MTL - I Upended Yet Another Campus Urban Legend-Chapter 210 210

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Qin Zhou: "Hide first."

Lin Yi: "Okay."

The people involved do not have the ability to fight against monsters, so Lin Yi did not dare to rashly take action, that would only attract 0-1 monsters and bring a greater threat to Qin Zhou.

Jiang Fang's parents' house is not big, and there are not many places to hide, like the wardrobe and the bottom of the bed behind the door.

Qin Zhou glanced at the wardrobe in Jiang Yu's room. The wardrobe of this era is not like the big wardrobe of today. It is difficult for children to hide in, let alone him and Lin Yi. A big man over 1.8 meters tall.

Only behind the door.

Qin Zhou pulled Lin Yi, he let Lin Yi stand inside, and he stood outside.

'Grandma' walked in and shouted: "囿er—"

The voice was rough and ending but sharp, like a fingernail scratching on a blackboard.

'Grandma' looked around in the room, Qin Zhou tilted his head slightly, and watched the figure of 'grandma' vigilantly through the partially obscured line of sight. The 'grandmother' did not open the closet, did not bend over to look under the bed, and did not check behind the door, she just wandered around in the empty space, then turned and walked out of the room, but the shouting continued: "囿er" —”

To get rid of this star child, even if 'grandma' is gone, there will still be 'Song Qing' and 'Jiang Yuanxin', the night is long, they will find them sooner or later.

Qin Zhou and Lin Yi are very aware of this, so Lin Yi fell into thinking because he found that there was only whiteness over the water ripples.

In the small space behind the door, neither of them spoke, only the sound of each other's slow breathing beside their ears.

At present, it seems that they are half-legged above the abyss, Qin Zhou and Lin Yi are doing their best to think of ways to escape.

However, the situation at this time is not the same as before. There are contents in the two previous memories. They can distinguish the true from the false through some details, and the monsters in the fantasy memory cannot pass through the water ripples. They just need to go back to their real memories, make sure that they won't be seen by the people in their real memories, and they will automatically leave the Xingzi as soon as the waiting time expires.

At this time, real memory and fantasy memory are merged, and it is not difficult to distinguish the true from the false, but after the distinction? Since the true and false have been merged, the existence of water ripples seems meaningless.

Do you want to introduce these monsters into the water ripples? But the water ripple has been closed.

Qin Zhou thought about it, but before he could come up with a result, there was another movement across the door. This time it was 'Song Qing', and it also called: "囿er—"

The irony is that although this 'Song Qing' has a weird tone, it sounds much gentler than when Song Qing called Jiang Wei.

'Song Qing' walked into the door, just like 'grandmother', it didn't open the closet or bent over to check the bottom of the bed, it just turned around in the empty space of the room, and then turned around .

Qin Zhou took a deep breath, and his eyes met 'Song Qing'.

At this moment, Qin Zhou subconsciously turned his lower body to block Lin Yi who was behind him.

Lin Yi also noticed his movements and reached out and pulled down the corner of Qin Zhou's clothes to convey Lin Yi's concerns.

However, Qin Zhou quickly discovered that his eyes and 'Song Qing' were facing each other for a moment, or not even looking at each other. Short, 'Song Qing' missed him, then left the room and continued to search: "囿er—"

Qin Zhou frowned.

Lin Yi pulled the corner of Qin Zhou's clothes again, Qin Zhou tilted his head and said softly, "Let's go."

Lin Yi breathed a sigh of relief and asked in a low voice, "Did you almost get discovered?"

Qin Zhou is hard to say, his eyes just overlapped

It wasn't his hallucination, he was very sure that 'Song Qing' glanced behind the door, the position of 'Song Qing' was not blocked from sight, even a blind man could spot the person behind the door They, but 'Song Qing' did not find out.

It's like they didn't see them behind the door.

Qin Zhou reached out to touch the door, but unexpectedly, his hand went through the door.

In other words, they are still in the state of souls, maybe because of this, 'Song Qing' didn't see them.

But that's not right. Judging from the first two Xingzi, they should already have an entity at this time and be able to touch the people and things in their memory.

Qin Zhou tilted his head to ask Lin Yi the time before his body materialized.

Lin Yi gave Qin Zhou an accurate answer.

In the sixth hour after entering the Xingzi for the first time, their bodies had a tendency to become physical, and at the eighth hour, their bodies completely materialized, and the water ripples disappeared.

The second time they entered Xingzi, their bodies were able to cast shadows on the ground in the fifth hour, and after the seventh hour, their bodies also completely materialized, and then the water ripples disappeared.

The duration of each star is twelve hours.

Lin Yidao: "Five hours left."

They entered this star, and according to the time in the star, seven hours have passed, and they have to stay for five hours before they can leave.

Lin Yi saw Qin Zhou's hand passing through the door, and knew Qin Zhou's doubts. According to the previous two stars, they should be fully fleshed out at this time, but not yet. Only their shadows were faintly cast on the ground, overlapping each other.

"Why didn't the entity appear." Qin Zhou murmured, and Lin Yi showed a thoughtful expression.

In the 16-8 rule world, Qin Zhou taught Lin Yi a way to ask questions, give no less than three possible hypotheses, then cross out the wrong answers, and the rest of the answers are ridiculous , which is not far from the correct answer.

Lin Yidao: "The time here is wrong."

Why they didn't show up Entities get the first hypothesis:

The time of this planet is wrong.

Lin Yi added: "My time is wrong."

Second assumption:

The time is wrong.

Lin Yi thought again: "Because the fusion of true and false leads to the change of materialization time."

The third hypothesis is also out.

Qin Zhou looked at Lin Yi, without Qin Zhou to judge these assumptions, Lin Yi himself had the answer after he said the wrong thing.

It won't be the first one, Jiang Wei's parents have time at home, according to the speed of the clock, the time here is correct, so it is related, Lin Yi's second assumption is also to be excluded.

The rest is the third hypothesis: because of the fusion of true and false, the time of their materialization has changed, specifically, it has been delayed.

Because they haven't materialized yet, 'Song Qing' didn't see them behind the door. The fusion of true and false memories, in the final analysis, increases the difficulty of identification for those involved, but it saves them from danger without materialization. This is a very contradictory point.

The 0-1 monster has no chance of helping anyone involved.

It was Qin Zhou's turn to make a hypothesis.

He did not immediately give a hypothesis, but asked Lin Yi another question of time: "When will the shadow appear this time?"

Lin Yidao: "At the third hour."

Qin Zhou asked again, "Whether it was before or after the discovery of Jiang Fang's memory disorder."

Lin Yi raised his head and looked at Qin Zhou.

Qin Zhou actually knew very well that their shadows appeared after discovering that Jiang Yan had a confused memory, but he needed Lin Yi's answer. Judging from Lin Yi's reaction, Lin Yi guessed what he was thinking, and also It was confirmed that their shadows appeared after discovering that Jiang Yu had a disordered memory.

Jiang Bian's memory disorder made them have two guesses, one is the fusion of true and false memories, the other is that there is fantasy in real memory, and there is real memory in fantasy memory.

After the judgment, their bodies are no longer in a state of soul.

Recalling the first two times they entered Xingzi, after entering Xingzi for the first time, they began to guess what the true and false memory was, and gradually formed a shadow. The shadows became more and more conspicuous when they learned that there were two memories in a Xingzi, and when they judged the authenticity of the memory, the 'grandma' turned into a beast in front of them.

The second time entering Xingzi is similar.

And now, 'grandmother', 'Song Qing' and 'Jiang Yuanxin' also turned into monsters after Lin Yi determined that they were fantasy characters, but they were still in a situation where they didn't know what to do Distinguish between true and false memories, so they are still in a state of soul.

The soul state means that they are still moviegoers. The 0-1 monster does not limit their viewing time, giving them enough time to find the answer in safety.

Will the 0-1 monster be so kind?

Qin Zhou looked at Lin Yi, who shook his head slightly.

Based on Lin Yi's understanding of the 0-1 monster, the fun of the 0-1 monster is the primary premise.

If explaining 0-1 monsters with fun gives them enough time to distinguish between true and false memories...

Lin Yi had a bad idea in his heart.

Qin Zhou also vaguely guessed something.

The two of them came out from behind the door and went to find what they thought was the real Song Qing.

Song Qing had finished scolding Jiang Wei. She angrily drove Jiang out of the door and slammed the door hard.

Jiang Yuanxin wanted to say something, but in the end he kept silent. Jiang Wei really disappointed them, and he should teach Jiang Wei a lesson and turn Jiang Wei's bad habits over.

Lin Yi began to brainwash himself: "President, do you think she is real or imagined."

'She' refers to Song Qing.

Qin Zhou said: "Fantasy."

As soon as she finished speaking, Song Qing, who was still scolding Jiang Cong, suddenly burst out, her skin became extremely rough, and the blue blood vessels made her skin bulge. Song Qing was also turning into a monster!

However, Jiang Yuanxin was still talking to Song Qing as if he hadn't seen it.

Looking at the scene in front of them, Qin Zhou and Lin Yi reacted.

They don't really distinguish between real memory and fantasy memory, all judgments depend on their subjective thoughts. Two memories in a Xingzi, which one they think is false, then the characters in this memory will become monsters shredding and involved, and which one they think is true, they can stay safe and get away Xingzi.

This is the fun of the 0-1 monster, it can't distinguish the memory itself, how can the involved person distinguish it.

Then what those involved say is what they say.

0-1's casual attitude towards memory made Qin Zhou frown deeply.

Since the 0-1 monsters have no answer to true and false memories at all, how can they fulfill the request of the teenager and distinguish the true and false of all memories within three days.

After all, the young man never said that it is the memories in these stars that allow those involved to distinguish the true from the false.