MTL - I Rely on Kisses to Clear Survival Games-Chapter 63 Wraith Campus (17)

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Cheng Zhichu was close to Su Ling and printed his lips on his lips.

A cold and cold breath passed down the lips of the two people, which made Cheng Zhichu unable to get cold. He also understood that he was kissing the real Su Ling at the moment, because Su Ling did not have this coldness. It should be just a phantom.

Whether it is the phantom or the real Su Ling, the reactions on both sides are very similar. After being kissed by Cheng Zhichu, Su Ling completely stunned, and the indifference in the look faded instantly. If the real youthful boy, a pair of dark The eyes looked at Cheng Zhichu, revealing a sense of ignorance.

His performance made the body feel stiff at first, and this reflected what he had done and his face changed instantly.

... He not only kissed Su Ling, but also kissed him twice in a row - this is no problem, even more terrible is why he is so skilled in kissing men, even without thinking and struggling, boss does not come to pro He, he has learned to take the initiative to post it, and even the action of strong kisses is so flowing, completely indifferent...

Is this a straight man's ethics? ?

Cheng Zhichu’s heart was greatly impacted, and he could not help but step back and left Su Ling’s lips.

Seeing him go back, Su Ling seems to wake up from the shackles. The gloomy and beautiful eyebrows seem to be instantly radiant, brightened, revealing the full joy of joy, and taking the initiative to hold Cheng Zhichu. The wrist, and then pulled the person to the front, gently kissed up.


Ouyang's expression is sluggish, pointing to the two people who are kissing, and their fingers are squatting. He didn't understand why Cheng Xuedi suddenly went to kiss Su Ling. Was he really possessed by ghosts? !


Gu Zhen is full of ice and cold, and feels that the scene in front is extremely dazzling. Before Cheng Zhichu and Bai Yi kissed him, he had already burned him. Now he saw that Su Ling did the same thing. He even made him almost out of control. He just wanted to kill Su Ling immediately.

But fortunately, he was patient in time, his fingers turned, and several black paper people appeared immediately. They would be turned into ghosts and surrounded Suring. However, at this time, his system suddenly sounded. prompt.

[The main line task has been completed. 】

this is?

The movements in his hand, his brows, and he did not understand why the system suddenly told them to complete the main line task, because according to his feelings, they should have a long distance from the end of the copy.

Yang Qianfan also received the news of the system. He couldn't help but be surprised. He looked up and looked at Gu Zhen, but when he saw his expression, the boy guessed that he probably didn't know what it was.

This made the boy who had been used to various dangerous copies involuntarily feel a sense of incomprehension. It seems that they did not encounter any danger this time. He didn’t even do it. He didn’t get the chance to show himself in front of Mr. Zhichu. How did it end suddenly?

Gu Zhen suspected that Bai Yi did something. Intuition told him that this man is very simple. In addition to his close relationship with Cheng Zhichu, Bai Yi itself gave him a very uncomfortable feeling, and he probably concealed the rank and identity.

His eyes swept to Bai Yi, and suddenly he saw that Bai Yijing, who had just been motionless, went straight to Cheng Zhichu and walked to the extreme. He seemed to be holding back to the extreme. He tried to hold on to Cheng Zhichu and broke into his own. In the arms.

Bai Yi took Cheng Zhichu from the back and hung his eyes in darkness. He rubbed the lips of Cheng Zhichu. The first force was very light, but then he gradually became more and more forceful. He quickly swollen the soft lips. It seems to be contaminated with something very dirty.

"White easy, I..."

Cheng Zhichu was taken into the arms by Bai Yi. He first stunned until a slight tingling on his lips. He remembered that he had just kissed Su Ling and was seen by others from beginning to end. His face was not red. However, I wanted to speak, but I was suddenly licked into the mouth by Bai Yi’s finger.


As if he couldn't stand him being touched by Su Ling, Bai Yi's fingers invaded his teeth, forcing him to open his mouth, and soon the lips would become wet, so that Cheng Zhichu couldn't help but whimpered. Red faint, a mist of water in the eyes.

He couldn't breathe, raised his hand and tried to grab Bai Yi's wrist, but he was easily held by Bai Yi's other hand, holding his hand down and continuing to touch him.

Cheng Zhichu certainly couldn’t take the heart to bite Bai Yi’s fingers, only to look up at him. He felt that Bai Yi could definitely see his pleading in his eyes. But Bai Yi still didn't want to let go of his meaning. Just in front of Su Ling's face, he fiddled with his lips, as if he had to leave Su Ling in The breath on his body was completely wiped out.

Until Su Ling grabbed his wrist and looked at him coldly, Bai Yicai stopped his movements. There was no temperature in his eyes, and he slammed his lips at Su Ling, revealing a sneer.

"Don't think that this is because you have a special feeling for you."

"He can't possibly like you at all."

Su Ling looked a sinking.

Before the joy, he also wondered why he knew him at the beginning, but he didn't care, whether it was out of jealousy, compassion or distress, as long as he knew that he would accept him, this would be enough, otherwise he would Nor will those past events be revealed to the other party, only to reveal his scars again.

He just wants to let the beginning of the knowledge shake, let him and Bai Yi create a gap, so when he kills Bai Yi, the first time may not be so sad.

Such a means cannot be called glory, or even a bit despicable, but he is already dead. There is no such thing as what can be lost. He wants the life of Bai Yi, and let Zhichu reach out to him. Only.

But what does Bai Yi’s words imply?

Is it the reason why the early kiss will kiss him, just to plead for this man?

Even if she had already died, she had no consciousness. However, after this thought, Su Ling still felt that the heart was pinched by an invisible hand, with a sense of suffocation, and looked at Cheng Zhichu with pain.

"Do you do this to save him?"

Cheng Zhichu stunned and didn't know how to answer Su Ling. It’s okay to say this. He just hurriedly kissed Su Ling just because he didn’t want Bai Yi to be in danger, but it seems to be different from what Su Ling said...


At this time, Cheng Zhichu's ability took effect, and Su Ling's feet produced a slight crack. Like a transparent glass, the cobweb-like crack spread and spread quickly to his legs.

His body was gradually broken, the fallen debris turned into a white light spot, and the upper body was bathed in the light, attracting other people's gaze.

However, Su Ling did not seem to feel the change of his body. He still looked at Cheng Zhichu persistently. The cold eyes revealed deep mourning at the moment.

"Whether he did anything, do you still like him?"

"You are right to me...Is there really a trace of feelings?"


Cheng Zhichu showed a sad look. Although he kissed Su Ling for the sake of passing the copy, he did not like him, but he really distressed and liked this clean and pure boy, so even if he wants to lie to Su Ling, He also wants to comfort Su Ling, and he doesn't want to let him be so lonely in the book.

"actually, I--"

He extended his hand to Su Ling and wanted to touch each other. However, Bai Yi grabbed his fingertips, clearly close to each other, but seemed to have an insurmountable barrier.

Bai Yi catches Cheng Zhichu's fingertips and puts a kiss on his lips. His sharp eyes are in confrontation with Su Ling, and his voice is low.

"He won't belong to you, and he won't have any feelings for you."

"He can only love me."


As his voice fell, Su Ling's body was completely shattered, turning into countless white spots, floating in the sky in the sky, like a silver star falling from the night sky, it seems blurred and dreamy.

[Boss illustrations have been collected, congratulations on the copy of "Worry Campus". 】

[Customs clearance: experience value x10000, survival point x5000. 】

[Congratulations to the player upgrade to level 31. 】

[Other branch task rewards are waiting to be received, please pay attention to the player. 】

[Congratulations to complete all the main tasks, you can complete the copy after leaving the campus. 】

Others were surprised to see the scattered light spots in the sky, but Cheng Zhichu did not have the slightest joy after customs clearance.

Thinking of the broken light before Su Ling disappeared, he only felt extremely distressed. He could not understand Bai Yi’s move. He knew that he was able to know his ability. He also knew that Su Ling would be received in the book, but Bai Yi still Having said those words, what is it for, is he so disliked by Su Ling?

Cheng Zhichu's mood is somewhat low. He feels sore, but Bai Yi is so good to him. He can't be mad at Su Ling, so he can only be depressed in his heart.

Even if it’s just a lie, it’s a pity that he hasn’t had time to say anything to Su Ling...

He lost his eyes and lowered his eyes. His expression on his face was also unpleasant, but even if he didn’t say anything, it made Bai Yiben’s extremely bad emotions even more gloomy. He lifted Cheng Zhichu’s jaw without thinking and forced him to watch. With his own eyes, he said.

"You are not allowed to think about him."

"Come and look at me."


Cheng Zhichu was still immersed in his own emotions. He reacted slowly to half a beat of Bai Yi’s words, and his face still had a blank expression. His eyes were suddenly occupied by a magnified Junyan, and then there was a hot glow on his lips. temperature.

What is Bai Yi?

Suddenly, he was kissed by Bai Yi, and Cheng Zhichu felt awkward and confused. The lips that had just been touched by the fingers were still wet, and at this time, the invaders had replaced the lips of Bai Yi. The long slender hands held his face and did not give him any chance to break free.

This time their kisses are not limited to simple lips.

White easily closes the eyelashes, the eyelashes tremble slightly, and the tip of the tongue begins to know the beginning of the teeth, and continues to explore, dexterously sweeping the soft meat of the upper jaw and mouth, entangled his tongue, hot, deep and heavy kiss he.

... How could he kiss White Easy...

Cheng Zhichu’s head was completely paralyzed.


Bai Yi's Diary · Part 63

I am very angry.


Please give me more chances of getting angry and let me "punish" the beginning.

The author has something to say: Today, the body is very uncomfortable. When I wrote this chapter, I always wanted to vomit. I was as uncomfortable as Su Ling. Only Bai Yi was so happy to fly (.) So the message will continue to reply tomorrow, today I I really can't reply, I am going to rest...

Thanks for the grenade & mine x3 of the eye protection, the grenade of Li Han, the mine of the sadness and the demon of the Ling Ling demon x2, and the tears of the star zero, the dust of Wang Wei, Lucy Hartfili, 1279 already It is a landmine, a farmer who burns pumpkins and drinks water and drinks coffee! =3=2k novel reading network

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