MTL - I Rely on Kisses to Clear Survival Games-Chapter 65 Devil's Bride (1)

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Cheng Zhichu looked at Bai Yi, who was as sinking as water, and his heart was awkward.

Gu Zhen said that he could not like Bai Yi - he thought so too, how could he like men!

But at this moment, he suddenly realized in horror that his heart had a terrible shake. When he recalled his kiss with Bai Yi, he felt very excited. Before kissing the boss, he never had such a a feeling of.

Moreover, Bai Yi’s face was already good enough, but he now looks at Bai Yi, but he added a ten-meter filter. He only felt that he couldn’t move his eyes and wanted to see more eyes...

Is he right? Bai Yi...

Cheng Zhichu’s brain was a mess, subconsciously trying to deny this idea, but once he realized that his feelings for Bai Yi might have deteriorated, he stopped thinking and couldn’t help thinking more.

In his mind, he and his friends lived in the past, their first encounter, Bai Yi’s smile on him, those gentle gaze and touch, and a hug that seemed to melt people. With the kiss, and his name by the low magnetic voice -

Know the beginning.


Cheng Zhichu slammed his head down, letting the night cover his cheeks that were so red.

Even just imagine that Bai Yi calls his name, he feels heart-felt, and his heart is filled with a sour and sweet feeling.

...he is finished.

He may really like Bai Yi.

"What is your relationship with you?"

However, after hearing Gu Zhen’s question, Bai Yi suddenly raised his lips after a moment of silence, and the handsome eyebrows were stained with some careless irony.

"This is something that I know and know, you have no power to ask."

"I like Cheng Cheng. Of course, I have to ask people who are close to him --"

Gu said half of it and suddenly stopped.

He has been paying attention to Cheng Zhichu, and naturally he can also find changes in his look. Although he was not very clear in the dark, he still noticed that Cheng Zhichu was ashamed and unnatural.

That is what he had never seen before in Cheng Zhichu.

Gu Zhenxin suddenly fell down.

He became silent, his eyelids hung down, his lips tight, and his heart filled with a sharp pain. His emotions of forbearance suddenly collapsed, causing a crack in his look.

Bai Yiwei raised his eyebrows, although some accidents why Gu Zhen suddenly stopped asking, but he naturally would not ask, because if he can, he just wants to kill Gu Zhen immediately, let him completely disappear in front of him and the beginning of knowledge. .

However, after knowing that Gu Zhen was a wreck, he had to give up the idea for the time being.

It’s not that he can’t kill Gu Zhen, and he doesn’t care about the revenge that will lead to the “unlimited alliance” led by Gu Zhen. Gu Gu is also ranked as a top player after all. He can’t quietly kill Gu Zhen. At that time, it will inevitably lead to doubts at the beginning of the knowledge.

If you don’t know it right here...

Bai Yi’s eyes passed a hint of haze, but when he looked down at Cheng Zhichu, he immediately converges on those dark and violent moods, and he called him softly.

"Know the beginning?"

"Ah... what?"

Cheng Zhichu looked up and looked at Bai Yi. He was completely immersed in his own world and did not notice what other people were saying.

At this time, compared with Bai Yi, he just confirmed that he liked his Cheng Zhichu heart when he missed a beat. He couldn’t help but remove his sight and turned to look at the darkness, so he didn’t let Bai Yi see him dyed with red. s face.

No, he can't let Bai Yi find that he doesn't know how to like him with shame. Although Bai Yi has been very good to him, he is very tolerant of him, but these are all out of good friends, he can't be Drunken mind.

Not long ago, he firmly believed that Bai Yi was like him. Both of them were straight and straight men - although he has now completely bent, and Bai Yi has kissed him several times, and his performance is not very repulsive. It doesn't have to be straight, but it doesn't mean that Bai Yi would like him.

And he hasn't forgotten Bai Yi's id, read one, only miss one person in his heart...

Thinking of this, Cheng Zhichu couldn't help but feel a sullen chest, although Bai Yi did not explicitly admit that this id means that he has a person he has always liked, but if it is, if Bai Yi has already had a favorite person, Then he...

Based on his understanding of Bai Yi, Bai Yi must be a very specific person. If he really likes someone, he will confess to him. It is not a matter of rejection. But he is afraid of the future. I haven't even had a friend.

I didn’t want to evade my feelings about Bai Yi at the beginning of the process. Before, he didn’t have the Guzhen thoughts that appeared in the face of the school sister. It was because he had stopped him before he started, but now he likes Bai Yi has become an established fact. Regardless of the outcome, he also wants to try to let Bai Yi accept him.

Of course, before that, he must first consolidate his position in Bai Yixin, and strive to let Bai Yi see his advantages, to ensure that even if the confession is rejected, Bai Yi is reluctant to make friends with him, and they can at least be friends. .

Moreover, he still has to figure out whether Bai Yi has someone he likes. If he really has it, he can't really do anything to dig a person's wall. He can only lie and say nothing...

All in all, it is now impossible for Bai Yi to see his ulterior motives. He wants to show his usual status in front of Bai Yi!

Cheng Zhichu had the courage to look back at Bai Yi, but at the moment when his eyes touched, he did not live up to his heartbeat and accelerated. He didn’t go too far.

By the way, he has not adapted yet...

Some of his dodgy attitudes fell into Bai Yi's eyes, making Bai Yi's brows stunned and began to involuntarily guess the reason why Cheng Zhichu's behavior was abnormal.

Could it be because Gu really said that Zhichu had already begun to doubt him? If he knew that he had secretly loved him, he would subconsciously avoid him, then he...

Bai Yixin was slightly sinking, looking up at Gu Zhen, his eyes were getting worse, and Gu Zhen was upset. Facing Bai Yi’s sharp gaze, there was no intention to retreat. The atmosphere suddenly became sharp.

Yang Qianfan felt very uncomfortable. In order to ease the atmosphere, he didn't think so much for a while. He just wanted to say something, and he said what he had been thinking about without thinking.

"Mr. Zhichu, why did you kiss Su Ling? Then he disappeared, we will clear the customs in advance, is it related to your move?"


The air becomes more stagnant when it smashes.

Yang Qianfan's face is white.

Worse, he seems to ask something that should not be asked...

Cheng Zhichu also changed his face - yes, he always kisses the boss in front of Bai Yi, although Bai Yi knows that this is his ability, but if he likes to kiss others while he likes Bai Yi, what qualification does he have? And Bai Yi confession!

Otherwise, he will not make a copy with Bai Yi in the future? But he can't bear it...

"That... there is indeed a reason for me."

He opened his mouth and confided and sneaked at Bai Yi, and said, "You can understand that it has something to do with my ability."

Can kissing and kissing be related to ability?

Yang Qianfan's eyes widened, revealing an incredible expression.

Related to ability? Gu Zhen frowned, his look was more gloomy.

Cheng Zhichu did not have a specific explanation, so he did not know what Cheng Zhichu's ability was. It was not necessarily directly related to kissing, but related to satisfying the ghost's wishes, because Su Ling may have a similar wish.

He naturally wouldn't think that Cheng Zhichu's ability was to receive a violent kiss and pass the customs, but he got the explanation that Cheng Zhichu would actively kiss Su Ling, but he did not make Gu Zhen feel happy, because this does not erase Cheng Zhichu's attitude toward Bai Yi. The same fact.

When Yang Qianfan saw his face, he couldn't help but shake his body. He wanted to make a fortune, and he pulled the clothes of Lai Chuanzhi and said, "Hey, Mr. Zhichu, can I add your forum friends afterwards? My The id is called 'Thousands of sails'."

"Ah, can..."

Cheng Zhichu’s impression of Yang Qianfan was quite good. He didn’t think much about his relationship with Gu Zhen. He was about to agree, but when he mentioned the game forum, he suddenly made a shock and suddenly remembered one since he entered. The copy is what he forgot.

"Cold branches fall white"...

This ghost, who appeared as a "cold twig", is in the middle of reality, and said that he has entered his university...

His face suddenly became pale, his forehead sweating and his body trembled.

"Mr. Zhichu, what happened to you?"

Yang Qianfan saw that his expression was wrong. He asked a little nervously: "It will be very difficult for you to add friends with me..."

"Not..." Cheng Zhichu slammed his mouth and shook his head. "I just thought of something else, my friend can add it, no problem."

Having said that, there was another cold sweat on his face.

Although he had experienced a copy of reality, the appearance of the cold and white did not open the actual copy, he did not know whether he could deal with him in the way of dealing with the boss, and the way he appeared was so shocking, he was really afraid...

[It doesn't matter, you don't have to be afraid, this time there is a special thing to help you. 】

The sound of the system suddenly rang: [You have completed the task of the classroom to attend the class, you can get a special reward. If you take it out for a while, as I said, it will definitely help you get out of trouble. 】

[However, this reward is special... you have to wait for the three of them to go out and then take it out, otherwise it will be very troublesome. 】

Great, there is a way to solve it...

Cheng Zhichu’s nervous mood relaxed and quietly sighed.

"Great, I am relieved that Mr. Zhichu is willing to add friends with me!"

Yang Qianfan said with a smile: "I will send you a friend after I go back, don't forget to pass it!"


Bai Yi’s unpleasant color was obviously not to let Cheng Zhichu have too much contact with them, but he thought that Cheng Zhichu had just avoided his actions. He didn’t want to provoke him to be unhappy, and he had to endure it.

The boy is secretly more than a gesture of victory in his heart. He is very clever and knows how to accept it. Anyway, he is coming to Japan. This is the first step of victory. Later, he can get in touch with Mr. Zhichu, and he will help him.

He then pulled the real sleeves and said with a smile: "Hey, let's go back, don't forget to go back and the league will have a meeting."


Gu Zhen also knows that there will be no result when he is entangled here. He is slightly decapitated and converges on his emotions. He deeply looks at Cheng Zhichu and Bai Yi and said, "Goodbye."


Bai Yili did not respond to it of course. Cheng Zhichu was stunned and absent-mindedly waved his hand. He thought that it would be possible to go directly to the cold and white things when he went back.

Gu Zhen and Yang Qianfan walked out of the school and left the copy. Bai Yi looked staring at the school gate for a few seconds, then eased his look and did not dare to have any physical contact with Cheng Zhichu. Try to make nothing happen. Look, gently asked.

"I know what you were thinking about at the beginning? I remember that when I entered the copy, you said that you had a terrible thing. Is it related to this?"


Cheng Zhichu opened his mouth and just wanted to say that he was experiencing the cold, but he immediately changed his mind, but he did not intend to tell Bai Yi. After all, the system said that there was a solution. If he could, he still did not want to give it. Bai Yi adds trouble. He always relies on Bai Yi. He can't show his own advantages. How can Bai Yi like him?

And to take a step back, Bai Yi is still in the death mode, unable to return to reality, even if he said, it is only the fear of increasing the white.

"In fact, there is nothing, it is a bit of trouble, but I have already thought of a solution. Yes, I did not tell you before I went to your home, I also brought you a photo."

He suddenly thought that he still took photos of Bai Yi, so he took the photos out of the system backpack, which is the photo of the young Bai Yi painting.

"I found it in the album, I don't know if I can make you feel happy..."

Cheng Zhichu handed the photo over and looked at the delicate eyebrows of Bai Yi, who looked like a young boy. Suddenly, he regretted why he didn’t need a few more pieces at the last time, otherwise he could hide one of his own.

However, seeing this photo, Bai Yi did not show a happy look, but raised his brow, took the photo, and immediately made the action to tear it.

"Ah, wait, why are you tearing the photo!" Cheng Zhichu quickly stopped him.

"This photo... made me think of a very bad past."

Bai Yi looked at Cheng Zhichu and saw that he did not seem to recall the signs of the past. He shook his head slightly and said, "So I don't want to keep it."

"Don't tear it up, take a lot of good looks..."

Cheng Zhichu whispered a word, and then realized that his tone seemed too pity, his face was red, and he quickly added: "If you don't want to keep it, I will go back."

Um, but although it is said, in fact, he wants to sneak up and collect it...

"Alright." Bai Yi silenced for a few seconds and handed the photo back to Cheng Zhichu. "That would bother you."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter." Cheng Zhichu showed a bright smile.

Bai Yi looked at his smile, his eyes softened, habitually wanting to touch his hair, but he held back, slowly spit out a breath, smiled at him and said: "Thank you, knowing the beginning." ”

"you are welcome……"

Cheng Zhichu saw Bai Yi laughing, and he felt beautiful in his heart, a little shy.


Reluctantly and Bai Yi said a conversation, Cheng Zhichu sent people away, and then according to the system, his own branch task rewards were taken out.

[Do you want to open a reward? 】


[The reward has been issued to the backpack. 】

[Okay, take it out now, oh, don't forget to put on your silver ring again, these two things should be used together...]

When I heard the system, Cheng Zhichu felt that there was some doubt. What reward is this, why can I use it with that curse?

Then he took the bonus out of the backpack.


A white and wide veil fluttered into his arms.

Cheng Zhichu: "?"

...... Wait, why does this dress look so like a wedding dress, how to use it, what does it have to do with his escape from the cold branches?

[Not "like", it is a wedding dress, as for how to get out of trouble... you should wear it first. 】

Cheng Zhichu: "..."


Bai Yi's Diary · Part Sixty-fifth

Why do you want to hide from me at the beginning...

(I didn’t mind writing a diary.)

The author has something to say: I am sorry, I am late, qaq, I swear, if tomorrow I can not update 6000 words at 10 o'clock in the evening, I will live in the wb live chest broken toilet! ! !

Thanks to 〆sadness unintentional grenades, shiro's mine x3, rolls and vests only mines x2, as well as scorpions, Li Han, star zero tears, 1279 is already a waste, 舜曦, lgxshwqc, a word and you There are stars in the eyes of mines! =3=2k novel reading network

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