MTL - I Rely on Kisses to Clear Survival Games-Chapter 77 Devil's Bride (End)

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The world in the mirror reproduces all the outside scenes. The only difference is that the left and right images are reversed, the position of the objects has changed, and the light is still hidden. Even if Cheng Zhichu’s flashlight falls outside, he can barely Look at the dark and deep passages and not hit the wall.

What's more, the groom is holding him, taking him through the winding passages, not letting him go, the bears and the coins are leading the way, the speed of travel is getting faster and faster, they want to lead the way, and later they are The groom yelled, but had to slow down the speed quite unwillingly.

The fingers of the groom's cold fingers clasped their wrists. Cheng Zhichu was somewhat restless, and all the tumbling in his mind were whispered before the income was collected.

Whether it is him or other "white easy"...

In fact, he used to think that Bai Yi seems to be somewhat mysterious. He may be hiding something, such as why Bai Yi chooses the death mode, and whether he has encountered any bad situation in reality.

Now he knows that Bai Yi had probably been cut off by Mr. Mu six years ago, and Bai Yi, who plays the game, has no real entity. It may be just his soul, or he can find a special method. The new body made.

Bai Yi and he entered the game at the same time. It seems that he is just a novice player, but if this is the case, in the six-year window period, where is Bai Yi’s soul?

Did he only wake up until recently? Then does he know what his body has encountered in reality... What is more than a white finger?

The more I think about it, the more confused Cheng Zhichu is, and the more distressed. He intuitively thinks that things are not so simple. Bai Yi may have concealed many things from him, but he did not want to blame Bai Yi’s mood. He just wanted to Do your best to help Bai Yi, looking forward to the day when he can return to reality in perfect condition.

Because Bai Yi is the person he likes.

The chief culprit of Bai Yi’s death is the master of the place, Mr. Mu...

Cheng Zhichu suddenly tightened his fingers, and his heart provoked an anger. He returned from his meditation and turned his eyes to the passage to the darkness.

The bear just keenly smelled the rancid and **** smell, and now the smell is also introduced into Cheng Zhichu’s nose, becoming more and more full, even disgusting, which means they are getting closer and closer to where the head is. It is.

This taste... How many people did Mr. Mu kill and how many bodies were piled up, will there be such a strong smell?

Cheng Zhichu smothered his mouth and nose. In addition to his anger, his heart was also difficult to suppress the feeling of horror and fear. He could not imagine what the end of the passage would look like, whether it would pile up like a mountain. The body.

The strength and atmosphere of Mr. Mu’s stay here are very weak.

The coin rolled forward, and said in the ear of Cheng Zhichu.

He did not return to this place for a long time. According to my feelings, at least one year or more, even more than one year.

The layout and traps he left here are basically ineffective because they have no power to supplement, otherwise you will not be able to come in so easily even with my good fortune.

He should have done something, even if he is dead, otherwise he could not have returned here for so long.

Here is everything about him, just as important as his life. If it weren't for him being trapped or dead, I couldn't think of the possibility that he would let him abandon his good fortune.

If the beast is really dead, I hope that his death will be very miserable, and that there will be no death and no corpse.

Cheng Zhichu cursed Mr. Mu in his heart and sweared almost all the swearing things he knew, and then they had reached the end of the passage.


The coin reminded him that the bear also screamed a few times.

Cheng Zhichu looked up and looked at the front. This is a black stone door carved with complex patterns and reliefs. It is tightly closed, but this is so, the rich rancid smell can still be concealed from the gap under the door.

Efforts to ignore the bear's saliva, Cheng Zhichu picked up the Ling coins and threw them again, got the side of the clown, and had a good operation as a blessing.

The groom let Cheng Zhichu step back a few steps, put the palm of his hand on the black door, and slowly push the heavy stone door toward the front side.


The scene that reflected the eyes of Cheng Zhichu was gloomy and weird, which made him unable to open his eyes.

It is clearly underground, but in his sight, there is a dark and gloomy sky, and below is the boundless earth, blending together at a great distance, forming a horizon.

The ground is black soil, and there are many strange and distorted trees on the top. The trees are tangled, the branches are bare, and there is no leaf. The bark is pure black, and there are a distorted face on it. It is like a dead person. The limbs are twisted together and painted with black paint, which is extremely scary.

The crows swarmed in groups and stayed on the branches, making an unpleasant cry.

The air is filled with suffocating stench, the ground is scattered corpses, some have become white bones, and some seem to have just died, are gradually rot, revealing black and red pus, carrion Drilled in and out, and made a "beep" sound.

In addition to these unburied corpses, there are tombstones like the ocean, a tomb of a bulge, a simple wooden sign, only a few are relatively flat, barely can be called a grave.

In the faraway places, there are twisted figures that slowly pass through and disappear at the end of the horizon, as if swallowed by the sky.

It was shocked by the scene of hell, and it took a long time for Cheng Zhichu to return to God. He immediately shuddered. He couldn’t even imagine how many people died here and whether they all died in Mr. Mu’s hands.

[This is a funeral post. 】

The system reminded: [As long as you find the head of the groom, you can kiss him here. 】

Because the stench smell here is too strong, Cheng Zhichu was nausea, and every time he was suffering, he was forced to buy medicine in the mall. After taking it, he barely calmed down.

The system is even more shocking to his heart - if he does not have a coin, but just looking for the groom's head in this endless mass grave, I don't know how long it will take.

And there may be Bai Yi’s head and body...

Cheng Zhichu closed his eyes and his mood was extremely depressed. The only thing to be thankful for is that the bridegroom’s head is in this mass grave. He can directly kiss the bridegroom and complete the “vow kiss” to end this copy and completely solve the problem. White" and the ring curse problem.

Then he might find the body of Bai Yi here and find a way to bring him back to life.


The **** spirit was once again thrown by Cheng Zhichu, making a crisp sound, and he made his wish in his heart.

Let me find the body of Bai Yi and the groom smoothly.

The coin fell into his hands, and it was still a good luck clown face. At the same time, the groom seemed to think of something, or found something, and began to go straight in a certain direction.

The groom took a lot of steps, Cheng Zhichu was led by his wrist, trotting behind him, the snow-colored wedding dress fluttering in the air, in stark contrast with the horrible scene around it, this piece of gray The only bright color.

They passed through a stone monument and a tomb, and the crows of the crows hanging on the branches turned and stared at them, and the black scorpion reflected the figure of the two under the tree.

"……found it."

Suddenly the groom’s footsteps stagnate and stopped in front of a stone monument.

"right here."

"I can feel that my head is buried here."

The groom's head is inside?

Cheng Zhichu stopped breathing and gasped. He heard the groom's words and quickly pulled his wrist out of his hand and went around him to look at the tombstone.

At the same time, he noticed the blood red text engraved on the tombstone.

That is the name of the person buried under the tomb.


Cheng Zhichu’s pupil suddenly shrank, revealing an incredible surprise.

The groom squatted on one knee, and the fingers touched the two blood words, and the voice was low.

"...bai Yi."

what happened……

Is this the fact that the groom and Bai Yi’s head were buried together...


Cheng Zhichu was so horrified that he suddenly began to feel dizzy and his body swayed, almost falling down on the ground, and a terrible wind and waves were set in his heart.

He suddenly remembered what the groom had said to him before.

In the memory, the groom once saw the villa of the "Rose Manor" and the children of the White House, and saw the white sorrow of the boy.

However, when he showed the photo of the Bai Yi juvenile to the groom, asked if Bai Yi was also among the children, the groom denied it, but also said that Bai Yi looks familiar.

At that time, Cheng Zhichu didn't care too much. He could watch the groom insert his hands into the black soil and slowly pick up a pale head. A terrible conjecture instantly formed in his heart, letting him even his teeth. Trembling.

... If the groom is Bai Yi, he will of course be familiar with the "Rose Manor", but also familiar with Bai Yi, but did not find Bai Yi in the white family's children.

Because that is what Bai Yi sees with his own eyes...

The groom took out his head and wiped the ash from it a little bit, gradually revealing the complete facial features.

The young man's eyes are tight, beautiful and beautiful, the black hair is falling, the thin lips are quite nose, and the tears in the corners of the eyes reveal a bit of flirtation.

That is what Cheng Zhichu is very familiar with and looks like very much.

The groom wiped the dust off his head, aligning the side with the facial features and the front of the body, and gently put it up.

The staggered fractures are connected without any problems, gradually healed together, and they have grown into smooth skin, naturally integrated, as if never separated.

The groom with white face touched the lips with some oysters, and smiled at Cheng Zhichu. The stiff eyebrows gradually softened and vivid, the throat rolled, and the original strange voice changed. It turned into the most familiar voice of Cheng Zhichu. .

"Knowing the beginning."


Cheng Zhichu’s expression was blank, but he still didn’t hold it and sat down on the ground.

[You found the head of the groom. 】

[You can complete your vows kiss. 】

[Complete the branch task: find things. 】

【Earn rewards:? 】

[After completing the entire contents of the copy, the rewards you receive will be issued. 】

The bear standing next to him saw this, and some of them screamed in horror, scared the tip of the tail to tremble.

Why is it the same face as Dad, and the ghost who kissed her mother just now, how is it all the same, and their breath is the same as Dad...

Do they have a close relationship with Dad?

Its small head can't think about this overly complicated problem, and the glass-beaded black eyes reveal a very awkward look.

"Know the beginning, don't be afraid."

The young and handsome man extended his hand to Cheng Zhichu. He was a black suit and more elegant. When he smiled softly, no one could refuse his charm.

"White is easy." He said, "This is my name."

"I have thought of everything."

He took the hand that Cheng Zhichu had trembled violently, his fingertips crossed the ring above, and said slowly.

"I have always crushed you, this is the ring I made for you long ago, with your name engraved on it."

"It has been worn by me, I want to wait until someday in the future, and I will give it to you by hand - the day I can finally courage and meet you again."

"But I haven't waited until this day is coming, I am killed, and I sleep in the ground."

"Until you pick up my ring, wake me up and let me find you again."

He clings to Cheng Zhichu's hand and falls down on the knuckles wearing the ring. He looks at the devout kiss, and his eyes are full of affection. All of them are Cheng Zhichu's figure.

The music of classical music sounded abruptly in the air, melodious and cheerful, and it was incompatible with the surrounding scenes. Suddenly, a pair of white bones were stretched out in the grave, and the slabs climbed out of the shackles, and the rotten pieces of meat on the ground also bounced. Stacked together, barely made up a personal shape.

They slowly gathered around and patted the odd-shaped hands as if they were setting the atmosphere for joy.

The soft body squirmed into the tree, folded the branches, threw the crows to the ground, and several bodies surrounded the past, pulling the crows out of the feathers, weaving them together, tying them into the shape of the bouquet, one by one. , handed to the groom's hand.

"We are born with a pair..."

The man gently opened the fingers of Cheng Zhichu and presented the weird bouquet to his hand, with a smile on his eyebrows.

"I can't wait to propose to you."

"Is it good to marry me at the beginning?"

The fingers were stabbed by the rough branches, and Cheng Zhichu suddenly felt shocked. He was slowed down from the horror shock, but he could face the man in front of him. His brain was still extremely chaotic, and all the thoughts and thoughts were "cold." The words of the branches are white.

More than one white easy...

Is this the meaning of "cold branches and whites"? Bai Yi’s body has come alive and become another white Yi?

What is the "cold twig"? Is he another form of existence of Bai Yi? And is it not just these two people, there may even be more "White Easy" at the same time -


Cheng Zhichu was thrown to the ground by the groom, and the "flower bouquet" in his hand flew out, and the feathers and branches were scattered all over the floor.

The man caressed his eyebrows with affection, his eyes tender and sweet, but his nails became sharp and long, easily piercing the soft skin of the person underneath, oozing red blood beads.

"The next step may be a little painful. You don't want to be afraid at first, just for a moment, I will take out your soul."

"I still can't come back after all. When I leave this place, my body will slowly rot, but you can't live here, so I have to kill you."

"You will become a ghost, so that we can always be together and become a true husband and wife."

Hearing the affectionate and cruel words of the groom, Cheng Zhichu’s heartbeat stopped for a moment, and the groom’s sharp nails had pierced the skin of his neck, as if to cut his head directly.

The vow of the vows... He must hurry! !

Cheng Zhichu soon returned to God. For the bridegroom to kill him, because he had experienced several similar scenes before, he was not very confused. There was no impact that the bridegroom might be the body of Bai Yi. Bigger.

He raised his hand and hooked the groom's back neck, and took the initiative to bring his face closer. His lips were almost attached to the groom, but at this moment, he hesitated.

——If the groom is included in the illustrations and the groom disappears, Bai Yi will lose his body. Will Bai Yi be unable to rise again afterwards?

The groom faced Cheng Zhichu's closeness, a slight glimpse, his fingers trembled, his nails cut deeper and spurted a small **** flower.

The bear stayed for a moment and screamed out in an instant. He rushed to bite the groom's wrist and hang it on it. He screamed to remind Cheng Zhichu that he had to break free from the groom.

Bai Yi may never be able to get out of the game...

Cheng Zhichu's body trembled, holding the groom's wrist, and the face stained with blood showed a painful color. Although he was afraid, but thought of Bai Yi, he still could not immediately kiss the groom's lips.

All this happened only in the twinkling of an eye, and the coin also bounced ",", revealing the clown face, and turning the luck for Cheng Zhichu.

[A fool, what are you entangled, do you still want to sacrifice yourself for Bai Yi? White is not needed! 】

[If you die, nothing will be done! And there will be a way to solve this problem, you kiss him! ! 】

The roar of the system, like a thunder, blew in the ear of Cheng Zhichu, let him wake up and suddenly realized how stupid he was.

Even if he is dead here, he can't let Bai Yi get out of the game and return to his body, and if he dies, no one will help Bai Yi later, so he must not die, according to the system. Another way to help Bai Yi!

These thoughts, like the lightning-like process of knowing the beginning of the mind, let him take care of the blood flowing from the neck, holding the groom's handsome face, and sticking the blood-stained lips on the groom's lips.

In the face of Cheng Zhichu's active closeness, even if he thought about killing him directly in the last second, the groom could not refuse at all, and the light of joy in the light, began to respond enthusiastically to his bride.

The sound of the wet water rang out between the two men's entangled lips. The groom took off the little bear hanging on his wrist and held Cheng Zhichu's lower back. He restrained him in his arms and gave him no chance to break free.

Cheng Zhichu was sucked by his tongue and numb, his breathing was not smooth, and he didn't mean to break free. He even had a rapid heartbeat and was soft, because the person who was kissing him was another white...

For a time, both of them were addicted to it, and no one noticed that the groom’s body began to glow lightly.

The bear was smashed to the ground, and the beautiful light spot in his eyes was even more confused. It had no way to think about it. Why did the groom who had just killed Cheng Zhichu suddenly start kissing him...

Cheng Zhichu was kissed and dizzy, but suddenly felt a heavy body, actually the man's body suddenly fell on him, no sound, quiet motionless.

The human form that was surrounded by the shackles and corpses was turbulent, and they were surrounded by two impenetrable winds. They all reached out and were obviously not good.

The bears slammed up from the ground and snarled a few times at them. They bite one of them and began to forage. Other baboons and humans were shaped as birds and beasts. After a few steps, they collapsed and the body organization was scattered. Fell on the ground.

[The groom has been successfully included in the illustrations. 】

[Boss illustrations have been collected, congratulations on the copy of the "Ghost Bride". 】

[Customs clearance: experience value x20000, survival point x20000. 】

[Congratulations to the player upgrade to level 55. 】

[All main line tasks have been completed, and the copy can be completed after leaving Xinhua Street. 】

Has the groom been included in the illustrations?

Then his arms are...

Holding a man's body, Cheng Zhichu blinked a little and slugged for a few seconds. Suddenly, he felt a sense of ecstasy from the bottom of his heart. For a moment, his eyes were red, and he almost cried.

It turned out that this is what the system said "other methods". The illustrations only took away the bridegroom's existence, but left Bai Yi's body. He found Bai Yi's body!

[Hey, happy, happy? Still not thanking me? The sound of the system sounds very sorrowful.

"Thank you, thank you very much, I...thank you..."

Cheng Zhichu held the body of Bai Yi, and even forgot to talk to the system in consciousness, directly speaking the sound, the voice was almost choked, and even the words of thank you became incoherent.

【……cough. 】

As if he didn't think that he would really thank him, the system didn't adapt. He coughed and his tone became smoother, as if he was calming him. He said: [Now you can open the reward for the sideline mission, I believe you will definitely like. 】

[Do you want to open a reward? 】


Cheng Zhichu suddenly became very nervous, his eyes were red, and his body was shaking, because his instincts told him that this is probably a reward related to Bai Yi.


[The reward has been issued. 】

Cheng Zhichu involuntarily held his breath and felt that the time around him seemed to be paused in an instant.

It seems that it is only a moment, and it seems that after a very long time, he suddenly feels that his body seems to move slightly, his heart trembles and lowers his head, but it just happened to be a pair of slow Slowly smashed black enamel.

"...I know the beginning?"

The handsome man lying in his arms rarely reveals a confused color, his lips are slightly open, and his name is gently called.


Bai Yi's Diary · Part 77

(just resurrected, unclear situation, is in vain, no diary.)

The author has something to say: Thanks to the mine's mine x3, the mine drinking boiled water x2, and Leihong, 1279 is already a mine with a waste and star tears! =3=2k novel reading network

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