MTL - I Upended Yet Another Campus Urban Legend-Chapter 159 159

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Lin Yi was a little lost for a while.

He stared at the 'blood red eyes', he was sure that the 'blood red eyes' were the pair of blood red eyes he encountered in Building 2.

When he went to find reporters in Building 2, the blood-red eyes followed him, but it didn't hurt him.

Looking down, Lin Yi looked at the arms of the 'blood red eyes', the 'blood red eyes' were blurred, the head and body could not be distinguished, the only thing that could be distinguished were its pale arms .

Judging from the thickness of these arms, the 'blood red eyes' are likely to be female.

"Lin Yi."

A sound from Qin Zhou beside his ear.

Lin Yi returned to his senses, Qin Zhou said, "Let's go."

Lin Yi nodded, thought about it, and said, "Senior, I think..."

He originally wanted to say to Qin Zhou, 'There's something wrong', but then he thought that they were already crossing the river, and even if there was something wrong, there was nothing they could do, they couldn't turn back.

If you go back at this time, you will really go back to die.

"Nothing." Lin Yi said.

In front of her eyes, the involved person who knows water helps the person who is not able to walk across the river, and Lin Yi also has to swim to the other side of the river, Qin Zhou said: "Even if this road No, you can find other things too."

Lin Yi knew that Qin Zhou was comforting himself, his mind was discovered by Qin Zhou, and he dipped the river in front of him unnaturally: "Well."

This road was proposed by Lin Yi, and he is responsible for any accident.

Qin Zhou looked at him and was about to say something when the other side of the river suddenly became noisy.

Lin Yi and Qin Zhou looked over, and someone in the village ran out. When they saw so many people in the river, they were startled, and then they quickly helped to pull them up.

"Oh, come up quickly, the upper stream has been releasing water these days, don't be washed away by the rapid flow." The person who helped said.

After hearing this, Lin Yi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

People in Slim Academy probably don't care about the safety of those involved.

Qin Zhou said, "Let's go."

Unable to swim fast under water, Lin Yi entered the water and swam towards the opposite bank.

When Lin Yi got out of the water, Qin Zhou reached out and picked him up from the water.

"Is it cold?" Qin Zhou asked.

Lin Yi shook his head, the weather here is actually not cold, and the real world is just beginning of winter.

After all those involved went ashore, Lin Yi looked back at the other side of the river, and the 'blood red eyes' disappeared for some time.

As he was watching, a handkerchief was thrown over Lin Yi's head, and his head was rubbed with both hands.

Lin Yi pulled back the veil covering his eyes and saw that Qin Zhou was wiping his hair.

"The villagers gave it." Qin Zhou said the origin of the handkerchief in his hand.

The villagers who came brought all the clean clothes from the house for the involved persons to put on.

"You're wet, don't catch a cold." The villager handed two clean clothes to Qin Zhou and asked, "Did you swim here from the other side of the river?"

The villagers also asked other people involved, but no one else dared to answer indiscriminately, so the villagers could only ask Qin Zhou, the backbone.

Qin Zhou said with an "um", "I escaped."

There is nothing to hide, they need the help of the villagers now, even if the villagers are not good people, they have been sent to the people, and they can't struggle, it is better to tell the truth.

Just bet one of the villagers is a good person.

Qin Zhou told the villagers who had always helped them about the situation, and the villagers were startled: "Honey, I'll just say, I often hear screams, so that's what happened."

Another villager said: "You have to call the police, you have to call the police."

After hearing this, those involved were relieved and relieved, while Lin Yi stiffly took the handkerchief and continued to rub the wet hair.

He still feels uneasy.

It seems that they have really escaped from Slim Academy, but they are still in the world of monsters, and the plot continues.

Qin Zhou naturally knew this. On the way the villagers took the involved person to their home, Qin Zhou said to Lin Yi, "They did call the police."

This is what Qin Zhou saw with his own eyes, "Let's see what the police say later."

Lin Yi nodded: "Okay."

The villagers boiled a large pot of **** soup, and those involved were holding the **** soup with tears in their eyes. Their nerves were tense during this time, and they hadn’t felt the kindness from others for a long time. .

When everyone finished drinking the **** soup, the police came.

The villagers told the police with righteous indignation: "What a poor baby, it's so cold and still soaking in the river, and the upper reaches of the river are still pouring water! Fortunately, it wasn't washed away, comrade police, hurry up and put it away. Bring the doll back, it's been so long since you've been away from home, the family should be in a hurry!"

Lin Yi raised his head suddenly, Qin Zhou put down the **** soup and looked at the villagers deeply.

Other involved are still immersed in good intentions and do not notice anything wrong.

Qin Zhou clearly told the villagers about Xiu Shen Academy, but the villagers kept silent when they told the police. There is no lack of worry about the involved people in their words. It can be seen that the worry in the tone of the villagers is not forgery, but it seems that Xiu Shen Academy has been forgotten by them.

Lin Yi looked at Qin Zhou, Qin Zhou gently shook his head at him.

Lin Yi had to keep silent, but his unease slowly spread in his heart.

"Get in the car first, then go back to the police station." The policeman who knew the situation told the involved person.

The people involved have no objection. Everyone got into the police car and slept in the police car for the most peaceful sleep in this period of time.

About an hour and a half later, they arrived at the police station.

The police put them in place and said, "Your parents have been notified, and they should be there in a while."

Rao is immersed in the joy of escape and the other involved also found something wrong, Hua Hua was stunned: "Parent?"

They are adults, and the term 'parent' is no longer appropriate to refer to their parents.

"Yes, parents." The policeman said, "I ran away from home at a young age. Do you know how many bad people are out there? I don't know how high the sky is."

Hua Hua fell silent, and looked at Qin Zhou and Lin Yi who were silent when they entered the police station.

Who are their parents? Or the group of people from Xiu Shen Academy?

Lin wanted to ask, "Uncle policeman, do you know my name?"

He explained, "I'm afraid you've made a mistake."

The policeman joked: "How could it be."

Finding that Lin Yi had been looking at him, the police said seriously, "Your name is Tang Fei, right?"

The faces of those involved were instantly pale, and the joy of escaping from the Sauce Academy completely disappeared.

It didn't work out at all, they're still playing this guy in this weird escape room.

Tang Fei…

Lin Yi's inner reaction was bigger than that of the other people involved, but he didn't show it on the face.

In the interview he just overheard, the person in charge mentioned a name, 'Xiao Fei'.

The person in charge said that the child's mother was very disappointed with the child, and the address changed from 'Xiao Fei' to 'devil'.

The Tang Fei they play is probably this Xiao Fei...

Qin Zhou noticed that Lin Yi looked ugly, and was about to ask about the situation when a policeman walked in: "Tang Fei, your mother is here to pick you up."

The heels were on the ground, heavy footsteps.

Everyone looked up to the door, and a woman appeared in front of them.

Lin Yi's brain 'buzzed' when he saw the appearance of this woman.

Read The Duke's Passion