MTL - I Upended Yet Another Campus Urban Legend-Chapter 203 203

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Zhang Wei was stunned for a moment, he also understood what Qin Zhou meant, no matter how Jiang Yu was the original body of the 0-1 monster, the students of the non-natural engineering university actually have no position to sympathize with Jiang Yu life experience.

"President, I mean, just from memory..."

Zhang Wei said half of what he said, Qin Zhou was not listening, he watched Qin Zhou go through the water ripples, it seemed that Qin Zhou thought the same as him, and believed that there was the truth memory.

Zhang Wei scratched his head uneasily, but did not dare to waste time, and followed Qin Zhou through the water ripples again.

As they come and go, the night becomes more and more intense.

Seeing Zhang Wei coming out of the water ripples, Qin Zhou stretched out his hand and pulled him into the back of a tree trunk.

The lights in the courtyard were still on, and their shadows were already on the ground.

Just as Qin Zhou dragged Zhang Wei over, Xiao Jiangyu came out of the room, he turned around and closed the door, walked to grandma's room, and walked outside the grandmother's room, Xiao Jiangyu gently Knocked on the door.

The first time you tap, there is no answer.

Xiao Jiang Nian tapped lightly for a second time, and her grandmother's voice finally sounded in the room: "Who is it?"

Xiao Jiang said: "Grandma."

Grandma let out an 'oh', "Wait for me."

There was a rustling sound in the room.

Xiao Jiangxi heard it and asked, "Is grandma asleep?"

Grandma's voice: "No."

Then opened the door for Xiao Jiangyu, the light was not turned on in the room, and the grandmother held a candle in her hand.

Xiao Jiangmeng looked at her grandmother, her grandmother was obviously in bed, wearing pajamas, because she wanted to get up to open the door for Xiaojiangmen, the night was cold and dewy, so she put on a coat outside.

Seeing that Xiao Jiang was looking at herself, my grandmother explained: "I tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep. I was thinking about getting up and doing the rest of the day. You're coming."

After speaking, grandma returned to the house and put the candlestick on the table. She went to get the needle and thread, ready to sew. But the thread couldn't pass through the pinhole. Grandma glanced at Xiao Jiang Nian, who was still standing at the door with a pestle: "Bang'er, come help grandma thread the thread."

Xiao Jiang responded and walked into the house.

Picking up the needle and thread, Xiao Jiang easily helped grandma to pass the thread, afraid that the thread would slip out of the needle hole again, Xiao Jiang pulled the thread, taking the needle hole as the midpoint, let the two The end line is flush, and then returned to the grandmother.

Grandma took the line: "What's the matter with Grandma?"

Xiao Jiang touched the test paper and pen hidden in his trouser pocket, then watched his grandmother take off his reading glasses, rubbed his eyes, and muttered: "I am old, my eyes are blurred, and everything is Can't see clearly."

"No." Xiao Jiang gave up the idea of ​​asking her grandmother to sign for him.

Grandma looked at him: "Really?"

Xiao Jiang nodded: "Yes."

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Behind the tree trunk outside.

Being sure that this will not be discovered, Qin Zhou let go of Zhang Wei, Zhang Wei embarrassed: "President, I'm sorry."

Qin Zhou was about to say something when there was another sound of the door opening from the courtyard.

Qin Zhou was silent for a while, and the two people behind the tree trunk looked towards the source of the sound.

It wasn't that Xiao Jiangyu came out of her grandmother's room, it was her uncle and aunt who came out. Although the two didn't speak, it was obvious that the atmosphere was not right.

Uncle lowered his voice and accused aunt: "Are you crazy? Tell Yuanyuan everything?"

Aunt also suppressed her voice: "How did I do it on purpose? It's not that your son doesn't take vitamin C or calcium tablets, you know that every time I call your sister and ask her to bring these things What a low voice, I'm worried if Yuanyuan doesn't eat it! I only bluffed him for your son, and I told him that if he becomes stupid, we don't want him anymore, just like your sister and brother-in-law don't want Jiang Cong."

Uncle is very angry: "That can't be done in this way!"

"What you said is light!" Aunt scratched

I said to my uncle: "You are not at home, I am in Guanyuanyuan. You think I have tried other methods, and I have tried them all, but it is useless to coax me with sugar, otherwise you will Do you think I would talk to a child? Besides, your sister-in-law didn't want him because of his mental problems."

Uncle argued: "Who told you that my sister and brother-in-law are busy! If they don't care about Jiang Wei, they will send living expenses to their hometown every month, and they will give Jiang Wei the living expenses every month. Aren't they all delivered to you on time, or else if you have the money, you will buy a new dress for Yuanyuan in ten days and a half, and ask the teacher to make up for Yuanyuan's lessons? I say you should stop at it, these are Jiang Cong's living expenses, you The last time I didn't even buy bean curd for Jiang Yu, my mother was very angry!"

Aunt sneered: "Mom came to you to sue me? Okay, I'm a bad guy! Your family is so funny, you think I don't know, your sister and brother-in-law are both Kochi and the compound The pride in the courtyard, who in the compound should not politely call 'teacher' when they see your sister and brother-in-law? As a result, she was born mentally retarded, and it was not because she was afraid of people's jokes that she threw Jiang Cong in the compound.囿 is the burden that your sister and brother-in-law left us. You go out and ask, how do other people treat the foster children, and how do I treat Jiang Wei! Have I ever scolded Jiang Wei once? Have I hit Jiang Wei once? In one test, your son scored 67 points and Jiang Wei scored 20 points. Didn't you hear it? Your son owes a lot! Ask me why I don't beat Jiang Wei, and how can I beat him? It's rumored that I abused Jiang Wei."

Aunt said: "I use Jiang Yan's living expenses, and you can tell that it is a loss. Jiang Yan is raised in our house, and I use it as a matter of course! You think so too, or why don't you Why don't you go and sue your sister, saying that I used the living expenses of her family's Jiang Wei? Let's not talk about the second brother, you don't accuse me. "

Uncle choked, and after a while he said, "I'm too lazy to argue with you."

Aunt said: "Do you think I want to quarrel with you? Yuanyuan is asleep, and I'm worried that you will wake Yuanyuan! It's not that you don't know how coaxing you are when you wake up, oh yes Well, you may not really know, because you don't care about your son!"

Aunt scolded her face and head and turned back to her room.

Uncle stood in place and followed aunt back to the room.

The door of the room was gently closed, Qin Zhou sipped the clues in these words.

mentally retarded? But he didn't see that Xiao Jiangxi seemed to be mentally handicapped, except that his grades were indeed not very good.

Just thinking about it, Zhang Wei lowered his voice and shouted, "President."

Qin Zhou stopped thinking: "What?"

Zhang Wei pointed to the front.

Qin Zhou looked in the direction Zhang Wei pointed, and they could clearly see where they were. There was a child standing quietly beside the sink, and he was trapped in the shadows.

Aunt and aunt kept their voices low and quarreled just so as not to wake up Yuanyuan, who was already asleep, so he couldn't care about other things, and naturally he didn't find Xiaojiang next to the sink.

The night wind blew, blowing a corner of Xiao Jiangxi's clothes.

He stood alone at the sink for a long time, alone, and even the moon did not accompany him, but hid in the clouds.

It seems like a huge sky and earth, and only he is left.

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