MTL - I Upended Yet Another Campus Urban Legend-Chapter 214 214

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Qin Zhou's monsterization surprised everyone. After Qin Zhou handed in the answer to the 0-1 monster, they were already waiting to leave here. The good association ability has already begun to appear in the Imagine life after leaving Unnatural Engineering University.

But a monster suddenly appeared in Zhang Wei's body, and even Qin Zhou, whom they depended on, became a monster.

0-1's face was dripping with water.

It was clearly not chosen by Qin Zhou, but the 1-3 monsters stopped the action of devouring the world of rules.

The 0-1 monster felt the hesitation in the 1-3 monster's heart, it even found the 1-3 monster's idea of ​​touching Qin Zhou, it stared at Qin Zhou with hatred.

However, the 0-1 monster is also very clear, in fact, those qualities of the 1-3 monster are difficult to remove and obliterate, so it has made such a big circle.

As it said to the 1-3 monsters before, the 1-3 monsters have not really experienced being left behind, so the 1-3 monsters do not understand the goodness of the weak is useless burden.

Now that 1-3 have been left behind by Qin Zhou, they still can't let go of the things it hates.

The experience of being left behind is not enough.

The 0-1 monster looked gloomily at the involved person: "Perhaps you don't know what your leader is hiding from you."

Everyone looked at it.

It opened its mouth and told the names of the monsters 1-3 involved.

"I'll give you a chance to choose." Under the shock of those involved, the 0-1 monster said, "Let's leave the Unnatural Engineering University or die here."

It intends to let these people join in and drop 1-3 monsters with Qin Zhou.

"Lin Yi turned out to be a... 1-3 monster..."

"The number of people who died in the 1-3 rule world was..."

The people involved were in disbelief, and Wang Feihang also showed a horrified expression. At this time, he realized that Qin Zhou's suspicions about Zhang Wei all along turned out to be just missing Lin Yi.

And they never dreamed that Lin Yi turned out to be a monster.

Who would have thought that Lin Yi turned out to be a monster.

The first refutation was Cheng Yang.

Cheng Yang did not hesitate to think about the choice to transfer to all involved.

"I can't do what you want!" Cheng Yang cocked his neck, seeing the horror on the faces of the other involved, he couldn't help but argue for Lin Yi: "He's not like this monster!"

Cheng Yang's voice was loud, and the black mist hanging over everyone's heads condensed again.

The 0-1 monster looked at Cheng Yang coldly.

Cheng Yang also glared at the 0-1 monster.

Thorn Lin Yi's choice.

Ren Li pulled Cheng Yang, Cheng Yang turned to look at him, Ren Li said, "I don't choose either."

He held Cheng Yang just because he didn't want Cheng Yang to confront the 0-1 monster and become the stubborn monkey that the 0-1 monster kills the chicken and warns the monkey.

Ren Li stood in front of Cheng Yang, Cheng Yang was stunned, and after understanding Ren Li's intention, he dragged Ren Li behind him: "I said I was responsible for you, Don't steal it."

Ren Li said: "I see."

The others looked at Qin Zhou and the black mist above their heads.

Such a huge black mist wants to crush them, just like crushing an ant, they are too small in front of monsters.

Qin Zhou can hardly see his original appearance, and his voice has become rough and full of threats: "I have already chosen."

The 0-1 monster is a little surprised, Qin Zhou is still conscious, and this threatening sentence sounds like if it doesn't let these students go, Qin Zhou will shoot at it Same.

But the 0-1 monster didn't keep the promise, it even looked forward to knowing how Qin Zhou would deal with him.

I moved my finger and let the sand in the hourglass pour out in one go. It reminded these tool people in the rule world: "The time has come."

It also provokes Qin Zhou, a new monster, as it always despises human beings.

But in the next second, the expression of the 0-1 monster collapsed again.

The black mist wrapped Qin Zhou inside.

This is a behavior marked by monsters, and the food the monster sees will wrap it in the body.

But the 0-1 monster knows that the 1-3 monster is protecting Qinzhou.

It's annoying.

Then those involved became the targets of the 0-1 monster, and it was time for them to make a choice. As long as the 1-3 monster is obliterated enough times, it believes that the 1-3 monster will become what it wants to be.

As for Qin Zhou, who the 1-3 monster wants to protect, he will not use it at that time, and the 1-3 monster will tear him to pieces by himself.

Everyone looked at each other, Qin Zhou was gone, and Wang Feihang became their leader.

Cheng Yang anxiously explained to Wang Feihang, "Wang team, although brother Lin is a monster, he is a good monster, he has never eaten people. Didn't you see it? On the campus rules , the 1-3 rule is gone, it must have been done by Brother Lin himself. That monster did it on purpose, it has always wanted Brother Lin to change his position, if we choose..."

Ren Li interrupted Cheng Yang: "Cheng Yang, stop talking."

The choice now in front of everyone is not something that Cheng Yang can control with a few words, because their lives are laid out.

Cheng Yang can choose to die here, because Lin Yi is his brother, but he cannot control the choices of others.

Everyone's choice is different, doesn't Qin Zhou want to choose Lin Yi? No, he wanted to choose Lin Yi more than anyone else. Cheng Yang is not Qin Zhou, and he has no responsibility on his shoulders, so he can make a decision quickly.

In the hearts of other people, life is also precious, and Cheng Yang has no position to influence other people's decisions.

Cheng Yang: "I know I know, I just..."

I didn't want to persuade others to choose Lin Yi, he just couldn't bear it.

Wang Feihang raised his head and asked Cheng Yang, "Is that Lin Yi?"

Cheng Yang: "Well."

Wang Feihang stared at the black mist above his head. It was not the first time he saw the original shape of the monster. Before, he only thought those regular monsters were terrible and ugly. After the fog was Lin Yi, the instinctive fear in his heart gradually subsided.

Lin Yi is a gentle person, everyone likes Lin Yi very much, when I think of this, I am not so afraid.

Even Qin Zhou's worries were relieved a lot, he felt that Lin Yi would not hurt Qin Zhou.

"In fact, entering the patrol team is equivalent to entering the gate of **** with one foot. No one dares to guarantee that every time they enter the rule world, they will be able to retreat completely. Many people will write a letter after receiving the task. A suicide note, be prepared to die in the world of rules." Wang Feihang said, "To be honest, those who can become members of the patrol team are not afraid of death."

Then Wang Feihang raised his head and said to the monsters 1-3 above his head: "Lin Yi, long time no see."

"You Miss Ou Ying misses you very much, everyone misses you very much."

The black mist was surging, as if she had listened to what Wang Feihang said.

Cheng Yang hurriedly shouted at the black mist above his head: "Brother Lin!"

He waved frantically: "Brother Lin!"

Ren Li also looked up at the black mist and asked Wang Feihang softly, "Will the Wang team stay here?"

Wang Feihang said: "Brother Zhou chose me, then I will choose what he can't choose."

After greeting 1-3 monsters unilaterally, Wang Feihang looked at everyone: "This is just my choice, life is yours, you can choose how you want."

Everyone at Unnatural Engineering University made every effort to leave Unnatural Engineering University alive, and now this opportunity is in front of them.

This opportunity

Only once, and if they don't choose this time, they will never have another chance.

There shouldn't be any hesitation, but they hesitated and showed a tangled expression.

Whatever the final choice is, that's enough.

Hei Wu looked at Qin Zhou with two iris-like eyes, and then looked at other people, Cheng Yang immediately shouted at Black Wu: "Brother Lin, don't care what others choose, you Don't change! You have to have your own opinion! Think about the three million gold! Think about President Qin..."

1-3 monsters were taught by Cheng Yang to do things.

But it's not a funny thing, it seems to hear a lot of people shouting about themselves.

Lin Yi…

"Brother Lin, do you want to eat together?"

"Lin Yi, good morning."

"Lin Yi, do you and the president have something to do?"

"Lin Yi, I'm here to discuss the task with you."

"Lin Yi, tell me how to solve this problem."

"Lin Yi..."

There are many voices in the monster's mind, and these voices are calling it, and one of them is so familiar that it seems to be carved into the bone marrow.

"Little genius..."

The monster 1-3 thinks that it still prefers the name 'Lin Yi' to the cold number.

contact, it can't shred them, and it doesn't want to eat them.

Resist the door and anger the 0-1 monster.

The 0-1 monster suddenly burst out from Zhang Wei's body, pierced through the black mist, and rushed towards Qin Zhou, who was enveloped in it. It was simply unbearable for a newborn monster.

0-1 The monster doesn't want to endure it anymore, it wants to tear Qin Zhou to pieces!

This stumbling block should have been cleared long ago.

Before it was too late to think, the 1-3 monsters used more black mist to protect Qin Zhou, blocking the maliciousness from the 0-1 monsters. In the eyes of others, only two black mists can be seen rolling together, falling into the eyes of the 0-1 monster, and its 1-3 monster moved its hand.

It was unbelievable for a moment, and with the unbelief, its evil swelled in this instant, and it was completely provoked.

Some advanced monsters can't stand the 0-1 surging malice, let alone a newborn monster like Qin Zhou and other involved. The 0-1 rule world will be broken maliciously, which will then spread to unnatural engineering universities.

But the next second, the 0-1 monster suddenly stopped moving.

It felt that the 1-3 monster broke through some kind of ability restriction, paused it and said: "You know I can't beat you."

"Will you even leave me?"

0-1 monsters stare at 1-3 monsters.

It still remembers 1-3 monsters forming in a chaotic darkness, and then reaching out to it.

The 0-1 monster hesitated for a long time, and the 1-3 monster took the initiative to hold its hand.

In the beginning, the 0-1 monster was guarding against the 1-3 monster, because it created a monster stronger than itself and became an existence that could threaten it.

The monster 1-3 said to it: "I can hide half of my abilities so you don't worry about me hurting you."

"Don't worry." The 1-3 monster said: "I can't unlock this half of the ability, unless I don't want to be your friend anymore."

The only thing that the 0-1 monster clearly remembers is the last period of time before his death.

He was fifteen years old that year, Song Qing fell ill due to overwork, looking at Song Qing who was lying on the bed all day, Jiang Yan tried her best not to show in front of her those who were ignored by Song Qing Favorite vice.

Jiang You recently saw him with a look of hesitating to speak. Jiang You stopped Jiang You that day and asked, "What do you want to say."

Jiang You said: "Are you rich?"

Jiang Yu looked at Jiang You strangely, what kind of money can he have.

Jiang You said: "Mom's birthday is coming soon, I want to prepare a present for my mother."

Jiang Ying understood, no wonder Song Qing and Jiang Yuanxin prefer Jiang You. Compared with him, Jiang You is the good son of Song Qing and Jiang Yuanxin. Jiang You has pocket money and scholarships every month. Jiang You is not short of money.

He understood Jiang You's suggestion, Jiang You was reminding him that Song Qing's birthday was coming soon.

If Jiang You hadn't reminded him a few years ago, this time it was mainly Song Qing's illness.

Jiang Wei said: "I see."

Jiang You hinted, "I'm going to read a book."

"Jiang You." Jiang You stopped Jiang You, Jiang You turned to look at him, "It's okay."

Jiang You: "That's fine."

After Jiang You returned to the door of the room, Jiang Yu sat in the living room for a while.

He actually wanted to ask Jiang You what gift he wanted to prepare for Song Qing. A few years ago, he didn't give Song Qing a birthday, and Song Qing also didn't give him a birthday. He didn't know what to give Song Qing. What, he didn't know Song Qing's preferences.

After a few days of homework, Jiang Wei decided to give Song Qing a bottle of perfume. I heard that a perfume has been introduced from abroad recently, and it is very popular among women. Since Song Qing likes foreign culture so much, Jiang Wei thinks that maybe Song Qing will like this perfume too.

He went to find out the price, it was an astronomical figure for him, he had no money, and the money he saved to buy the book "Andersen's Fairy Tales".

Fortunately, Jiang Yu's homework is not tense, Song Qing and Jiang Yuanxin have not asked about his studies for a long time.

Jiang Bian found a temporary job, got up early in the morning to deliver the morning paper, and delivered the evening paper after school in the evening.

He has been saving for half a month, but the money is still not enough, so he has no choice but to include the money he intends to buy books in.

With the money, he went to buy perfume.

Perfume is very popular. When Jiang Yu went there, the perfume was out of stock. The salesman told Jiang Yu to try his luck in another store.

Jiang Bian asked for the address, and the address showed that the other store was really remote, and it took two hours to go to the gate by tricycle. Jiang Yu wrote down the address, and without hesitation, he walked to the store on foot.

It was cold, but he walked with a fever.

I didn't rest, I couldn't even buy a sip of water, otherwise I wouldn't be able to buy perfume.

But the cold is not the biggest obstacle on his way. There is a river on the way to the store, but the bridge across the river is slippery due to the accumulation of thin ice. Pedestrians are not allowed to pass.

If you want to cross the river, you have to take a detour.

Jiang Bian thought about it and decided to walk on the bridge.

If he detours again, it will be dark when he reaches the store.

When the bridge guard was not paying attention, Jiang Biao slipped onto the bridge. He actually walked very carefully, the ground was really slippery, and he almost fell several times.


"Hey, the one on the bridge!"

"Get down!"

He was discovered by the bridge guards, afraid of being driven down, Jiang Wei had to step up and run forward. He quickly shook off the bridge guard, but the speed under his feet could not be stabilized, and he felt that his whole figure was sliding.

Then a 'boom'.

He stumbled and fell to the ground, so his body was completely out of control. Jiang Yan grabbed the railing.

But the inertia was too great, he still slipped out, and he could only grab the railing with both hands to prevent himself from falling off the bridge.

At this time, Jiang Yu didn't regret walking the bridge. He tried to save himself, relying on the strength of his upper body to bring himself to the bridge.

But the railing was iron, and the surface was frozen, making his hands numb and hard to grasp.

In the end, he fell down, smashing the thin ice on the river.

Icy river water poured in down his nose and mouth, after choking a few mouthfuls of water,

He had no strength to struggle anymore, and his physical strength had been exhausted along the way.

Before he lost his last breath, Jiang Yan thought that he died very casually, just like his birth.

He came and went in a hurry, the difference is that when he came, he made the whole family turn their backs, but when he left, he was so silent.

He didn't imagine whether Song Qing and Jiang Yuanxin would be sad or relieved after his death and finally get rid of his burden, because he only cared about the bottle of perfume.

In the end, I couldn't buy it, and my life was involved.

He is probably too unwilling, Jiang Wei feels that he is not completely dead, he seems to be able to continue to watch the human door, but others can't see him.

He drowned on the coldest day of winter. Three days later, Song Qing's birthday, they found Jiang Wei missing.

But no one cares.

On the seventh day after his death, his body was found floating on the river, and then Song Qing and Jiang Yuanxin were notified.

Something like news of death is not always easy to accept. Jiang Wei found that Song Qing and Jiang Yuanxin looked very bad, and they spent money to buy a tomb for Jiang Wei.

Burn paper for him too.

Song Qing cried, Jiang Yuanxin's eyes were also crimson, and Jiang You was silent.

Jiang Bing is actually satisfied, that's all, at least they didn't show happiness when he left.

But then Song Qing said something.

"Banger, find a good family in your next life."

Jiang Yuanxin also said: "We are sorry for you."

Jiang Bing stared at Song Qing without blinking. From Song Qing's mouth, Jiang Bing heard what he had experienced in his life. He thought, he knew that. He always thought that Song Qing and Jiang Yuanxin didn't know that he was having a bad time, so they didn't come to pick him up and leave the compound. It turned out to be known, that his aunt took away his living expenses, that he had no beancurd to eat, that no one signed his test paper, and that he had never tasted nutritional tablets.

I know.

Like my grandmother, she was very aware of his thoughts about her parents, but she never said a word to take him to Song Qing for the sake of her daughter.

Everyone knows he is having a bad time, but no one wants to love him.

He was at a loss and hated, and the evil accumulated in his heart suddenly grew madly at this moment.

There is no next life, he does not have it, and it is even more impossible for others to have it.

The first person to kill after he became a monster was Jiang You.

Jiang You's death was a fatal blow to Song Qing and Jiang Yuanxin. Song Qing almost fainted from crying, and Jiang Yuanxin gave birth to white hair overnight.

He was not in a hurry to kill Song Qing and Jiang Yuanxin, and then he started the students in the University of Natural Engineering, those students who were regarded as proud by Song Qing and Jiang Yuanxin, all of them were killed by him one by one kill.

None of the entire university survived.

There are also aunts and uncles, he doesn't like others having fun.

That would be ruined too.

In the end, when he was completely reduced to a monster, he killed the tortured Song Qing and Jiang Yuanxin.

Later, it got bored, and it used the money saved during his lifetime to buy the books he had always wanted to buy.

It took a few days to read.

In the boring days, it thought of the self that it had fantasized about, and it created it.

Better than yourself.

Better than myself.

Better than myself.

Everything is better than itself, including its strength.

This is the perfect match for its imagined self.

They live together.

It is what it is.

Another fairy tale for a living, with the most holy and beautiful qualities, looking at flowers, plants, bricks and trees, you can see the fun, and the bright sun sings all the way.

This time


Another me.

Abandoned me.

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