MTL - I Upended Yet Another Campus Urban Legend-Chapter 188 188

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Lin Yi looked down at the fish scales in his hand.

The fish scales in his hand reminded him that the protagonist here is 'Miss Mermaid', and the main line he found is not wrong except that it is unrealistic.

And he just had an idea, the 1-3 rule world is like someone is deliberately twisting and blackening the fairy tale, is it the 0-1 monster that is twisting here? Then according to its twisted blackening, a black/fairy/tale theme ruled world was created.

So the main line he found is not realistic, and 'Miss Mermaid' does not exist in reality.

Because of the whole 1, yeah. "

Lin Yidao: "I don't want you to answer yes or no, I want a simple answer."

"Okay." The boss of Never Sleeping City said: "Lin Zhen, I remember him, the first person who asked me to trade with me to leave here and return to the real world. He saved more than ten hundred million and one thousand gold. Years, after saving enough money to come to me, I was also surprised for a long time. However, his body was burned. Seeing that he had saved so much money for so many years, I helped him. I'm a good guy, right?"

Lin Yi asked: "You helped him shape a body and rebuild a home?"

The boss of Never Sleeping City said: "Sorry, this is in the category of detailed answers. If you want to know, you have to pay extra."

After a while, the boss of Never Sleeping City asked: "No more money? Is there another transaction? If not, I look forward to the next visit of the guests."

Lin Yi walked out, and when he reached the door, he suddenly turned around.

The boss of Never Sleeping City still turned his back to him, but noticed Lin Yi's raid: "You can look at my face if you want, but you have to spend money."

Lin Yidao: "I already know."

Then he turned and walked out.

The boss assistant was about to call the next guest in, but the boss of Never Sleeping City said, "Didn't you see that I was unhappy? You asked me to pick up the guests? Does Never Sleeping City lack so much money?"

The assistant trembled, and before he could say a word of begging for mercy, it turned into black powder.

The boss of Never Sleeping City turned around the boss chair, took off his top hat, and looked blankly at the direction Lin Yi left.

Lin Yi quickly ran towards Qin Zhou, "Senior!"

Qin Zhou said, "Let's go back to the room."

Lin Yi nodded.

It is still room 5005.

Lin Yi said to Qin Zhou, "Senior, I'm sure, the boss of Never Sleeping City is a 0-1 monster."

This is the main purpose of his going to the trading hall on the right, but he also got the answer to one more question. As long as the answer from the boss of Never Sleeping City matches his guess, it is enough to prove that the boss of Never Sleeping City is a 0-1 monster .

He also told Qin Zhou the answer he got from the 0-1 monster, "The time line can be aligned, the time flow rate of the 1-3 rule world should be almost the same as the real world, when Lin Zhen saved enough money in the 1-3 rule world, and he has passed the non-natural engineering university for more than ten years. Lin Zhen's body no longer exists, and there is no way to bring it back to life. Therefore, the 0-1 monster was built by Lin Zhen according to the transaction. With an identity, he became my father. At that time, it was almost the time when Cen Qian wanted to leave Yuan Yuan. The 0-1 monster was regarded as a punishment for Cen Qian, and Yuan Yuan was also sent from the 4-4 rule world. came out and became my mother, and I..."

Speaking of himself, Lin Yi paused for a few seconds, and was about to speak, when Qin Zhou stopped him and skipped the topic for him, saying, "Senior Lu has been studying the 0-1 hypothesis for many years. , it is impossible not to discover the true identity of the boss of Never Sleeping City. Just when Lin Zhen was saving money, Senior Lu met Lin Zhen. At that time, Senior Lu had not lost himself, and Senior Lu knew that Lin Zhen was going to leave the world of 1-3 rules. After the news, he may have asked Lin Zhen to bring out the news that the boss of Never Sleeping City is a 0-1 monster. Now he wants to make sure that the boss of Never Sleeping City is a 0-1 monster, and he will not be tempted to gamble by the mermaid's singing. Not necessarily, Lin Yi knew that Qin Zhou definitely wanted gold to redeem his feelings. Not only that, Qin Zhou also wanted more money to help him get rid of his slave status.

After waiting in line for a while, Lin Yi paid a service fee of 200 gold and entered this office-like trading room.

He saw the boss of Never Sleeping City, who was standing by the window with his back to him: "The first time you see the guest, what do you want to trade?" Feeling. I'm pawning..." Qin Zhou took a breath and said, "I pawned 3 million gold, the relationship can be pawned but it has high value, which shows that the boss of Never Sleeping City disdains love on the one hand, but cherishes love on the other hand. This rule world is indeed full of bosses of Never Sleeping City. Strong personal feelings. "

Qin Zhou didn't know that Lin Yi was really flustered because he felt familiar with 'Miss Mermaid', only when Lin Yi heard the number 0-1 and was uncomfortable, he comforted: "But the existence of the boss of Never Sleeping City Very low, the main line has nothing to do with him. The fairy tale of the main line can be seen as a 0-1 monster darkening the story. After all, Miss Mermaid does not really exist in reality. The 1-3 rule world is created by 0-1 monsters The imaginary world that comes out is not really a 0-1 rule world, or a 1-3 rule world."

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It's just that there are 0-1 monsters in the 1-3 rule world.

Lin Yi listened.

This is the only way to explain all the contradictions they have faced so far.

Qin Zhou thought the same as him.

It feels like I've seen her somewhere. Senior, 'Miss Mermaid' is the protagonist of the 0-1 monster's fiction, but I think the 0-1 monster's fictional character is familiar, I..."

Qin Zhou interrupted: "Everything is conjecture now, and if you feel familiar, it doesn't explain anything. Little genius, don't think about it."

He reached out to Lin Yi, "Don't panic, I'll accompany you to find the answer."

Lin Yi looked at the hand in front of him, he put away his worries and put his hand on it.

Qin Zhou held it.

Since the earplugs have been found, the two will go to the city that never sleeps, otherwise the prince will find that the earplugs are missing and they will be in trouble.

On the way back to Never Sleeping City, Lin Yi couldn't help but say to Qin Zhou, "Senior, I want to meet the boss of Never Sleeping City later, I want to make sure that the boss of Never Sleeping City is a 0-1 monster. "

Qin Zhou said, "Okay."

The two of them returned to the city that never sleeps after passing the doorman inspection.

When they got to the city that never sleeps, the two of them went straight to the seventh floor of the city that never sleeps. When Lin Yi went to line up, he handed the fishbone earplugs to Qin Zhou. After confirming that Qin Zhou was wearing it, he queued up.

He now wants to make sure that the boss of Never Sleeping City is a 0-1 monster and won't be tempted to gamble by the mermaid's singing, Qin Zhou is not sure, Lin Yi knows that Qin Zhou must be redeemed by gold Not only that, Qin Zhou also wanted more money to help him get rid of his slave status.

After waiting in line for a while, Lin Yi paid a service fee of 200 gold and entered this office-like trading room.

He saw the boss of Never Sleeping City, who was standing by the window with his back to him: "The first time I see you, what do you want to trade?"

Lin Yi said: "I want to leave here." At the end, he added: "Leave the 1-3 rule world."

The boss of Never Sleeping City didn't look back.

Lin Yi stared at the back of the boss of Never Sleeping City, "Leaving means returning to the Unnatural Engineering University, or returning to the real world." Then he turned and walked out.

The boss assistant was about to call the next guest in, but the boss of Never Sleeping City said, "Didn't you see that I was unhappy? You asked me to pick up the guests? Does Never Sleeping City lack so much money?"

The assistant trembled, and before he could say a word of begging for mercy, it turned into black powder.

The boss of Never Sleeping City turned around the boss chair, took off his top hat, and looked blankly at the direction Lin Yi left.

Lin Yi quickly ran towards Qin Zhou, "Senior!"

He named his extra son Lin Yi, homophonic 01, to complete the entrustment of Lu Jin and bring out the 0-1 news.

Lin Yi looked at Qin Zhou: "I think the same as the senior, but..."

But this is just an idea, if you want to ask for proof, you still have to find Lu Jin.

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