MTL - I Truly Am The God of Learning-Chapter 710 Overcast

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Chapter 710: Overcast

Although the sights of the three Void Realms were blocked, this did not affect them so much. They became warriors, and their senses were extremely sharp. Even if there were noises around them, they could still pinpoint their targets quickly.

At this time, they raised their spirit to the extreme, and they were confident that they would respond unless the innate martial arts attacked them.


There was a flash of fury in the eyes of the A + creature, and the bow-shaped body rushed out. Then, there was a roar like a cannonball, but it fluttered.

A + -level creatures are above A-level, which is an innate intermediate level. It has transformed part of the internal strength of the body into innate strength.

Immediately afterwards, the other two A-class creatures seemed to have found something, impacting in different directions.

The three Void creatures were immediately divided, and it seemed that they were only separated by a little distance, but in the matrix method, this point of distance is most likely close to the horizon.

At this point, Ye Lingchen was less than two meters away from an A-class creature, and looked at it indifferently. Two meters was considered a safe distance. If it was closer, the creatures in the void space would be able to detect it.

Ye Lingchen's hands trembled with a spear, as if Bai Yun was out of the shaft, facing the head of the A-class creature straight away!

The distance of two meters was almost instantaneous, but the response of the A-class creature was also rapid, and his head was tilted to the left. It was clear that Ye Lingchen would not let go of this opportunity, and swept his long gun, ready to use the gun. Sharp cut throat.

The creature's head snapped underneath, a roar in his mouth seemed to be asking for help, and the big knife in his hand also collided against the spear and was forced to back.

Behind him, a figure appeared strangely from the fog without making a sound, and the hand holding the big sword was also chopped off at the creature!


At the moment of crisis, although the creature avoided the key, the waist still made a mouth more than three feet long, but unfortunately Qin Baichuan was only able to make great efforts, and the damage caused was limited. If it is also congenital, the creature is dead Under the knife.


The creature roared, raised his hand and punched Qin Baichuan behind him, but the fist wind passed, and he actually emptied it.

The movement here naturally attracted the attention of the other two Netherworld creatures, but was disturbed by the chief instructor Lin Tianxiong and the wolf and could not support it in the first time. At this time, the A + -level creature had already arrived. Ready to find a companion, Ye Lingchen's spear has stabbed at his face.


The A + -class creature's eyes are red and violent to the extreme. The weapon in his hand is similar to a mace's hammer. It does not flash and avoid, banging against Ye Lingchen's long gun!


The pistol retreated, and the scene was calm again.

Ye Lingchen suppressed the writhing spirit in his body and stared at the three men in the formation.

Somewhat troublesome.

The range of this array is not large. The warriors will inevitably have spiritual power fluctuations. If one of the Netherworld creatures cannot be resolved in the first time, the other two will definitely come over to support them, and they will not be able to give a fatal blow because they will Force is equal to exposing yourself.

There are too few Chinese spirit stones, and the preparation time is not enough. It is very good to arrange such a sleepy array, and it is still far from killing the array.

Ye Lingchen's eyes moved slightly, and he suddenly had a whimsy. His own means were too few. At this time, if he could have a potent drug incorporated into the formation, he would definitely be able to handle it easily. He has many means, and it seems that he must learn to use them.

Glancing over the A + creature and looking at the other two creatures.

A + -class creatures already have innate strength in their bodies, and their combat effectiveness has transformed. Ye Lingchen cannot fight with it at all. It is imperative to kill the weak first, and leave this to be cleaned up.

He made a color to the three of Qin Baichuan, and the three immediately understood. Qin Baichuan and Lin Tianxiong slowly leaned towards the two A-level creatures, while the commander of the wolf set his eyes on the A + -level creature. .

Although Li Tianxiong and Qin Baichuan were injured, they still had combat effectiveness. The commander of the wolf was with a broken left arm, and the combat effectiveness was greatly damaged. Therefore, it was used to attract the attention of A + class creatures and provide conditions for Ye Lingchen.

In fact, the risk factor of dragging A + creatures is higher, and they will die if they are not careful.

As Ye Lingchen nodded gently, the commander of the wolf took the lead. He blasted a punch at the A + class creature. The three creatures were attracted at the same time and attacked the commander of the wolf. However, the two A-class creatures were Stopped.

Lin Tianxiong and Qin Baichuan were entangled in one person. They used the method of the formation to fight back and forth, and Ye Lingchen was singled out with another A-level creature. He had never learned how to shoot, and simply tried hard. I want to make a quick decision.

This A-level creature was a little scared of Ye Lingchen, but he didn't plan desperately, but fought and retreated, waiting for his teammates to rescue him.

Ye Lingchen's eyes looked like electricity. Each collision made the A-class creature back. The skin of his hands had been shaken by the flesh and blood. I wonder whether it was intentional or unintentional. Ye Lingchen pushed him towards another A-class creature.

At this time, the A-level creature was also suffocated with fire. Lin Tianxiong and Qin Baichuan were like swimming fishes. With the help of the mist, they shot one place for another. Although it could not pose a threat to him, it made him tremble. It bombarded it several times and thought that it could kill someone but it was a slap in the end. After a few accumulations, it was enough to drive it crazy, 'Humans are too cunning! ’

At this moment, it looked slightly, feeling that there were also spiritual fluctuations beside him, and it was extremely strong. At the next moment, he faintly saw two figures fighting in the fog.


The figure holding the spear suddenly shot another figure not far away from him, and suddenly roared.

This voice is ...

The A-class creature's eyes were bright, and the first feeling was that the companion was holding a spear. It was holding a fire. It was not anxious to think about it. It hardly thought about it and cut it out at the forced figure!


Different place!

However, before he was happy, the ‘companion’ gun with a spear turned and stabbed straight at him.

Tear it!

He hadn't been able to react yet, and the hand holding the knife was picked up directly!

"Magic Casodilla!"

The A-level creature apparently hadn't figured out the situation yet, and his voice seemed to be explaining something to his companion.


Ye Lingchen smiled coldly and did not hesitate his praise. He just used the skill of oral skills to imitate the voice of the A-class creature. The effect was unexpectedly good. If he completely learned the language of the void world, he would definitely cooperate with this method. It's a ghost artifact.

The A-class creature heard Ye Lingchen's voice slammed suddenly, then immediately returned the taste, made a scream, and was furious.

(End of this chapter)