MTL - I Rely on Wilderness Survival Live Broadcast to Become Popular Across the Stars-Chapter 264 Hoarding money to raise cubs Day 264

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Mo Sang's face darkened, his brows were furrowed, and he looked at the person who made the point, and said in a low voice, "Yao Fei!"

"Since Mr. Lu Liran and Mr. Ke Ji have been recognized by the headquarters, they are members of this operation, there is no distinction between inside and outside. Yao Fei, watch your words." Mo Sang warned.

Yao Fei looked at Ke Ji coldly, but said to Mo Sang:

"Brother Sang, we obey you. If you lead the team, we will obey you, but if you want us to listen to two strangers who don't know where they came from, at least there must be something for us to obey."

Mo Sang stopped in a deep voice: "This is the army, obedience is the only requirement, if you can't do it, take off the military badge on your arm!"

Yao Fei's pupils shrank suddenly when he heard this. He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth: "The DFA Gold Team has always been able to inquire about who, this is the basis for us to move forward. If we use this order to suppress people, then in the future it will be Isn’t it just anyone who can parachute into the DFA?”

"We have such tacit rules, but not during the mission. During the mission, obeying the instructions is the only thing." Mosang softened his tone and looked at Yao Fei, "You are a member of the DFA gold team, so you should believe I believe in the choice of the headquarters."

He just doesn't want his team members to have suspicions against the army because of this special situation. Every member who can enter the DFA gold team is a one-in-a-million soldier, and he cherishes it very much.

Moreover, they have already lost two batches of troops.

Yao Fei was silent when he heard the words, and he didn't bother with this matter any more.

Mo Sang originally thought that this little farce conflict would be over, but he didn't expect that Lu Liran smiled lightly and snorted: "He's right, there's nothing wrong with fighting once."

Yao Fei didn't expect that Lu Liran would take the initiative to bring it up, he was acting like a good boy when he got a bargain.

He just wanted to rush up to fight, but he didn't expect the other party to change the subject and pour a basin of cold water on his head:

"But time is not allowed to be wasted on you like this. If you don't like it, then prove on the road that you are stronger than us." Lu Liran's eyes turned, like a sword drawn from its sheath, Yao Fei's heart jumped when he saw it, subconsciously Stay where you are.

Mo Sang twitched the corners of his mouth when he heard the words, Lu Liran's reaction was unexpected, but on second thought, it was in line with his temperament.

How could Lu Liran allow himself to be provoked?

But compared to Lu Liran, Yao Fei is more dissatisfied with Ke Ji, who has no sense of existence and is like a simple and quiet attachment.

But after getting along for a short time, Mo Sang knew that even if Ke Ji didn't reveal anything, just because the other party got Lu Liran's approval, there must be his ability.

Although he couldn't detect the spiritual power on Ke Ji... Mosang didn't let Ke Ji lead the team because of this.

Ability users whose mental strength is above B level can cover a detection range of 100 meters around. Although it is not as clear as vision, it is still more effective and safer than blind walking.

Yao Fei's mental strength is even stronger than his own, but he is not a good team leader because he is young, inexperienced, and has an impulsive temper.

Mo Sang asked Ke Ji to assist Yao Fei in the hope that the cooperation between the two could learn from each other.

He let out a breath, looked at Yao Fei and said, "Okay, that's it, there's no time to lose, let's go!"

Yao Fei tightened his lips, wondering if he had listened to Lu Liran's words, he gave Ke Ji a meaningful look, and said in response: "Got it!"

He strode past Ke Ji and threatened in a low hiss: "You'd better not take Sang's polite words seriously, it's just for the sake of the headquarters, don't take yourself seriously .”

Ke Ji glanced over Yao Fei slightly, still indifferent as if nothing to do with him, without saying a word, he walked in front of Yao Fei.

Yao Fei's chest was filled with a smoldering fire, but Ke Ji obviously didn't say anything, he asked for this smoldering fire.

He clenched his fists and let them go, and walked forward briskly—he was the leader of the team, and of course he wanted to walk in front of Ke Ji.

Ke Ji was noncommittal to Yao Fei's naive behavior, he didn't want to be a team leader, he wanted to be attached to Lu Liran more than to be in Yao Fei's team.

But if we don't care about this team, I'm afraid there will be two missing one when we meet again tonight.

The warning last night meant that they were required to stop their actions and not take a step closer, but they were arrows leaving the string, and there was no possibility of turning back unless they found the mission target.

Therefore, never die.

These four big-character labels are completely on this mission.

Three teams that had been disassembled into seven-member teams assembled freely in this watershed, and Ke Ji felt evil and malicious scrutiny from all directions.

When he looked at those who were hidden behind the jungle, those sights disappeared suddenly, like a flexible mouse, which was hard to catch.

He frowned slightly, and walked side by side to Lu Liran: "Be careful, this journey will not be peaceful."

"En." Lu Liran nodded in response, and he also faintly felt the malice from the depths of the jungle, knowing that what Ke Ji said was not an exaggeration.

Such a keen, intuitive perception is formed after countless wilderness experiences, and has never been missed.

Ke Ji took off the DFA dedicated communication linker from Lu Liran's waist, and he didn't know what he was doing. Lu Liran looked at it inexplicably, but he also watched quietly until the linker was restored to its original state, and Ke Ji personally pinned it to his ear .

"Don't take it off." Ke Ji whispered in Lu Liran's ear.

Lu Liran stretched out his hand and pinched the communicator pinned to the pinna, and suddenly thought of the combat communication signal that had been connected to the Keji mech by a single line during the war—this was a secret he only knew recently—he couldn't help raising the corner of his mouth, He laughed teasingly in an airy voice that only the two of them could hear: "Could it be that some monitoring micro-components were put in it just now?"

Ke Ji glanced at him and said, "Don't worry, you will take the initiative to ask me for help."

The implication is that he has to do it himself to be at ease.

Lu Liran was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect Ke Ji to actually install his own monitoring equipment in the communicator, he gasped, this violated the interstellar peace treaty, right?

"I can only hear your unilateral signal." Ke Ji lightly pressed the finger that Lu Liran wanted to take off, and added, "It will be destroyed by itself after the mission is over. The situation is special, and it needs to be handled with special measures."

Lu Liran pursed his lips, then thought about it, the strength of this DFA gold team is still unknown, and they are now scattered in two teams, so they really should make plans for themselves.

Special circumstances, special measures.

Lu Liran lowered his eyes and wanted to say that he also wanted to know about Ke Ji's situation, but before he could raise his thoughts, Mo Sang stepped forward and interrupted their solitude:

"There is a branch of the river ahead, you two must be careful." Mo Sang looked at Lu Liran and Ke Ji, and finally his eyes fell on Ke Ji. He wanted to say something, but he didn't know what else to say.

Instead, Ke Ji said, "Pay attention to the eyes in the woods."

Mo Sang was stunned for a moment, and goose bumps suddenly appeared on his arms.

Eyes in the woods? It should refer to the creatures in the woods, right? But it sounds creepy.

He responded dryly, and the three of them returned to their respective teams, and followed the teams into three divergent embankments in different directions.

The three teams have now completely separated.

Lu Liran unconsciously stretched out his hand to press the communicator next to the ear, he narrowed his eyes slightly, and while paying attention to the surroundings, he couldn't help but think distractedly—whether Ke Ji could even hear his breathing ?

Just when he was distracted, an electronic sound suddenly came out of the communicator.

Soon, a familiar, deep and reassuring voice came: "Don't think too much, concentrate on it."

Lu Liran was startled, paused his footsteps slightly, and soon returned to normal, and none of the soldiers following behind him could see anything unusual.

He bent the corners of his eyes indiscriminately, tapped his fingers on the edge of the connector, and then retracted and put it down.


Ke Ji heard it, and this was Lu Liran's answer.

His eyes were gentle, he let out a breath, and when he looked at the seemingly endless old forest in front of him again, his eyes became sharp.

A pair of eyes hiding in the hiding place flickered suddenly, and quickly retreated away from the forest, as if frightened.

When the team entered the depths along the embankment along the river, the vegetation began to become denser.

There were more noisy frogs and insects in the woods, and from time to time there were rustling sounds that slid across the leaves and branches above their heads quickly, making the team always look up in surprise in all directions.

[Ah, we acted separately, three tracking screens were actually cut in the live broadcast room, praise eh]

[Just can the radio be clearer? I can't hear a lot of voices clearly]

[Hope the voices of the two foreign aid experts can be the same as Yao Fei]

【Yao Fei: Are you polite】

[To be honest, I don’t agree with it. Even if someone is not allowed to lead the team, but given the right to judge and decide, isn’t it the same as the captain? 】

[I don't know what team Mo thinks about, I haven't seen who has any ability until now]

[Well, anyway, I remember that last time, this little brother who didn't make a sound seemed to kill a leopard-shaped beast with just a cold weapon]

[? ? ? ? ? Are you kidding me? Cold weapon? 】

[I remember that someone specially intercepted this live video, bv3789231 took it, thank you]

[I went to see it and came back...Gan is so handsome! Awesome! 】

【Seal your throat with a knife, what the hell】

The viewers in the live broadcast room were attracted to watch the last live video of the two at Roxanne Volcano. After watching it for a while, no one had the nerve to dictate Mosang's allocation decision.

It's so cruel without mental power, but if you have mental power, you can still do it?

Three Yao Feis are not enough for that little brother to make!

Several parties involved were not aware of the changes in the live broadcast room, and Lu Liran led the team into the valley area first.

Ruan Xiaotian, who had watched Lu Liran's live broadcast before, happened to be in Lu Liran's team, and he followed closely behind Lu Liran with some interest, cooperating more than other soldiers.

Seeing this, Lu Liran looked at him, and said, "What's your name?"

"Ruan Xiaotian." The young man replied.

Lu Liran nodded slightly to show his understanding: "Mark the missing locations of your first two teams on the electronic map."

Ruan Xiaotian was a little confused, but still nodded, and quickly marked it for Lu Liran to see.

Lu Liran narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at their current positions, and compared the two markers.

It can be said that it is the opposite.

Read The Duke's Passion