MTL - I Truly Am The God of Learning-Chapter 770 Win!

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Chapter 770: Victory!

Ye Lingchen, carrying a spear, walked up to the ring and looked at Han Yourong.

Both of them used guns, and before firing, they felt some of the needlepoints against Mai Mang.

Wu Tianbao also explained: "China Ye Lingchen, the great country Han Yourong, the spear against the spear, in the end stubborn and weak, Ye Lingchen said that the Chinese female warriors will not be allowed to play, let us wait and see."


Han Yourong dismissed a chuckled smirk, "Don't let the female warrior in China play? Are you kidding me?"

How long have you been learning guns? I, an eight-year-old practising gun, has n’t left my gun since then, and it ’s been three years of picking, stabbing and sweeping in the marksmanship! There has never been a slackness in the cold and hot weather. Since then, marksmanship has entered the room, so I learned the marksmanship! With a gun in your hand, you feel like you are a master of guns? "

Han Yourong looked at Ye Lingchen sarcastically, with pride in his eyes, "If you don't use a gun, there is still a chance of winning. Once you use a gun, I guarantee that you will lose it."

"I've seen your marksmanship. For so many years, it's only this level, and you're so embarrassed to scream?" Ye Lingchen laughed out loud. "Sorry, it's so funny, I really couldn't hold back."

"You like the power of tongues, anyway, wait for me to beat you like a dead dog, you are calling and calling!" Han Yourong sneered, sweeping his long gun, dragging it in his hand, pointing the gun pointed at Ye Lingchen!

"The match has not yet started, and the smell of gunpowder on the ring is full, and the next must be a fierce battle of dragons and tigers." Wu Tianbao looks forward to fullness. "Ye Lingchen, with many auras, unique skills, and talents, the world today. And countless achievements, even every country, also bear its grace!

Now, let us see how his martial arts strength is! "

"So ... let's go!"

With the command of the referee, the breath above the ring was slammed aside, and it became extremely dignified, as if two beasts were facing each other.

Both Ye Lingchen and Han Yourong did not shoot at the first time, and the momentum of both sides was soaring.

"Zhou Jian, you guy in China has been learning guns for less than a month, hasn't you?" The female Wang Yingding of Yinglan Kingdom asked.

"To be precise, today is the twelfth day! The martial arts was given to him by the Ministry of Armed Forces before he came to participate in the global martial arts." Zhou Jian said lightly.

"Only twelve days? Shouldn't this weapon hurt itself before it hurts the enemy?" Someone couldn't help teasing.

"This kid is really fat, and I don't know his strength, but this mouth is unforgiving and unclear."

"Wait a minute. If we are in danger of saving, we can make a great contribution, but we can't die."


In the stands, Sun Hongtao looked heavy and whispered, "Tiejun, have you tried this boy, how about your strength?"

Tie Jun groaned for a moment, and then said, "Strength is strong! But his heart is not enough. If he can really beat me to death, I can't be sure of the result."

"Are you not sure?" Sun Hongtao's eyes flashed slightly. "You have the innate peak strength."

"I'm really uncertain." Tie Jun shook his head. "During the fight, our strength can already detect the depth of the opponent faintly. In my estimation, he is somewhat unpredictable and has many variables."

"Is this true?" Sun Hongtao asked in a condensed voice.

"Um." Tie Jun nodded, paused again. "And, I feel that this boy is growing very fast. His mentality was not enough before. After these battles, I feel that his mentality has risen a lot."

"Let's wait and see." Sun Hongtao looked at Ye Lingchen, and then hummed: "This kid hasn't practiced a gun for more than ten days, haha, it's really nonsense!"

In the spectator seats, people from all countries were watching Ye Lingchen.

Ye Lingchen's fame has already passed on, and he can make Li Songyuan humiliate and utter mad words, becoming the focus is inevitable.


Just as the atmosphere on the field became more and more dignified, when almost approaching a critical point, Ye Lingchen laughed out loud, seeming to be extremely hard.

"What are you laughing at?" Han Yourong said coldly.

"I just saw a panda's eyes, but I didn't pretend to be a fierce look, I was so stupid, I couldn't hold back, I'm sorry." Ye Lingchen waved with a smile, "You wait a moment, I re Make adjustments, and you're guaranteed not to laugh this time. "

Everyone: "..."

"you wanna die!!"

Han Yourong's face turned red instantly, he screamed angrily, stepped on the ground, and the spear shot a bit of coldness, stabbing straight towards Ye Lingchen's face door!

His speed is extremely fast, it can really be said that the gun fired like a dragon, a thunder in the ground, and it was fleeting!

In the blink of an eye, he rushed to the front of Ye Lingchen.

Han Yourong's momentum was condensed to the extreme, and this shot was made. In contrast, Ye Lingchen seemed to be unable to fight back even with his smile.

However, just when Han Yourong's shot was only three feet away from Ye Lingchen, the spear behind Ye Lingchen trembled, and he found out behind him!

This shot looked careless, but it was surprisingly fast.

This stab is fast, cruel, and accurate!


The tips of the two spears point together, and the next moment, Han Yourong's body flew straight out!

However, Ye Lingchen's spear is pierced again!

The gun was originally probing behind him, so the stabbing distance was very close, at this time, stabbing forward again!

This spine is faster!


The instant speed of the gun actually exceeded the speed of Han Yourong's body flying backwards, piercing Han Yourong's chest straight!

Han Yourong was hung on the spear and picked up in the air.

The audience is dead!

This scene came too fast and too fast, and everyone was too late to think about it. More often, this situation did not even occur.

From beginning to end, Ye Lingchen fired only two shots, and each shot was crushed!

"If you don't admit defeat, this person will die." Ye Lingchen's faint words finally made the people in the great stick country come back to life.

Li Songyuan's face was extremely ugly, "Give up!"

Ye Lingchen put down Han Yourong and smiled, "I practiced guns at the age of eight? There is only such a degree, your kind of ... perseverance, I really admire it, it is amazing!"


Han Yourong spit out blood and fainted to death. Later, people from the Great Stick Kingdom came up and carried people.

"China, Ye Lingchen wins!" With the referee's announcement, everyone came back.

Jingshan, Chen Xiaoxiao and others all had their eyes widened and their heads were somewhat empty.

Sun Hongtao was also stunned at the scene. He said Ye Lingchen was making a noise a few seconds ago, and then he was beaten and hot.

"Han Yourong, completely eliminated!" Tiejun said lightly.

Although Ye Lingchen's shot was not fatal, in the next match, Han Yourong was definitely unable to participate, and he would not have any combat power!

(End of this chapter)