MTL - I Rely on Kisses to Clear Survival Games-Chapter 69 Devil's Bride (5)

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How can there be a white voice when "cold branches fall white"?

After a strong impact, Cheng Zhichu's expression was blank, and his heart was filled with a huge sense of horror. The sound of "squeaky" in his head almost stopped breathing.

The "cold twigs" did not seem to feel his fear, still touch his warm skin, cold ice-like lips sliding across his cheeks and earlobe, bringing a shuddering feeling.

There is nothing in the air in the eyes of Cheng Zhichu. There is no entity in the "cold branches and whites". It is hidden in his consciousness. Although this touch is very vivid, it seems that it is not real.

The groom sat next to him, did not notice any abnormalities, he did not know, just beside him, "cold branches and whites" silently encroached on him in the spirit of Cheng Zhichu.

Is it because "cold branches and whites" invaded his consciousness, can use anyone's voice, and just selected Bai Yi, will be exactly the same as Bai Yi's voice?

Cheng Zhichu breathed slightly and recovered from the shock, because the touch on the cheek was so hard to ignore.

He couldn't help but cover his face. However, this is a feeling of being sent from the spirit. Even if it is blocked by hand, it is useless. On the contrary, because of his resistance, the "cold branches" are more severely kissed.


In the ear of Cheng Zhichu, a gentle breath was heard. In his feelings, it was like "cold branches and whites" deliberately blowing a tone in his ear to show his existence.

His hands rested on Cheng Zhichu's shoulders, pressed him **** the seat back, biting his lips, rubbing his soft lips with his cold lips, and then seemed to open his teeth. I kissed him deeply.


Cheng Zhichu had a big eye. Although he knew that the kiss didn't exist, he couldn't help but make a short sigh, which attracted the attention of the groom.

"What happened to you at the beginning?"

The groom reached out and touched the cheek of Cheng Zhichu, who was stunned with blushing. "The cold branches are white," I don’t know what the mentality is. I put my hands in the same position, overlapping the groom’s hands, and also touching. His face.

Both hands are equally cold, but the way they touch is different. It is extremely horrifying, but it brings a little numbness, which makes Cheng Zhichu's scalp numb, and the heart beats to explode.

The flexible tongue continued to stir in his mouth, and the tip of his tongue swept over the sensitive captain and kissed him unscrupulously.

No, can't let the groom see it...

Cheng Zhichu closed his eyes and there was a little tear in his eyes. Although he knew that the groom could not see anything, it was not that he really kissed the "cold branches and whites," but he couldn't help but push the groom's hand. Lived in his mouth and plunged into the bridegroom's arms.

"Know the beginning?"

The headless man made a move and put his hand on the back of Cheng Zhichu's tremble. The voice was confused and joyful. He was happy for his bride's active closeness, but he was worried about his condition and calmed down. Patted his back.

[At first, you see, he doesn’t know anything. 】

"Hot branches fell white" with Bai Yi's voice in his consciousness, and laughed low and said.

[He doesn't know you at all, and he can't give you anything, and he can't stay with you forever. 】

[But I am different. As long as you are willing to open up to me, we will completely integrate, regardless of you and me, even if you die, I can take you to find a new body, live forever, always together. 】

[Even if you know it, do you want to go with him? 】


The voice that is very similar to Bai Yi is gentle and charming. It falls in the ear of Cheng Zhichu. It seems that Bai Yi is calling his name and kissing him emotionally, just like a subtle current flowing through his back. Cheng Zhichu shuddered and held his mouth tightly, not letting himself choke.

No, this is "cold and white", he can't be fooled, and he can't respond...

His brows were tight, his breathing was hot, his face was buried in front of the groom's strong chest, and his eyes fell in tears, his face lovely and pitiful.

Although he is resisting, he still remembers the horror that was almost killed by the "cold twigs". But this voice is too similar to Bai Yi, so that he could not help but create the "cold twigs" is actually the illusion of Bai Yi, gradually Diluted his inner fear and produced a slight wave of shaking.

As if to perceive that he likes his own voice, "cold branches are white" smiled and began to talk softly in his ear, confusing his heartstrings.

[I know you, I like you, I love you. 】

[Hey, you said that you like me, okay? 】


Cheng Zhichu’s fingers tightened and shook his head slightly. When he almost couldn’t hold it, his consciousness suddenly screamed.

[Go away! This should be the place where I stay, no one wants to replace me! 】

The system is back!

Upon hearing this familiar voice, Cheng Zhichu was happy in his heart and suddenly let out his eyes and opened his eyes.

With the return of the system, the kisses and hugs of "cold branches and whites" suddenly disappeared.

[Call, call... It’s really hard to deal with, I almost got his way...]

The system issued a "snoring and snoring" gasping sound, it seems very exhausted, but also full of incredible anger: [sad shame, really shameful shame, I was the first time I was so insulted! 】

Are you okay? "Hanzhi is white," where did he go? Cheng Zhichu asked with delight.

[I'm fine, but my dignity has been seriously hurt... hateful, what is this, I know by other systems that I will be laughed at to death! 】

The system sighed angrily for a while, venting his shame and anger, but after a while, its voice fell again, muttering.

[But this guy is really amazing, he is not white - cough and cough! 】

Speaking of it, it suddenly stopped, coughing up, as if to say something should not be said, Cheng Zhichu heard some doubts, repeated: white?

[No, I just bite my tongue. I actually want to say that the boss is coming. 】

The system stopped coughing and replied.

[You asked him where he went, I am not too sure, but he seems to be still crouching in your consciousness, I have not been able to drive him out. 】

[I opened the protection and will not be suppressed by him any more, but you are also careful. Although there will be no more things that endanger your life, he will not find your mission, will not hear our conversation, but like The manual foot just like this may still appear next...]

Cheng Zhichu wiped away the tears on his face, and his body suddenly became stiff: If he was always in my body, how should I kiss him? Especially the kind of kiss that I just had is not really a kiss!

[This, you asked me, I am not very clear, who can think of this situation...] The system is not enough to suggest, or else you try to lick your lips? 】

Cheng Zhichu subconsciously licked his own lips, but of course it would not have any effect. In disappointment, he couldn’t help but be angry and angry: it didn’t work!

[Then you think about it yourself, you are going to cheer, I will take a break...]

Then the system didn't make a sound, and Cheng Zhiyi called it several times, and it didn't react.

What can I do? How can he force the "cold twigs" from his body...

Cheng Zhichu’s face was white and he couldn’t help but feel a little desperate. At this time, there were more than “cold branches and whites”, and the groom holding him. Cheng Zhichu’s tears soaked his thin shirt. He seemed to feel it and reached out. A face of the beginning of the process, I touched the traces of wet face.

He lifted Cheng Zhichu's face. He seemed to be looking at him, but he did not know where to look. He used the fingertips to wipe the wet tears and asked: "What are you thinking, why are you crying?"


Cheng Zhichu's heartbeat accelerated, afraid of being seen by the groom, and he shook his head nervously. He panicked and thought of an excuse, but it was indeed a question he had thought about before.

"I was thinking about and thinking about you... I was wondering why your head was broken, and it would be very painful at that time..."

Because of the uneasiness in his heart, his eyelashes trembled slightly, his lips were slightly sloppy, and the tears were still not dry. The delicate eyebrows revealed some permission and pity, which was very lovable, and people could not bear to say harsh words to him.


The young man was silent and still stroking his face. Cheng Zhichu thought that he found something, his heartbeat couldn't help getting faster and faster, and the man suddenly leaned over and leaned over, his neck smashed his face and scared Cheng Zhichu. A frightened expression.

"I didn't care what I was looking for, just because you want to help me, I am very happy to accompany you, because I hope to finish our wedding as soon as possible."

The man whispered: "But now, I am sorry, I really want to find my head."

"I know, I want to kiss you."

If he can, he also wants to find his head quickly...

Cheng Zhichu was so upset that even the atmosphere did not dare to breathe, and the **** smell came over. He couldn’t look directly at the flesh-and-blood fracture, closed his eyes, and the little land was "hmm".


After the high-speed rail arrived in the city of C, Cheng Zhichu, who had been on the road, not only did not relax, but was even more tired. The double torture of the bridegroom and the "cold branches and whites" made him physically and mentally exhausted, and even walked a little swaying.

Fortunately, the wedding dress on the body is very light and will not affect his actions. Cheng Zhichu dragged the wide skirt and found a tourist bus leading to the "Rose Manor" according to the previous memory. The passengers of the car came to the side of the manor's lake.

The flat road seems to divide the manor into two worlds, half of which is a light blue lake. The broad lake surface is filled with ripples of light, and the other half is a blooming rose. If the burning flame is filled with the sweet aroma of roses.

Smell the smell of this flower, Cheng Zhichu can not help but scalp tingling, he did not like the taste of roses, and the last real copy gave him a strong shadow, and Zhou Luochen in the villa "hide and hide" scene It’s vivid.

He did not expect that he had come to this place so soon.

"right here."

After getting off the bus, the groom looked around and confirmed: "I have seen this scene in my memory."

It seems that I am looking for the right place. Cheng Zhichu’s mood is somewhat complicated. Although the direction of the search is correct, if he is not forced, he really does not want to have anything to do with this place.

"Hey, Bai Xixing, you are a little mixed ball, don't mess with me again this time!"

At this time, the lake suddenly heard a loud snoring from the old people. The name mentioned in the speech caught the attention of Cheng Zhichu. He subconsciously turned around and saw an old man fishing on the shore. There is a young man sitting next to him on the side of the floor. The handsome facial features and Bai Yi are similar. It is his cousin who is ruthless.

Bai Xi’s eyebrows are smiling, sitting very casual, yet elegant, and said to the old man: “You said this to me, when will I mess you up?”

"You are still very embarrassed to ask me? Last time you squatted to the lake and sneaked into the fish, so that the fish in the lake ran to you, and no fish bite my hook!"

"Ah... I don't have an impression. Are you sure I did it?"


The groom's body turned to the direction of Bai Xixing. When Cheng Zhichu saw him motionless, he might have thought of something, and he tried to ask: "Have you seen this person in your memory?"

"Yeah." The groom said, "...a very annoying feeling."

At the same time, Bai Xixing suddenly sneezed and licked his nose, frowning and said: "Who is telling me bad things?"


Bai Yi's Diary · Part 69

Suddenly remembered the last time I knew the last time and I praised the white cherished, and said that I admire him.

... Bai Xixing is really an annoying guy.

The author has something to say: Thank you for being stupid and sweet and wina mine x2, as well as white ink, cloudless, star zero tears, 1279 is already a waste, boil water, long live, not unique and Awkward mines! =3=2k novel reading network