MTL - I See The Galaxy-Chapter 21 I

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Even Tong Youjing raised this question, let alone others.

Yu Xing explained to her seriously, but she knew in her heart that there must be more people guessing.

This is not the end.

From this meal, for two consecutive days, Yu Xing was called by Sheng Yi to the restaurant to eat. In the same place, in the same location, although he didn't ask her to pick up food, or made a cross-border act of feeding her food, the rumors about the two of them still couldn't be suppressed, and they sprang up like mushrooms after a rain.

I couldn't help it, and after another meal, Yu Xing put down his chopsticks and chose He Sheng to be honest.

"Senior, did I offend you?"

Sheng Yi paused for a while while holding the dim sum, and then smiled as if nothing had happened: "You think too much, no."

Yu Xing didn't want to be sloppy with him, and his attitude was very sincere: "I really wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart when I gave the scarf that day. If there is anything that makes you feel unhappy, I'm sorry. Really. "

The sincere eyes looked at him while talking, and almost cut out his heart.

Sheng Yi silently looked at her for a few seconds, then suddenly threw the chopsticks away. It's not heavy, but the slight sound it makes is inexplicably terrifying.

"Did you know that you are so cheap now that you sell well."

"I don't have..."

"Why do you think you can live a quiet life here now?"

Yu Xing moved his lips and fell silent.

Compared to just entering school, life is really much easier now. No one bullied her, and she could enjoy normal campus life as freely as anyone else here.

Yu Xing understood.

It seems to be relying on Tong Youjing's face, in the final analysis, or relying on his power. Otherwise, she has nothing, the background is empty, those snobbish people, why are they afraid of her being polite to her?

In the eyes of others, she has long been included under the umbrella of Sheng Yi and is already a part of their social circle.

Seeing that Yu Xing didn't speak, Sheng Yi curled his lips, slightly sarcastic.

"You don't want to owe someone so much...?"

Sheng Yi smiled and said, "I really want you to pay it back, can you afford it?"

Yu Xing turned pale and pursed her lips.

One trip in the morning and one trip in the afternoon, in one day, Sheng Yi let people deliver things twice. Drink in the morning and refreshment in the afternoon. The errand is run by an unfamiliar senior, who will be sent directly to the door of Class 3 of the second year of high school.

Not long after, the whole floor knew that Sheng Yi gave her something. Needless to say, the atmosphere of the second and third classes of high school, Qiu Huini and Xia Yuanqing, who have always been the most arrogant, looked at it many times, but neither dared to say a word.

Only the vague envy and sourness in her eyes were clear and could not be concealed.

Yu Xing was not happy at all, just felt like a hot potato. Unable to sit still, I went to the corner of the corridor and called him. A beep sounded, and the louder she became, the less she felt in her heart.

I finally got it.

She took a deep breath: "Senior, the afternoon tea you brought..."

"Why, do you want to thank me?" With a bit of sharpness in the mocking voice, Sheng Yi asked, "Are you going to give me some snacks this time, or do you want to give me something else? "

She was tongue-tied: "I, I'm not..."

He smiled, she couldn't go on.

After a few seconds of silent confrontation.

"..." Yu Xing was dumbfounded.

She didn't respond for a long time, Sheng Yi waited for a few seconds, impatient: "I'll hang up if there is nothing else."


Squeezing out a sound from his throat, Yu Xing just took the phone away from his ear, and the next second, he heard that the other side had hung up.

The screen display jumped back to the main interface, Yu Xing watched for a long time, and suddenly felt that he was really wrong.

Who is Sheng also.

I'm used to saying one thing or the other. I always want the wind to be the wind and the rain to be the rain. No one dares to disobey him. She was just a gadget to tease, but she never really bowed her head to him.

The mind is as delicate as Sheng Yi, how can she not feel the alienation and resistance hidden under her polite and polite behavior?

From the restaurant to the present, this is not a problem.

Feeling uneasy in her heart, Yu Xing returned to the classroom and stared at the untouched refreshments on the side, stunned for a long time.

Things seem to have gone wrong.

I spent a few days tormented, and the bad premonition came true one day before the day off.

Yu Xing stared at the phone, staring blankly for a long time.

Sheng Yi sent her a message saying:

[There will be a racing fair tomorrow, you can go with me. At three o'clock, the driver will pick you up. 】

"What's wrong?"

The braids were about the same, but Yu Wanzhen found that Yu Xing didn't seem very happy, and her eyes were straight and distracted.

"Didn't you say you're going to play, why do you keep a straight face?"

Yu Xing was busy returning to his senses and lowered his eyes: "No, I'm thinking about something."

Today's rest day, Yu Xing said that she was going to go out with a friend, and rarely asked Yu Wanzhen to help her dress up. After taking a nap after lunch, Yu Wanzhen hurriedly pulled her to sit down.

Seeing that Yu Xing didn't want to say more, Yu Wanzhen didn't ask any further questions, she finished braiding her braids, pulled her up to look at her whole body, and showed a satisfied smile.

"You look good in this winter dress."

While complimenting, the next sentence did not forget to add: "Remember to add a coat later, it is cold now."

Yu Xing said yes.

It was about the same time, Yu Xing took his mobile phone and other personal belongings, packed up and went out.

Sheng Yi asked her to accompany her to attend some fairs and said that someone would come to pick her up. The location she told was in front of a building near the community, and she planned to walk there by herself during the journey.

“…Is there anything else I forgot?”

Suddenly, Yu Wanzhen's suspicious voice came from behind.

Yu Xing, who was in a daze by the door, shuddered and returned to his senses: "No."

Sighed and stepped out of the house.

Yu Wanzhen briefly cleaned the house when she heard the door open. Holding a rag in his hand, he went out to take a look, and Yu Xing, who had been out for a while, came back.

She said strangely: "Why are you back? Didn't you go out to play?"

"I have something to do temporarily." Yu Xing's eyes flickered, "I won't go."


"Yeah." Nodding, Yu Xing didn't say much and went back to the room.

Escape also seems to enter the room, close the door, Yu Xing sat down on the bed, a little lost.

She walked out of the community, half way, and suddenly didn't want to go.

The road was full of traffic and pedestrians came and went, she just stood there for a few minutes, and finally sent a message to Sheng Yi, telling him that she was not going.

Then go back.

In this familiar space, Yu Xing raised his feet on the edge of the bed, hugged his legs irritably, and sat huddled on the bed.

This is the end of the matter, and I have to consider the worst plan - transfer.

Thinking enough.

She and Sheng Yi are different from her and Tong Youjing, the latter is a friendship and cannot be treated with the same attitude.

She has always been very clear.

Sheng Yi asked her to write a love letter, she wrote it in different voices, and once he stopped paying attention, he immediately dealt with it;

He helped her out of the siege, and she turned around and gave her snacks made by herself, and she owed it back;

Used his money to buy pantyhose, and immediately returned the scarf, and refused to take advantage of him;

All these subconscious actions of keeping a distance are keeping the last bottom line.

She always remembered that she and Sheng were not in the same circle.

Maybe this is the reason why Sheng Yi's displeasure and desire for conquest have been aroused to this point.

Yu Xing knew that it was the safest to go to the appointment honestly, but she still chose to go home.

The request made by Sheng Yi obviously crossed the line. What is her relationship to him? From here on, if she bows her head, once she goes today and has this date, what should she do if something more extreme happens in the future?

His behavior has clearly changed. Since she noticed it, she can no longer play stupid.

Does Sheng Yi like her? No.

So, she can't play this kind of game with Sheng Yi, she doesn't have the qualifications, and she doesn't dare.

The worst plan is to transfer.

Thinking of Lintian's faculty, Yu Xing felt a little pity, but he couldn't do anything.

I took off my skirt and put on my home clothes in annoyance, and I felt much more comfortable in an instant. Yu Xing pushed open the door and went out. Yu Wanzhen washed the fruit and was sitting on the sofa making fruit tea.

Before she could call her, she came out by herself, Yu Wanzhen smiled and beckoned: "Come on, drink something hot, is it cold outside?"

Yu Xing sat beside Yu Wanzhen, plunged her head into her arms, and shook her head.

Sensing that she was in a bad mood, Yu Wanzhen hugged her back and asked lightly, "What's the matter, darling, are you in a bad mood?"

She didn't say anything, just shook her head.

"Tell my aunt if you're in a bad mood." Yu Wanzhen's voice was soothing, and at times like this, Yu Xing would always tell her something.

This time it was very unusual.

She still didn't speak, just held Yu Wanzhen silently.

Seeing her like this, expecting that she must be extremely annoyed, Yu Wanzhen's heart suddenly softened, and she hugged her and stopped asking.

After a while, Yu Xing raised his head by himself and said without thinking: "Auntie, I will definitely study hard. When I work, I will earn a lot of money and let you go out and travel around the world."

Yu Wanzhen was stunned for a moment, then chuckled: "Why did you say this suddenly."

" want to travel the world."

"Do you remember?"

"Yeah." Yu Xing nodded.

When looking at old photos together a long time ago, Yu Wanzhen once flipped through the photos of the university and told her that her dream as a girl was to travel around the world.

Of course it didn't come true.

The high-spirited girl was stumped by reality, took on a sudden burden, and supported a small family.

It's more than ten years.

But she mentioned it casually, but she didn't expect her to remember it. Yu Wanzhen was very relieved and patted her on the back: "Traveling around the world or something, it doesn't matter. As long as Xingxing is happy every day, I will be happy."

Smelling the familiar gentle fragrance, Yu Xing's troubled heart could not help but feel the slightest tranquility.

"Auntie." She leaned against Yu Wanzhen's arms and asked, "Do you regret it?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she felt that she was holding her arm for a while, and then she tightened her arms slightly.

"Don't talk nonsense. People, you can reflect, regret is the most meaningless and unnecessary thing to do, you know?" Yu Wanzhen said, "Besides my stars are so good, I live well So happy, why regret it?"

“…Auntie doesn’t regret it.”

On the way back to school that night, Yu Xing sent a voice message to Tong Youjing, who was not at school.

In one sentence, I am full of anxiety and helplessness:

"—Tongtong, I seem to be in trouble."

Read The Duke's Passion