MTL - I Truly Am The God of Learning-Chapter 737 Three Flowers Juding

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Chapter 737: Three Flowers Together

Ye Lingchen didn't speak, but just touched the shell of the old turtle, his eyes flashed.

"What happened to you?" Chen Qi asked solemnly.

Ye Lingchen looked at him, "Innately ... the king?"

"Have you met the king class?" Chen Qi's pupils shrank sharply. Although there was some speculation in her heart, she was still very shocked!

You know, there are no king-level powerhouses in the new districts of Beijing. Any king-level powerhouse is powerful and unmatched, and it is a treasure for any country.

Ye Lingchen nodded. "It's near here, and a new permanent hell's gate is opened. We found that we encountered the king of the great stick nation."

Afterwards, Ye Lingchen told her story briefly.

The new gate of hell?

King of the Stick State?

The news was so significant that Chen Qi was lost for a moment.

He quickly figured out the key, "The people in the great country are afraid you will leak the news, so why want to kill you?"

"Yes." Ye Lingchen nodded. "The location of Hell's Gate is in the high seas area between us and the great stick nation. I am afraid that the great stick nation has already begun to arrange for occupation."

"Well, since it's the high seas, then they can't monopolize it!" Chen Qi's eyes narrowed and flashed across Han Mang.

"Are there a lot of kings in the stick country?" Ye Lingchen asked suddenly.

"Not many, there are three in total." Chen Qi explained: "There are very few king-level warriors in the whole world, and whether we are, big stick countries, or king-level are from Baff Island Going out, there is the first void space captured by human beings, with more resources and more aura, and only there can train king-level warriors. "

Buff Island is the base of humankind. It is controlled by all countries and provides resource support to the world.

"What's the name of these three people in Stick State?"

Chen Qi's complexion changed slightly, and then he solemnly said, "Ye Xiaozi, don't mess around. The power of the king-level martial artist is far superior to that of the innate martial artist, and he is not in a grade at all."

"I know, I have fought." Ye Lingchen's voice was light.

"It's really amazing that you can escape from the king-level warrior, but I can guarantee that at the beginning, the king-level warrior definitely did not take a serious shot, otherwise he can definitely kill you!"

The old man originally wanted to catch himself alive. Any random move between his hands and feet required Ye Lingchen to do his best to stop it. There was also a final move, which was separated by hundreds of meters and passed through Ye Lingchen's heavy blocking. He could still wound the old turtle into this It looks like it's awesome.

Ye Lingchen shrugged, "I know, I didn't think about going with him now, but this person ... I will kill!"

Chen Qi's brow frowned slightly. "The character of a king-level warrior is to guard the sky, not relying on light work, but he has the ability to fly, and his legs can stand in the void as flat shoes. Every king-level warrior is not only For countries, even for the earth, it is extremely precious. If you want to kill such martial arts, I am afraid no one will agree. "

"It's my own business, just tell me their name."

Chen Qi sighed slightly, "Jin Yuantu, Che Shien, Li Songyuan, all three started from Taekwondo and Judo in the great stick country. In our Chinese words, they are absolutely martial arts wizards. Jin Yuantu specializes in Tae Kwon Do, and his leg attacks are extremely good. Che Shien is practicing Muay Thai, and his explosive power is extremely amazing. You should meet Li Songyuan. Judo is amazing. "

Obviously, the data of these people were collected in China, and Chen Qi knew very well.

Li Songyuan.

Ye Lingchen wrote down this name and put it on the list of kills. The next small goal is to kill him. This guy can be proud of himself and can be listed by Ye Lingchen as a life and death feud. He is still the first.

"Mr. Chen, I've seen some divisions of the cultivation realm. Isn't it also known as the Three Flowers Juding?"

"The king is the title of the strong, and the three-flowered gathering is the division of the realm, yes."

"Can you tell me?"

Chen Qi nodded. "The congenital warrior majored in innate spiritual power. You are already innate in middle level. When you have completed the innate spiritual power in your body, it is the innate peak. When you reach the top of the three flowers, it is innate. Another transformation of the Qi, when the spiritual power and the physical body blend together, the three flowers on the head, reborn, truly realize the physical body as the Tao, the mastery of the heaven and earth reiki is like an arm, endless, the heaven and earth reiki constantly, the strength will not be exhausted."

"No wonder." Ye Lingchen groaned.

When he used the waves to attack that Li Songyuan, Li Songyuan often used his body to knock him apart. He would definitely not practice his kung fu like Ye Lingchen, but his body was surprisingly powerful. It turned out that there would be a reborn after the king. .

That being the case, practice your own kung fu ...

Perhaps he saw Ye Lingchen's thoughts, Chen Qi said directly: "You are in a very special situation. Not only are you martial arts, your kung fu is also very high, your combat effectiveness is strong in the same level, and you will also break through the top of the three flowers. Easier, but once you reach the king level, your physical advantage will be very small. "

Speaking of this, Chen Qi couldn't help showing envy, and he didn't know how Ye Lingchen practiced. It was difficult to practice horizontal kung fu, even if he had a high attainment, martial arts were so powerful, the key was still so young, but there was no cultivation in the mother's womb. It's so fast, it's just a monster.

The most difficult part of the Sanhua Juding Realm is the process of the integration of innate aura and the physical body, but it is basically difficult for Ye Lingchen, because people have already been well integrated. Once Ye Lingchen has reached the innate peak, maybe he can really directly Step into the realm of Sanhua Juding.

This is why the Ministry of Military Affairs attaches great importance to Ye Lingchen. It has the potential to become a king, and it can already be seen as a half king.

Ye Lingchen gnawed his fangs, and there was no such benefit.

At this time, Chen Qi said: "Ye Xiaozi, is that sea area not far from Miracle Island?"

Ye Lingchen looked at him and grinned, "The miracle island is mine and I don't sell it for as much money."

He had long thought about this possibility. The gate of Hell opened, and the location of Miracle Island became extremely special. The Ministry of Armed Forces would certainly pay attention to Miracle Island.

Just kidding, after so much hard work and planning, you must not let it go.

Seeing through Ye Lingchen, Chen Qi smiled awkwardly. He also guessed that Ye Lingchen would say so, but this time the situation was very special. Once reported, the Ministry of Arms would definitely focus on the discussion.

"Mr. Chen, there are a lot of islands around here, and you don't have to keep an eye on my miracle island. I would like to give you another suggestion. You might as well take this opportunity to give my thoughts to the Ministry of Arms and let me open a military school In the meantime, students at the martial arts school can also shoulder the responsibility and stare at the gate of hell. "


(End of this chapter)