MTL - I Rely on Kisses to Clear Survival Games-Chapter 73 Devil's Bride (9)

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As the silver coins fell to the ground, Cheng Zhichu’s strangeness also caught the attention of Bai Xixing.

Looking at his pale face and trembling body, Bai Xixing frowned slightly, not knowing what it was.

The reason why he told these things to Cheng Zhichu was because he knew that Cheng Zhichu had an unusual power and might know about Mr. Mu, or he could give him some help.

More importantly, Cheng Zhichu also learned the name of his cousin in the past few years, and he can be sure that before the cousin disappeared, the two had almost never had any contact, and Cheng Zhichu lost his previous memory. I should not know his cousin.

Bai Xixing’s eyes sank.

For this reason, he judged that Cheng Zhichu had known the cousin through other channels in the past few years, but he had sent people to monitor and protect Cheng Zhichu before, and he did not find any signs of contact with his cousin. It was a bit weird. .

He did not doubt Cheng Zhichu, but things are indeed strange. It seems that Cheng Zhichu may have been in contact with people in this organization and learned the existence of Bai Yi in some way.

However, when they met in the previous variety show, Cheng Zhichu did not seem to know that the cousin was missing, so either Cheng Zhichu had just heard of Bai Yi, or the state of Bai Yi was normal when they met, but the latter The probability is almost minimal.

Many thoughts flashed through his mind, and the expression of Bai Xixing was still quiet. He asked Cheng Zhichu: "Cheng Xuedi, what happened, did you think of something?"


Cheng Zhichu was trembling, his face was bloodless, his chest was so sullen and painful, and there was a strong grief and pain in his heart. In a flash, he was already red-eyed, and tears rolled out of his eyes.

Bai Yi six years ago is likely to have died... just because of the so-called "good luck"...

But if he really has good luck, how can he meet someone like Mr. Mu, or even cruelly cut his head?

Why is it that Bai Yi encounters such a thing...

His heart was extremely painful, and his white gentle eyes and smiles appeared in his mind. The silent tears gradually turned into a slight sob, and later he even cried and cried, crying out of breath, desperately using small The arm wiped away his tears and his eyes were red and swollen.

Bai Xixing’s eyes were amazed, and he didn’t know what Cheng Zhichu had thought of, and he would cry so badly.

No matter whether the person who is crying is a man or a woman, Bai Xixing can't see anyone crying. He suddenly feels a little panic. He took a paper towel from the coffee table and tried to hand it to Cheng Zhichu, but he was directly taken away by the groom from the paper towel.


Bai Xixing grasped the empty palm of his hand and looked at the headless man's gaze. I don't know why, this style has given him a familiar feeling...

"Don't cry."

The groom patted Cheng Zhichu's back and gently wiped the tear marks on his face.

Cheng Zhichu's eyes were red, and after a while, the eyes were slightly swollen, and the tears stimulated a little.

Although he used to think that being a man, crying badly would be very shameful, but now he understands that if he is really sad, how can he care about other people's views.

He twitched and was wiped dry by the groom, looking at the cut of the neck, probably guessed, the groom should be the same as Bai Yi, was the head cut by Mr. Mu, in order to steal their good fortune.

If you want to find the head, you must find Mr. Mu’s residence and take your head out. In addition to the groom, he must find Bai Yi's head and splicing Bai Yi's body.

Where does Mr. Mu live?

Cheng Zhichu picked up the silver coins from the ground and sucked his nose, asking in his heart.

Even if I tell you, you can't enter his home. If he finds that you have stolen his collected head and destroyed his luck, he will kill you.

Unless you become my master, liberate my strength.

The silver coin sounds faint, like a sigh.

At that time, in order to leave Mr. Mu, I could only choose to seal most of my power, otherwise he would not let me go.

Only when I liberate my strength can I help you, and only I can help you.

After Cheng Zhichu listened to his heart, he always felt that the silver coin had a plot and was tempting him, so no matter how badly he was, he never used it. However, now he seems to have no choice.

At this time, Li Lao, who fell to the ground, suddenly took a breath and slowly woke up from the coma.

He glanced at the headless groom, his eyes wide open, his mouth wide open, and suddenly he was so scared that he would faint again, but this time Bai Xixing took the lead and smashed his collar. "Who is Mr. Mu, how should he contact him, where is he now?"

The groom’s body also turned to Li Lao, as if he was watching him: “Say, otherwise you will kill you.”

"Don't come over... don't come over!!"

"I can tell you all that I know, please don't kill me... I know very well, but I will tell you all that I know, don't let the ghost eat me!"

Li Lao was so scared that he swayed like a sifter, no one was coloring, and even his voice was scared. His expression was very painful, and he was very scared. He shook his head and said.

"...No one knows Mr. Mu’s real name, even his name is a question."

"He is very mysterious. I only saw him six years ago. At that time, he didn't seem to be so powerful now. It seems that he had just started, and he had no means. He just wore a hat and sunglasses to cover it."

"He is dressed in black and can be seen as a young man. He is about twenty-five years old. He looks good, is tall and thin, can't hear any accent, and can't judge where it is."

"At the time, I was visiting old friends in the city, and I was rushing for the borrowing of money. The people who borrowed it were borrowed, but I still couldn’t fill it. I was walking aimlessly on the street, I was upset, Mr. Mu Suddenly pulled me."

"He said that he can see that my luck is very bad recently, and it is related to money. I have already reached the point where the mountains are running out of water. If I don't recover, I will soon be broken and I will be able to help you."

"I think he is young and still dressed up. He thought he was a liar. He was going to drive him away impatiently, but suddenly he turned his mind and changed his mind and said a few words to him."

"Think about it now, maybe it's what he used, or I can't respond to him."

"Mr. Mu took me to the lottery shop and instructed me to buy a few lottery tickets. I said that the sum of these lottery tickets is worth about 10,000 yuan. It is the deposit he gave me, indicating that he is not a liar."

"If I believe him, I will go to the same place at the same time to find him at the same time. He will be there waiting for me."

"On the day of the draw, I will be suspicious of the results of the lottery. As a result, these lottery tickets have won more or less prizes, which adds up to 10,000."

"I realized this time, I met a high man. Our family finally saved this time. So I took my two sons and many gifts in the next day. I waited there for a long time and wanted to beg. Mr. saves us."

"Mr. Mu really came that day. He saw us and said that he could help us to transfer, but in addition to the remuneration, he must also promise him a condition that would not be excessive."

Speaking of this, Li Lao is somewhat out of breath, recalling the things of the year, his eyes still reveal a faint color.

"At the time, our family had nowhere to go, and Mr. Mu was regarded as our last life-saving straw. Even if he wanted us to kill and set fire, we could only nod and promise, and he made a very strange request. He asked me to find a way to put Bai Yi. Take it to the neighborhood."

"We don't know what relationship he has with Bai Yi, and he doesn't know what he is looking for. Why don't he contact Bai Yi himself, but we dare not ask, only according to what he said."

"Our family is not familiar with Bai Yi, but also thinks a lot of ways to swindle Bai Yi. We originally thought that Mr. Mu had something to say to Bai Yi, but who thought he would take out an iron rod when he met. Directly stunned Bai Yi."

"And then?" Bai Xixing's face was ugly, and asked coldly.

Li Lao said dry mouth, poured a glass of water on himself, and relieved his temper. He did not dare to delay. He continued to say: "He is very heavy, as if he wants to put white and is easy to die. After Bai Yi falls down, he flows to the ground. The blood is unconscious."

"We were all scared and asked what Mr. Mu was doing, but he didn't have any panic. He seemed to be used to doing this kind of thing, even laughing indifferently."

"He warned us not to say this out, let us not worry, the rest of the things he will deal with. Although through the sunglasses, we can still feel that his eyes are terrible, if we disobey him Meaning, he may not mind treating us like this."

"After that, we left there, and I don't know how he made Bai Yi, but Bai Yi did not come back for so many years, it is likely to be Mu Xian -"

"Shut up." Bai Xixing’s face interrupted him. "I have no interest in your opinion and continue to talk about what you know."

"After the white is not seen, our family used to be very upset because we are not concealed. There is a lot of evidence that we can take away Bai Yi."

"Mr. Mu did not know what method he used. After that, no one found us on the head. The situation in our family was getting better every day. It has been good till now."

"After that, our family has never seen Mr. Mu again. He has developed very fast. Soon after, he set up an organization. This organization has no name, only the icon in your hand as a symbol, and it develops at a very fast speed. Grow up."

"My second son also joined the organization, but he is only a very peripheral member. Later, he has never seen Mr. Mu. He completely hides it."

"What do you know about this organization?" Bai Xixing asked.

Li Lao is like a lot of old age, his face is stunned and his face is fearful.

"I don't know... Our family just happened to meet Mr. Mu many years ago. Later, my son joined this organization. He seems to be forced to send a poison oath that will be fulfilled. Even if we can't disclose anything, otherwise he will Will die, our family will also suffer bad luck."

Listening to Li's narrative, Cheng Zhichu gradually calmed down too much sorrow, but his eyes were still red. Li Lao said that he knew almost nothing. He was very disappointed and whispered: "Then I don't even know where Mr. Mu lived..."

"Of course I don't know."

Li Lao glanced at the groom's headless body, revealing a stunned color, his lips groaning and said: "But I still remember the place where I met about us, Xinhua Street in the north of the city..."

"There is one more thing. Mr. Mu seems to have been in complete contact since two years ago. He may have disappeared. Maybe he is hiding, or even dead. From then on, the organization began to split, my son. Recently, I also want to get rid of the intention of this organization..."

"So I beg you, let us go, we have no way at the time, but we are forced to help... I can help you to prove Mr. Mu, as long as you don't kill-"


One arm passed through Li's chest and splashed a large piece of blood. There was still a look of horror on Li’s face, and a big hole was opened in the chest. The body twitched a few times and slowly fell to the ground, and suddenly there was no breath.

The groom took back his blood-stained arm and stood in front of him for a few seconds, then licked the blood on his arm.

"He is not worth living."

He said.

Cheng Zhichu was shocked. He looked at the old man who fell to the ground and died. He opened his mouth and his heart trembled. But when he thought that Bai Yi was already dead, he closed his eyes. In the end, he still fell down and said nothing.

Bai Xixing is also indifferent, and his look is calm and almost cold. In the face of the old man's body, he doesn't even blink his eyes. He just raised his brow and whispered: "Maybe I should find his son..."

But soon he looked up again, with a little expectation, looking to Cheng Zhichu: "Cheng Xuedi, I know that you have some special means, maybe you can help me find the whereabouts of my cousin... or do you have any clues? ?"


Cheng Zhichu bowed his head and his hands quietly tightened. He can't tell Bai Xixing about "infinite escape", but -

"I will definitely bring back Bai Yi."

He suddenly looked up, although there was still wet steam in his eyes, but his eyes showed an unprecedented firmness.

"I promise you that he will definitely come back."


Bai Xixing walked for a few seconds, and the cold look softened, and the corner of his lips was slightly tilted, and he nodded to him.

"Well, I believe in you."

That now...

Cheng Zhichu was sulking, thinking about where he should go next, and he heard the faint sound of silver coins echoing in his ears.

After cutting his head and burying it under his residence, Mr. Mu could not move.

The head he cut off must be sent to the residence at a very fast speed to avoid the loss of luck, so the place where he attacks your friend will not be too far from his residence.

Within this range, I can identify where his residence is.

Are you thinking about it? I can take you to his home, or you can take out your friend's head. You are very clear that you are my master.

I promise you. Cheng Zhichu replied without hesitation, how can I be your master?


Hearing that he had promised to be so simple, the silver coin was quiet for a few seconds. It seemed to be stunned. When he answered him, there was still a bit of awkwardness in his voice, as if it was unbelievable that this time it was so easy to succeed. It is.

Oh... very simple, I will open myself, you can become my master by dropping blood on my surface.

Come on.

Cheng Zhichu put the silver coins in the palm of his hand, and the other hand picked up the broken ceramic pieces on the ground, gently cut it, and made a small **** mouth. A large drop of blood came out from the wound.

"Mom, don't!"

The bear seemed to have sensed what Cheng Zhichu wanted to do. He quickly climbed out of his backpack and screamed to stop Cheng Zhichu. The black eyes were all anxious.

"You can't promise it, it's not good!"

This time he is willing to volunteer and has nothing to do with you. Silver coins are dissatisfied, and why do you say that I am not good? Maybe the past is, but now...

"Thank you for caring about me, pinecone." Cheng Zhichu smiled and said softly, "But for Bai Yi..."

He moved his finger over the silver coin and was about to drop the blood, but suddenly he was covered by a pale, cold hand.

Cheng Zhichu raised his head in surprise, and the groom grabbed his hand.

The headless man said, "I am coming."

His fingers automatically showed a tear, and the blood spurted up, and the silver-white surface of the silver coins was covered with a layer of blood.


The piercing clown's sharp laughter rang in the house, the silver coins floated, and the appearance changed rapidly. It turned into a rich blood color, and the clown and demons were even more horrible.

It does not belong to Cheng Zhichu, but he still heard the introduction of the system.

[The nature of the item changes, the curse appears, the danger, please pay attention. 】

[Item name: Devil's money. 】

[Original name "the silver coin of the clown". 】

[Item type: curse. 】

[Can I bring out this copy: Yes. 】

[Description: An ancient coin, which is hosted by a dangerous demon, tempting your mind day and night. It can fulfill all your wishes and destroy everything you have. 】

[Hazard level: s]

[practical level: s]

[Effect: Say your wishes and throw this coin. If the side of the clown is facing up, the devil will reach a part of your wish, and throwing the clown face twice in a row will achieve more. This type of push. 】

[Side effects: But if you throw a demon face, the devil will take away some of your things, throwing the devil face twice in a row, will double the plunder, until you fall into despair, nothing, it will take your soul and life . 】

[Continuously throwing a demon face ten times will directly lead to the collapse of the copy. 】

[Please use it carefully. 】

Sure enough, it is a curse! Cheng Zhichu was a bit stunned. He knew that this thing is very evil. How could it be included in the weapon? It must be that the demon inside has deceived the system and mixed into the ranks of weapons!

The coin was lying in the palm of his hand, and the surface of the blood was surging. He suddenly trembled and made a clear sound, and he slammed into the ground.


Under the gaze of Cheng Zhichu and Bai Xixing, there was a faint **** fog around the silver coins. There was a group of shadows, tall and tall, and the black bones of the limbs and demons were transformed. The blood fog stretched out.

But the demon in the blood mist has not come out to reveal the true meaning, but the figure suddenly stopped, the devil snorted, his hand shook back and slammed back, and the figure shrank into a doll-sized mass at the speed visible to the naked eye. Then the **** spurt out of a lightning-like shadow, and suddenly rushed to Cheng Zhichu's body.

"Oh... I blame you! You hate it, why not be my master!"

A small figure with a small arm length fanned the bat-like wings, the delicate voice dyed into the crying chamber, and the small fist licked Cheng Zhichu's chest, but there was no power at all.

The child-like demon wore a black dress with a small and cute devil horn on his head, and his tail was slender, and he lifted up the delicate face of the palm of his hand. He cried with tears in his face, and Huang Chengcheng’s erect was so pitiful. , grievances to the extreme to stare at Cheng Zhichu, sucking his nose and said.

"You really hate..."


Bai Yi's Diary · Part 73

(Continued from the previous section)

But the man's ending is no better than me. His body is divided and he has become countless pieces of meat. He can't find it anymore. The body has completely died in the copy.

And his soul became a huge monster, stirring several copies together, making them chaotic and disorderly. He occupied these twisted worlds mixed together, absorbing their spiritual power and lingering.

One day, I will go back to the world and kill him completely.

The author has something to say: Today is relatively long, it is not on time (.

Thanks to the tears of Star Zero, 1279 is already a waste, boiled coffee, not unique, sly and sly mine! =3=2k novel reading network

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