MTL - I See The Galaxy-Chapter 37 I see

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The other two restaurants were too late to eat, Sheng Yi put away his mobile phone and got up: "I'll go see Shen Shiyu, I'll take you back first."

Yu Xing nodded and said yes, she knew the importance. He had something to do, and of course she wouldn't force him to stay.

Sheng Yi's car was in the parking lot on the first floor, and the two went downstairs to the elevator.

Turn the corner to the left, there is a row of shops opposite, and the pink milk tea shop is full of people. Yu Xing gave a casual glance from the corner of his eye, and Yu Xing froze.

At a table in the window glass, a group of young girls dressed in fancy dress sat in a circle.

They were wearing the school uniforms of No. 3 Middle School and chatting hotly.

The center of the stars and the moon is the owner of the brown lemon ice drink, with bright eyes and bright teeth. The frozen white hand stretched out two slender fingers, squeezed the straw to stir the ice cubes, and was listening to the people around him while holding his cheeks.

Across the distance, you can hear the clanging sound of the melting ice cubes colliding with the glass body.

Yu Xing can imagine the tone of her voice.

She will echo every word you say, very gentle, making you feel taken care of in every detail, but she didn't listen to her at all. She's always starting from herself, being nice to you and being bad to you, and in the end she prefers to put pressure on you.

It was clearly that she sang a one-man show with full of emotion, you can only be pushed by the ground all the way, and finally you have to be the villain.

Looking at the face she hadn't seen for a long time, her eyes darkened.

“…Yu Xing?”


She turned around suddenly, only to find that Sheng Yi called her twice and stopped waiting for her.

“Look at what?”

"It's nothing." She lowered her head, "I got it wrong, let's go."

Sheng Yi looked behind her, the shops in operation and the noisy crowd seemed nothing special. He calmly retracted his gaze and continued to step up.

The last exam at the end of the semester is over. Yu Xing and Fan Xiangxiang have the same score and are tied for the first place in the second year of high school.

Yu Xing didn't think it was much gratifying. Most of Lintian's students, although only in their teens, have basically started elite education. When they leave school and go home, they probably have a lot more things to learn at home than they do.

However, as a special enrollment, no matter what you say, you must keep your high score. This is the score paper handed over to the school.

At the beginning of the winter vacation, Yu Xing moved home from the girls' apartment, relaxed his imprisonment, and immersed himself in freedom and satisfaction. Every day when she opens her eyes, my aunt prepares a loving breakfast and waits. Before she goes to work, she will prepare lunch for her and keep it in the refrigerator. She only needs to heat it up. When she comes back from get off work in the evening, she will cook her favorite dishes for her.

In a few days, she gained two pounds.

Su Qiu is miserable, the school is on holiday, and art majors have to be taken. Yu Xing only made an appointment with her twice, and spent the rest of the time looking for Tong Youjing.

This side has just finished meeting with Tong Youjing. Yu Xing plans to go to the bookstore to find the competition exercises, buy them back and do them for practice.

I received a call from Sheng Yi unexpectedly.

Yu Xing wasn't ready to go out. He was procrastinating in bed, and was choked by the questioning that came to the door: "...Uh. Senior, you didn't look for me either."

"I'm looking for it now."

She glanced at the ceiling diagonally above, "Then hang it up first, I'll give you one later."

Sheng Yi: "…"

Not much entanglement, Sheng Yi turned and said: "The day after tomorrow, go to Xiangquan Villa, Tong Youjing and the others will go, I will pick you up."

"Huh?" Yu Xing asked, "What's the situation."

"Shen Shiyu is going to die for a while now, Jiang Zhiyan can't take it anymore, he wants to get the two of them together and see if they can be brought back together."

"What does this have to do with Jiang Zhiyan?"

"No way, whoever made Shen Shiyu go crazy and toss him. The night before yesterday, Shen Shiyu ran to drink, Jiang Zhiyan drove out to pick him up in the middle of the night, and sat with him by the fountain for two hours , almost frozen into a dog."


"Yesterday, I was afraid that he would run around and lock people in his own house. When he went out to answer the phone, no one came back. When he saw it, he climbed onto the terrace. Jiang Zhiyan thought he was going to jump off the building and was scared to death."

"Senior Jiang is too miserable."

Sheng Yi smiled: "If you want me, just throw him into the moat, and you will wake up after soaking in cold water."

Yu Xing coughed lowly, not knowing whether to be glad that Shen Shiyu didn't bump into his hand, or to sigh for Jiang Zhiyan that he didn't have the courage like him.

I heard Sheng Yi say again: "You go to be with Tong Youjing, to save her embarrassment."

I originally wanted to think about it, but when he said this, Yu Xing had no reason to refuse, so he responded: "Okay."

After hanging up, Yu Xing sighed deeply.

Tong Youjing and Shen Shiyu met and chatted privately.

Although the two are reconciled, they don't mean it that way.

Tong Youjing told Yu Xing that when they met that day, she told Shen Shiyu that their friendship for so many years would not change. Shen Shiyu will still be her important friend like Sheng Yi and Jiang Zhiyan.

In addition, she also confessed to Shen Shiyu herself.

She said—

"I used to be afraid to admit it, and it's okay to think about it now. I do like you, but now, I think this relationship may be a bit sloppy, and this relationship is not suitable for us."

"I've been with you since I was a child, and I'm used to being with you. I haven't been able to grasp the proper balance, so that we can get to such a place where we are not embarrassed. During this time, I think A lot, the habit is not necessarily right, and now I have figured out what I want."

"This time, except that you didn't ask me indiscriminately and doubted me, I was wrong at the beginning. Probably jealousy was at work, so I couldn't tolerate other girls around you. , I will get rid of those inappropriate dependencies, and if you find a good partner in the future, I will be a good friend and bless you with them."

Girls always go faster than boys on the way of growing up.

Suddenly, in an instant, change may come.

Except for the night she asked Yu Xing out, Tong Youjing burst into tears, the rest of the time, she silently digested all the emotions brought about by this incident.

Perhaps on a night that none of them knew, her young girl's thoughts ended with tears, so she walked out of this sour and painful relationship.

The word "like" was put on the table, what was Shen Shiyu thinking?

Yu Xing held the phone and stared at the ceiling without blinking.

At that moment, he must also understand his true feelings. Does he like Tong Youjing? Judging from his later actions, he should have liked it.

It's just a pity, when he finally realized this love and started to face it, Tong Youjing had already turned around and decided to leave him behind.

Yu Xing does not understand, and may never understand.


The matter of love is obviously so painful, but there are always people who go on and on, obsessed.

Xiangquan Villa is a private club, covering a large area, with first-class entertainment equipment, horse riding, archery, swimming, golf...all expensive items are available here.

The service is also first-class, the ingredients provided in the club are shipped from abroad, the operator has cooperated with several major wineries, and the wine variety is complete. Come here to occupy a salon, open a wine, and the cost It's not a small number.

The annual fee for membership card starts from one million yuan, and senior members need to spend more than one million yuan at one time, and there is no limit.

Yu Xing asked Su Qiu, she had no time, so she had to come by herself. As a bumpkin, Yu Xing only felt that all his eyes were filled with money symbols, and the air was also full of the smell of money.

Selling the Gold Cave, ah Selling the Gold Cave, it is a place to burn money.

Fortunately, there is Tong Youjing, there is something she has never eaten or seen, and she doesn't know how to deal with it, Tong Youjing will tell her without a trace to resolve her embarrassment.

Yu Xing was moved to tears in her heart.

—Shen Shi encounters that dog thing, he really doesn't deserve such a good Tongtong.

Staying in the salon for more than an hour, Jiang Zhiyan tried to "match" Shen Shiyu and Tong Youjing's ideas, but failed. Tong Youjing held Yu Xing's hand wherever he went, showing little interest in dog men.

"You said a few days ago that you were looking for a competition exercise?" Tong Youjing asked Yu Xing for a stroll outside the salon.

Yu Xing said: "Isn't there a lot of competitions in the second semester of each year, I want to try it after school starts."

"Do you like competitions?"

"No, I like the prize money."

Tong Youjing was dumbfounded by her honesty, and said with concern: "Do you need money? If..."

Yu Xing quickly rejected her kindness: "No no no, I'm not in a hurry to use the money, I just want to save a little bit."

She has to save money so that she can share the pressure for her aunt when she can use it later.

She planned to do this when she was arguing with Sheng Yi earlier.

Tong Youjing is a kind-hearted person, but there is no reason to borrow other people's money to supplement his family.

Just as he was talking, Jiang Zhiyan stuck his head out: "Don't go shopping, come in, let's go to the golf course—"

The two looked at each other and entered hand in hand.

The boys are staying bored and going to play golf.

The group switched positions and went outside the court. They were doing the preparatory work, but Yu Xing couldn't, and Tong Youjing wasn't interested, so the two of them didn't play. He didn't even step out the door of the rest area, just sat down to drink tea and eat snacks, watching them blow the cold wind through the glass door.

Jiang Zhiyan came to persuade him, but Tong Youjing didn't move.

It is equivalent to another place to continue the chat, Tong Youjing continued the previous topic: "I have considered it, I want to be a designer in the future."


"Yes. Like us, we usually go abroad when we are in our sophomore year, and some people go abroad as soon as they graduate from high school. I should not leave until my sophomore year. Prepare for the past few years. Prepare, I want to choose a school with a strong design major." She said, and asked, "How about you?"

Yu Xing said: "I haven't made up my mind about the specifics. My plan is very simple. I try to get into a good school as much as possible, and let my aunt enjoy her old age in peace."

Speaking of her home, Tong Youjing changed his sitting position and suddenly became curious: "I only heard you mention my aunt, where are your parents?"

"I don't have parents." Yu Xing pulled the corners of his mouth, showing no emotion, not happy, but not too sad, "My mother died when she gave birth to me, as for my father —" She shrugged, "I don't know, I've never seen one."

Tong Youjing was stunned for a moment, then blamed himself a little: "I'm sorry, I don't know, I didn't mean to ask this..."

"It's fine." Yu Xing smiled, indicating that she shouldn't make a fuss.

Sometimes embarrassed, Tong Youjing whispered: "Then your situation is quite similar to Sheng Yi..."

Yu Xing raised his brows: "Sheng Yi?"

"Ah, no, no, it's nothing!" Tong Youjing shook his head quickly, and immediately talked about something else.

Yu Xing really heard what she said.

…the situation of Sheng Yi? very similar?

She pursed her lips, knowing that Tong Youjing was inconvenient to speak, so she did not ask.

Chatted for a while.

Tong Youjing got a call from home, got up and walked away.

Yu Xing sat alone on the sofa in the lounge area, drinking herbal tea quietly.

In less than a minute, a group of people came down the corridor, all of them girls, talking and laughing, it was very lively.

Yu Xing didn't care at first, glanced at it inadvertently, and immediately paused. With a slightly restrained expression, she was about to stop starting when someone noticed her over there.

"Huh? That's not-"

Feeling a lot of sight projected towards him, Yu Xing inhaled slightly, and his heart sank.

As if she didn't hear it, as if she didn't see it, she turned her head away and looked out the glass door.

Footsteps came towards her.

"Isn't this Yu Xing?"

A familiar voice with a smile, once very intimate, but now only malicious.

Yu Xing looked up, but said nothing.

"What a coincidence." The girl in the lead had bright eyes and white teeth, and her smile was especially beautiful, "It's been a long time, I was able to meet you here. How are you doing? It seems that you should have been here to come here. Not bad. After all, it's not like you can afford a place like this."

The girls behind her laughed.

Yu Xing hooked her lips and said lightly: "Long time no see, Ni Manshan. But everyone is with each other, this is not a place you can afford."

Ni Manshan approached her, leaning on the sofa seat opposite her, slightly supporting the top with her hands, although not as handsome as Yu Xing, but also with a graceful posture.

"Are you here alone?" Ni Manshan asked with a smile, "Who brought you here, not bad, if you can't hook up Hao Xun, you still hook up with someone else. It’s not surprising, it’s not difficult to catch Kaizi when you grow up like you. I just don’t know if the bad problems have been corrected now? Do you still like to pry at the corners of good friends?”

Yu Xing listened to her quietly, and in her self-deprecating smile, she replied calmly: "First of all, you have to be clear, you have never been my good friend, stop being narcissistic."

Ni Manshan was stunned for a moment, her face flashed with anger, and her smile could not hold back on the spot.


"Shanshan!" The girl next to her immediately grabbed her and glared at Yu Xing, "Forget it, this kind of person, if you treat her so well, she can still be cheap, just like a dog biting Lu Dongbin, She's so cheeky, it's not worth being angry with her!"

Ni Manshan was about to speak again when the glass door opened.

A man came in outside.

With one glance, a group of people were all stunned.

He put his hands in his pockets, his thin lips were slightly curved, and he had a cold temperament, which made people feel uncomfortable.

Sheng Yi came out to look for Yu Xing, his eyes first fell on her, and then he noticed the idle people opposite her. Aware that Yu Xing's mood was abnormal, his expression seemed to be different, he frowned: "What's wrong?" Then, he glanced coldly at the group of idlers.

Yu Xing shook his head: "It's okay. Senior, you...?"

Sheng Yi was silent. She wanted to come out and see how she and Tong Youjing were doing, but now she changed her mind.

Put one hand in his pocket, and hooked at her with the other, he nodded: "Come on, I'll teach you how to play."

Yu Xing pondered for a while, and caught a glimpse of Ni Manshan's group of people who were stunned opposite. Without thinking, he got up and walked towards him: "Okay."

The two turned around together, walked side by side through the automatic sensing glass door, and walked towards the stadium.

Sheng Yi lowered her head and talked to her without looking back.

The same with Yu Xing.

Ni Manshan, who was ignored as air, recovered from her amazement and surprise, clenched her teeth tightly, and only felt a sullen breath blocking her chest.


It's the color, the dark green and black on the boy's hand!

Ni Manshan felt extremely unbalanced.

Originally mocking Yu Xing because she felt that the Kaizi she caught was no match for her boyfriend. Tang Haoxun is rich, handsome, well-educated, gentle and considerate. How many boys are there?

But the boy just now not only has a good face, but also wears such a watch, his net worth is definitely not worse than Tang Haoxun, maybe a lot stronger, not to mention the style of his body, he dumped Tang Haoxun I don’t know a few things street!


For someone like Yu Xing, why is she? !