MTL - I Truly Am The God of Learning-Chapter 703 New District

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Chapter 703: New District

New district.

Fangyuan has been blocked for thousands of miles, and ordinary people have no right to enter. Even outside, it is banned, and no one is allowed to shake.

Since the establishment of this area, there has been no movement, and many people outside have forgotten the existence of this new district. In fact, there are not many buildings in the new district and the style is very different from the general architectural style.

At this time, it is at the center of the new district.

The war was raging, and under the rain of guns, a creature that was very different from humans poured out in madness.

"艹 They 姥姥! Kill!"

"This beast, give me death!"

"Hahaha, happy, killing happy!"

A warrior angered, he just headshot an unknown creature, but his head was bitten by another unknown creature!

"Old Chen!"

Another warrior roared, but ran away in the direction of unknown creatures like a moth fluttering fire.

In an instant, his hands were torn apart and his whole body was covered with blood.

"Hahaha, I don't lose money!"

next moment--


A flash of red light flashed on his body, followed by a loud roar, and the bomb annihilated unknown creatures around him.

When a warrior dies, one warrior will follow. The entire battlefield is full of stumps. Even the most terrible movie, there is no such tragic case.

At the edge of the battlefield, several old men had red eyes and clenched their fists in both hands.


Chen Qi's voice sank slightly, and her eyes were dimmed to the extreme.

Their eyes fell on the center at the same time, and the fluctuations there suddenly became extremely violent. At the same time, a heart-breaking momentum ran through the audience. This momentum alone caused many warriors to stagnate, causing injuries and injuries. one slice.


Chen Qi and others leaped at the same time, rushing towards the battlefield, the momentum of the whole body was released, as opposed to the policy front.

They symbolize the high-end combat power of the battlefield. There should be an agreement to stay away from the flames of war and head towards an open space. Soon, the spiritual power of this area stood up, the momentum was loud, and a roar of sounds rang .


at the same time.

At the outermost part of the new district, Ye Lingchen came all the way and felt the speciality of this area deeply.

It can be described as three steps, one post, and five steps and one whistle. Their faces are extremely serious, and they exude a killing breath. The most striking thing is that everyone is wearing offensive weapons!

The rigorous guards here make Ye Lingchen stunned, let alone ordinary people, even martial arts, it is almost impossible to sneak in silently.

Through Ye Lingchen's qi-seeking skills, he can see that these guards are very strong, which means that their strength has far exceeded the energy of ordinary people, and they are definitely warriors!

In addition, most of them have a kind of blood in their qi, which means that they have participated in the killing!

From the comparison of qi among various warriors, combined with his own feelings, Ye Lingchen can already estimate a person's current state and strength based on qi.

"The aura here is really rich."

Ye Lingchen felt emotion in his heart, then looked up and looked deep.

The aura on the periphery is almost the same as his own Miracle Island. In the deep, through the skills of searching for dragons, Ye Lingchen can see that the aura is almost solidified, more than five times thicker!

It's just ... At this time, the aura there seems to be fluctuating, and it's very chaotic. Is it fighting?

Just then, a warrior stepped forward and performed a military salute in front of Ye Lingchen, "I've seen Ye Wuwei!"

Then he nodded to the gatekeeper: "Identity has been verified and can be released!"

"Thank you."

Ye Lingchen followed the warrior into the new area.

The martial artist who received himself was not very old. He should be only twenty-two years old. He was just an ordinary martial artist, and his inner strength had not been trained.

"Mr. Ye, you can just call me Xiao Li. I'll take you to Budo Pavilion now." Xiao Li said.

Ye Lingchen nodded and chatted: "When did you come here?"

"I came here three years ago." Xiao Li replied.

"Three years ago, so early?" Ye Lingchen was somewhat surprised.

From the mouth of Lao Qin, Ye Lingchen knew that the warriors who came here had to be screened. First, he joined the Ministry of War to become a warrior, and then he participated in the warrior special training camp. Finally, he let these elites choose whether to resist the gate of hell.

Three years ago, this little Li was only 17 or 8 years old.

Seems to be aware of Ye Lingchen's doubts, Xiao Li explained: "Mr. Ye, there are actually many ways to come here. The way you know is for the general public. In fact, there are many ways. For example, some military children He was born directly in the new district. "

This sentence suddenly made Ye Lingchen nodded and said, "Did you start training as an elite?"

The aura is very abundant here, and the practice of martial arts here is definitely several times higher than the outside effect, so the sooner you stay here, the more beneficial it is to martial arts.

The way Ye Lingchen knows is public screening, and there is no other way to smash the sand.

"That's right." Xiao Li nodded and explained: "From the perspective of genetics, the children of martial arts, especially high-end martial arts, will have higher talents for martial arts. Therefore, the Ministry of Military Affairs will choose to train these people first. Of course, Whether or not to join depends entirely on individual wishes. "

"Why did you choose to enter here?" Ye Lingchen asked.

Xiao Li took a deep breath, seemingly unconscious: "Oh, it may be too arrogant to say that it is for the sake of human beings. I want to take revenge more."

"I'm sorry." Ye Lingchen moved a little heart, a little heavy.

"Mr. Ye, I have watched these a long time ago." Xiao Li smiled. "Actually, I didn't know how my dad died at first. I kind of hated him. Later, someone found me and told me that my dad was Hero, I do n’t hate it anymore, but I feel quite proud, really.

It's just that my talents are not enough. I haven't even practiced the inner strength for three years here, and I have no qualifications to enter the battlefield. "

The aura here is much higher than the outside world, and it becomes more and more obvious to the inside. For three years, no inner strength has been developed. This Xiao Li's talent is really not high.

"Need to cultivate inner strength to be able to go to the battlefield?" Ye Lingchen's eyes flashed slightly, and he was very surprised. From this, we can see how strong the opponent is.

The inner warrior is definitely outside the existence of a super bodyguard. For example, when Ali was a boxing champion, how powerful he was in the eyes of ordinary people. At that time, his strength really couldn't beat a inner warrior.

The inner strength is actually only the starting conditions for participating in the war!

However, it is not difficult to understand that the concentration of Reiki in the void world is so high, I am afraid that the strength of any unknown creature is not low, at least it is much stronger than ordinary people.

"This requirement is not absolute. If you feel that you have passed the appropriate age and know that you cannot cultivate your inner strength, you can choose to join the death squad and also enter the battlefield to fight for it." Xiao Li's voice was extremely low and pained: "But Is generally dead. "


Into the new plot, some Caverns are working hard to sort it out, and tomorrow will start two more bases, thank you for your support ~

(End of this chapter)