MTL - I See The Galaxy-Chapter 44 I see

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Last semester, I planned to participate in the competition to earn bonuses. At the beginning of this semester, Yu Xing communicated with the head teacher to express his willingness in this regard, and then he really got the opportunity.

After a simple screening, Yu Xing successfully won the place and officially represented Lintian in the competition.

As soon as the game goes, three days before and after.

Every day in the school, only Sheng Yi, who returned to the lounge, held his mobile phone almost 24/7 since Yu Xing left school. After a brief calculation, except for the few hours that Yu Xing was on the field, Sheng Yi never stopped sending messages to her for the rest of the time.

Shen Shiyu came out of the previous haze, her mood eased a little, and she was the most disgusting and crooked, and couldn't help complaining: "It's only three days, what about you? Those who didn't know thought you were there What kind of baby is in the phone, staring at the screen all day, people are going to get into it!"

Sheng Yi didn't even give him the corner of his eye, and said coldly, "You know the shit."

"I don't understand." Shen Shiyu's eyes were about to roll to the sky, "Please, look in the mirror and see how stubborn you are now, the whole Yiyu star sunflower. Is it wrong with you? What radar is installed to detect her alone?"

Jiang Zhiyan held the cup, looked at the battlefield not far away, and persuaded Shen Shiyu, who was plucking the hair on the tiger's head: "Don't recruit him. It's not that I don't know."

Sigh, Sheng Yi, who used to be like that, would never have imagined that he would become "like this" one day.

They all thought that Sheng Yi, who was so indifferent to the opposite **** and men and women, might become a golden bachelor and be a bachelor all his life. Who would have thought that all of a sudden, he would fall into the hands of Yu Xing.

—it's the kind of utter, hopeless kind.

Jiang Zhiyan's eyes hurt when he saw it, and he was curious for a while. He walked behind him with a cup in his hand: "What did Yu Xing talk about with you to make you laugh like this? I really want to know—"

She, who was replying to the message, responded very quickly, and immediately pressed the standby button to turn off the screen.

"Hidden so tightly?" Jiang Zhiyan laughed, "I can see what to hide."

Shen Shiyu interjected: "What did you see? Are they talking about something disgusting? It must be."

Sheng Yi's eyes were heavy, with a bit of warning, and Jiang Zhiyan laughed even more.

Seeing that he smiled but didn't talk too much, Sheng Yi looked slightly restrained and got up: "I'll go first."


"Is there any need to ask?" Shen Shiyu sneered coldly, "Lintian without Yu Xing is so boring, our prince can't stay here, of course he is going home."

Sheng didn't answer, but when he passed by him, he raised his leg and kicked him coldly.

Shen Shiyu was unable to dodge and hissed.

Seeing that Sheng Yi walked out of the lounge without looking back, his back was far away, and Jiang Zhiyan sat down opposite Shen Shiyu.

"I saw his note to Yu Xing."

"What notes?"

Jiang Zhiyan took a sip of water and said slowly: "Three words, 'children'."

"..." Shen Shiyu froze and shook in disgust.

Jiang Zhiyan did not smile.

After discussing others, Shen Shiyu raised his face and said with an uneasy expression: "For dinner, you can make an appointment with Tong Youjing."

Jiang Zhiyan raised his eyebrows, with a hint of inquiry: "I have an appointment?"

"The three of us are together." Shen Shiyu said, "She won't come if I'm alone, and she doesn't want to eat alone with me now."

Seeing the sadness hidden in his expression, Jiang Zhiyan didn't know what to say. The promise is definitely promised. How can I refuse such a small request from my brother?

I feel sad.

One of the spring breeze is abnormal, and the other is so sad and clear that it makes people want to cry.

Sheng Yi and Shen Shiyu are both deeply rooted in the word "emotion".

Yu Xing came back from the competition, just in time for the last day of class of the week, Tong Youjing caught her without a word and made up for the missing few days.

While chatting, the topic somehow came to her and Sheng Yi.

Tong Youjing held back for a long time, and finally asked the question he had been wanting to ask all this time: "What's the matter with you and Sheng Yi?"

"What's the situation?"

"I think you are getting more and more wrong." Tong Youjing stared at her face tightly, "To be honest, do you like him a little?"

Yu Xing looked away and denied: "No."

"No? I asked you to come with me on his birthday, but you refused. As a result, Sheng Yi was late that day, and he seemed to be in a good mood all night... Did he look for it? You?" Tong Youjing narrowed his eyes, "And his tie, did you give it? That blue plaid, Jiang Zhiyan teased a few words, Sheng Yibao must be like something, don't touch it, Shen Shiyu said something ugly, and Sheng Yi directly said he was blind."

Yu Xing neither admitted nor denied: "Why are you asking so much."

"Not speaking is guilty."

She changed the subject bluntly: "What's for dinner?"

Tong Youjing relented: "Don't change the subject, I'm not that easy to fool!"

Said and rushed to scratch her itch.

Yu Xing avoided, and the two laughed for a while. Concentrating his expression, Yu Xing asked, "Don't talk about me, talk about you."

Tong Youjing said strangely: "What about me?"

She only said three words: "Shen Shiyu."

In an instant, a trace of unnaturalness flashed on Tong Youjing's face, which quickly dissipated: "He has something to say. Whatever I do with Sheng Yi Jiang Zhiyan, I will do with him."

"You really don't like him anymore?"

"It's impossible to say that I don't like him at all." Tong Youjing smiled casually, "How can the relationship for so many years disappear so quickly? But liking him has made me feel unhappy, on the contrary, I am very happy. It's uncomfortable, I want to be happy more than the rest of my feelings. I am a very strong person, and I will never wrong myself."

Yu Xing understands her thoughts.

Tong Youjing concluded by himself: "The personalities of Shen Shiyu and I may be more suitable for being friends."

Nodding, it's not good to poke the scar again, Yu Xing started another topic again.

Tong Youjing also cooperated and chatted with her about what to eat at night.

Sometimes, if you miss a moment, you may miss a lot.

The word "grasp" looks simple, but it is actually heavy. How easy it looks, how difficult it is to do.

On the day off, on the way home, Sheng Yi suddenly sent a message in a nervous state.

Yu Xing was bored in the car, so I chatted with him to pass the time.

Sheng Yi: [Someone slandered me. 】

Ritesta: [Who? 】

Sheng Yi: [Jiang Zhiyan. 】

Ritestad: [? 】

Ritesta: [What did he slander you for? 】

Sheng Yi: [He said that I would pester you every other day when I was free. 】

Ritestad: […]

Looking back at a string of ellipses, Yu Xing consciously didn't send him the sentence "Isn't it right?"

This is not a slander, it is a statement of fact.

As soon as I thought about it, I saw Sheng Yi send a sentence—

Yu Xing:…

Why is this person always talking nonsense now? ?

So disgusting can be said, she took it, and she was full of herself.

He said coldly, "Take some medicine," and after showing the resolute Yu Xing, he put away his phone without a trace of nostalgia.

Soon to be near home, get off.

Walking along the familiar road, while walking, feeling a little bored, unable to hold back, put the phone out again.

Sheng Yi really sent a bunch of **** again.

Yu Xing was about to open it, when he was walking, he suddenly felt that something was wrong.

She stopped and looked back.

Streetside pedestrians, vehicles, business as usual.

Can't tell, but...

It always felt like someone was watching her.

Yu Xing frowned, feeling uncomfortable with this inexplicable sixth sense.

I hope she thinks too much.

Can't care to return to Shengyi, she speeded up and walked home.