MTL - I Rely on Wilderness Survival Live Broadcast to Become Popular Across the Stars-Chapter 300 Hoarding money to raise cubs on the 300th day

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Hoarding money to raise cubs on the 300th day

The three back-up bandits were all on fire. Seeing this, the dozen or so gangsters in the cockpit, who were **** tightly, couldn't understand that the person who burned their boat was the same as Cheng Yaojin who killed them in front of him?

The group looked ashamed, obviously they had inquired that this ship was an ordinary scientific research ship, a long-distance scientific research organized by a medical firm, and there were some weak researchers and scholars on board. These aggressive guys who came out?

The bandit in the cockpit was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood, but the bandit on board who was set on fire was full of panic.

They didn't even notice when there were two more people on board.

The sea was wide, and they could see whether a boat was coming or not at a glance. They didn't see the shadow of the boat at all, and they didn't know how these two people appeared out of thin air.

It's almost like a ghost siren.

A main ship and two backup ships, the three ships must be ignited at the same time, otherwise the other ships will definitely increase their vigilance.

There are only two people, Lu Liran and Ke Ji, but they did it quietly.

The three ships were on fire at sea, and all the bandits on board jumped ship.

After a while, the special police from the sea rushed over, with bright searchlights on, and the heads in the sea fluttered in embarrassment, one by one, all of them were fugitives who had wanted to catch but couldn't catch them.

In the past, once the police were dispatched, as long as they saw a trace far above the sea level, these gangsters would immediately retreat and disperse. It is a difficult nut to crack, and it has not been completed for a long time.

I didn't expect it now, it didn't take much effort to get it, it looked like I had caught everything in one go!

Lu Liran and Ke Ji boarded the coast guard speedboat, identified themselves to the special police on the boat, and briefly explained the situation.

The special police heard that there were bandits on board the scientific research ship, estimated that thirty or forty people had already boarded, and immediately drove to the big ship.

They originally thought that the ship might have been occupied. After all, these bandits had some armed equipment, and most of the scientific research ships were ordinary people who could not resist. They were only equipped with basic security guards, so they were no match for these bandits.

However, unexpectedly, after the special police armed forces boarded the ship, they did not expect that more than 30 people on board were all under control, including three armed bandits, which was extremely dangerous!

The team leader in charge of this police operation knew how much they had contributed to this time, and looked at Lu Liran and the others with eagerness and excitement.

He smiled and rolled his eyes, especially enthusiastically: "I will definitely give you all the credit for this time, and then I will give you the pennant and bonus for your brave deeds."

Lu Liqing laughed "poof" when he heard the words, he was really simple.

The captain looked over.

Lu Liqing: "It's all the hard work of everyone, and these gangsters who don't know the value can't steal it away."

Righteous words, correct thinking.

Jin Fei glanced at his face, and didn't know who was standing in the corner whispering to him just now, complaining about being delayed and going back late.

The team leader nodded in satisfaction: "That's right."

There were a large number of bandits arrested this time, and the police did not ask and report in advance when they dispatched the police. The public boats dispatched were all small speedboats, which could not carry many people at all.

Fortunately, when the scientific research ship arrived in this sea area, it was already very close to the open sea, and it would take only a few hours to reach the shore.

The captain called for the first mate—the captain has not yet woken up—and let the gang of bandits be detained on the scientific research ship for the time being. They asked the police on the shore to prepare for support.

The first officer had no choice but to agree, but asked the captain and a dozen maritime special police to stay on their scientific research ship.

——In case those bandits want to break the pot, they are all weak researchers with no combat effectiveness.

The captain and other colleagues twitched their mouths when they heard the first officer's words. Even if the first officer didn't mention it, they would definitely stay. After all, it was a den of thieves, and they were not at ease.

But the first officer said they were a boatload of weak people? No fighting power?

The captain looked at the unlucky ones in the cockpit who had been beaten the most, and felt pain just by looking at them, so they didn't have much fighting power?

The captain knocked his head and couldn't wake up for a while, so he asked the boatman to go to the boat doctor. Now the first officer can only take the top.

The scientific research ship sailed at sea for six hours, the sky began to brighten, and the bustling port could be seen from a distance.

Although it was just dawn, the port was already bustling with activity.

Originally, the unloading of ships and fish at the port was concentrated in the early morning, not to mention that today the port was surrounded by more than a dozen police cars from the Public Security Bureau, and people entering and leaving were strictly restricted.

"What's wrong?"

"I heard that something happened at sea. When we set out today, we were stopped all around the sea!"

"I heard that several boats capsized! Many people were caught!"

"The police were called out in the middle of the night yesterday, and my lover's elder brother was called out temporarily."

"It's the first time I saw such a big battle, what can happen at sea?"

"Why is there nothing going on at sea? Wasn't there a big passenger ship that was robbed by pirates more than two years ago? Every day should not be said to be ineffective. Only when everything on the passenger ship has been emptied can we have a chance to call the police, etc. The marine police have arrived, and the pirates don’t know where they are going.”

"It's a good thing that no one was killed. If everything is gone, it's gone. It's a waste of money to eliminate disasters..."

Some people in the port asked curiously, but they couldn't find anything, only a few words and guesses from others.

While chatting, a large scientific research ship slowly came into everyone's eyes, but no one thought that it would be the target ship, and they kept stretching their necks to find other ships.

It wasn't until there were a lot of uniformed policemen getting on and off from the dozens of police cars that the crowd watching the excitement around them realized that there was an uproar immediately.

The police at the scene assigned a small group of people to maintain order, and blocked the cordon to prevent people from approaching, but it was of no use. The nature of people who like to watch the excitement is the same. Even if the police stopped, some people came forward out of curiosity.

The rest of the policemen got on the big boat, and after a short while, they came down from the deck one by one, one in each hand, all wearing shiny shackles, handshakes, ankle shackles, and electric shock collars around their necks, all fully armed. up.

Seeing this, the crowd of onlookers were all erupting. They saw the police escorting people down from the boat in a file, and after waiting for a few minutes, they still haven't finished arresting them! There are seventy or eighty people!

Never seen such a big scene!

Besides, what kind of person even wears a shock collar? How exciting! There was a lot of speculation around, and some people boldly asked the police who blocked the line.

"The police are handling the case! All irrelevant people should disperse! Otherwise, they will be arrested and dealt with as disrupting justice!"

With a loud shout, he finally drove away the coaxing crowd around him.

The four of Lu Liran were attached to the tail of the **** team, and the transcripts were finished while they were on the boat, so they can go back now.

Before leaving, the team leader called them to stop and asked them to leave a contact information and residential address, saying that the honor would be awarded to them as soon as possible.

Lu Liqing probed the probe, thinking that they will leave in a few days, so why don't they simply discount this honor?

But this can only be thought about in my heart, and I regretfully pulled a smile towards the captain.

Lu Liqing and Jin Fei went back to the resort, but Lu Liran said that he would go back to the little house first, and then go to the resort to meet his elder brother.

When they returned to the hostel they rented earlier, he didn’t have anything to take. Instead, he took out a small glass bottle and put it in the center of the table. A small note was pressed under the glass bottle.

After putting away the things, Lu Liran came to the front desk of the hostel. There was a tender-faced little girl at the front desk, and she would blush when she saw Lu Liran and Ke Ji.

Lu Liran said to the front desk: "The rent will be extended for another three days."

"If anyone comes looking for me, you take them to my room, I said hello," he said again.

At this moment, it is estimated that the people from DFA are still thinking about the recovery route, and when they have time to come to him, he will leave long ago.

The small bottle of Mangya spring water left on the table was the agreed exchange before. Although the DFA people made petty moves and were unrighteous first, it was their territory after all, and he could not break the contract.

Anyway, how much you want in the future, how much you have.

On the contrary, DFA is going to be stretched.

Lu Liran raised the corner of his mouth.

The two met with Lu Liqing and Jin Fei, and their primary task on the storm planet had been completed, but due to the cooling limit of the portal, they had to stay here for a few more nights.

There is a system of highly intelligent cheating devices. Even if the four of them saunter around the city to eat and drink, they have not exposed the slightest thing under the eyes of the storm planet.

Led by his younger brother, Lu Liqing even went to the black market and bought a lot of weird little things. He only said that when he returned to Solto, he dismantled these things one by one and studied them when the environmental conditions were met.

Jin Fei looked at it silently, but when he was shopping in the black market, he took the pocket money that the young master gave him and sponsored Lu Liqing again.

This time, thanks to Lu Liqing's tinkering, the pirates who boarded the ship were able to be dealt with so easily. Therefore, Jin Fei expressed great support for Lu Liqing's research hobby.

Lu Liqing saw Jin Fei's change of attitude proudly and proudly. He wished he could **** his invisible tail twice, raised his chin reservedly, and felt a little more emboldened to buy things with his younger brother's money.

"I will pay it back." Lu Liqing emphasized to his younger brother.

Lu Liran curled his lips into a smile, and nodded perfunctorily.

When his elder brother returns the currency here, it will have to wait for the business to develop on this planet. I don't know when it will be.

But what Lu Liran didn't expect was that this matter was not far away at all.

— This is a later story.

People can be heard discussing in the streets and alleys. The most rampant group of gangsters on the high seas has finally been arrested and brought to justice. They also confessed where they hid their dirty goods. The police led a team to collect them. The value reported by the official is actually Up to tens of billions!

Lu Liqing whispered to his younger brother, "I really made these bandits fat."

Lu Liran nodded slightly, and the few people walked back home after not wandering around for long, but they didn't expect that someone was already waiting for them outside the resort.

"This is our good brother who has acted bravely this time!" The leader was the captain who had dealt with him last time. He said that he would come to present the pennant in a few days. At that time, Lu Liran and Lu Liqing were not at ease. It has always been tedious and slow, but I didn't expect it to come as scheduled.

"This is Director Fu of our navigation office." The captain introduced the middle-aged man beside him.

"I know how much you contributed to this bandit suppression operation, but in front of the people, we can't explain too much, I hope you can understand." Director Fu said.

Lu Liran and the others didn't care about rewards for meritorious deeds, and nodded slightly indifferently.

Director Fu was even more satisfied when he saw this, so he said: "Even so, but you have helped our OCE this time with great efforts, we will never treat you badly, don't worry. This is a reward on behalf of our OCE troops, and there will be more rewards in the future." There is a unified reward from the star government, and at the same time, you are specially approved to have visa-free sailing to and from the storm planet, and the personal tax will be reduced by 50%."

Lu Liran twitched his brows slightly. Visa-free sailing would give them a more high-sounding and tenable argument for their entry and exit, but what is more practical is the reduction of personal taxation.

On Planet Storm, whether it is food, drink, housing, transportation, or part-time business, you have to pay a lot of taxes, and a 50% reduction is really a lot.

Lu Liqing also heard it, and raised his eyebrows high. Isn't this trying to persuade him to make a good fortune in Planet Storm's foreign exchange?

After receiving the reward, the group of people was sent away. Lu Liran looked at their backs, with a slightly strange expression on his face - on Planet Storm, there are DFA gold troops on land, and OCE special police troops on the sea. Lu Liran really didn't expect that he would come here twice and gather the two chief executives from the sea, land and air .

Although slightly innocuous "history" with DFA.

Read The Duke's Passion