MTL - I Upended Yet Another Campus Urban Legend-Chapter 9 009

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The horn on the third floor rang again, informing the rest of the people to go to Room 103 for lunch.

Before you know it, half the day has passed.

Neither Lin Yi nor Qin Zhou planned to go to lunch, or they didn't have the time.

Lin Yi used his little finger to try to stuff it into one of the small holes in the ground, and then his thumb pinched his little finger to draw the depth of the small hole: "At least one knuckle is more."

Qin Zhou looked at his fingers, the little genius's hand is very beautiful, with narrow and slender bones, so his knuckles are longer than many people, and the depth of the small hole can be seen.

"Find out what it is and then know if it is useful." Qin Zhou looked away.

Lin Yi asked: "How?"

"Look elsewhere first."

Qin Zhou said as he walked outside. Room 310 had nothing to see, and he planned to go to the second floor.

"Second floor?" Lin Yi walked behind Qin Zhou, keeping a short distance.

"Yes." Qin Zhou said, "The old dorm manager dragged Wang Duo's body to the second floor."

The two reached the second floor, and when they turned around the corridor, they found that there was an iron door between the corridor and the corridor on the second floor.

Qin Zhou touched the big lock on the iron door, "It's locked."

Lin Yi took a step closer, the iron gate was a fence, and although the door was locked, you could still see the corridor on the second floor.

A long drag trail, like a mop passing through a large area of ​​dust, leaving a high-brightness color in the center of the dust.

Lin Yi's room is downstairs.

Lin Yi told Qin Zhou about the situation, and Qin Zhou also looked at the corridor.

The second floor is not like the third floor, there are no lights, and his 15-sighted eyes can't see anything.

In fact, the suspicion that Lin Yi is a monster can be ruled out, and the monster will not let the NPC stare at him. But Qin Zhou was suspicious of Lin Yi's identity in his heart. He deliberately said, "Go, go to the other side to see."

This apartment has two corridors, the right corridor where they are located is locked, but it is unknown whether the corridor connecting the left corridor is also locked.

"You don't have to go." Although the little genius is dishonest, he really has no intentions.

Hearing this, he didn't think much, and looked at the end of the corridor on the second floor from a distance: "It's also locked over there."

I didn't wait for Qin Zhou to post something.

He turned to look at Qin Zhou: "Senior?"

Then he saw something from Qin Zhou's expression, he immediately reacted, and quickly explained his night vision ability: "I am color weak."

"Hmm." Qin Zhou was noncommittal, and only asked, "Are you sure it's locked over there? Did you see anything else... What's your expression like?"

"Remorse." Lin Yi said, "Senior, you violated the spirit of the contract of cooperation. I am very sorry and sad. I want to cry."

Qin Zhou: "...What should I do?"

Lin Yi thought about it for a while, and said, "No next time."

Qin Zhou was surprised: "It's that simple?"

Lin Yi: "Well."

Qin Zhou: "What if there is a next time?"

Lin Yi: "Then don't allow it next time"

"It's a good temper." Qin Zhou hooked his lower lip: "Okay, I promise you."

Lin Yi also smiled at him, then continued to look at the corridor: "I didn't see anything except the drag marks, the most important thing is room 204."

But if you want to enter room 204, you probably need not only the key of room 204, but also the key of the iron door.

" Lin Yi turned to look at Qin Zhou: "Senior, I have a bold idea. "

Qin Zhou: "Yes."

It's a snap.

The key must be with the old dorm manager.

Then the two came down from the second floor and stopped at the corner of the corridor, where they could see the duty room.

The door and windows of the duty room were closed, but there was no movement. The two of them were not sure if the old dormitory was inside.

Lin Yi stuck his head out to look, but the glass window was so dirty and glowing green that he couldn't see if anyone was inside.

"Have you ever done anything like stealing chickens?" Qin Zhou asked.

Lin Yi shook his head: "I'm a good student."

Qin Zhou: "If the old dormitory is inside, you trick him out, and I will take the opportunity to sneak in and find the key."

Lin Yi: "Okay."

Lin Yi walked over carefully, he first knocked on the door of the duty room: "Master, are you there?"

No response, no movement.

Lin Yi looked back at Qin Zhou, Qin Zhou understood and walked out from the corner.

Although I don't know why the old dorm is not in the duty room, it is better not to be.

After determining the scope of the death rules tonight, Lin Yi did not shy away from this window in the duty room. Listening to Qin Zhou's approaching footsteps, Lin Yi tried to push the glass window: "Senior, the door is closed, you can only go here if you want to get in."

Qin Zhou just said "um", "Is the window locked?"

Lin Yi said: "It's locked, but the quality of the glass window is not good. Just push a window hard so that the buckle does not stick."

Speaking, there is a 'crash'—

Lin Yi really opened the locked glass window from the outside.

Qin Zhou: "I don't believe it."

Lin Yi: "Although I can open windows, I know I'm a good..."

The voice came to an abrupt end.

With Lin Yi's movements, the glass window that was pushed open slowly overlapped with the other one along the window rails, and slowly revealed the window - the old dorm manager Staring at him silently.

Lin Yi's scalp went numb at the moment when his eyes were caught off guard.

He was quite bold, but the sight made his heart beat several times faster. He immediately pushed the closing windows back to their original positions, blocking the very, very uncomfortable sight of the old accommodation manager.

The wrist was grabbed by Qin Zhou, Qin Zhou pulled him and quickly left the first floor. Behind the glass window, the old man in the dormitory remained motionless, but hidden under his eyelids, his cloudy eyeballs twitched with their position.

Back to Room 305, Qin Zhou stared at Lin Yi: "Little genius, how are you?"

This is the first time Qin Zhou sees Lin Yiyou's frightened expression.

After returning from the first floor to the third floor, Lin Yi had already recovered. He looked down at his wrist, and Qin Zhou released him.

Without skin-to-skin contact, Lin Yi completely relaxed: "I'm fine, but his sight is too uncomfortable."

When he looks at you, you will have the illusion of being peeped. Lin Yi's eyes are no less than he found someone under the bed, and he also had a face sticker with the person under the bed Faces look at each other up close.

"Fuck." Qin Zhou scolded: "There must be something in the duty room, this old thing has a ghost."

This is actually a nonsense.

But there is no way they can find clues, but they are frustrated everywhere. The second floor was closed by an iron gate, and the plan to find the key was disrupted by the secret spying of the old host.

The hope of life was cut off several times, and time passed without them doing anything. The horn in the corridor on the third floor sounded again, and it was time for dinner.

Lin Yi rubbed his stomach.

Qin Zhou glanced at him: "Let's go."

Lin Yi: "Huh?"

Qin Zhou: "Eat."

Lin Yi: "Oh good."

Because Wang Duo died in Room 103, the others ate more at lunch, so dinner refused to come. After all, dinner means that the night is coming, and this is the time when NPCs can kill.

When Lin Yi and Qin Zhou arrived at room 103, there was Cheng Yang inside.

"Big brother, I turned Room 303 upside down." Cheng Yang said immediately when he saw them: "But nothing was found, no clues."

Painful and depressing: "It's getting dark again, I don't know what kind of injustice will be cold tonight. Damn it, Amitabha, don't be me."

After he finished speaking, he stared at Lin Yi and Qin Zhou: "Don't be Lin Yixiong, let alone a boss."

Lin Yi: "Thank you Brother Cheng Yang for your blessing."

Unfortunately, he is next.

Qin Zhou glanced at Lin Yi, the injustice, and the young genius who was targeted by the death rule looked calm, not despairing and corrupted by the new bad news brought by Cheng Yang.

He has been to many rule worlds, and he has seen many people die in front of him. There are classmates, good friends, and competent subordinates of the student union.

Death is very close to them, and when death does come, they cry, roar, and even end their own lives with their own hands. He couldn't bear it from the beginning until now he's numb, the only emotion is the death of a rabbit and a fox, and no one can tell when his life will end.

The dinner was over soon, and the three of them came out of Room 103. Lin Yi glanced at the apartment lobby again. The door of the apartment was still locked, and the duty room was dark.

I don't know if I was scared out of ptsd by the old man's look, and Lin Yi felt like he was being watched.

Back to the third floor, after Cheng Yang returned to his own room 303, Qin Zhou stopped Lin Yi: "Are you full?"

Lin Yi: "I'm full, ready to go."

"..." Qin Zhou said, "Don't you even let yourself go with this mouth?"

In order to prevent Lin Yi from making another golden sentence, Qin Zhou explained: "People are iron rice and steel, and only when they are full can they be strong. Little genius, come on tonight."

Lin Yi nodded: "Okay, I will try my best to survive."

The two of them did not reach the point of explaining their dying words and being entrusted to help others. Qin Zhou went back to 305, and Lin Yi returned to his room 304.

Looking up, the wardrobe still blocks the window.

Lin Yi glanced at the room for the nth time, the bed was fixed, and there were not many things in the room that could be used to increase the weight.

He moved the table back against the wardrobe. The table was almost weightless, and Lin Yi thought of the storage tank under his bed.

When he moved it, he could feel that there must be a lot of gold and silver coins in it, because it was heavy, heavier than this set of tables and chairs.

He crawls down, ready to take out the storage tank and put it on the table, in order to add weight to stop the thing outside the window from crawling in.

Lin Yiren is tall, and his arms are naturally not short, and he can reach the storage tank with a light hook. That is, when his hand just touched the storage tank, and his fingertips felt the coldness of the ceramic storage tank—

Boom, boom, boom.

Lin Yi paused all movements, and pricked up his ears to distinguish the distance and source of the sound.

Boom, boom, boom.

Boom, boom, boom.

The sound is still far away, the source seems to be hearing people walking downstairs from inside the house. This person must be very heavy, so the sound is dull.

Then, click! click! click!

The sound immediately reminded Lin Yi of the densely packed small holes in Room 310, the thing came downstairs in the apartment, and then climbed along the wall like a creeper.


The nails poked into the mottled wall, pulling the body upwards.



The sound of 'kakaka' was slow and rhythmic, and the thing outside the window climbed slowly, little by little, without any rush.


The 'click' disappeared.

Meaning, it has reached its destination.