MTL - I Rely on Wilderness Survival Live Broadcast to Become Popular Across the Stars-Chapter 280 Hoarding money to raise cubs Day 280

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Hoarding money to raise cubs Day 280

After the official announcement banquet that day, Lu Liqing dived into the laboratory and concentrated on researching the "special products" brought back by his younger brother from the advanced civilization planet.

Those Shibu meat products have been served on the table after being decomposed and processed. With the blessing of Jin Fei's cooking skills, the taste is more delicious and smoother than the side meat of black hyena deer.

Every mouthful can feel full of energy, but unlike other foods, the energy spills out as if broken, but is firmly locked in the mouth, absorbed completely, without any trace. waste.

Lu Liran could clearly feel that his mental power seemed to be slowly stretched, and then the energy would creep into the gaps and fill them up.

Although this process is slow and the progress is subtle, it actually affects the body.

Lu Xie said that the migraine headaches that had plagued him for more than ten years hadn't happened much these days, and Jin Fei also felt that the pain of his old illness had subsided a lot.

Lu Xie continued to handle all the properties under the behemoth of the Lu family, while Lu Liran was brought to this business kingdom by Lu Xie, where he patrolled the territory every day and reported.

Lu Liran knew that the reason why his father did this was to replace him with the authority of the second young master of the Lu family, but he had no interest in inheriting this business kingdom, nor did he have the ability to rival it.

Instead of letting him be careful of the traps in those cooperation contracts, it is better to let him sneak into a hostile company to steal secrets.

Lu Xie sighed, pity him for being over fifty years old, and he has to continue to do this hard work. Lu Liqing is not one to take over, not to mention that there is a research topic that Lu Xie is eager to try, and Lu Xie doesn't know when he will To "retire".

"Father can try to raise Ziqian." Lu Liran betrayed his little cub without hesitation, "It would be great if Ziqian is interested in this."

Lu Xie couldn't bear to think about the innocent and ignorant cute look of the little cub.

Father Lu wanted to condemn his youngest son, but he couldn't bear it.

"How long will you stay at home this time?" Lu Xie sighed, gave up her previous thoughts, and asked more practical questions now.

"Stay for another week." Lu Liran calculated the time and replied, the portal has a cooling time, and when the cooling time is over, he will leave.

Lu Xie wasn't surprised, but asked again: "And how long will you stay there?"

"It depends on the situation. If you're lucky, maybe it can be completed in three days, but the portal has a cooling time, so you still have to wait for two weeks." Lu Liran said, feeling a little helpless, pinched the eyebrows, but only they The information you have now is really mostly dependent on luck.

Lu Liran explained to his father their current situation, including the **** events that happened in the Aiken rainforest, the Saiyan tribe, Mangyaquan, and Wang Yuanming. .

Lu Xie said slowly after hearing the words: "Are you doing such a dangerous thing?"

Lu Liran paused.


The natural disaster in the Aiken Rainforest was an accident, and manpower was hard to control, so at first Lu Xie just felt sorry for her young son's bad luck, but now I heard that the elites of the official government army went in three batches and lost three Batch, everyone has never found a body, it is clear that this rainforest is not peaceful.

And his youngest son still wants to run inside.

"If it's for that unknown spring water, we can spend a lot of money to find it on other advanced civilization planets, no matter..." Lu Xie looked into Lu Liran's eyes and stopped talking.

He took a deep breath, knowing the nature of his youngest son, if he could change the other party's decision so easily, then he would not have let Lu Liran follow that commander back then.

"Tell your elder brother about the situation, he might have something to help you." Lu Xie changed her words.

Lu Liran was a little surprised, he didn't expect his father to let go so easily.

"But, no matter what, you have to remember that you have your family on Solto. We lost you once, and we can't lose you a second time." Lu Xie raised her hand to rest on Lu Liran's head. Feeling at ease, he said softly, "We'll wait here for you to go home."

Lu Liran's heart warmed up, and he responded in a low voice: "I will never let myself fall into a situation where I cannot retreat, don't worry."

"Your Excellency Commander will go with you this time?" Lu Xie asked.

"En." Lu Liran nodded, but hesitated again.

"Didn't you ask?" Lu Xie saw it and raised her eyebrows slightly.

Lu Liran coughed lightly. He did not ask, but he subconsciously agreed that the other party would definitely go back with him.

"I still have to ask." Lu Xie said, "Your Excellency Commander has a lot more affairs to deal with than Lu's. He has been away for a long time, and there should be a lot of official affairs piled up."

Lu Liran knew that Ke Ji didn't come back until three or four in the morning almost every night these days, and left after only two or three hours of sleep.

He nodded, he took Ke Ji's time as a matter of course, his face was slightly hot, and he called Ke Ji in front of his father.

"Are you busy?" Lu Liran asked.

Ke Ji glanced at the hill-like pile of documents on the desk, frowned and said warmly: "Fortunately, Bronte and the secretary are very efficient."

Bronte and the secretarial team of eight sitting at the other end of the office: "..."

What do you mean! Are you going to squeeze us again!

"Recently, you come back late every day. Do you have a lot of business to deal with? I was thinking, should I postpone the departure of the storm planet in a week? Or it's not a big problem for me to go alone." Lu Liran lightly Cough.

On the other end of the phone, Ke Ji's eyes darkened slightly, and his brows were slightly furrowed: "Don't push back, let's go together."

"Are you worried about my official affairs?" Ke Ji looked at Bronte, "With them here, there will be no major problems, so don't worry."

Bronte laughed dryly.

The secretary's office was gloomy.

"My brother-in-law heard that there is already a test product for inter-galaxy communication. I will bring it with me when the time comes. If there is any urgent matter here, I can get in touch in time, and there will be no delay." Ke Ji continued, "These few days I'll be busy later today."

"Okay." Lu Liran coughed lightly and got down.

"So don't worry about my situation, I will arrange everything." Ke Ji's deep and gentle voice whispered close to his ear, "The only thing I am afraid of is that you will leave me alone, understand?"

Lu Liran's ears were quickly stained with a layer of crimson, his eyes wandered, and he hung up the communication after two quick "um"s, as if he was afraid that Lu Xie in front of him would hear him.

Lu Xie knew everything when she saw this, and she saw her little son calm down for a few seconds, and when he looked up again, his eyes were filled with uncontrollable secret joy and joy.

"Your Excellency the Commander said that he has spared the itinerary for the next departure, there is no problem." Lu Liran cleared his throat, restrained himself, and tried hard to make his voice sound less floating.

Lu Xie looked at her youngest son with a funny face: "That's good."

"Yeah." Lu Liran's eyes wandered, feeling that if he stayed in front of his father for a minute longer, he would show an overly smirk expression, and he said quickly, "I'm going to find my elder brother."

"Go." Lu Xie shook her head and smiled.

Lu Liran ran away in a hurry.

The eldest brother's laboratory is on the second floor of the Petronas Twin Towers, and the entire plane and thousands of square meters belong to the scope of the laboratory.

Before Lu Liran came, he asked his elder brother if it was convenient. After all, sometimes when Lu Liqing entered the laboratory, he couldn't get in touch for a day.

The big brother of the Lu family glanced at his messy laboratory, which looked as if it had been pawed by a dog, and immediately tidied it up in a hurry: "It's convenient, I'm in BI23, just come here directly."

When Lu Liran arrives, Lu Liqing will clean up the laboratory to make room for his feet.

"Oh, this is the case." Lu Liqing rubbed his chin, "If it is a symbol of indigenous beliefs, then the place where the spring you mentioned is really difficult for unrelated people to enter, even if you go in, you get it Spring water, it’s not convenient to carry it away.”

Lu Liran nodded.

Finding the Mangya Spring is a big problem, and how to get the people of the Saiyan tribe to agree to approach is another big problem, and taking away the spring water and obtaining the processed Byrons essence is even more difficult problems.

Lu Liqing said "Oh": "Since Dad asked you to come to me, you should think that I am here..."

He paused, and suddenly clapped his hands and said "tsk": "Just right, when dismantling the things produced by your system not long ago, I made a separate storage by accident, and I haven't found a suitable place for practical use. , I think it may be suitable for your current situation."

Lu Liran showed some doubts: "Separate storage?"

"The full name should be micro-molecular and nano-scale automatic separation storage, which can realize the mutual conversion of separation and reduction, and can also be infinitely copied." Lu Liqing explained, carefully taking out a metal silver from a safe "Needle".

Lu Liran understood it all at once, and his eyes lit up suddenly, that is to say, they only need to obtain the raw material Mangya spring water, no matter how much or how little, they can separate the complete molecular formula, and in the storage made by the eldest brother, All of them can be copied out.

They don't even need to be taken away, just touched.

"But the Byrons essence you mentioned needs to be post-processed. If there are only raw materials, I'm afraid I'll have to experiment a few times after getting it to get that kind of effect." Lu Liqing quickly poured it on Basin of cold water, lest my brother be happy in vain.

"I know." Lu Liran nodded, "This is enough. At that time, I will also think of a way. It would be best if I can further obtain the ready-made essence. If I can't get it, the Mangya Spring will be enough."

Lu Liqing patted his younger brother on the shoulder, and took out a few micro-connectors and stuffed them into Lu Liran's hands: "The signal may not be smooth, but it should be able to contact us. Take a few more in case it breaks."

"En." Lu Liran took the new equipment given by Lu Liqing, and gained a lot.

"How about your portal? I heard you said it still has durability? How many times can it be used?" Lu Liqing rubbed his hands, "Let me go there if I have a chance in the future, and do a technical exchange."

Lu Liran laughed: "If you want to do scientific and technological exchanges, at least bring some people to show up, otherwise you will be caught as a secret thief, and then we will see who can save you."

Lu Liqing rubbed the tip of his nose. Thinking about it this way, it would be more reasonable for the younger brother to bring some more things back for him to disassemble and study.

However, after Lu Liqing mentioned this, Lu Liran remembered his portal, called up the panel and looked, and sure enough, the durability had returned to zero, and a dazzling red warning was on.

"Is the host going to be repaired?" The system promptly reminded, "Currently, the accumulated popularity of the detected host has exceeded one billion. All products can be exchanged for upgrades, and the portal can be replaced and upgraded to the latest product!"

Lu Liran raised his eyebrows, knowing that the replacement and upgrade must ask him for some things, he asked: "What do you need?"

"Portal update and upgrade requirements: required props - recasting hammer (3/3), superglue (0/3), Elros modified metal (0/1000g), modified space package (0/1)."

"Updated and upgraded attributes of the portal: teleportation across galaxies, uninterrupted by external factors, unconditional teleportation, limited to once a week (originally once every two weeks), and can carry up to four passengers at a time (originally two passengers at a time), each use will Spend 20 million popularity points/single person (originally 30 million popularity points/single person)!"

"Upgraded attributes of the portal update: Transplanetary transmission (only for planets in the A69 galaxy), free from external interference, unconditional transmission, no use frequency limit (originally limited to once a week), no limit on the number of people carried (originally limited to 2 people) ), every time you use it, you need to deduct 3 million popularity/single person (originally 3 million popularity/single person)."

The system listed all the attributes, and urged: "Actually, it's very favorable! Lowering the usage frequency limit is hard to come by, host!"

"The cost of props required for the update is a total of 99 million popularity points, once and for all, a single cost, the discount will last forever!"

Lu Liran: "..."

Lu Liran was shaken. The last live broadcast of the rescue made him an upstart in popularity in an instant. The popularity of hundreds of millions was indeed enough for him to squander it.

Let's upgrade. Let's upgrade.

"Brother, do you want to go to Planet Storm? There are two more places." After Lu Liran upgraded the portal, he turned to his elder brother, who immediately posted it.

The corner of Lu Liran's mouth twitched: "But you can't act with us when the time comes, it's too dangerous over there."

"I know, I know, I just shake it around and look around, so I won't dismantle it randomly." Lu Liqing nodded hurriedly.

"I'll ask Jin Fei if he wants to act together. I'll feel relieved to have him watching you." Lu Liran was even more worried.

Brother Lu: "...I don't need a nanny."

Soon, Jin Fei who was questioned also showed a little disappointment: "Can't you act together with the young master and Your Excellency Commander? Then... that's fine. At least we can support you from the outside."

Jin Fei took a look at the young master of the Lu family who was so excited that he started to prepare his luggage. Hand-held instruments he couldn't understand were stuffed into it, and he didn't bring much change of clothes at all.

Seeing this, he couldn't help being a little tangled: "Then do I need to bring something?"

"Just whatever you want." Lu Liran smiled, "Just take it as a trip."

Jin Fei nodded. Although the young master said so, he still silently put a long knife and an electromagnetic gun into his luggage bag.

Lu Liqing whispered beside him: "Brother, I think Jin Fei was more likely to cause trouble in the past, right? Why don't you leave me alone..." How free.

Jin Fei said indifferently: "Don't worry, young master, Jin Fei will definitely take good care of the young master."

Lu Liqing: "..."

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