MTL - I Rely on Wilderness Survival Live Broadcast to Become Popular Across the Stars-Chapter 259 Hoarding money to raise cubs Day 259

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Lu Liran ignored Mo Sang and went down to the bottom expressionlessly.

Mo Sang was used to Lu Liran's reticence and indifference, and he didn't care about it when he saw it. Only Ke Ji knew that Lu Liran was sulking.

A smile flashed in his eyes, and he quickly followed Lu Liran.

The upper reaches of the Sana River are narrow and the current is very fast. The three of them walked downstream along the river bank. As they walked, the road disappeared, leaving only the river with waves.

[Ah, there is no way again! 】

【How to go this time? Won't swim over? 】

[Can this river swim? I think drifting is faster than swimming]


Mo Sang took out another compressed air bag from the equipment bag he was carrying, which was the size of two palms. After placing it on the ground, he reminded Lu Liran and Ke Ji to keep a distance.

"It's a bit big, be careful, don't get squeezed into the river." Mosang reminded.

Lu Liran's eyelids twitched when he heard this, and he and Ke Ji quickly moved away from their positions.

Seeing that Mo Sang pulled the fuse, the compressed air bag quickly inflated, and in the blink of an eye, it opened into a rubber boat.

"It's all in your equipment bag." Mosang reminded.

He jumped into the rubber boat first, and slipped into the river after paddling.

[Wow, it's all there! 】

[That must be, the equipment of the DFA Golden Troops is of course the most cutting-edge! 】

【I can rest assured that】

[Thanks to having this equipment bag, it is simply a universal treasure chest]


Lu Liran and Ke Ji also opened a compressed rubber boat and went down the river.

The size of the rubber boat can only accommodate one person, so the three bright yellow rubber boats on the Sana River have become the most special scenery.

After rushing out of the most turbulent section of tens of meters, the flow of the river slowed down a little, and Lu Liran and the others immediately took control of the direction of the rubber boat.

There are more and more reefs under the water, and Lu Liran can clearly feel the movement of the rubber boat under him bumping into the reefs from time to time and rubbing against the rocks. It was okay once, but the number of times is obviously increasing. Rub sound.

[Hiss, this is so sour, it feels like my **** is going to be broken hahaha]

[One thing to say, the quality of this rubber boat is quite good, and the rubber boat used for rafting outside will leak air if it is punctured by stones a few times]

[Military production, of course the quality is guaranteed! 】

[It’s good if it doesn’t sink! Every time I see this kind of river, I am afraid that some crocodile will come out and sink the boat under the water...]

[Sisters upstairs wake up, watched too many movies]

The rubber boats of Lu Liran and Ke Ji fell behind. Although the water flow was not as fast as before, it still had the same impact. Lu Liran even saw Mosang rushing up to a small piece of exposed rock and was almost overturned.

He frowned, and shouted to Ke Ji beside him: "This river bed is too shallow! There are too many stones, we have to come down!"

Ke Ji had no objection, but Mosang, who was more than ten meters away in front of the two, could not hear Lu Liran's shout, and drifted away quickly along the river.

The two turned over from the rubber boat, hooked the floating object of the rubber boat and floated in the water, which saved a lot of effort. Lu Liran used the paddle across his chest to increase the resistance to the water and slow down his own drifting under the rush of water. Speed ​​can also avoid reefs in the water more flexibly.

Even so, most of the audience in the live broadcast room couldn't understand why Lu Liran and Keji did this. In this way, the efficiency of the action was obviously greatly improved.

[The rubber boat is not broken, leaking air or sinking, so why do you want to disembark? ? 】

【+1 I don't understand】

[I feel too cautious, the rubber boat produced by the military will not be pierced by a few broken stones, it's just a little bumpy on the road]

[That's right, can't you bear it and let it pass? The captain is still ahead, and the captain has not come down]

[Just speechless, as expected, foreign aid is still foreign aid, how could there be a sense of urgency like DFA, anyway, the missing target's life or death has nothing to do with them]

There was a commotion in the live broadcast room, this time even Lu Liran's former audience didn't know how to refute, after all, it seemed that Lu Liran and Ke Ji's disembarkation was really inexplicable and meaningless.

Lu Liran couldn't see the live broadcast room, so naturally he didn't know what the audience was talking about in the live broadcast room, but even if he knew, he probably wouldn't respond.

Although not as fast as a rubber boat drifting, the speed of the two in the water is not slow.

Just when the audience in the live broadcast room was still complaining about foreign aid being too cautious and slowing down the action, suddenly a large number of new bullet screens and audiences poured in—

[Holy shit, I just saw it in another live broadcast! Captain Mozan capsized! 】

[Gan it really is! A wave rushed up, and then rode on a sloping reef, and the whole rubber boat flew out! No slowdown at all! 】

[Too ruthless, the key is that the speed is too fast, there is no time to turn to react! 】

[What about the captain? Are you all right? ? 】

[It should be fine... Anyway, the rubber boat is scrapped, and the person seems to have climbed ashore]

【I'm going, it's really dangerous...】

[Then it would be better for these two foreign tortoises to crawl... It would be too bad to scrap a rubber boat]

[Captain Mosang: I'm only worth a rubber boat? Is it polite? 】

[Unexpectedly, the ship did not sink, but turned over...]

[Did these two foreign aids already know that this would happen? 】

At this moment, Lu Liran and Ke Ji had drifted to the position where Mosang capsized, and a boat ran aground on the reef more than ten meters ahead. The bright yellow rubber boat was particularly eye-catching.

Lu Liran twitched the corners of his mouth, and stopped Ke Ji for a gesture. The two swam past, searched around, and called Mo Sang's name.

[Laughing to death, looking for someone to look for, suddenly there is another missing person? 】

[Hahaha it's not impossible, I saw it in the camera next door! People are hanging on the tree! 】

[The captain's reaction at the critical moment was very reliable. With one shot at the grapple, he hooked himself up! 】

Sure enough, Mo Sang heard Lu Liran and Ke Ji's shouts, and immediately responded: "I'm here!"

Lu Liran and Ke Ji looked in the direction of the voice, and saw Mosang hanging on the tree, looking embarrassed and funny.

The two swam to the shore, fixed the rubber boat, and immediately went under the tree.

Lu Liran raised his head to look at Mosang, but because he was far away, he couldn't see his expression clearly, but he didn't seem to be injured at all, so he asked teasingly, "Can't I get down?"

Mo Sang gasped hissingly and said in a hoarse voice, "I can't get down."

Lu Liran heard the pain in the other party's tone, and frowned: "You wait, don't move around."

Mo Sang responded in a low voice.

Lu Liran observed the big tree that Mosang was hanging on. The trunk was thin and rooted in the water. It was half naked and not stable.

It is definitely not possible to shoot another shot at the grapple hook, that would be too dangerous, and the force of the pull could easily cause the already unstable tree to tilt and roll over.

Lu Liran could only choose to climb the tree, but the tree was so slender that it made it more difficult to climb up. The thin trunk made one wonder whether it could bear the weight of two grown men.

All the audience in the live broadcast room broke into a cold sweat for Lu Liran.

But fortunately, soon, Lu Liran climbed up to where Mosang was.

When Lu Liran climbed up to the branch where Mosang was hooked, he finally saw the specific situation of Mosang, and took a slight breath.

Seeing that Mosang's left arm was pierced by a branch, nailing him to the tree like a steel nail, no wonder Mosang said he couldn't get down.

Because the equipment on his body is thick and many, and the color of the equipment is similar to that of the leaves in the forest, it is difficult for people to see what is going on with Mosang with a glance at the aerial camera.

Until Lu Liran came up.

【I'm hurts so much】

[This is too **** unlucky! ! Why... ah, it hurts like hell]

[Never thought that the first kill at the beginning would be the captain...]

[What should I do? Captain, let's be sent away first! ? 】

Lu Liran quickly checked the area of ​​the sore. Fortunately, the branch that got stuck in it was not thick, that is, the thickness of a pen. He breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Fortunately, it's not serious. I'll get you down first."

Mosang nodded, but when the two of them moved a little, the tree trunk under them made a sound as if it was about to fall, and Mosang froze in place immediately.

Seeing this, Lu Liran also frowned.

He looked at Ke Ji on the ground, and saw Ke Ji making a gesture to himself.

That was the weight hanging training they had done in the training camp. It required two people to cooperate to make a lever ring and cable tool, which could transport hundreds of kilograms of weight down from a high place.

Lu Liran reacted immediately.

There are also materials for making tools, that is, using grapples.

Lu Liran quickly tied Mosang's body a few times, and then threw all the remaining rope length of the grapple to Ke Ji.

The two grabbed both ends of the rope hook, and after reaching a balance of force, Ke Ji nodded and informed Lu Liran: "It can be released."

Lu Liran responded, drew out the kukri, and cut off the branch nailing Mosang with one stroke.

His movements were quick and light, Mosang only felt the slightest vibration, and there was no tingling from the wound being pulled at all.

With the severed branch on his arm, Mo Sang flew into the air in an instant, and all the weight fell on the grapple hook and the arms of Lu Liran and Ke Ji.

Lu Liran let out a muffled snort, and the veins on his arm suddenly popped up, tightly grasping the force of the grapple's downward movement, and slowly lowering it down little by little.

As the rope was lowered, the weight in Lu Liran's hands was slowly removed, but the force Ke Ji was bearing quickly increased, far heavier than the force Lu Liran was bearing now.

But Ke Ji didn't seem to feel the weight at all, he just frowned very slightly, and then let go quickly, without any expression, but at the moment when his strength suddenly increased, he quickly wrapped the rope of the grapple around his arm for a few laps.

Mo Sang was lowered to the ground bit by bit, his left arm was covered with blood, and the sleeve of his clothes was soaked. Seeing this, Ke Ji cut open the surrounding cloth with a dagger, exposing the complete part of the wound.

The wheat-colored muscle was pierced through a blood hole by rough twigs, and with a slight movement, blood gushed out continuously from the wound.

Mo Sang took a light breath, and hissed: "Can you take it out? If you can't take it out, forget it. There are first-aid bandages and anti-inflammatory drugs in the equipment bag. Just help me fix this branch, no problem."

Hearing this, Ke Ji glanced at Mo Sang, and said in a rare way: "Do you want to take this branch with you?"

Mo Sang gritted his teeth: "It doesn't matter if you cut off the head and tail."

The part where the branches penetrate is the upper arm near the shoulder, which is indeed less affected than the more flexible forearm.

Ke Ji said: "Take it into action, not to mention whether it will delay you or not, even if you survive the task by chance, your arm will also be necrotic. Have you thought about it carefully?"

Mo Sang: "...I am the captain, and I cannot give up on my team members. There is no such thing as going back and forth on this mission. I must persevere."

Lu Liran also came down from the tree at this time, and snorted when he heard the words: "That's fine, for the sake of your determination, you have to endure the pain."

He looked at Ke Ji: "Help me make a fire."

Ke Ji responded, and asked again: "Do you need me to hold him down for you later?"

Mo Sang was stunned for a moment, and suddenly his heart felt a little cold. He somewhat guessed Lu Liran's plan, swallowed hard and said: "No, I can hold back, you just need to do it."

Seeing this, Lu Liran turned to Ke Ji and said, "Need."

Mo Sang: "..."

Ke Ji went to start a fire, while Lu Liran kept wiping the area around the wound with the alcohol cotton in the first aid kit to disinfect it, and at the same time said to Mo Sang: "The most I have seen is the one like you who thinks you can bear the pain, but the reaction is greater than anyone else's." .”

After Lu Liran finished speaking, he took another branch and handed it to Mo Sang, saying, "Also, bite it later."

Mo Sang: "..."

He can!