MTL - I Was Fed the Fruit by the World Nobles and Became the Fifth Emperor-Chapter 140

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When Shanks and the enemy were fighting fiercely, Beckman looked for an opportunity to attack.

After seeing the black cut made by Shanks, Beckman's eyes lit up immediately, he immediately blocked all the breath on his body, and came behind the aunt, waiting for Shanks' signal.

Sure enough, aunt swiped Shanks' tricks at will, and didn't notice Shanks hiding behind the black sword energy, so Shanks succeeded in sneak attack, aiming at aunt's heart in one fell swoop, ready to end aunt.

After seeing this scene, Beckman took advantage of Aunt's attention on Shanks, holding a gun in both hands, and began to condense his armed domineering on the gun, ready to help Shanks kill Aunt.

The reason why he dared to use only armed arrogance at such a critical time was because most of his tyrannical arrogance was used on Kaido, and the tyrannical arrogance on his body had been almost consumed.

Also because of this attack, he doesn't need too powerful tricks.

He didn't need to do much, just shoot a shot at the heart of Aunt's back and push Aunt's body forward so that Shanks' sword could pierce Aunt's heart.

"Armed Shockwave!"

The energy on Beckman's muzzle exploded, forming a shock wave that charged towards Big Mom.

This move was developed by him to deal with pushing away enemies who want to fight with him. Although the power is not large, it can't cause any damage to powerful enemies, but it has a strong thrust and can push away enemies who want to approach him. , allowing him to continue attacking enemies from a distance.

Sometimes this trick is used well, and even a combination trick is formed to instantly kill the enemy.

After feeling the attack from her back, Auntie couldn't help but widen her eyes. She did hit her head just now and forgot about Beckman who had just come over.

This also put her in a desperate situation. Three thousand miles could not kill Shanks all at once. At most, Shanks was severely injured. As long as Shanks was willing, he could kill her at the cost of injury!

Just when the aunt felt hopeless, a voice resounded that rekindled her hope.

"Thundering gossip!!"

I saw Kaido's figure suddenly appear behind Aunt Ma, holding the Eight Fasts in both hands, like hitting a baseball, hitting the shock wave fired by Beckman.

Kaido looked at Beckman coldly, "I said, I will only give you one minute, now, the time is up, and your death is also here!"

Kaido said, waving the Eight Fasts in his hand again, and charged towards Beckman.

He is also very helpless to Kaido as a pervert. Kaido's combat power is at the most comparable to him, but Kaido has extremely abnormal defensive ability and recovery ability. If it's just two people heads-up, he will be sure to beat Kaido in a short time. Much, but he couldn't kill Kaido.

And in a long and protracted battle, the one who loses must be him.

Because of Kaido's perverted defensive ability and recovery ability, as long as you can't kill him all at once, then he will recover quickly. At that time, he can beat Kaido and beat him. After a lot of recovery, the person who was crushed and beaten would become him.

That's how he is now.

Beckman has almost consumed most of the domineering arrogance, and it is difficult to hurt Kaido with the remaining armed arrogance, which means that he can't do much damage to Kaido when he hits Kaido, and he is hit by Kaido. If so, you will definitely be seriously injured.

In desperation, he could only avoid its edge first.

But he is not worried about his situation now, because he can run even if he can't beat Kaido, but he is very worried about Shanks' situation.

You must know that the sword in Shanks' hand is now clamped by Aunt, and behind him there is that terrifying three thousand miles.

Now Shanks' situation is very critical, which is equivalent to being attacked by the enemy.

At the same time, Shanks frowned when he saw Kaido appear.

The situation that was originally extremely beneficial to them was instantly reversed, and it became extremely beneficial to Mama Kaida.

Facing the attack of 3,000 miles behind Shanks, he decisively gave up the sword in his hand, wrapped his hands with domineering arrogance, and faced the attack of 3,000 miles.

He is a domineering powerhouse himself, his domineering talent is close to that of Garp, and his physical strength is also very strong. He directly punched the sharp claws that stretched out three thousand miles back, and then twisted his body again and turned back to Auntie's. The direction, grabbed the long sword with both hands, kicked the aunt's body, and pulled the long sword forcefully.

The long sword was pulled out from the clenched palm of the aunt.

At this time, Auntie also slapped and slapped Shanks.

In order to draw out the long sword, Shanks' movement was still a little slower, and before he had time to dodge, he was slapped firmly by the aunt.

Shanks' figure was thrown into the sea from the air, and a huge water column like a torpedo pond suddenly appeared on the sea.

Looking at Shanks being beaten into the sea, Auntie laughed.

"Well, little devil, if you want to kill aunt me, you are still a little tender!"

Although she said so, the aunt also knew that it was really incomparably dangerous just now.

Her defensive ability is even more perverted than Kaido. You must know that she is an existence called a steel balloon. Usually, she stands and allows the enemy to attack, and the enemy may not be able to hurt her.

But Shanks' sword just now could pierce her palm. If the two were to flank, Shanks would definitely pierce her heart and end her life.

Such people are really dangerous and must be eradicated!

Thinking of this, the aunt said to Kaido: "Kaido, don't worry about the guy with the gun, that person is no threat to us now, let's kill Shanks together first!"

Kaido suddenly came to his senses. He was beaten a little bit by Beckman just now. He thought that Beckman should be killed first while Beckman had no attack power now.

But he ignored one point. Now Beckman's attack can't cause much damage to them. They should leave Beckman alone and focus on attacking Shanks who still has combat power.

Just kill Shanks and play with Beckman slowly afterwards.

Beckman was shocked when he heard the words. This was what he was most worried about. He was afraid that Kaido and Aunt would join hands to deal with Shanks first, and then deal with him. If this was the case, then for them , is definitely the worst case.

Thinking of this, Beckman stopped and turned to attack Kaido frantically, but Kaido ignored him and let him attack and fly in the direction of Aunt.

When Shanks came out of the sea again, he saw Aunt Sky and Kaido standing side by side, waving the sword and the eight fasts at him together.


Chapter 279 Chenos, if you don't come again, I'm really gone

At this time, the aunt had already recovered three thousand miles, and restored the Napoleon saber in her hand to the appearance of the Mingguang sword, and Kaido also stood beside the aunt with the eight fasting vows.

The domineering aura on the two of them rose into the air, the aunt was full of purple domineering domineering, and Kaido raised a black domineering domineering.

With the domineering development of the two overlords, the whole world was dyed blood red, and all the pirates who were fighting around looked in the direction of the two.

After seeing the posture of Kaido and Aunt, Katakuri and Jin immediately shouted to their subordinates: "Give up the attack and immediately split the front of the attacking two emperors, hurry up!!"

All the pirates also knew what was about to happen, and immediately controlled the ship to avoid the front of Big Mom and Kaido, and drove to both sides.

"Run, run, this attack will kill you!"

"Walk around, drive as far as possible!"

"The boat is too slow, I jump into the sea!!"

Auntie and Kaido's pirates ran away as if they had seen the **** of death, completely ignoring whether they would be attacked by the enemy.

Because they all know that if they are attacked by the enemy, they will not necessarily die, but if they are attacked by this move of Big Mom and Kaido, both of them will definitely die.

At this time, Whitebeard, who was resting with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes after feeling the momentum.

"Is that move? Even Shanks can't take this move, and he will be seriously injured. It seems that it's my turn to play, Marco, pull the boat over!"

After Kaido and Auntie were full of momentum, they each took up their weapons. As Ba Zhaijie and Napoleon's domineering arrogance intertwined, the black and purple domineering on their bodies intertwined, forming a black and purple in front of them. A huge shock wave of various colors of purple, red and green intertwined.

The two shouted in unison: "Ba Hai!!"

The combination of the two emperors is a shocking change, and the sea is wide.

With the blast of Ba Hai's energy shock wave, the surrounding space showed signs of shattering, countless cracks appeared in the air, and the air was rubbed red by this terrifying energy shock wave.

Before approaching the sea surface, the sea water on the sea surface was continuously shaken and fluctuated by this terrifying energy shock wave, as if even the sea was afraid of this attack like divine punishment.

After Shanks emerged from the sea, he saw the Bahai energy shock wave flying towards him at an extremely high speed, and was immediately frightened by this terrifying energy shock wave.

The speed of the shock wave is extremely fast, and Shanks has no chance to avoid it at all. This move, he can only take it hard!

Even if Shanks has stepped into the realm of the Four Emperors at this time, even if Shanks is extremely confident in his strength, but facing the combined attack skills of the two sea emperors Kaido and Aunt, he is not confident that he can take over. .

Shanks secretly said in his heart: "Oops, Chenos, come quickly, if you don't come again, your allies will be wiped out!"

Shanks mobilized all the domineering and armed domineering in his body, poured them all into the sword in his hand, kicked hard, and greeted Ba Hai.

After jumping into the air, the shock wave of the sea has come to Shanks. After facing the extremely terrifying energy shock wave at close range, Shanks also let out a roar: "Heiqi·Cracking Sea!!"

A sword qi with energy condensed to the extreme swung out from Shanks' hand. This sword qi was full of the aura of destruction. As soon as it appeared, the surrounding space was cut several times by the sword qi. There was a sword cry in the air, and it slashed towards the Bahai energy shock wave.

After the sword qi slashed into the shock wave, it cut into the Ba Hai energy shock wave a little bit, but just after it cut into the shock wave, the sword qi couldn't move any further.

The terrifying energy of Ba Hai keeps spinning and wears away the sword energy. The four-color energy of red, black, purple and green rotates in Ba Hai's energy ball.

The rotation speed of the four-color energy is extremely amazing, and in less than a few tenths of a second, the sword qi that Shanks slashed was consumed.

In order to eliminate the sword energy, the Bahai energy shock wave itself was also reduced by one-third.

But even if only two-thirds of the previous one remained, the shock wave of Bahai's energy was still extremely terrifying.

There was only one thought in Shanks' mind when he looked at the shock wave of Bahai energy that was about to hit him.

"It's over, the balance of the sea is going to be broken, Chenos, if you don't come again, I'm really gone!"

Just then, Shanks heard a strange sound.


I saw a black line piercing the middle of Shanks and Ba Hai's energy shock wave.

"Awakening Defense Form · Shield Reverse!!"

A spherical protective cover appeared on the body of the black line, and the shock wave of Bahai energy just hit the spherical protective cover.

It's just that the Bahai energy shock wave didn't destroy the protective cover. Instead, it seemed to be pulled by the energy on the protective cover, circled around the protective cover, and then circled back.

After accelerating through the protective shield, the energy shock wave of Ba Hai was thrown out like a hammer, and returned to the way it came, rushing straight towards Kaido and Aunt.

Kaido and Auntie were shocked and looked at the shock wave of Bahai energy that rushed back in disbelief.

Although this attack was issued by the two of them, it did not mean that the two of them could take it.

Moreover, the power of the combined attack skills of the two is very terrifying, and the consumption is also very terrifying, and the two of them have no way to fight the attack again.

They just used the strongest moves they could play to resist.

Kaido shouted: "Da Weed Lei Ming gossip!!"

The aunt also roared and shouted: "Light cannon!!"

Kaido held the Ba Zhai Jie with both hands, wrapped all the domineering arrogance that he could call on the Ba Zhai Jie, and waved towards the Ba Hai energy shock wave.

The aunt held Napoleon and gathered all the energy on the tip of Napoleon's knife, forming an energy ring, and then concentrated all the energy and blasted it towards the Bahai energy pattern.


The attacks from the two of them only resisted the shock wave of Bahai energy, and they were consumed. Kaido's Eight Fasts and Aunt's Napoleon were bounced upward by the constantly rotating Bahai energy group, and then neutralized the attack of the two. The energy shock wave of Ba Hai charged towards the two of them.

The two of them were instantly hit by the shock wave of Bahai energy, which had less than one-third of the power left at the beginning, and immediately flew out.

Rao, with their abnormal defense power, was also hit by the shock wave of Bahai energy, and he vomited blood. Several of his bones were broken, and he fell straight into the sea.

Chapter 280 Whitebeard, I wonder if you are interested in working out your muscles?

Shanks breathed a sigh of relief after looking at the man in front of him.

"Chenos, fortunately you came in time, I almost died!"

Chenos laughed, "Heroes always appear at the last moment, and with your strength, the blow just now can't kill you, it will only hurt you a little, what are you afraid of?"

Shanks gave Chenos a blank glance.

"Do you think I'm a pervert like you? I'm just an ordinary person, forget it, talking about you perverts, I'm sad, let's settle the battle first, my crew is still in danger!"

While the two were talking, two figures appeared in the air again, a giant bird covered in flames and a man with a scarf wrapped around his mouth rushing towards Aunt and Kaido at the same time.

Looking at them, Chenos said to Shanks: "I'll deal with them first, you go save your crew!"

After finishing speaking, Chenos did not wait for Shanks to reply, and flashed in the direction of the two.

At this time, two guns appeared in Chenos' hands, standing above Big Mom and Kaido, and the muzzles of the two guns were aimed at them respectively.

"Sword of Heaven!"

Two sharp swords exuding white light were fired at Kaido and Aunt Ma. The two sharp swords were extremely fast, and they arrived in front of them almost in an instant. Time to react with Katakuri.


"Master Kaido!"

The two shouted anxiously at the same time, and at the same time increased their speed to the fastest, but they couldn't stop Chenos' attack no matter how fast they were, and could only watch Kaido and Auntie being attacked by Chenos.

Shanks originally wanted to hold Chenos and let Chenos stop here, but Chenos was too fast, and before he had time to hold it, Chenos had already reached the two of them. above.

Shanks couldn't help but worry after looking at the two swords that exuded a terrifying aura and quickly fell in the air.

"Auntie and Kaido won't die at the hands of Chenos, will they?"

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