thinking about something.

Someone on the side patted him on the shoulder and shouted to the man: "Titch, we are ready, the captains and captains are planning to set off later, and go directly to Chenos to fight!

We have to go to the ship first and do the prep work. "

Tickey smiled honestly: "Okay, let's do the preparatory work together!"

After everyone boarded the ship, Marko called all the captains and captains on a ship to prepare for a crusade meeting.

Marco said to the crowd: "Before we left, Chenos told me that he wanted us to give up all the territory, but the territory of our Whitebeard Pirates is not so easy to eat.

We have a large number of sites, and they are widely distributed. Chenos has just become the fifth emperor, and there are not many members of the pirate group under his command. If we want to win our site, we will definitely send most of the members around him. go out.

At this time, the crew around him should be the least, and this is the best time for us to attack him!

I have been informed that Chenos is now on Sphinx Island, where he is planning to heal, and our people on the island have also told us that we have seen Chenos' men leave the island by boat. , which is clearly an attempt to take over our territory.

Therefore, what we have to do is very simple, that is, take advantage of the fact that there is no one around Chenos, directly concentrate all the combat power, and besiege Chenos together.

Even if Chenos is stronger than us, but he is injured now, and most of the members are not around, in such a situation, we can consume Chenos who is surrounded by us. ! "

When everyone heard Marco's plan, they all nodded in agreement.

Now is indeed the best time for them to seek revenge on Chenos. Once they miss this opportunity and let Chenos recover, they will have no chance to avenge Whitebeard.

After all, the most famous thing about Chenos is his growth rate. In a very short period of time, he has grown to the strongest position in the world. Even the former Whitebeard has never had such a growth rate.

After the negotiation, the plan named by Marko as the Battle of Revenge Beheading was officially launched!

Chapter 304 Mr. Captain, are you sure you won't let me help you heal?

At this time, Chenos didn't know that Marco and other Whitebeard remnants were planning to encircle him, because he was currently busy researching the energy of the Shock of Time.

This move, which can temporarily block time and space, was actually developed by Whitebeard unintentionally.

Whitebeard owns a pocket watch. During a voyage, he stared at the beating second hand of the pocket watch. He felt that the rhythm of the beating was very interesting, so he used the fruit ability in his body to jump with the second hand.

After his fruit ability jumped for a while, he found that all the people around him stopped, but everyone seemed to be frozen.

This discovery also made Whitebeard stop the beating of his fruit ability, and the people around him recovered and resumed their actions again.

It was only after that time that no one around him found out that he used the fruit ability, and they didn't know that they were frozen, that is to say, the time of everyone around him was suspended at that moment.

When he used this move, he didn't have any consumption or damage, but it was as simple as breathing.

It was only later that Whitebeard could no longer enter such a state. The Shock of Time developed based on this opportunity had no way to truly suspend time and space, and could only make time and space extremely slow.

And when he was using the Shock of Time, the controlled person could still see him in action and still be able to think, which was a castration version he used unintentionally before.

But even the castrated version, the power of the shock of time is so powerful that almost no one can resist it, and the consumption of the shock of time is too great. The physique also needs to rest for a period of time before you can continue to use it.

And in a dangerous place like the New World, once he is unable to fight for a period of time, he is likely to be killed, especially by a big pirate like him.

Therefore, Whitebeard did not continue to study, and developed a real space-time pause.

About this, Whitebeard did not hide anything, and told Chenos all about it, because he hoped that Chenos could develop a real time suspension and defeat the real strongest in the world.

On the first day Chenos came to the island, he researched the shock of time used by Whitebeard. The principle is actually very simple. As long as his fruit ability vibrates according to the frequency of the vibration of the second hand, it can be used according to the white beard. How to use the beard, take forty-nine steps, and resonate with the energy of time and space, you can use the shock of time.

Chenos also tried this method, but in the middle of using it, Chenos stopped and continued.

Now he finally knows how perverted Whitebeard is. The consumption of this move is too terrifying. Even if he is using the absorption ability, he still can't withstand the consumption of this move, which makes his physical strength rapidly drain. , once the stamina is exhausted, it will begin to consume vitality.

And his current physical strength can only last until he has walked about thirty steps.

In other words, if he wants to use this trick, he must consume life force!

Such a move is obviously abnormal. No one can use this move completely, and this move is also very harmful to the body. Because the body has always maintained a state of resonance with the Space of Time Shock, he The body needs to be in shock all the time.

Such a state of shock is extremely damaging to the body, whether it is muscles, bones or internal organs, will be damaged.

Using this trick is simply killing one thousand enemies and losing eight hundred.

How can I use Whitebeard's ability to stop time without sacrificing time?

With Whitebeard's character, it should be impossible to lie to him.

But how to enter that lossless state of time pause?

It is also in the state of time suspension according to the vibration of the second hand. Why can one directly suspend the surrounding time, consume very little, and do not damage the body.

One consumes a lot, has a lot of restrictions, and damages the body?

Thinking about it, Chenos felt that his head was getting bigger, and his headache was very bad.

But this is normal. If it is simple, there is no reason why Whitebeard can't develop it in the past few decades.

In the past, when he developed his fruit ability, it was very simple to say. Look at the similarities between his fruit ability and the animation characters of the previous life. If there is any similarity, then develop it directly according to the ability of the animation characters, which is equivalent to having A reference direction, so it is also very simple to develop.

But now facing an ability that he had never seen before, without a reference direction, he didn't know how to develop it at once.

Chenos sighed, and let's take it slowly. If the sky-defying trick of stopping time can be easily developed, then he will really be invincible in the world.

If he developed this ability, he wouldn't have to wait for the robot army to be established, he would just kill the Holy Land Mary Joa by himself, kill Im, and the slave Tianlongren would do.

It's a pity if things could be that simple.

Thinking of this, Chenos shook his head, got up and walked towards the door, starting to enjoy the rare leisure time.

Since he came to this world, he has hardly stopped, and has been running around all the time. Every day he is not trying to develop his fruit ability, he is struggling with his body, or he is fighting the enemy.

So far, I have hardly stopped to rest.

This time, he took advantage of the injury to find an excuse for himself to rest, stop for a while, and take a break.

Otherwise, he also worries that he is like a taut bowstring, and if it is stretched too long, it might break.

And he also rarely has the opportunity to be alone with Hancock and Liu Ji. This time, he can take advantage of the rest to cultivate a good relationship with the two of them. Maybe he can take them both while the other members are not around.

Thinking of this, Chenoston was still a little excited.

As soon as he walked out of the door, he shouted with a 'smiling': "Liu Ji, I feel a little uncomfortable, I need treatment..."

"Mr. Captain, Sister Liu Ji and Sister Hancock have gone shopping in the town. If you are not feeling well, I can help you too!"

Robin was sitting at the door at this time, holding a book in his hand, looking at Chenos with a face full of teasing.

Chenos looked at Robin who only reached his chest, and she hadn't grown up yet. Looking at the ordinary airport, he couldn't help sighing.

"Forget it, you can't cure my disease now, and you can help me treat it when you grow up!"

Little Robin raised his eyebrows, slid his index finger lightly across his lips, and put on a charming look with his Qingzhi face, "Although I am small, I have everything I should have, I should understand, and I will understand!

It happens that the two sisters are not at home, Mr. Captain, are you sure you won't let me help you with treatment? "

Chapter 305 Hair. book} small. Say. Qun ヘ 9;802,0;5?8/5:6, give you a chance, you must seize it

Looking at Robin's charming appearance, Chenos replied subconsciously: "Xing... ah, what are you thinking about all day long!"

After speaking, Chenos walked towards the sea with a guilty conscience, intending to go fishing, so that the flame that was almost ignited just now was extinguished.

As Chenos walked, he muttered cursingly, "Hmph, when you grow up, you will be afraid to see the bed!"

Robin laughed when he heard it, "The captain is really cute!"

Although Robin felt incredible that she could join the pirate group of the Five Emperors at first, and even at the beginning she was full of wariness of everyone on board, but the longer she stayed in the pirate group, the more she became more and more Feel comfortable.

And one more… peace of mind like never before!

Especially after Chenos killed Whitebeard, she felt a sense of security for the first time!

Because of Chenos' powerful strength and his disdainful attitude towards the historical text, Chenos would not use her to translate the historical text and use her as a tool.

It can also protect her, so that she does not have to worry about being hunted down by the navy and the world government.

Because Chenos is strong enough to fight against the navy and the world government!

Such a sense of security is something she has never felt since she was wanted by the Navy at the age of eight!

I really hope that these days can last forever, and I hope that Chenos can defeat the world government and make that dirty government disappear.

Thinking of this, Robin closed the book in his hand and walked in the direction Chenos left, intending to continue to tease the "simple" captain!

After Robin ran to the beach, he looked at Chenos who was standing on the shore fishing with a mischievous smile on his face, "Mr. Captain, will you be lonely fishing alone? I'll come to accompany you..."

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