MTL - I See The Galaxy-Chapter 13 I see

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The complex emotions in Qiu Huini's eyes were about to overflow her eyes, perhaps because she was not sure about the current situation, and had scruples about her relationship with Sheng Yi, so she held back and did not move.

After waiting for a while, seeing that they were just watching and not doing anything, Yu Xing didn't bother to care so much, and grabbed his chopsticks to eat.

The main course of the restaurant today is Sichuan and Hunan cuisine. Yu Xing is delicious and spicy. Just smelling the aroma makes you feel hungry.

Just after taking two bites, there is a figure in front of me.

The delicate female voice asked: "Can I sit here?"

Looking up, Tong Youjing was standing at the table with a smile on her plate.

Yu Xing was stunned, swallowed the rice, and nodded.

Tong Youjing didn't have much on the plate, and it was basically bland food. He glanced at her dish and raised his eyebrows slightly: "Wow, you can eat spicy food."

The amount in the plate is much more than the other side, Yu Xing is embarrassed: "I like spicy."

Tong Youjing smiled and took a sip of the juice.

"Are you coming to dinner alone?"

Yu Xing nodded: "I am alone every day."

“Not with friends?”

"I don't have any friends in Lintian."

Tong Youjing was stunned, a little sorry: "I'm sorry."

Yu Xing took a big mouthful of food, chewed and swallowed, shook his head, and didn't take it seriously at all.

Friends are like-minded people who love each other and get together casually.

"Would you like to try this?" Tong Youjing pushed a small dish in front of her.

Yu Xing declined: "No, thank you."

Tong Youjing did not force herself and picked up her own tableware to eat.

The two faced each other without speaking, and each had a meal.

Tong Youjing took a vacation for a while, and it was not long after she came back, and the content about her in the gossip after class immediately increased.

Yu Xing has heard more or less.

The Tong family and the Shen family are on good terms. The two families have always been close. Tong Youjing and Shen Shiyu grew up together. Because of Shen Shiyu's relationship, she and Jiang Zhiyan and Sheng Yi are also playmates for many years, and they have a good relationship.

I heard that in her first year of high school, because she got close to Shen Shiyu and others in her second year of high school, she was asked for trouble by people who didn't understand the situation, and there was a lot of trouble. He made Shen Shiyu angry, and the group of men and women who were in trouble was cleaned up by him.

The next day students will know that this person, regardless of his family background or his relationship with the "princelings", is not something that can be messed with casually, and no one will mess with her after that.

Yu Xing felt that Tong Youjing was not as scary as the messy gossip said, and she didn't feel arrogant and difficult to get along with.

Maybe it's a matter of selling Shengyi's face.

Anyway, Tong Youjing's attitude towards her these two times made her feel very comfortable. This person is attentive, polite, and has a good temperament in every move. He looks like an outgoing person, but he doesn't make people feel awkward.

Yu Xing took a few more glances.

Although they are all daughters of gold, compared with those in Class 3, they are much more valuable.

The objects that Yu Xing has met in Lintian for a long time are mostly superficial, looking at dishes based on appearance or family background. Tong Youjing, the real eldest lady, is not like others, only Based on these conditions, he has inexplicable malice towards himself, and Yu Xing is already very satisfied.

So, I should have left after lunch, but I heard Tong Youjing ask, "Have some dessert? I'll go get it."

Yu Xing thought for a while, then nodded hesitantly.

At the table not far away, Qiu Huini and the others did not know whether they had finished eating or not, and they came to see it more and more frequently. Seeing that she and Tong Youjing were sitting at a table eating, I don't know what they whispered and said, but eating became an extra purpose. For the whole meal time, Jing Gu looked this way.

Yu Xing was too lazy to care about them. What else can I say, it's not that she will go to camp and hug her thighs everywhere.

Eyes grow on them, just look at them.

Not long after, Tong Youjing came back with a tray containing two plates of dessert and a drink.

"I don't think you drink water, drink this to moisten your throat." Tong Youjing brought her dessert and put the glass in front of her.

Yu Xing thanked him.

"I think you just ate it dry." Tong Youjing said while arranging the empty plate in front of him, "You eat so spicy and don't drink anything, no, don't drink water and go back. Can you drink some soup or something, don't you think it's spicy? Besides, it's good for the stomach to drink something like soup and water before meals, it's not easy to overeat."

"...Ah, good." Yu Xing nodded.

She didn't stop: "I didn't drink soup before meals before, and I ate very fast, but later my stomach was very bad, I still need to pay more attention..."

It didn't stop until I scooped up a spoonful of dessert.

Yu Xing didn't know what to say, so he was silent.

Tong Youjing glanced at her expression, paused, and felt embarrassed: "I'm sorry, I can't stop when I talk. I don't usually have any girl friends chatting with me..."

Yu Xing was slightly surprised: "No one chats with you?"

Tong Youjing twitched the corners of his mouth lightly, smiling faintly: "It's normal, it's not easy to chat, although there are many people in this school who want to chat with me, but what the **** is going on? They know the idea in their own minds, so I'm too lazy to take care of it and waste time."

After thinking about it, she understood, Yu Xing silently took a bite of the dim sum and did not answer.

Tong Youjing didn't mind her speaking less, and now she was staring at her.

Accidentally rubbed juice on his mouth, Yu Xing licked his lips clean, and saw Tong Youjing suddenly leaning forward: "You are very white!"

Yu Xing raised his eyes: "Really."

"Yeah, you're so white." Tong Youjing stared at the lower half of her face, looking carefully, finding new surprises from time to time, "Hey, your chin is quite pointed...but The radian is very round? The lip shape is also beautiful! I see the tip of your nose... it's very upturned! So delicate..."

Looking at it, her eyes stopped on the pair of large black-framed glasses, her bangs were as thick as iron, and the hair on both sides was wrapped around her cheeks like sacks, Tong Youjing couldn't help frowning.

"The glasses frame blocks the nose, and the bridge of the nose can't be seen... Your bangs must be beautiful! Why do you block your hair like this..."

The more I talk about it, the more regrettable it becomes.

Being caught off guard when she mentioned this, Yu Xing came back to his senses, hurriedly lowered his head, and coughed lightly: "I'm used to it."

"Huh? Is that so..."

Tong Youjing really thinks her skin is good, fair and delicate, if she shows her face, she will definitely look much better than her current look.

But seeing Yu Xing so uncomfortable, she thought she was not used to taking care of her appearance and respected her, so she didn't continue talking.

After lunch, Yu Xing and Tong Jing said goodbye and went back to the apartment to rest for a while before going to the classroom.

I suddenly received a message from an unfamiliar number on the way.

[Come to the lounge after school. 】

With just one glance, you will know who the owner of the number is.

Yu Xing hesitated and struggled for a while, but in the end he didn't answer, and put the phone in his pocket.

Go to the second grade teaching building, turn around and go to the bathroom first.

As soon as Yu Xing pushed open the door of the compartment to go in, there was a sound of flushing from the next door.

"I'm fine."

"I'm fine too."

"Hui Ni?"


The sound of flushing water and the sound of opening the door were almost at the same time, and then I heard the movement of the water flow in the sink, accompanied by voices.

"Are we going to block that Yu Xing today?"

"Shut up, aren't you afraid that the senior year will trouble you?"

"Hey, I don't believe that she really has such a big face to make people from Class 7 give her a head start."

"But it's a fact that she got into the car of Senior Sheng Yi, what if? Didn't you see the thing about moving the mat yesterday?"

"He's just a little bit aggressive..."

As soon as these words landed, someone gasped.

"Furious? You forgot what happened when the boy who dropped out offended Sheng Yi in our first year of high school? The two met in the parking lot, and Sheng Yi directly forced him to stop, He slammed on the accelerator and hit it seven or eight times, knocking the man's car into scrap on the spot! When the boy was dragged out of the car by Sheng Yi, he was so frightened and cried when he pinched his neck on the windshield! You are not afraid of me!"

I didn't expect to hear such gossip when I went to the toilet, Yu Xing in the cubicle was silent. After the day came, she only heard that those people in the third year of high school were terrible, and it was not clear exactly how they were terrible. Anyway, it was right not to provoke them.

The smiling face flashed in my mind... Sheng Yi has such a terrible side?

The people outside are all old acquaintances, just listen to a few words and know that it is Qiu Huini's group again.

Yu Xing wondered if they were blocking her or not? Decided to listen to them and then make countermeasures.

Only listened to the argument for a while, some said blocked, some said not blocked, and there was no result for a long time.

Suddenly someone said, "Otherwise, wait a little longer, let's see what's going on, don't rush it for a while."

It's Xia Yuanqing.

Just as Yu Xing recognized it, the next second, Qiu Huini's unhappy voice mixed with anger: "It depends on the situation, it's not because of you now? If you didn't come up with that bad idea, Write a love letter to Senior Sheng Yi in her name, how could she be involved with Senior Sheng Yi?"

"You can't say that, you thought it was interesting at the time..." Xia Yuanqing sounded a little aggrieved.

Qiu Huini's tone was not merciless at all: "I said wrong? If it wasn't for the love letter that made her punished and notified to the whole school, how would Sheng Yi know who she is?!"

"Please, I'm not..."

The blame and defense continued, Yu Xing was stunned for a moment in the compartment, and then his face sank.

It was them.

She knew that the love letter must have come from the person who wanted to fix her, and she had guessed that it was Class 3, but there was no conclusive evidence.

Now that I hear them say it in person, there must be no falsehood.

A nameless fire came to my mind.

Yu Xing has been honest and calm since she admitted to Lintian. Qiu Huini and the others usually bullied her and laughed at her and looked down on her, but she endured it. As a result, swallowing your breath like this, can't you get peace?

How much trouble and unnecessary things did that love letter cause her? She acts like a human with her tail tucked in, and they still refuse to raise their hands!

After a while, Yu Xing suppressed his anger, and when the outside voice faded away, he took out his mobile phone.

She replied to Sheng Yi:

[Okay, I'll come after my last class. 】

Although she doesn't reply to this message, she will probably still go in the end, but the difference is her attitude. Originally, he was forced to bow his head and go to the lounge reluctantly, but now he accepts it voluntarily.

Qiu Huini wanted to get close to Sheng Yi and wanted to go crazy? Isn't she jealous that she and Sheng Yi contacted her so jealous that her eyes were turning red?

Then I have to beat Qiu Huini in the face!

Yu Xing thought angrily.

I want to talk to Sheng Yi, I want to eat with him, I want to stay with him!

I'm mad at you!

The author has something to say:Yu Xing: a little bit, I'm mad at you!

Sheng Yi: My wife is so cute.

Yu Xing: All blame you, attract bees and butterflies, get out!

Sheng Yi:…

Tong Youjing: I am the second person to find out that the stars look good! praise me! !

Read The Duke's Passion