MTL - I Was Fed the Fruit by the World Nobles and Became the Fifth Emperor-Chapter 130

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After perfunctory Crocodile, Anilu turned his head to face Tezzolo and gritted his teeth: "Tezzolo, you leave a place for me, I'll bet too, I bet for nine seconds, a ton of gold!"

Tezzolo looked at Anilu in surprise, then remembered something, smiled and gestured OK to Anilu with his right hand full of gold rings.

After going to the sky island before, Chenos also gave all the members a little pocket money, each one ton of gold.

Now Anilu took out a ton of gold to bet. It can be said that he has taken out all of his net worth. It seems that he lost in a hurry last time.

Crocodile: "Bet nine seconds? What do you mean?"

Ai Nilu didn't tell Crocodile what it meant, or if Crocodile dragged for two more seconds in the competition, wouldn't he lose!

He continued to wave his hands and perfunctory Crocodile, "This is a bet that only old members can participate in, you can't play it yet, you can try it first.

Come on, come on, get ready, get ready, get started! "

Anilu was worried that Crocodile would notice, so he immediately pushed Crocodile into the arena, without giving Crocodile time to react, and directly prepared to start the test.

Crocodile was about to ask a few more questions, but when he heard the big muscle tyrant at the beginning, he was already hungry and thirsty.

Every time it takes a test, it will take a long time. This time it has finally started so quickly, and it does not want to give up such an opportunity.

The muscle turtle still stepped lightly, and then used the tortoise shell to slide on the deck at a high speed, charging towards Crocodile head-on, and appeared in front of Crocodile almost instantly.

Originally wanted to ask more clearly, Crocodile also noticed that something was wrong, narrowed his eyes, and immediately waved the golden hook on his arm to block in front of him.

At this moment, Muscle Turtle put his arms on the ground, avoided the golden hook with his feet, and kicked towards Crocodile's arm.

Faced with such an attack, the battle-hardened Crocodile didn't care. Although the speed of the muscle turtle exceeded his expectations, it was still within his acceptable range.

Such an attack would have no effect on him at all...

Holy shit! !

Crocodile, who was originally a little disdainful of the Muscle Turtle's attack, immediately noticed something was wrong when the Muscle Turtle's foot stepped on his arm.

Because of the terrifying force wrapped around the muscles of the turtle's feet, he pushed his arm directly away, and he couldn't defend at all.

The muscle turtle followed the upward force of the foot, turned his body over the trend, rolled his hands into fists, wrapped his armed domineering, and slammed towards Crocodile's chest ruthlessly.

Crocodile was directly knocked out, and the muscle turtle kicked his footsteps again, catching up with Crocodile at once, punching out, hitting Crocodile's chin, and knocking Crocodile into the air again.

Then he stepped on the deck, caught up with Crocodile again, clenched his hands into a fist, and rolled his body quickly in the air, like a hot wheel, hitting the abdomen that was hitting Crocodile, making Crocodile like a A meteorite fell from the sky.

At the end, Da Muba quickly kicked in the air, caught up with Crocodile, and blocked it with a tortoise shell where Crocodile landed.

Boom! !

Crocodile's waist hit the turtle shell directly, spurting a mouthful of blood.

Tezzolo pinched the stopwatch and shouted, "Croccodahl is completely defeated. It took nine seconds and sixty-three in total, which is 0.03 seconds longer than Anilu!"

Chapter 258 Hee, I am really a good boss who thinks about employees

Anilu won this bet, but he didn't get happy, but shouted at Tezzolo viciously: "Tezzolo, did you see it wrong? How could a sand player be more persistent than me? longer?"

Anilu could clearly see the fight just now. Crocodile was completely unable to fight back, and he still struggled a bit.

How could Crocodile last longer than he could!

It's just that after he grabbed the stopwatch to look at it, he found that the above time was indeed 9.63, which was 0.03 seconds longer than his original 9.6.

Anilu quibble: "Hmph, it must be 0.03 seconds slow when you pressed it."

At this time, Chenos flashed to Crocodile's side, patted him lightly, shot out the damage he had just received, and threw the damage energy ball on the jumping fish, bursting out a cloud of blood fog out.

"Crockdale, the muscle turtle shell is not a pet turtle on our ship, but one of the main fighting forces on our ship. Don't underestimate it next time."

After Muscle Turtle heard Chenos' words, he looked like a shy man, scratched his head with his biceps in his arms, and a blush appeared on his green face.


What Chenos said was not an exaggeration. Now the strength of the muscle turtle's physical skills has skyrocketed. In terms of physical skills, except for Chenos and Yang Youji, the rest of the people are not opponents of the muscle turtle.

And as the muscle turtle's domineering becomes stronger and stronger, it not only makes the muscle turtle's attack ability more powerful, but also makes the muscle turtle's defense ability more abnormal.

If the muscle turtle indents into the turtle shell and uses the armed color domineering defense, it is estimated that there are only a few people in this world who can break the defense of the muscle turtle.

This also made Chenos feel very pleasantly surprised. Originally, he just wanted to recruit some cheap...cough, he originally just wanted to reach a cooperation agreement with the turtles on Turtle Island, so that they could survive better.

Unexpectedly, I encountered this variant of the muscle turtle.

After I go back this time, I might be able to dig out other muscle turtles on the island and make them the island’s guards. These muscle turtles can not only exercise, but also practice physical skills and domineering, and they can also fight with pirates. Play, and only need to patrol the island, no work.

With this benefit, the muscle turtles must be very happy, right?

Since it's a welfare package, there's no need to pay more to those muscle turtles.

Hee, I am really a good boss who thinks about employees!

The recovered Crocodile looked in disbelief at a muscular turtle that was not deterrent at all, but rather cute. He couldn't understand why this muscular turtle was so strong!

"It... it will still be domineering?"

Chenos said with a smile: "It will not only be domineering, but also have a lot of physical skills. In the future, if you don't understand anything in physical skills, you can also ask it."

Crocodile: "…"

Ask a tortoise for gymnastics?


Even though this tortoise was very powerful, Crocodile could not afford to lose this man.

At this time, Anilu, who had a smirk on his face, came over and said to Crocodile: "Croccodahl, please leave your clothes for this month, remember to wash them clean, or I will ask you to renew them. Washed!"

At this time, Crocodile had already understood that the bet just now was just that Anilu was cheating on him.

"Oh, back drum, I heard it just now, I persisted 0.03 seconds longer than you before I lost to the muscle turtle, and it was still under my care.

It seems that your physical skills are weaker than mine! "

Anilu said with a stubborn mouth: "That's because Tezzolo is slow, the two of us are tied at most, but you, don't you want to let go of the bet?"

Crocodile glared at Anilu unhappily, "Just wash it, 0.03 seconds man!"

Ai Nilu's anger suddenly rose, and he stepped forward to pinch Crocodile, but before he started, he was caught by a big hand.

Ai Nilu turned his head and was about to roar, but after seeing the tall body of the person who came, he immediately persuaded.

"Brother Yang Yuki, look at Crocodile, he still curses when he loses. Am I such a short man?"

Yang Yuji glared at the two of them, "You guys are too embarrassed to quarrel, isn't it shameful to lose to Dajiba? Why don't you hurry up and train me!"

Both of them immediately lowered their heads and replied weakly, "Yes!"

On the ship, Yang Yuji is basically in charge, and Chenos basically doesn't care much, which leads to the situation that everyone except Hancock and Liu Ji are very afraid of Yang Yuji.

Although Hancock and Liu Ji are not afraid of Yang Yuji, they usually give Yuji a face and treat Yang Yuji very politely.

After all the members watched the excitement, they all started their training again.

Although they are teasing each other about how long the other party can support on the big muscle tyrants, in fact, all the main players want to defeat the big muscle tyrants in physical skills.

To them, it was a badge of honor.

After all, the only people on the ship who can rely on physical skills to beat Da Muba are Chenos and Yangyuki.

After watching everyone leave, Yang Yuki hesitated for a while, but said to Chenos, "Chenos, last time you said you wanted to recruit Doflamingo's younger brother under your command, I... feel a little bit. inappropriate!"

Chenos turned to Yang Yuki and said with a smile, "Oh, talk about it!"

This time Chenos and Shaq's plan, as the ship's vice-captain, Yang Yuki was also aware of it.

Yang Yuji frowned and said: "Doflamingo is a good fighting force, his strength is recognized by both Moriah and Crocodile, and he is also very good at running underground forces. , is the talent we need.

But his brother Corazon...

With all due respect, Corazon is far inferior to Doflamingo in terms of strength, fruit ability, and xinxing. Such a person is of little value to us.

And we are doing this now, and we have to take the risk of offending Doflamingo, which I personally feel is a bit more than worth the loss!

What's more, this person is also a spy for the Navy. Once such a person knows some of our secrets, it is very risky for us.

After thinking about it for a long time, I still can't understand your intention to save him. In my opinion, I think it would be more beneficial for us to abandon Corazon! "

After finishing speaking, Yang Yuki also breathed a sigh of relief.

For example, the captain's decision is generally similar to the imperial decree, and there is no doubt about it.

This time he also thought about it for a long time before he made up his mind to tell Chenos.

Chenos looked at Yang Yuji's appearance and couldn't help laughing: "It's been a long time? You don't have to. If you have anything to say in the future, just tell me directly.

I wanted to save Corazon, in fact, because I took a fancy to his status as a naval spy. "

Chapter 259 Polsalino, come back to me now

On Mignon Island, after Sakaski and Zefa landed on the island, their faces became very ugly after seeing the countless corpses lying on the island.

"It seems to be a step too late!"

"That guy Doflamingo is so lawless, he directly slaughtered all the people on this island, hum, Zefa, let's go after them.

I heard from the Warring States that Doflamingo had joined Chenos' subordinates, and they would definitely join up with Chenos. If they found them, they would also find Chenos! "

Zefa hesitated a little, "Sakaski, there is no problem with the two of us chasing Chenos, but now there is no Garp, we are facing this Chenos pirate group and want to take them down, the difficulty is It's huge!"

Zefa was also very angry with Garp this time. The small wound on his hand had already recovered, but Garp said nothing and was unwilling to come over and kept pretending to be sick.

Really, Chenos is not the grandson he talks about every day!

Sakaski said with a cold face: "You can't stop because of the difficulty. You must kill Chenos while he is on the great route, or when he returns to the new world, we want to kill him. It's even harder!"

Dao Zefa knew that, he glanced at the soldiers around him and frowned.

"We have no problem dealing with Chenos, but it will cost the soldiers on board a lot. We still think about whether there is any way to kill Chenos while reducing casualties!"

But Sakaski said indifferently: "Sacrifice is necessary, and on the day of becoming a naval soldier, all naval soldiers should be prepared to sacrifice.

We can't stop dealing with pirates just because we're afraid of sacrifice.

It is even more impossible to miss the opportunity to kill Chenos, the sea emperor, because of fear of sacrifice.

And, Zefa, do you want to see images of corpses scattered like this on the island again? "

After Sakaski finished speaking, he walked directly towards the warship, intending to pursue Doflamingo and Chenos.

Zefa still stood there hesitating. In his opinion, almost all the pirates in Chenos are now on board. Just the two of them want to kill all the crew members of Chenos. Chenos, the odds are very small.

And once the two sides fight, there is a very high chance that all the navy soldiers on their side will die.

He didn't want to risk the lives of the navy soldiers for a very small chance!

At this time, a rear admiral said to Zefa: "Teacher Zefa, don't worry about us, we also think that Akainu-sama's words are very right, if we miss this opportunity to kill Chenos, we want to kill them in the future. With Chenos, it's even harder."

All the soldiers in Zefa's belt also looked at Zefa with expectant eyes.

Seeing the eager eyes, Zefa sighed.

"Go, go after Chenos!"

Zefa waved his head, turned his head and walked towards the warship. At this moment, Zefa also secretly swore in his heart that he must protect the soldiers under him.

Even if it is to fight for the life that has been buried halfway in the soil, the lives of all the navy soldiers must be guaranteed.

At the same time, Sengoku was looking at the map in the office, thinking about how to use Doflamingo to deal with Chenos.

In his opinion, Sakaski and Zefa will definitely be able to deal with Doflamingo, but after catching Doflamingo, how should they deal with Chenos is a problem.

After just watching it for a while, Sengoku also felt very troublesome. If Garp had not gone to the East China Sea now, he would not have had such a headache.

Only Sakaski and Zefa want to deal with Chenos, which is very difficult!

Now let's see if Sakaski can find a way to hold Chenos back. In a few days, Polsalino's mission will be completed, and then he can go to support them.

Just then, the phone on his desk suddenly rang.

"Here is the Sakaski troops. They are currently on the island of Mignon. A cadre of the Don Quixote family was found on the island. When found, he died. The code name is Corazon. The screen has been transmitted, please confirm. !"

When the Warring States heard the three words of Corazon, his eyes were round and round. He had not cried for decades, and at this moment, his face was full of tears!

Douda's tears kept dripping on the transmitted photos, and the Warring States said painfully: "Rosannadi, didn't you leave there?"

After he adopted Ronandi, he always regarded Ronandi as his own child, but he did not expect that one day he would receive the news of Ronandi's death in this way.

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