MTL - I Upended Yet Another Campus Urban Legend-Chapter 132 132

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Lin Yi was in a stalemate, but this shrill cat meow made his blood surge again.

The tense nerves are relaxed.

At first, Lin Yi thought it was the cat representing Sun Jingwen's death rule who came to the door, and waited here.

The moment she touched the cat's fur, Lin Yi was ready to make a will.

There is a cat in the closet.

But alive.

Lin Yi breathed a sigh of relief, he didn't need to make a will, even though he didn't have any property during his lifetime, the unlimited meal card belonged to Qin Zhou.

The cat is alive, which means that the cat in the cabinet at this time is not the one that Sun Jingwen used to sacrifice the cat to curse, and this cat meow is so terrifying that it is creepy, But through this sound, Lin Yi can also assess the state of the cat.

A dying cat will not make such a loud noise, it is a very healthy cat.

However, Lin Yi dared to take it lightly, a healthy cat appeared on the wall or slept in the sun, even if the whole body was dark.

The problem is that the black cat appeared in the cabinet at this time.

Lin Yi was about to withdraw his hand when the cat suddenly rushed towards him.

Lin Yi hurriedly used his arm to block, but he put his clothes on his head, his vision was limited, and the cat was a flexible animal, he was beaten by the cat.

Broken palm skin.

Lin Yi could even hear the sound of the skin being pierced, and could clearly feel the teeth tearing the wound horizontally. After the teeth left, the blood continued to overflow along the pierced opening.

But he didn't care about the pain, the black cat was the first to attack and stopped the attack. It reached the classroom window, and Lin Yi noticed that the window glass of the classroom was broken.

The black cat should have come in from here, but instead of leaving immediately, she looked back and let out a mournful cry.

After the meowing fell silent, the black cat turned his head back and squeezed out through the hole in the window.

Lin Yi looked at it.

The drooping arm, blood flowing down the fingers, dripping on the ground.

After the cat got out, Lin Yi chased him to the window and saw the cat jump downstairs and quickly disappeared.

However, Lin Yi did not look away, but locked on the figure where the cat left.

The cat looked back and Lin Yi noticed it. He was very sure that the cat was not looking at him. With the dim moonlight coming in by the window, Lin Yi was sure that the cat was looking at him. The closet just now.

After watching for a while, Lin Yi's eyes fell on the broken window.

The traces of the broken windows seemed to be thrown in from the outside with stones. Lin Yi searched the ground and found a stone half the size of a fist.

He held the stone and looked at the window again.

Finally put the stone in his trouser pocket, and a few steps back to the blackboard, he continued to fumble for the cabinet with his hands.

This time the cabinet was empty and nothing.

Lin Yi retracted his hand, pursed his lips and thought.

The cat is healthy, alive and has eyes.

Although the cat attacked him, it was more like a cat attack after being scared and stressed.

It just makes the cat appear here, appear in the cabinet, and leave the capital with a special meaning.

What does this mean? Lin Yi intends to go back and ask Cheng Yang.

He has never raised a cat, but Cheng Yang said that Cheng Yang has a cat at home.

See if you can unravel this fog based on the characteristics of some cats.

Lin Yi simply cleaned the traces he left in the classroom, and then walked out of the classroom.

After re-locking the door, he walked quickly to the bedroom.

It was still dark, Lin Yi estimated that the time should be around four in the morning


The weather in the 8-4 rule world is midsummer. Although the day is long and the night is short, it is still dark at this time. He does not dare to stay on the road, and quickly ends the link between the teaching building and the dormitory The road to the building, and then stepped up the stairs of the dormitory and walked into the dormitory.

He went too fast.

The light in the mail room is still off, but there is a crack in the door.

The door was closed when Lin Yi walked up the corridor.

It was almost dawn, and the cat summoned by the curse letter in the dormitory had disappeared. The entire dormitory building seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep, and Lin Yi knocked on the door of dormitory 204.

The dormitory was so silent that you could hear needles falling and breathing sounded like there was a sound, but Lin Yi was not worried. After Xia Hui died, there would be no outsiders on the second floor of the dormitory.

After knocking on the door, Lin Yi waited for Cheng Yang to open the door.

Although this time is the most sleepy time, Lin Yi estimates that Cheng Yang can't sleep.

Two seconds later, Cheng Yang's voice came from dormitory 204: "... Lin Yixiong?"

Lin Yi: "Yeah."

Then there was the sound of Cheng Yang's footsteps approaching the bedroom door, because the bedroom door was opened towards the outside, and Lin Yi stepped back. While waiting for Cheng Yang to open the door, his eyes naturally fell on the name written in paint on the bedroom door.

Xia Hui.

Cheng Yang opened the door and was stunned when he saw Lin Yi's blood: "Damn, are you injured?!"

Lin Yi entered the door, standing at the door talking is the most stupid behavior.

Lin Yi was about to turn around to close the door, Cheng Yang saw Lin Yi's hand, "I'll come, I'll come."

Lin Yi didn't argue with Cheng Yang. After Cheng Yang closed the door and his nose filled with a rancid smell, Lin Yi breathed a sigh of relief, it should be safe.

"What's the matter?" Cheng Yang turned to Lin Yi and looked at Lin Yi's wound, Cheng Yang suddenly became nervous: "You were bitten by that cat?"

"It's not the one outside the window." Lin Yi said, raising his eyes to look at the curtain: "Is the cat still outside?"

Cheng Yang said: "Not anymore."

He waited in the bedroom for a long time and couldn't come back to Lin Yi. He was afraid and anxious, so he looked out the window to see if Lin Yi had come back. When I carefully opened the curtain, I happened to see the cat with glowing eyes turned and jumped away.

He thought that the cat found that Lin Yi was not in dormitory 204, and went to find Lin Yi.

Cheng Yang was so frightened that he was looking for a guy in dormitory 204, ready to go through the window to rescue Lin Yi.

But before the guy in hand was found, Lin Yi came back.

"It should be dawn."

Lin Yi explained the reason for the cat's departure. He knew that Cheng Yang was very concerned about the results of his adventure, and he took the initiative to tell Cheng Yang the process without waiting for Cheng Yang to ask. , Lin Yi asked Cheng Yang his doubts.

"Do cats naturally like to stay in cabinets?" Lin Yi asked.

"You have to deal with it, **** it." Cheng Yang pulled Lin Yi's hand up and was startled when he saw the ferocious wound on his hand: "The wound is so deep? Biting into the meat, did you bite the nerve?"

"It's fine, I can still move."

Lin Yi withdrew his hand, although Cheng Yang is a straight man, and they have a good relationship, but Lin Yi is still not used to having this kind of contact with others.

"Why are you all right?" Cheng Yang didn't care that Lin Yi took his hand away, and said nervously, "You need tetanus, and at least two stitches."

"There is no infirmary here." Lin Yi said: "Except for death, as long as you leave the rule world after being injured, you will be fine."

At that time, in the 7-7 rule world, his **** was also judged by the vase girl, and it would be good to leave the rule world.

"Brother Cheng Yang, do cats naturally like to stay in a closed space like a cabinet?" Lin Yi asked.

He asked this mainly because he heard others say that cats would hide in the closet. The owner thought that the cat was gone and looked for the cat everywhere, but the cat was in the closet watching the owner looking for himself.

And cats seem to be particularly interested in boxes, in

In a certain dimension, the cabinet and the box are similar.

Cheng Yang thought about it and said: "It shouldn't be natural, the one my mother raised will not, only after being beaten by me will it hide in the cabinet, especially when my mother is not at home, only When I was at home, it kept hiding in the cloakroom."

Cheng Yang felt homesick as he spoke, he recalled: "It sheds a lot, and every time it hides in the closet, my mother's clothes can't be worn. She came to trouble me and asked me to pay for her clothes. She didn't want any money, just clothes. Her clothes are limited. Where can I get her another one? I wondered that my mother used this reason. Beat me up. Brother Lin, don't tell me, some cats are just like beings. After seeing my mother beat me a few times with my own eyes, it will dig into the closet when I have nothing to do. The eyes are poisonous, six figures It won't touch the following clothes, and picks up expensive ones."

Lin Yi was stunned.

Cheng Yang: "What? Which sentence did I give you inspiration again?"

Lin Yi said, "No."

He secretly calculated in his heart, six-figure clothes, one, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand.


Damn rich man.

Cheng Yang was still recalling and told Lin Yi something about the cat at home.

Finding out why this black cat appeared in the classroom was not something that could be solved in a while, and it was also Lin Yi who let Cheng Yang touch the scene, so he listened quietly.

Cheng Yang said that he is not as good as a cat, and the cat is the boss.

He also said that the cat eats raw meat imported from New Zealand, and said how good his mother is to cats. He also mentioned that his cat had been depressed for a while, and his mother was worried that he would even eat rice No less.

The sky is screaming, and the voice is so sad and sad, I feel sad when I hear it."

Lin Yi paused: "Call?"

Cheng Yang said: "Not only calling, but also looking everywhere."

Lin Yi suddenly asked, "How big is that cat outside?"

Cheng Yang was also accustomed to Lin Yi's mind jumping, and after a pause, he gestured: "That's it, it looks like he should be two months old."

Because the cat is small, its two glowing green eyes are like copper bells, which do not match the body at all, so the eyes are extraordinarily large and scary.

Lin Yi stared at the size of the black cat drawn by Cheng Yang, and thought about it and asked, "Brother Cheng Yang, do you think the black cat I saw in the classroom tonight might be the same? Looking for kittens?"

Cheng Yang gave Lin Yi an idea, which made Lin Yi come up with such an idea.

But I feel that my idea is too simple, just based on the sound of the cat and the appearance in the classroom to judge that the black cat is looking for his child.

Lin Yi was a little unconfident, because the appearance of the cat seemed to have nothing to do with the package.

Cheng Yang nodded: "Of course, after you told me the situation, I had the idea of ​​black cats looking for cubs."

Looking at Lin Yi's thoughtful expression, Cheng Yang said, "With high IQs like you, you are good at solving difficult problems, but it's easy to complicate a simple thing."

Lin Yi thought about it too, he said, "Brother Cheng Yang, I have a few questions that bother me, can you tell me your thoughts with your ideas?"

Cheng Yang said, "You can say anything to me."

Lin Yi said, "Do you think it is possible that the cat attracted by the curse letter is also the child of the black cat?"

Cheng Yang said: "I don't know."

Lin Yi: "…"

Cheng Yang said: "It's not that I don't want to say it, I haven't seen those cats sniffing me, I really don't know."

Lin Yi gestured for the size: "Those cats are only about this size."

This size is the size of the cat outside the window that Cheng Yang just showed him.

"Oh." Cheng Yang nodded: "That's possible."

Maybe this answer is too ambiguous

All right.

Lin Yi didn't ask the cat anymore, he asked Sun Jingwen: "Brother Cheng Yang, where do you think Sun Jingwen learned about the cat curse?"

He estimated that Cheng Yang would speak about the Internet, so he added: "There is no computer room in the township middle school here."


This is enough to prove that the teaching equipment of Baoxiang Middle School is not high, the school is like this, it can also be confirmed from the side, and the development of the surrounding towns is not very good.

After Lin Yi patched the problem, he stared at Cheng Yang, waiting for Cheng Yang to say.

This question is really simple for Cheng Yang, Cheng Yang doesn't even have to think about it, and blurts out: "There are people in the family who are engaged in this business."

Lin Yi was silent.

This answer is absurd and unfounded.

Cheng Yang saw Lin Yi's suspicion, and he said, "That's right, Lin Yi brother, think about it, I, an Internet expert, don't know Maocu, Sun Jingwen is a high school student, and she She is a high school girl in such a small and broken school. Where can she find out that there must be someone in the family. The more backward the place, the more ignorant, doesn't there often news? Some people are sick and do not go to the hospital to register for a doctor. , go to the goddess instead. Sun Jingwen must have a goddess at home, otherwise even if a little girl knows about the cat curse, she dares to do it? There are five cats in one hand, it must be dizzy, otherwise what? It may be so dark-hearted to curse others in this way."

Lin Yi said while thinking, "I can hear it."

Cheng Yang let out a snort and said, "It's enough if you can understand. There is no difference between dizziness and drowsiness."

Lin Yi thought.

He was so **** sure that what Cheng Yang said made sense.

He couldn't find anything to refute.

So he asked, "Brother Cheng Yang, what do you think the five people did to anger Sun Jingwen and make Sun Jingwen use such a vicious curse?"

Seeing that Lin Xian was approving his words, Cheng Yang became confident, he said: "This is a school, it must be school violence, otherwise the curse can be implemented anywhere, why? The 8-4 rule world will be set up as a school."

Lin Yi opened his mouth in surprise.

Cheng Yang asked, "Brother Lin, what do you think?"

Lin Yi said: "It's really..."

What a simple answer.

Cheng Yang said: "But according to the answer I just gave and the context, I think the school violence Sun Jingwen suffered was ridiculed and ostracized. Those five people should have taken the lead."

Lin Yi hurriedly: "How do you say it?"

The person who asked the question and the person who answered the question switched positions, Cheng Yang was inexplicably proud.

He cleared his throat and said, "School is a place to learn knowledge. What we advocate is to love science and refuse ignorance and feudalism. I guess these five people should belong to the same village as Sun Jingwen, even if not one. The village is also from the next village. These five people know the details of Sun Jingwen. Isn't it a coincidence? The five people and Sun Jingwen have one school and one class. What did they understand after learning the knowledge in Baoxiang Middle School? It is science and what is ignorance. Turning around, it spreads that Sun Jingwen has a goddess in her family, making Sun Jingwen ridiculed and ostracized by other classmates. But Sun Jingwen must not understand. As I said before, she has been exposed to these things since she was a child. How can the established three views be easily changed? So she decided to teach these people a lesson. Of course, this lesson should not be so violent as soon as it came up, so I guess she wrote something in her diary 'Run if there are ghosts in school', It was just to scare the surrounding classmates, but it didn't hurt or itchy, and Sun Jingwen was completely angry."

Cheng Yang never thought that he could connect the sporadic clues. The more he talked, the more he felt that what he said made sense. It was the main line of the 8-4 rule world. He clapped his hands and said excitedly: "Sun Jingwen used the most vicious cat curse to retaliate for the school violence she suffered, and secondly to let these people know how 'powerful' she is."

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