MTL - I See The Galaxy-Chapter 26 I see

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just went.

Shen Shiyu was not used to his fake innocent look: "Don't **** laugh so disgustingly."

One kicked past, and the two fought again.

It must be the friendship of the landlords, Qin Huai took them to stroll from the second floor, and politely greeted a few girls: "I'll invite you to dinner in the evening, you can choose what you want, you are tired of playing. Just say it."

Yu Xing smiled and said nothing, Qin Huai walked beside her, and at a glance, the memory of several meals emerged, and suddenly remembered the fear of being dominated by her, and quickly whispered: "...don't talk about eating staple food !"

Su Qiu was unfamiliar with them, holding Yu Xing's arm, and Tong Youjing holding the arm, just in the middle, just listening but not speaking. Tong Youjing and Qin Huai have long been familiar with each other, so they are not polite to him: "Don't worry, I will never feel sorry for your wallet."

Qin Huai hummed with a smile: "It's okay, you can eat as much as you want.

"Why??" Shen Shiyu heard this, his head full of question marks.

For a while, you said to me, and the atmosphere became lively and very lively.

Jiang Zhiyan didn't say much. This is the second time he has met Yu Xing's friend, this girl named Su Qiu. In this good atmosphere of chat, he smiled and watched, and his eyes secretly looked at her many times.

It's very brief, like a feather swept past, and immediately retracted.

He didn't know what he was looking at, she was so quiet, so gentle and indifferent that she almost didn't exist, but she always held his eyes.

The equally quiet Sheng also fell into his own emotions. He put his hands in his pockets, his face was flat, and there was a bit of sullenness in his indifference. His eyes stared straight ahead, and the chatter and laughter on the side seemed to be absent.

No one understands his irritability, not even himself.

I don't want to see it, but Qin Huai and Yu Xing always break into the corner of his eyes. Every time they said a word, his eyelashes trembled.

Sheng also felt annoyed. It's annoying to hear and even more annoying to watch.

So many whispers? Is what Qin Huai said so funny?

Unconsciously, her brows furrowed in an arc that seemed to be inextricable.

After shopping for more than half an hour, Shen Shiyu lacked interest in these things that mostly girls play, and took a leisurely step: "It's boring. I want to play, do you have a gym?"

Hearing this, everyone stopped.

Jiang Zhiyan didn't care, he didn't express his opinion, just glanced at Su Qiu lightly. She was helping Yu Xing with her hair on the temples, her movements were gentle and meticulous. Without a trace, he slowly retracted his feather-like gaze.

"The gym is not closed." Qin Huai looked at Yu Xing and hesitated, "Otherwise you can go, Shen Shiyu, you don't know the way, there should be someone in the gym, you fight with our school, It's not enough for me to call a few more people."

Shen Shiyu didn't care very much, but he couldn't help but want to hurt him, so he was about to speak, and was robbed first.

"Let's go together." Sheng Yi said suddenly.

Qin Huai: "I..."

"Stop talking nonsense." Sheng Yi's tone sounded a little impatient for some reason, "Just leave if I tell you."

Jiang Zhiyan hurriedly stepped forward and pulled Qin Huai: "Let's go, let the girls play by themselves."

"You just left?" Tong Youjing was taken aback.

Shen Shiyu was very dashing: "Have you been here before? Take them to play, we are not interested in catching dolls and fishing for fish. When we are tired, come to the gym to find us."

I want to scold him, but I think it's right, the three girls can talk about private topics.

Tong Youjing let go: "Okay."

Qin Huai wanted to say something to Yu Xing, but was dragged away by Jiang Zhiyan, almost tripping over.

Su Qiu laughed, and Yu Xing followed suit. In the next second, he caught a glimpse of Sheng Yi's indifferent side face, and paused abruptly, his smile restrained.

Separated from the boys, the three of them not only did not lose interest, but played more vigorously. They have experienced all the projects that boys find boring when they are there.

rings, kneading clay figures, guessing puzzles... Playing to the door of the "Haunted House", Yu Xing stopped it.

This classroom is an activity room, twice the size of a normal classroom. The students in charge of the "Haunted House" group applied for the right to use this room and spent a lot of time on the layout, from details It can be seen.

"I dare not." Yu Xing said, "I really can't."

Tong Youjing wanted to try: "Play, let's play!"


Not waiting for Yu Xing to speak, Su Qiu said first: "I'll play with you, Ayu really can't play this."

Looking at each other, Yu Xing's eyes dimmed slightly.

Su Qiu held Tong Youjing: "Don't make it hard for her, I'm the same as you."

Tong Youjing originally wanted the three of them to be together, but seeing the rare seriousness in their expressions, "Are you really afraid of this?" Yu Xing nodded, and she apologized, "I'm sorry, Xingxing, I am I don't know, I thought...then you are waiting for us here, we will come out immediately!"

Yu Xing said nothing, let them have fun.

After waiting in line for a while, it was Tong Youjing and Su Qiu's turn. They didn't forget to wave at Yu Xing before entering.

Due to the need to make full use of the limited space, the passage of the "Haunted House" is inevitably narrow. There are small organs set up inside, and there are students who pretend to be scary creatures, and it will take some time to get out.

Yu Xing was originally waiting at the entrance of the haunted house—that is, in front of the classroom. It didn’t take long for others to line up. It was not easy to block interested students from watching, so she stood aside.

One minute, two minutes... A few minutes later, Yu Xing leaned against the corridor in a daze, his thoughts drifted away. When I came back to my senses, I just wanted to move, and then I took a step forward. When I turned around, someone suddenly bumped into it.


Ding clang clang, Yu Xing turned back and saw a petite girl squatting on the ground picking up things all over the floor.

"...Sorry." She frowned and squatted down to help.

The white plastic baskets and the ground are scattered with props, probably prepared for this school celebration interaction.

Yu Xing asked, "Are you all right?"

"It's all right!" The flustered girl waved her hands again and again, and suddenly said with a blushing face, "I'm sorry, that..."


The girl's face was not good: "My stomach hurts a little, I can't bear it anymore, can you help me send these things to the equipment room?"

Yu Xing was stunned, "Huh?"

As if afraid of her rejection, the girl instantly burst into tears: "I'm really sorry, I... I really have a stomachache, and I ran into you in a hurry. If I don't move over, I'm going to be scolded by Senior Sister..."

Yu Xing was silent, although she felt abrupt and inexplicable, but when she saw her crying with red eyes, her heart softened: "Okay. But I'm from a foreign school, where is the equipment room?"

Yes! It must be delivered!"

Said "I can't help it", the girl clutched her stomach and ran away.


There was no time to finish the words, and there was no one left, so Yu Xing had no choice but to pick up the white plastic basket.

Fortunately, the things were full but not heavy. She went downstairs as the girl said. There are wooden guide signs in front of each building on the Tokugawa campus. .

Yu Xing walked behind Qinyu Building and passed two or three buildings, feeling vaguely strange.

Why are you getting more and more deserted?

He hesitated and caught a glimpse of the brown building ahead.

She walked carefully to the porch, but heard nothing.

Where is the equipment room?

On the way, she held the plastic basket with both hands and couldn't get it empty. She didn't care to leave a letter to Tong Youjing and Su Qiu. Now she freed up one hand, held the frame with one hand, and took the mobile phone to send WeChat to Tong Youjing .

The message cannot be sent out, and there is no signal.

Yu Xing frowned and wanted to go home, but when he looked over, in the middle of the corridor, there was indeed a yellow door. The door is in front of her, she thought for a while, and walked over cautiously.


It was quiet, no one else.

Perhaps she is too sensitive.

In any case, aware of something weird, Yu Xing decided to make a quick decision and leave early. Go to the yellow door and gently push it open, it's pitch black inside.

No one was there, but it didn't look like an equipment room, and there was a smell of dust in the air.

Yu Xing did not enter at the door, and reached out to touch the wall to see if there would be a light switch.

Suddenly I heard movement behind me—

Before she turned around, a force suddenly pushed her from the back, Yu Xing exclaimed, and fell forward while holding the plastic basket.

There was a bang, and the person and the debris in the frame fell to the ground.

The light disappeared behind him, the door slammed shut, and there was a sound of locking outside.

Yu Xing couldn't bear the pain: "Who?! Open the door—"

The door lock rang, followed by the sound of light footsteps.

She groped in the direction of the door and slammed it hard. It was quiet outside, and there was no sound.

The room was dark, and there were no windows on the walls.

My heart began to beat rapidly, Yu Xing took out the mobile phone in his pocket, pressed it on, and the signal disappeared.

Sitting on the ground with her back against the door, she took a deep breath and turned on the flashlight function of her phone.

"I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid, I'm fine..."

She thought about herself, comforting herself.

"Don't think about it, don't think about it..."

"It's alright alright..."

Breathing is getting heavier.

The dust in the air carried an old woody rotten smell, which attacked her sense of smell one by one, constantly stimulating the depths of her mind.

Not safe, not safe anywhere.

Yu Xing was a little dizzy, dizzy, and began to have chest tightness. With one hand on the ground and the other hand holding the mobile phone used as a flashlight, she kept moving the position, shrinking to the most corner, and then changing to another place, constantly looking for a sense of security.

Darkness and light intertwined, swallowing her like a huge cage, and she was in it, locked tightly, with nowhere to run.

Breaking a little sweat, Sheng Yi went down to rest at halftime. After drinking water, I realized that my phone was not in my pocket.

I frowned and remembered that I fell on the car when I got out of the car.

"I'm going to get something in the car."

Said something to Jiang Zhiyan who also ended up drinking water, Sheng Yi put on his coat and walked out.

Soon to the campus parking lot, get in the car and see that the phone is indeed there. Pressing the bright screen, there are some messages and calls, which are not very important. He is too lazy to return, so he ignores it for the time being and puts the phone in his pocket.

I didn't want to appreciate the decent campus scenery of Tokugawa, so Sheng Yi returned along the way he came. Passing through a teaching building on the way, he was about to turn the corner, but he trotted past two girls not far away, talking, but didn't notice him at the corner.

"Sister Mo has gone to the gym, hurry up and tell her!"

"Is it alright for that girl to stay there?"

"What's the matter, who told her to rob Qin Huai from Sister Mo, and teach her a little lesson to make her remember..."

Three words, Sheng Yi heard a meal.

Qin Huai?

Continuing with those few bad words, he frowned slightly.

Maybe she was too sensitive, Sheng Yi continued to step up.

However, before he walked twice, his mood was so subtle that he couldn't tell, and he stopped again.

Take out her mobile phone, click on Yu Xing's number, and call Tong Youjing instead.

As soon as I got connected, I pretended not to care and asked, "Where have you been?"

Tong Youjing's voice sounded a little impatient: "What's the matter? Are you finished? You wait, we are looking for Yu Xing, she doesn't know where she is..."

He looked tense: "Is Yu Xing gone?"

"Ah. Su Qiu and I entered the haunted house, and we couldn't find her when we came out. When I asked the queue outside, only one said that she saw her leaving with something, and the phone couldn't get through!"

Sheng Yi pursed her lips: "You look first, I'll ask Qin Huai."

Stop talking, hang up the phone, and dial Yu Xing's number with a glimmer of hope, but it really doesn't work.

Sheng Yi followed the direction the two girls ran from just now, and made three phone calls before contacting Qin Huai.

"Xing Yu is gone, ask someone to help you find it."

"What?" Qin Huai was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly said yes.

Suddenly thinking of the conversation between the two girls, Sheng Yi hurriedly asked, "...Is there any more remote and hidden place in your school?"

"Uh...there is one! Going past the Qinyu Building, there is a vacant...brown one behind the other buildings! What's the matter, Yu Xing was..."

Don't give him more time to ask, Sheng Yi didn't finish listening and hung up the phone quickly.

According to Qin Huai's words, after passing around a few buildings, the lively noise gradually drifted away, and the surroundings were very quiet.

Sheng Yi wanted to look at the mobile phone map, but found that there was no signal here.

He frowned, aware of the problem, Sheng Yi continued to move forward, and after a while, he did find a brown building.

"Yu Xing!"

"Yu Xing?"

"Yu Xing—"

She shouted a few times and no one answered, Sheng Yi ran into the corridor and looked for it from room to room. Until the door frame is yellow in the middle and the facade is pale yellow, when I push the door, I find that it is locked.

The door was closed tightly.

"Yu Xing? Are you there?!"

There is no response.

Sheng Yi looked to the other side of the corridor, and was about to continue to look for the rest of the room, when she heard a slight noise inside.

He knocked on the door: "Yu Xing?!"

He listened carefully, it was quiet and silent, and the moment just now seemed to be his illusion.

After hesitating for a second, Sheng Yi stepped back a little and kicked the door with his long legs. One by one, the door rattled, and soon, the door frame was kicked, and the door slammed open.

The smell of dust is a bit heavy, Sheng Yi approached, looked around, and saw a crouched figure in the corner of the wall.

It is Yu Xing.

A lump in the air.

"Yu Xing?!" Sheng Yi rushed in front of her, grabbed her shoulders with both hands, and asked her to raise her head.

She didn't seem to hear his voice, couldn't sense that the door was wide open, and couldn't sense the light, so she hugged herself even harder.

Sheng Yi felt that she was trembling, and read something in a very low voice.

He paused, got closer, and took a half-holding position.


In this space with a strong smell of wood decay, her voice is subtle, silky, stagnant and morbid.

"I'm good..."


Afterwards, Sheng Yi heard her called "Auntie" and repeated the word over and over.

He squeezed her shoulders and said hard: "Yu Xing? Yu Xing!"

Forcibly pulled her face up and found her eyes tightly closed. Going to roll her eyelids, you can only see the white eyeballs. This tremor was not right, it was not like a pure tremor, it seemed to be convulsing with a bit of convulsion.

Sheng Yi was stunned, immediately picked her up, grabbed her phone, and rushed out.

Running all the way, hearing her rustling nonsense all the way, caught in the wind next to his ear, and stabbed his heart aches.

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