MTL - I See The Galaxy-Chapter 10 I see

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To make fun of people, even to play, everything has to have a limit.

This limit is also clear in my heart.

On the day in the lounge, Yu Xing lowered his head and put down his body wisely, and everyone talked nonsense, and the good attitude was finally exchanged for Sheng Yi's "raise your hand".

The love letter was still being written, but Sheng no longer gave her approval, let alone read it out in person, which made her feel ashamed and embarrassed.

The number of Sheng Yi's visits to the lounge gradually decreased, and he was absent from time to time. Yu Xing failed to meet him three times out of four.

It is normal.

Maybe one day he finds a new fun, maybe one day he is too busy to forget her, and then there is no need to go to the lounge, and these messes can be stopped.

Waiting for the dawn with hope, Yu Xing goes to the lounge three times a week to clean up, and spends a few minutes to tidy it up quickly each time. Before leaving, he will leave a letter in Sheng Yi's book.

I don't want to call it a love letter, Yu Xing hypnotizes himself, it's a letter, a letter!

Taking Sheng Yi as a temporary pen pal—just the kind of pen pal she wrote to him alone, and he never returned—it made me feel much more comfortable.

Yu Xing is looking forward to the end of the day soon. The first letter was full of thousands of words, the second letter was citing scriptures, the third letter... Those who used to have worked hard.

It has changed since then.

It's not that she's being lazy on purpose, she really doesn't have time. That time, she happened to catch up with too much homework assigned by the teacher. She had to catch up with her homework and review and prepare for the exam. She had no time to spare, so she had to scrape together a few very boring love letters from the Internet and make it into one.

I was apprehensive at first, but Sheng also didn't respond at all.

So next time, she continued to follow the gourd and draw the scoop, using classic foreign love poems to make up the number, almost spelling it into a good sentence and paragraph excerpt.

Later, I clipped a letter into the book and found that the previous letter was not moved at all.

Think about it too, who cares what she writes after she is interested? I guess he didn't even look at it.

Xing Yu became bold and let go.

Okay, if you feel that the space is empty, you can draw little rabbits and chickens on it, as well as pigs and puppies. She can't draw a duck with a flat mouth, so she will be deprived of her qualifications.

Once she drew a heart by hand, she watched it for a few seconds, and she immediately painted a few strokes.

Week after week, I went to the Yijiao Building again and came back, Yu Xing walked briskly, full of joy for the hope that was coming.

Before entering the classroom, she was stopped.

She was taken aback.

Qiu Huini and a few girls looked unhappy, obviously menacing.

Yu Xing was blocked in the corner.

Qiu Huini stared at her and asked, "How many times have you been to the Yijiao Building?"

Here! There is no escape from what should come, and what I have been worrying about has finally happened.

How can she know this question, who will clean and count? Yu Xing lowered his head and whispered, "Go to clean two or three times a week..."

"Cleaning? The top floor of the Yijiao Building?"

She nodded.

Qiu Huini was very angry: "I just found out today that you went to the Yijiao Building to go to the senior year's lounge!"

It's not what she wanted to go.

Yu Xing pursed his lips.

A girl behind Qiu Huini hugged her arms and taunted: "It's not enough to write a love letter to Senior Sheng Yi, the toad wants to eat swan meat and wants to go crazy? Everyone is rushing to get up, so they can drill into the camp, It seems that I really underestimate you."

Yu Xing's head hangs lower: "It was my senior sister who asked me to go..."

No, if it goes on like this, what if Qiu Huini gets too angry and becomes jealous and beats her?

She definitely won't be beaten obediently. It's one thing to have a hard life after fighting back. Now that there are several of them in front of her, she has many enemies, so what if she can't win?

Yu Xing quickly thought of a solution.

Qiu Huini was even more angry when she saw that she didn't speak, she stretched out her hand and pushed on her shoulder: "Speak, mute?!"

Yu Xing was pushed back and his heel hit the wall, but it didn't hurt.

In an instant, she thought of a way, and after staggering to her feet, she lowered her head and began to sob softly.

Qiu Huini was impatient: "Are you crying?"

Yu Xing said with a crying voice: "Senior Sheng Yi..."

Hearing the name, Qiu Huini paused: "What about Senior Sheng Yi?"

She choked and said, "Senior Sheng Yi asked me to clean the lounge."

Qiu Huini's face changed.

Yu Xing immediately added: "The matter of the love letter last time...Senior Sheng Yi was very unhappy when he heard the broadcast, and asked the senior sister of the student union to arrange for me to clean the lounge, and the senior he warned me... He also told me to look in the mirror, don't embarrass yourself and affect others..."

Qiu Huini dubious: "Really?"

Of course it's fake!

With Sheng Yi's character, how can he care so much, and it's just a love letter, can it affect him? joke.

Yu Xing got to know him after several contacts. Qiu Huini and the others are different. I'm afraid they haven't even said a few words to Sheng Yi, and their knowledge of him is basically based on rumors .

As long as she is in the right mood and acts more seriously, it is more than enough to deceive these young ladies with low emotional intelligence.

It's not that she wants to deceive people, but if she doesn't deceive them, she may be bullied by these people, so it's better to deceive!

Yu Xing's voice sounded even more sad: "The rest room is so big, I am the only one to clean... No one helps me, even though it is very clean, I must do the cleaning..."

She cried aggrievedly: "I didn't write that love letter, I really didn't write it...I didn't write a love letter to Senior Sheng Yi..."

Seeing Yu Xing's sad look doesn't look fake, she cried so sad, Qiu Huini and others almost believed it.

If it was someone else, they might suspect another reason, but this Yu Xingtuzi, who would like her? Senior Sheng Yi is not crazy.

Get the answer you want, Qiu Huini doesn't care about Yu Xing's life or death: "Whoever wrote it if you didn't write it? What's the use of crying with me, you know what you do yourself!"

Too lazy to talk nonsense with her, Qiu Huini greeted others and left immediately.

When Qiu Huini and the others were getting farther and farther away, Yu Xing, who only had thunder and no rain, stopped performing and sighed silently.

Having been howling for a long time, she was exhausted.

Since she was blocked in the corner by Qiu Huini that day, Yu Xing heard some voices of discussion, nothing more than that she wrote a love letter to harass Senior Sheng Yi, offended him, and was punished by the senior to clean and rest room.

And how Sheng Yi disliked her to the point of disgusting herself, and warned her not to have delusions in her heart. It spread from the floor of Class 3 of Senior Two to all grades, and good people compiled various versions.

Pictured, as if they were there and witnessed it with their own eyes.

Yu Xing follows them, the more they think she has been rectified by Sheng Yi, and see her pitiful and shameful, the less they will trouble her.

Although it was a little annoying, life was slowly returning to its original track.

In a few days, the duty task was scheduled two days in advance as usual, and Yu Xing changed from going to the school gate to cleaning the parking lot.

This parking lot refers to the on-campus parking lot, and she and Fan Xiangxiang were divided into another group.

Long time no see, Yu Xing heard some news about Fan Xiangxiang during this time. Fan Xiangxiang was not doing well in the class. Although they were both special enrollments, their situation was different.

In addition to being copied by Qiu Huini and others, people in Class 3 generally ignore Yu Xing and regard her as air.

The relationship between Fan Xiangxiang and his classmates is much more tense. Rich students have their own circles, they don't take her, and she looks down on them very much, with the word lofty and high on her face.

No matter who it is, once there is any violation of discipline, she will fight for it. It is common for students in Lintian to arrive late and leave early. very embarrassing.

Many senior students drive to the school. Once Fan Xiangxiang was almost hit by a senior's car outside the parking lot for some reason. When other senior two students encountered this situation, they were not injured and usually listened to the senior. She apologized and gave up, but she was very tough to hold the senior responsible for nearly causing her to **** her foot.

I heard that the senior often came to see her in the second year of high school, several times a week, and came a few days ago.

On the day of duty, Yu Xing hurried to the parking lot after dinner, Fan Xiangxiang was late, and only appeared after a few minutes.

Yu Xing nodded to greet her silently, Fan Xiangxiang showed no expression, nodded his head symbolically, and an indescribable look flashed in his eyes.

In autumn and winter, it gets dark early, and the street lights in the parking lot light up under the blue and black sky.

Each one of them, Yu Xing didn't plan to chat with Fan Xiangxiang, just to prevent her from talking suddenly.

“Have you been called to the Yijiao Building to clean up recently?”

Yu Xing raised his eyes, paused for a moment, and nodded, "Yes."

…talk about this anyway.

Fan Xiangxiang was silent: "The lounge, I heard that it is only used by seniors in high school?"

Yu Xing: "It seems so."

"Have you met anyone who was a senior in high school?"

Yu Xing glanced at her and lowered her eyes: "It's okay, occasionally."

They are in between luxury cars, the wind blows dust on the ground, the sky is dark, and they are easy to lose their eyes if they are not careful.

Fan Xiangxiang said casually: "If you can't be busy alone next time, you can find me, and I will help you clean together."

Yu Xing pursed her lower lip: "This is arranged by the senior sister of the student union."

"Senior sister asked you to go, only to let you clean up, and will not follow you to supervise your work every day."


"Aren't two faster than one? Besides, it's not the first time we've been on duty together."

Yu Xing simply stopped talking.

Fan Xiangxiang waited for a long time without waiting for a reply, and stopped: "Where shall I talk to you?"

Yu Xing said helplessly, "Let's talk about it, I can't decide."

She swept her head and swept the floor, Fan Xiangxiang stood and looked at her for a few seconds, then sneered: "I don't think I can't decide, I don't want to agree?"

Hearing this, Yu Xing frowned.

Fan Xiangxiang continued sarcastically: "If you are so dedicated to learning, you will write love letters to seniors? Dare to enter, you go and go again... I really underestimate you."

Yu Xing was a little upset: "Be careful when you speak."

"What are you paying attention to? Did I say something wrong?" Fan Xiangxiang sneered, "I think you might as well look in the mirror if you have that time!"

Yu Xing took a deep breath and suppressed the fire, and frost slowly appeared in his eyes behind the frame.

She stood up straight and asked, "What about you? What did I have to do with you when I entered the senior year's lounge, and why are you so angry?"

Fan Xiangxiang: "I..."

“Regardless of being late or leaving early, students’ cars can enter the campus, but you just have to stop the car of the senior year.”

"The parking lot is a place where no one will come to hang out, and you will consciously avoid the lane when you pass by. You are almost hit by the senior's car outside the parking lot."

"I usually don't even greet me when I see you on the road. I knew that I was arranged by the student union to clean the senior year lounge, but suddenly kindly wanted to help me. If I didn't agree, you changed immediately. Mouth and face, bitter and mean to me."

One by one, Yu Xing's calm voice in the night wind gradually brought ridicule.

"—I think it's you who should look in the mirror?"

Fan Xiangxiang's face changed: "You! Nonsense, yourself..."

There is a blue luxury car on the right side and a white car on the left. Yu Xing is standing in front of the two cars in the center, so he just explained the words to Fan Xiangxiang at one time.

"You don't look down on me, who is also a special student, you don't look down on your classmates, and you don't look down on these people in Lintian. Do you think that only you are a smart person, and everyone else A fool?"

Yu Xing's tone was cold and cold: "You want to use others as a springboard, have you ever asked others why they should let you step on it?"

Fan Xiangxiang's chest rose and fell, after a while, his breath calmed down, and he laughed out loud.

There was no one around, it was all cars, so she simply had a showdown.

"So what? I study well, and I haven't fallen into the top three in the city since junior high school. No matter what I learn, I understand it quickly and well. What's wrong with me trying to be upstream? I thought that as long as I did a good job, it would be fine, but after I came to Lintian, I found out that there are such good teachers and such a good environment here. Ordinary students don’t even think about things, but they are born with golden spoons. Asshole service!"

"Why do these worms who only do nothing and spend money to compare, with empty heads and extremely superficial, can have such good conditions to live a life that ordinary people can't get for a hundred years? Why are they?!"

Fan Xiangxiang's chin was slightly raised, and his slightly fierce eyes were full of dissatisfaction.

"Where am I worse than them? I'm much better than them, those girls who only know how to dress up every day, can't even write a homework well, except for good luck, what point is better than me ?"

"I'm obviously a hundred times stronger than them, regardless of my background, they don't even deserve to carry my shoes for me!"

Looking at Fan Xiangxiang, who was determined to compete with others, Yu Xing was at a loss for a while, and after a few seconds, he couldn't help laughing.

Fan Xiangxiang glared: "What are you laughing at?"

Yu Xing was merciless: "I laugh at you for being very self-aware, and laugh at you for being arrogant and ignorant."


"When you see that they don't have classes, you think they are really ignorant? When you come home from school, do you know how many arrangements they have? Learn many foreign languages, learn social etiquette, and take tasting classes , learn the national standard, learn to ride horses and archery, learn finance... The grades you mentioned are just the courses arranged by the school, but this has never been the whole of their struggle."

Yu Xing suddenly felt that Fan Xiangxiang was naive, in various senses.

"You think it's a great thing to have good grades, but for these people, it's just a little thing in other people's lives. Well, Lintian's resources are an eye-opener for you. You care so much that it is not worth mentioning in the eyes of others. You and me, we are better at reading than them on the surface. What else? They are better than them. Where we are strong, we can't see it at all!"

"Why do you look down on these people?"

Like Yu Xing, she thinks that the people in Class 3 are stupid, because they don't agree with their values, they don't agree with their superficiality, and they judge people by their appearance, but she doesn't think they are inferior to her.

It's alright, but it's terrifying if you don't underestimate your own weight, and blindly elevate yourself and devalue others.

"—Are you really better than everyone, or are you just jealous and imagine everyone is inferior to you?"

Yu Xing's words surprised Fan Xiangxiang.

"I have said all this, listen to you or not." Yu Xing didn't want to talk to her any more, and finally gave her a deep look, "It's your business who you want to use as a pedal, Don't put your mind on me, the rabbit will bite if you are in a hurry."

After speaking, Yu Xing picked up his own cleaning tools and left.

The phone rang in the quiet car, and Sheng Yi answered slowly.

When he was sinking, he asked, "Where? We're here."

Sheng Yi said in a lazy voice: "In the car."

"Parking lot?"


"Did you drive the blue one today?"


Shen Shiyu said yes, "come right away."

Hang up there.

Sheng Yi put away her phone and silently looked out the car window.

The two people who quarreled not far in front of the car just now disappeared.

He was dozing in the back seat of the car and waiting for a few people to come over. He just squinted for a while, but he didn't want to hear voices, one of which was somewhat familiar.

I opened my eyes and recognized that the familiar figure was Yu Xing.

The car window was opened with a slit for ventilation, and the voices of their words just came in without a word, and he heard the whole process clearly.

At this time, looking at the empty place outside the window, Sheng Yi squinted.

On a whim a while ago, he teased Yu Xing a few times, and then gradually forgot about it.

His impression of Yu Xing was mixed.

Her grades are quite good, and she is definitely not stupid. He also knew that that pretty face might cause trouble in Lintian, so he deliberately dressed himself up in a rustic way, which was really clever.

A little too self-righteous.

Where is Lintian? There were a lot of children from rich families, and these people had never seen anything before. She couldn't help hiding her face, for fear that others would hit her, which was a bit funny.

—though she might be right. After all, even Qin Huai was fascinated by her face at a glance.

But Sheng Yi is used to it, he is also a member of Lintian, Yu Xing's defensive attitude is also a provocation to him, and he can't help but sneer at it.

I happened to hear their conversation today, which really surprised him.

It's not what he thought.

I thought Yu Xing was arrogant and self-righteous, but she didn't want to. Compared with her peers, she is not only smart, but also really transparent.

I see the strengths and weaknesses of others, and I know my own strengths and weaknesses.

Slowly withdrew his gaze, Sheng also stopped looking, closed his eyes and leaned back. He raised the corners of his lips in a faint smile.

The author has something to say:Yu Xing: There are hairs on the back, why do I have a bad premonition? ?

Sheng Yi: Love is just watching, don't be afraid.

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