MTL - I See The Galaxy-Chapter 23 I see

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He Sheng also broke up unhappily. It was the first time that Yu Xing was so daring and fat, and unilaterally made him look bad. On the way back, he was afraid that Tong Youjing would be worried, so he suppressed his anger and did not show his face. He only said that he had eaten too much and wanted to stay quiet for a while.

The conversation in front of the sink didn't even mention a word.

Just arrived at school after dinner, Yu Xing received an application to add a new friend.

—Qin Huai.

Neither agree nor refuse, she is irritable, she ignores it.

Transferring is getting tighter and tighter, Yu Xing is looking forward to the rest day soon.

After finally finishing the last class on Saturday, and seeing that I could go home the next day, unexpectedly, I received a call from Zhan Xuming.

"Uncle Zhan?"

Yu Xing was slightly surprised. Zhan Xuming occasionally cares about her on WeChat, but rarely makes phone calls.

Zhan Xuming asked tentatively, "Are you at school?"

"Well, go home tomorrow. What's the matter?"

After a while, he said, "Your aunt is in a bad mood these two days."

As soon as she heard about Yu Wanzhen, Yu Xing immediately became concerned: "Auntie? What's wrong with Auntie?"

"Don't worry." Zhan Xuming sighed, "Has she called you in the past two days?"

"A few days ago."

"She didn't tell you?"

Yu Xing remembered that during the call that day, Yu Wanzhen sounded a little melancholy and frowned slightly: "No, she didn't tell me anything."

Zhan Xuming told her: "That's right, your aunt made some small investments outside, some fund management things. She invested in that company a while ago... Money is a trivial matter, and now she is because of This is quite self-blame, I'm afraid she thinks too much. Xingxing, you go home tomorrow and enlighten her well."

Yu Xing said yes immediately.

"Well, I'm just telling you. She didn't tell you I'm afraid you're worried. But I don't think you're a child anymore..."

Yu Xing said: "I understand, Uncle Zhan, don't worry."

Relations to Yu Wanzhen, Zhan Xuming always goes to the trouble: "Your aunt loves you the most, no one can make her happier than you, you coax her well. If she is angry, I will tell you, wait for her mood Well, let her get angry with me."

"No Uncle Zhan." Yu Xing was relieved, "Auntie will understand."

Lintian gave the special enrollment scholarship bonus, which was stored in Yu Xing's passbook. Yu Wanzhen gave it to her for safekeeping, and never touched it.

Finding it from the bottom of the drawer, Yu Xing opened it and took it to the living room.

Without a word, she put it into Yu Wanzhen's hands.

"What..." Yu Wanzhen was caught off guard, and was stunned after seeing it, "Why are you giving me this?"

Yu Xing said: "Auntie, you can use this money for household use. I usually don't have a place to spend it, you give pocket money every week, I can't use it. It's a waste to keep it. ."

How could Yu Wanzhen ask her for the bonus? She frowned: "This is for you to use later in college, put it away!"

Yu Xing pushed back: "I'll talk about it later when I go to college."

She insisted on accepting the passbook by herself, Yu Wanzhen realized that it was wrong, and understood in a few seconds: "Who told you, right?"

Yu Xing's eyes flickered, he thought about it, and did not hide: "Uncle Zhan called me."

"I guessed it was either him or your Aunt Ruan."

"He is also afraid that you will be unhappy."

Yu Wanzhen feigned anger: "I'll be happy if you give me the passbook? Take it back!"

Yu Xing leaned over and acted like a spoiled child: "Auntie—"

The mouth was displeased, but she still held her hand, Yu Wanzhen patted her on the back and sighed: "I'm fine. The first two days were a little annoying, and it's over. I don't have this money. It's not that we can't open the pot about money, so don't worry about it if you're a child."

Yu Xing looked up and stared at her: "Really?"

"What are you doing?"

"Then don't be unhappy. If my aunt is not happy, I will not be happy."

Yu Wanzhen lowered her eyes, Yu Xing looked over pitifully with her beautiful eyes, Yu Wanzhen couldn't help laughing and pinched her cheek: "Okay, I will listen to you!"

Sitting and laughing with Yu Wanzhen for a while, coaxing her to smile again and again, Yu Xing was relieved. However, when he returned to the room, his innocence disappeared in an instant, but it was not as relaxed as it appeared.

She was careless, careful, and thoughtful. It is not easy for my aunt to support this small family of two people alone. Although she has never been short of life for so many years, she cannot say how rich she is.

Since she was a child, she thought that when she grows up, she must stand out and let her aunt live a prosperous and worry-free life. When Lintian handed over the olive branch, she was determined to do her best to grasp this rare resource so that she could go higher and farther in the future.

At this moment, I deeply feel that I have not thought enough and done enough.

Yu Xing quickly walked to the desk and pulled out the special admissions agreement that he had read many times.

The first sub-item of the eighth major item reads: As a Lintian representative to participate in the competition at the municipal, provincial, national and above levels, to get the ranking, in addition to the original awards of the competition, the school will additionally Award honorary scholarships.

She rubbed the word "scholarship" back and forth with her fingertips.

Transferring schools now will only add trouble to my aunt.

Not only can she not transfer to another school, but she has to stay in Lintian well, and she can "earn" a bonus.

Resolutely determined again, Yu Xing picked up the phone and put it aside. After clicking on the WeChat message, Qin Huai really posted a lot of content.

After she received the call from Zhan Xuming, she passed the original friend request.

Today is a day off. Now, Qin Huai is waiting for her.

On the way to the appointment, Yu Xing couldn't help but wonder, is she ignorant or not?

Probably not, after all, she could have found Sheng Yi directly, and honestly bowed her head for her ignorance, admitting her mistakes, and everything would pass. She just didn't.

Sheng Yi forced her to give up her resistance, but she would rather choose to date Qin Huai than give way to him.

I wonder if he will be more angry.

Yu Xing doesn't care, she is stubborn in her bones, the more tough and aggressive Sheng Yi is, the less she wants to do what he wants.

Let people bully her, and with Tong Youjing, she doesn't worry about this happening.

Take Qin Huai to oppress her, so she just doesn't resist.

What else?

I just want to draw a clear line with you Sheng Yi, I just don’t want to accept your Sheng Yi benefits in vain, I just don’t think of myself as someone in your camp who needs your protection!

I would rather date Qin Huai than be your Sheng Yi's girlfriend!

Thinking this way, I feel a little fearless in my heart, but it is not so uncomfortable.

Qin Huai drove by himself and waited near Yu Xing's house. Yu Xing didn't want to watch a movie. The atmosphere of that occasion was too ambiguous, and he couldn't accept it for a while, so he went to the video game city instead.

It is a lie to say that she is not nervous, especially when she feels Qin Huai's over-enthusiasm, Yu Xing is still somewhat uncomfortable. With his back straight and his shoulders tensed, he was always afraid that Qin Huai would cross the line.

Unable to relax until she got out of the car, Qin Huai took the drink from the window and handed it to her.

For a time, both of them were a little embarrassed.

"...Sorry." Yu Xing was embarrassed, "I'm not used to hanging out with strangers."

Qin Huai hurriedly said that he didn't care: "It's okay, I understand, I understand, I understand."

Seeing that he is quite honest, Yu Xing tentatively took a precaution: "I don't really like to have physical contact with others when I don't know each other, it will be awkward. My personality is also relatively slow, you... "

Qin Huai immediately understood what she meant and promised: "Don't be afraid, I will never do things that shouldn't be done!"

The atmosphere is slightly calmer.

Entering the video game city, Qin Huai exchanged a lot of game coins in one breath and asked her what she wanted to play.

Yu Xing was not very interested in the game, so he took her to the clip doll area and played it one machine at a time. Gradually, the two were able to chat a few words.

After playing for half a circle, Qin Huai insisted on buying cotton candy. Yu Xing didn't like to eat very much, but he couldn't refuse, so he had to follow him.

Holding a huge marshmallow in his hand, Yu Xing took two bites, and the candy was always on it, so he couldn't help but feel embarrassed. The sweet and greasy scent was all over from her lips to the tip of her nose. She licked her tongue and reached out to wipe it.

Out of the corner of the eye, she saw Qin Huai holding a mobile phone, and the camera shot at her. For a moment, she ducked to the side: "Don't shoot!"

Qin Huai was embarrassed and coughed, "I just took a picture." The next second, he put away his phone consciously and pretended that nothing happened.

Everything is fine.

Before dinner, Qin Huai drove Yu Xing for a ride. After five o'clock, he drove to the restaurant for dinner.

Not long after they were seated, and the appetizers just came, Yu Xing stared blankly at the plate for a while, and suddenly cried without warning.

Qin Huai was stunned, and hurriedly took out a tissue.

"What's wrong with you? What are you crying for?

Yu Xing also doesn't want to cry, whoever wants to cry, she has to cry.

In terms of getting along in the afternoon alone, Qin Huai is not as bad as she imagined, but she still has to do something for herself.

Dating is not a matter of human beings, and no one can guarantee it. How patient is Qin Huai?

It's not her character to sit still.

He silently said "I'm sorry" to Qin Huai in his heart.



Her tears fell, Qin Huai stared at her for a moment, nodded repeatedly, "Well, well, you say."

Two lines of "painful" tears were shed, and Yu Xing choked: "...I already like someone."


Qin Huai's brain didn't turn around.

Yu Xing looked at him tearfully: "I like people you know."

"You mean..."

She nodded and spit out two words: "Sheng Yi."


Qin Huai jumped up and stood up.

Yu Xing hurriedly stopped him: "You listen to me first—"

Qin Huai took a deep breath and stabilized: "You say."

"Do you know why Senior Sheng Yi didn't introduce you to me at first? In fact, it was all because of me. I fell in love with him at first sight, but he didn't like me."

Yu Xing shook his head with tears in his eyes.

"You to"

Yu Xing nodded: "He rejected me a long time ago, I have been pestering him, he took this into account, so he did not promise to help you match."

She continued without waiting for him to speak.

"I feel very sad. After getting along with me today, I found that you are a good person. The more you treat me like this, the more sad I am. I really don't deserve your attention, really ."

Qin Huai hesitated and did not know what to say: "You..."

"I may not be able to like someone for a long time, I can't, I don't want to accept anyone but him."

That's the point.


"Sorry I don't want that either..."

"I'm sorry, sorry..."

Yu Xing gradually began to cry fiercely.

"I can't accept your wishes, I know Sheng Yi won't like me, but I can't control myself..."

Even if he is forced to retreat, he still has a pretense as an excuse, so he doesn't have to develop further with him so quickly.

It was obvious that she was acting, but Yu Xing cried more and more fiercely. She was originally trying to squeeze tears, but for some reason, the backlog of emotions suddenly erupted in her heart, and it spewed out in an instant.

The grievance, sadness, and sadness swept over me.

What did she do wrong?

She just studied hard, in order to be able to rely on her only relative in the future, so she chose to come to Lintian.

Still being forced into this situation.

She is really nothing, no background, no power, just an ordinary little person.

But she is also a treasure in my aunt's palm.

Yu Xing cried out of breath.

Qin Huai took out a lot of tissues and handed them to her, but she couldn't take care of saying goodbye for a while: "Don't cry, don't cry! I know, I understand what you said... Don't cry first Okay? Don't cry..."

After a while, her mood eased, her red eyes twitching.

Qin Huai sighed: "Do you really like Sheng Yi?"

I don't want to lie to him, but there is no way. Yu Xing closed his eyes and nodded.

"Sheng is not as simple as you think." He couldn't help but take some advice.

Yu Xing whispered: "I know, but I..." Tears welled up in his eyes.

"Okay, okay." Qin Huai told her to stop, "It's not your fault that there is no reason for feelings."

The tip of Yu Xing's nose was red, her cheeks were also red, and her eyelashes hung down with tears: "Qin Huai, don't like me anymore, it's not worth it..."

"It doesn't matter what I said." Qin Huai smiled bitterly, "You know, this kind of thing doesn't make sense."

She doesn't speak.

For a long time, silence filled the air.

Qin Huai put her voice softly: "Is it okay, I won't force you. We can be friends first, maybe after a long time, you will like me?"

Yu Xing cautiously: "Be friends..."

"Don't treat me like a beast, okay?" He laughed, "Well, I'm really not a good person... But you're crying like this, what else can I do, Overlord? Is that too beastly?"

This excuse means that Qin Huai does not want to be too anxious to go further after this date.

Yu Xing didn't want to fall in love with anyone, just wanted to delay one day.

So satisfied.

She nodded, agreeing to him.

Qin Huai told a few funny jokes, the two skipped the topic and moved chopsticks.

Another dish.

Yu Xing thought of something, suddenly stopped and looked at him: "There is one more thing."

Qin Huaisheng was afraid that she would cry again and was nervous: "What?"

"I said these things today, can you please not tell others, especially Sheng Yi." She said, "...If there is a big trouble, I may not be able to stay in Lintian."

This is the truth.

If Sheng Yi knew that she was playing so many tricks, she would be completely finished.

Qin Huai only thought that she cared about her face, and it was not a big deal, so she responded: "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. You... Forget it, it's nothing."

I want to say let her think about it as soon as possible, and don't have feelings for Sheng Yi as soon as possible.

Yu Xing can finally eat well.

The food in front of her tasted great, but she felt tired.

A good person is almost forced to become green tea.

…Life is hard.

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School LifeComedyMartial ArtsTragedy