MTL - I See The Galaxy-Chapter 29 I see

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Yu Xing was surprised when he suddenly received his "final summary" after a few days.

【It is my responsibility to keep you locked up, I am really sorry. 】

[I hope we can still be friends in the future, don't feel embarrassed, just treat me like Tong Youjing and them. 】

【If you encounter any problems or problems in the future, you can feel free to contact me, don’t feel embarrassed. I can help, anytime. 】

Looking at the WeChat message he sent, there was a lot of apology between the lines, Yu Xing felt a little disappointed and sorry.

She was put into the hospital in Dechuan, Qin Huai was very grumpy, and despite everyone's persuasion, he still regarded it as his responsibility. After all, it was because of him that Luo Momo was carried away by jealousy, and he felt very sorry.

Aside from other things, this sense of responsibility is very touching.

Yu Xing was relieved: [Don't take what happened to your heart, I know it's not your problem. 】

Second response: [Everyone is a friend. 】

I accept his kindness. After making such a statement, Qin Huai sent a few more words, all of which were unimportant small talk, but the tone seemed to be much more relaxed.

Yu Xing put away his mobile phone and walked to the teaching building. After a few seconds, his pocket vibrated silently.

I took it out and saw that it was Sheng Yi's phone.

She hesitated to answer.



"Near the school building."

"Almost there?"


"Look towards the gazebo."

Just in time to pass the path beside the pavilion, not far away, Yu Xing heard the words and looked up.

There is a person inside, who is not Sheng Yi.

"Come and talk," he said, then hung up.

After a little hesitation, Yu Xing walked slowly along the path.

I saw Sheng Yi sitting lazily on the bench, half leaning on the pillar, half leaning on the lantern behind the bench, turning his hand to and fro playing with his mobile phone.

Yu Xing hesitated to stop when he walked to the steps, he smiled and raised his eyebrows: "Come up, are you afraid I will eat you?"

Can't help but feel vigilant, she stepped up, across the round table, and stood opposite him.

Sheng Yi didn't speak for a long time, just looked at her leisurely with a smile.

Yu Xing couldn't help but ask: "What do you want to talk to me about?"

He seemed very surprised, and raised his eyebrows in "surprise": "You don't even call the senior now?"

Yu Xing paused and lowered his eyes slightly: "...Senior, what are you talking about."

He didn't answer, but said, "It's still early for class, and I'm not in a hurry, what are you in a hurry for." There was a tendency to have a long talk with her.

Yu Xing covets him, secretly slandering, will you waste time here with you if you don't have class so soon? No words were spoken.

Sheng Yi stared at her with a smile for a while, and said, "Qin Huai came to me and told me something."

Yu Xing was stunned for a moment, and had a bad premonition: "He... what did he say?"

"What do you think it would be?"

She didn't wait for her to answer, Sheng Yi directly exploded: "I heard that you fell in love with me at first sight, junior girl, and loved me so deeply, except that I can no longer accept others, is that so?"

“…” Day, Qin Huai! As soon as he praised his sense of responsibility, he sold her.

Is it okay not to tell Sheng Yi? ?

A man's mouth, a liar!

Yu Xing has long experience in this matter. Without blinking her eyes, she immediately responded: "Actually, this matter..."

Sheng Yi didn't give her a chance this time, and cut off: "Don't explain. One, you love me deeply, and two, you use me as a shield, and you can choose one of the two."

For some reason, after the incident in the ward that day, he said for the first time that he would give her the right to choose, and then he really respected her wishes. After that, she seemed to be less resistant and afraid of him.

The bold and fat Yu Xing not only let go of his long-held wings, but even spread his wings on the edge of sophistry.

"I don't have either, really. Senior, you have to believe me."

"If not, why did you use my photo as your phone wallpaper?"

Be in awe of the seniors."

Sheng Yi smiled: "I believe."

Yu Xing's eyes lit up.

He threw out the second half of the sentence: "—I'm a fool."

Yu Xing:…

This sentence alone is wonderful.

Qin Huai came to him, and after some conversation, he was all talking about how wrong he was. If you don't like Yu Xing, you shouldn't care about her business, and you shouldn't interfere with who she dates and who she doesn't date. He also said that he has explicitly rejected other girls, so don't do these hopeful and disappointing actions, which will hurt others. Girls go back and forth in heaven and hell...

Before and after listening, Sheng Yi really didn't know what to say about Yu Xing. Is it better that she is not afraid of death, or that she is talented and bold?

It's her.

She is now.

Dead and alive, half-skinned off.

Don't want to admit it, but it's different now.

He didn't want to break her spine again, forcing her to kneel and beg.

Seeing her dejected, aggrieved, forced to be docile, it's not interesting.

I want her to stand, her back straight and unyielding, to come and go with him, to chase after me, I want her to be vivid, lively, interesting, and her eyes are shining.

Just like this.

Sheng Yi's lips deepened: "Sister, you use me as a shield to stop peach blossoms, should you thank me?"

"...???" Yu Xing was completely unbelievable.

Where did this peach blossom come from, does it have nothing to do with him? If it wasn't for him, how could she bite the bullet and deal with Qin Huai? !

Ho, ho—


He spat in his heart, but Yu Xing didn't speak. Sheng Yi said again: "Well, you invite me to dinner, you can decide the location, I won't choose."

If you don't pick, what face do you have to pick! Yu Xing resisted the urge to roll his eyes and took a deep breath: "Senior, I don't think it's right."

"Why not?"

She doesn't speak.

"You don't want to?"

Yu Xing pursed his lips, did not speak, acquiesced.

Sheng Yi smiled slightly and stared at her.

It's here again, like it was before.

He wanted others to think they were very familiar, but she didn't want to, and he wanted her to be his girlfriend, and she didn't want to either.

What happened next, needless to say.

The matter with Qin Huai has just ended.

Yu Xing suddenly felt that this might be an endless loop, as long as she was still unwilling to face him, they would definitely encounter this situation.

He was angry, and she got into all kinds of embarrassing situations for angering him.

A little tired, Yu Xing even wanted to close his eyes and wait for his knife to fall on his head.

For a long time, the cool wind blew away the silence.

Sheng Yi opened his mouth, but said: "Well, if you don't want to, forget it."

Yu Xing was stunned and raised his eyes.

His face was as usual, no trace of anger, still smiling.

She said carefully: "Forget it, you mean...?"

"Forget it, forget it." Sheng Yi raised his eyebrows, "Why, do you feel regretful that you change your mind and want to invite me to dinner?"

She swallowed: "...No."

A little bit disappointed, but okay.

Sheng Yi sighed in his heart, and stood up happily: "Forget it. If you don't want to, I won't force you. If you force others to invite me to dinner, even if you eat it, it won't taste good, right?"

Yu Xing couldn't keep up with his sudden awareness.

He had already stepped down the steps and looked back at her: "Aren't you going to go back to class, what are you doing standing there, still not leaving?"

Yu Xing then recovered and kept up.

Sheng Yi picked up the previous words, and said leisurely: "It doesn't matter if you don't want to eat with me now." He smiled and turned his eyes, those peach blossom eyes stared at her seriously for a moment, " —One day you will."

In just one second, he retracted it as if nothing had happened, put his hands in his pockets, walked leisurely, and headed for the third grade teaching building.

I raised a hand and waved it in the air, without looking back at her, just left.

Yu Xing stared at his back and stood there for a few seconds.

Glancing at his back, as if in a hurry to cover up, she hurriedly turned and walked away.

Who wants to eat with him. Bah, stinky shameless!

The gazebo made Yu Xing very uncomfortable.

That mouth still confuses black and white like that, saying it was alive and dead, he was clearly the one who made her embarrassed, but she used him as a shield, and she owed him.

It felt like returning to the state where the two of them first got along, but this was not a problem. What made her uncomfortable was that he seemed to have turned sex.

When he rejected him, Yu Xing thought he would be angry, but who would have thought that he was so indifferent and let it pass without caring.

If you don't want to, I won't force you.

Hearing these words from his mouth really surprised and surprised her.

There is no one who does not want their emotions to be carefully cared for and handled with care, but when the object is Sheng Yi…

Yu Xing was thinking all the way back to the classroom, and the scene of talking with Sheng Yi in the gazebo was probably seen by some people, and there were more gossip around, she was too lazy to pay attention.

She only thought of using his photos as wallpapers and screensavers when she mentioned it. She returned to her seat and immediately took out her phone, intending to replace him.

Choose a few cute pictures that you can see, without thinking, just replace them neatly.

…but a little uncomfortable.

The face looked awkward at first, but after a long time, she actually felt it was okay.

After changing the picture, look at the phone, lock screen, wallpaper, how to look and how to look awkward.

Yu Xing was stunned for a while, a stunned god, and quickly got rid of this idea, for fear that he could not hold back and change Sheng Yi's photo back, he quickly pressed the standby button and turned off the screen.

Just as I was about to put it in my pocket, the screen suddenly turned on itself.

Unfortunately, the WeChat new message reminder pops up.

Yu Xing opened, it was Qin Huai.

When I saw it, the whole person was stunned.

He sent a bunch of documents—

【Sheng Yi Profile.doc】

【What Sheng Yi hates;Hobby.doc】

【Sheng Yi's first racing experience so far.doc】

【Sheng Yi's Private Collection Overview.doc】


【Piano related.doc】

[Three foreign languages ​​(except English).doc]

"..." Breathing stagnant, temples beating wildly. Yu Xing almost thought that he had clicked the link to the Shengyi Encyclopedia webpage.

A rough scan, from the various "related" behind, she has roughly understood many of Sheng Yi's specialties.

After a pile of documents, Qin Huai finally sent a message, but it was not pleasant: [I don't know if I should encourage you, but if you like it, then try Bar. Sheng Yi's information is basically all here, you may find it useful if you take a good look at it. 】

Before she could reply, Qin Huai said again: [Oh, yes, I almost forgot about this. 】

After a few seconds, a new file appears in the dialog box.

【Sheng Yi Growth Photo Collection.pdf】

Yu Xing:…

Too enthusiastic, bro.

No need, really no need.

Read The Duke's Passion