MTL - I Rely on Kisses to Clear Survival Games-Chapter 56 Wraith Campus (10)

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After Ouyang answered the third question, the people in the classroom reacted differently. Bai Yi rushed to Cheng Zhichu to hook the lips. Cheng Zhichu coughed and moved his eyes to the other side, but immediately hit the dark light of Gu Zhen. Even more embarrassed, can only look at the face of the dead female-faced female teacher in front of the squint.

The female teacher’s face was stiff and her eyes were covered with white eyes. She couldn’t see how her emotions were, but she was faint.

"last question."

"Do you regret what you have done?"

Ouyang’s face changed slightly and seemed to fall into the hesitation of telling the truth, but in the end he bit his teeth and admitted his true thoughts.

"Besides the last time, I have never regretted it."

"Don't say that I have taken a lot of benefits from Bai Ge, even if I don't care, I hate Su Ling."

"My dad is scum and divorced with my mother because of derailment, so my most disgusting is the person who broke up the family. I admit that I am not a good thing, bullying Su Ling is just to satisfy my lust, anyway, I am Did, I also recognized..."

Having said that, his voice is gradually weakening, and his face is very complicated. He has both the ease of telling the truth and the uneasiness of whether the female ghost will punish him. He clenches his hands and waits for the female ghost to follow. To say.

Cheng Zhichu looked back at Ouyang, and his heart was full of mischief, and his lips did not speak.

In his view, Ouyang’s actions are of course ridiculously wrong. Like Lu Jie, because he has been hurt, he has vented his resentment to the innocent people. Although pitiful, more is hateful.

But why should Ouyang emphasize "except for the last time", what happened to the last bullying of Su Ling, so that Ouyang would regret it?

Is it... Su Ling’s death is related to their last bullying?

Thinking of this, Cheng Zhichu looked at the female teacher standing on the podium, guessing that her next question would be related to Ouyang’s sentence.

However, to his surprise, the female teacher’s question ended here. She did not say anything and let Ouyang sit down.


Ouyang Ruyi took a sigh of relief and rested back to his seat, rubbing the cold sweat from his head.

"As long as you tell the truth, is it okay..."

Seeing that Ouyang successfully passed the question, Liang Wenbin and the lying Lu Jie who both evaded the answer were dead. Zhao Xiaopang, who had not answered yet, muttered to himself and his expression was awkward.

"Next, Zhao Xiaopeng, please answer questions."

Immediately after the female teacher called him up, Zhao Xiaopeng slowly stood up and swallowed a bit of awkwardly, and the trembling said: "You ask."

"Do you know anyone on this photo?"

The teacher projected a photo on the screen, which was a normal teenager.

"... recognize, know." Zhao Xiaopeng carefully identified for a while and confirmed his identity.

"What is your relationship?"

"He is a student of Xiaoyi and a classmate of Cheng Xuedi." Zhao Xiaopang said, "Besides, I am with him... It should be an employment relationship. I will give him money and let him stare at me." Cheng Xuedi."


Cheng Zhichu looked back at him subconsciously, and Zhao Xiaopeng smiled at him a little, but did not stop his answer.

"Bai Ge originally chased the younger brother, in order to report the recovery Ling... I bought this schoolmate, let him inquire about Cheng Xuedi’s preferences for me, and sometimes let him follow Cheng Xuedi, so that I can master the information of Cheng Xuedi, I can Tell the white brother and ask for help in front of the white brother."

The female teacher nodded and released another photo.

The background of the photo is a corner of the campus. The time is midsummer. In the shade, Su Ling and the young Cheng Zhichu sit together to eat. Cheng Zhichu smiles slightly and seems to be talking to Su Ling.

“Who is this photo taken?”

"It was this schoolmate's film." Zhao Xiao Pang said, "He told me that day, Cheng Xuedi went to Su Ling, and took pictures to show me, I quickly told Baige..."

When his voice fell, Cheng Zhichu suddenly noticed that the scene around him had changed. The chair sitting under him suddenly disappeared. He sat down on the ground and felt a heat wave coming. He was surrounded by tall trees and screamed. He came to the scene in the photo again.

Su Ling sat alone not far from him and put the lunch box on his knee.


Since that day, Su Ling had slammed Lu Jie in front of a lot of people in the corridor. He liked Lu Jie’s rumors and spread it in school. When Su Ling passed the crowd, there were always students pointing next to him. Pointing at him, looking at him with amazement.

The school's atmosphere is relatively open, and there is no explicit prohibition for students to fall in love, but the high school grade, when reading, naturally does not advocate.

The movement was too loud. Although Su Ling was not criticized by the school, the teacher still talked to him several times. Every time he responded with silence.

He couldn't explain the truth to the teacher. Even if he said that he was actually abhorrent to Lu Jie, the teacher would not believe it, and would not believe that Lu Jie, a pure "prostitute" with excellent results, had such a vicious heart.

In fact, when junior high school was bullied by Bai Yi and Lu Jie for the first time, Su Ling had already reflected the situation with the school. However, he only got the teacher's reprimand and warning, and told him not to smear other students.

He never forgot the teacher's disdainful look at him at that time, only because he was a poor student with a bad family, but turned his head and smiled and greeted Bai Yi, because Bai Yi's father sponsored a lot of money for the school.

From that day on, Su Ling would not speak up and never mention his own experience with anyone.

No one can help him.

In addition to gnawing your teeth, there will be no other way out.

It doesn't matter, he is very strong and can stick to it.

Just sometimes... he is really tired.

As if floating in the vast sea, surrounded by boundless sea water, surrounded him, he may die in the sea at any time because of force.

He has to rely on his own strength to swim on the land. He does not want to have a boat to rescue him. All he needs is an island, which allows him to occasionally get a breather.

That's it.

Su Ling still remembers that on the first day of high school, he was taken into the bathroom compartment by Ouyang. He was about to miss the opening ceremony. Cheng Zhichu, who passed by, released him from the inside and gave him a warm and pure smile. Happy to say to him.

"Are you also in seven classes? It’s a coincidence, me too, we are classmates in the future."

At that time, he did not speak, not even walked with Cheng Zhichu, but turned to the opposite direction.

Because he didn't want Cheng Zhichu to see his sudden red face.

That is probably the fastest time in his life center.

But this time the heartbeat is not due to fear, fright and anger, but a strange emotion that he has never experienced before.

……found it.

He found his "island."

It is also his light, his dreams, the best things he can think of, and...

The person he likes.

Even if he never said the opportunity to export.


On the back of the school building, Su Ling sat on the floor with her lips, took the lunch box from the house and put it on her knees.

He always took his own meals from home, but he used to sit in the cafeteria before, because he could see Cheng Zhichu, who also came to eat. If you are lucky, the two will sit closer and Cheng Zhichu will play with him. Hello.

This is enough for Su Ling to have a good day.

However, after Lu Jie’s incident, Su Ling had to hide from no one’s place. In fact, he did not care about other people’s eyes. Others did not care about him, but he did not dare to guess how Cheng Zhichu would look at him.

What's more, he likes that Cheng Zhichu has been discovered by Lu Jie. Although she told him that she would not tell Bai Yi, Cheng Zhichu did not seem to have encountered any bad things during this time, but he still did not. Rest assured, I can only try to stay away from Cheng Zhichu, and the photo has long been deleted by him.

He does not like the qualifications of people at all.

Su Ling’s hand holding the lunch box gradually tightened, the beautiful face was very pale, and the lips were also tightly smashed.

At this moment, he suddenly heard a footstep sounding from the side, looked up, but suddenly widened his eyes, black and white when the glory, the heart can not restrain the excitement.

"You are here."

The teenager gasped a few breaths and sang a smile.

Due to the hot weather, the boy's cheeks have become red, and the sweat is oozing out on his head. It seems a bit embarrassing. However, in the eyes of Su Ling, this is extremely cute and heart-warming.

"How did you come?"

But even if he is happy again, Su Ling still maintains his original look, dare not show his full joy, and his tone is very weak.

"I came to see you. I haven't seen you at noon for many days. It's a bit lonely."

The teenager smiled embarrassedly and raised the bread in his hand: "In fact, there is nothing important. If you don't mind, is it convenient to have lunch with me?"


Su Ling breathed a stagnation, almost unable to control his expression. He looked around and determined that no one had finally been able to refuse the temptation to be alone with the young, and nodded lightly.

"Great." The teenager smiled and sat down beside Su Ling and tore the bread bag in his hand.

" eat this?"

After a brief silence, Su Ling could not help but ask.

Even if he knows that he doesn't look like someone who cares about this kind of problem, if it is someone else, he really won't pay attention, but this is the person he likes, so even if it is a small thing, he will all Put it in your heart.

And he actually wanted to ask before, why the teenager always used bread as lunch.

"The weather is too hot, I can't eat the food in the cafeteria, and the oil is hard to eat." The young man licked his mouth and said, "I like to eat sweets, so I can eat sweet things on such a hot day."

This is not a good habit. You always complain that you are short, so picky eaters, the amount of food is still small, how can it grow taller.

Su Ling was silent for a few seconds. In the end, he still did not say this sentence and opened his lunch box.

But he was not saved, because he actually thought that such a childish teenager was really cute...

"Your meal today looks delicious too."

The teenager took a bite of bread and his eyes fell into Su Ling’s lunch box, making a vague sigh of praise, which seemed quite envious.

Su Ling’s action, thinking about whether he pushed the meal over, would it seem awkward, and he heard the teenager say: “I really envy your mother to give you such a delicious meal every day.”

"……I did it myself."

"Well?? Yourself??" The young man rounded his eyes, his cheeks were bulged by the bread, and it looked like a hamster. "That's too good?"

Su Ling did not speak, the teenager was used to his coldness, swallowed the bread, and said it himself.

"Whoever is with you will definitely be happy..."

Su Ling’s heart suddenly missed a beat, and the hand holding the chopsticks shook a little.

"Although I have never said it before, I always feel that your strengths are really many." The teenager said with a smile. "You learn well, you are handsome, you are tall, you will cook, and you are so careful... ”

Hearing his sudden praise, Su Ling was at a loss, his heart was jumping fast, his fingers were slightly closed, and his sweat was oozing out of his hands, suddenly feeling an unprecedented tension.

"and so……"

Speaking of this, the teenager paused and said: "Don't care what others say, you have the right to like anyone, and it deserves to be liked by anyone, even if the sister refused you, you..."

Su Ling’s brain screamed and his heart fell into the ice.

He stood up, and the lunch box rolled to the ground. The rice inside was scattered on the ground, his chest was undulating, his eyes were red, and he stared at the boy, his eyes full of anger and pain.

"You come to me... just to tell me this?"

This is the first time that a teenager has seen such a fierce reaction from Su Ling. He suddenly looks pale and understands that he is angering Su Ling.

That day, he also witnessed the scene with his own eyes. Later, he heard the rumors about Su Ling. He was very distressed by Su Ling. He just wanted to tell Su Ling that he was really good. He didn’t need to care about other people’s eyes. There are better girls waiting for him.

But he was self-defeating, making Su Ling more painful... What did he do...

"I am sorry……"

The teenager lowered his head deeply and apologized to Su Lingdao with uneasiness.

Su Ling’s breathing was slightly stagnation, and the heart that was originally dull and painful was like being pierced in an instant, flowing out of blood and causing a lot of pain.

It shouldn't be... How can he get angry with the boy? He clearly knows that the boy is just caring for him and wants to comfort him. He should have been grateful to him.

However, when he learned that the teenager thought he liked Lu Jie, at that moment, he could not control his emotions.

- How can you think that I will like others...

——No matter who misunderstood me, it doesn’t matter, but you alone, please don’t misunderstand that I will like others...

- Because the person I like is you, I only like you...

Can't restrain the inner feelings anymore, Su Ling suddenly took the boy's shoulder and let him look up at himself.

The teenager’s shoulder was pinched and his eyes were full of gaze. He wanted to continue to apologize with Su Ling, but he was fortunate to have forgotten his eyes, and looked at his eyes slyly. He was under his figure.

"I don't like Lu Jie, and I don't like anyone else."

Su Ling stared at the clear eyes of the teenager, as if he had been looking into his heart.

"The people I like are --"


The vibration of the mobile phone suddenly interrupted the dialogue between the two people. At the same time, there were faint footsteps, which made Su Ling’s face change slightly. He immediately let go of the teenager’s shoulder and hid behind the tree to avoid people’s seeing. He is getting along with the teenager.

The footsteps disappeared after a few seconds, and no one really came. The teenager glanced at the tree that Su Ling had hidden. He stunned and connected the phone first.

"Hey? Ah, the senior is good... Is there something urgent now? Good, good, I will pass right away."

The teenager put away his mobile phone, and his look was a little low, screaming openly.

"Sorry, Su Ling, there is a senior who is looking for me in a hurry. I have to go through the past, I will go first... Sorry, I will apologize to you later, I am sorry, but I am sorry, but I really don't mean anything else."

After saying this, he went back step by step, and it seems that he is still very worried.

Su Ling leaned against the trunk, and the body slipped down a little bit, kneeling on the ground and curling up, deeply buried his face in his arms.

...just he just said it.

How can this be? How can he say it...

Absolutely not, he can't say that he can't be known by Bai Yi.

What's more, he can't imagine how the teenager will react. He can't afford any possibility that he will be hated by teenagers.


The teenager rushed to a lounge where Bai Yi and Ouyang were waiting for him.

He panted and pushed open the gap in the open door of the house, and said intermittently: "School, senior, I am coming. Is there anything I need to help?"

"You don't have to run so fast, the weather is very hot, be careful of heat stroke."

Bai Yi went over, touched his head, handed him a wet towel, let him wipe the sweat off his face, and then smiled and said: "In fact, it is an urgent matter, it is not very urgent, just want to Give you a surprise, look."

He pointed to the table, a plate of strawberry ice cream cake is braving the chill of white flowers, suddenly attracted the attention of the teenager, blurted out and debut: "Is it a limited edition ice cream cake?"

"So I have to ask you to come over immediately, and then I will get rid of it after a while."

Bai Yi smiled and said softly: "I know that you like sweets, and it is easy to have no appetite. I think maybe you will like it, just buy it."

"But this will take a long time." The teenager raised his head in surprise. "School you..."

"Fortunately, when you go, there are not many people." Bai Yi smiled slightly. "Probably because today is a working day."

On the side of Ouyang, he heard what he said. He just wanted to speak, but he was glanced at by Bai Yi, and he had to shut up.

He has been increasingly unable to understand what Bai Ge is thinking about recently.

Ouyang thought very confusedly.

That store is very hot, the team is quickly out of the store, and it really has to wait a long time. Baige saw so many people, his face was immediately dark, and he volunteered to go to Baige for the white brother, but he was Bai Yi. Bounced to the side, had to stand by and watch.

When he was in the queue, he heard Bai Yi’s eyebrows whispered more than once.

“Why waste so much time for it?”

He also thinks so, why wait here? ? And they are still specializing in skipping classes. Why don’t you have to wait in class to stupidly queue up?

Rely on, they still have a math class. It doesn't matter if he is a white brother. He can learn well. He can understand a lesson in a lesson, but he is the kind of math class who bends over and writes. When he gets up, he doesn't know where to talk. Slag!

Thinking of this, Ouyang couldn't help but cursed Zhao Xiaopang in the heart. When did this fat man report badly, he had to run before the math class to say that Cheng Xuedi liked the limited ice cream cake of this store every weekend. Lined up to buy, as a result, Bai Ge immediately took the leave without hesitation.

He bit his teeth, thinking that this is working time, people should not be a lot, will not delay math class, but when he got to the place, he realized that he really underestimated the popularity of this store, how could there be so Many people...

At that time, Ouyang’s face was a little distorted. Seeing Bai Yi’s look was not so good. He couldn’t help but feel happy, thinking that Bai Yi would give up the queue, but he would just look at Bai Yi’s cold face and walk to the end of the team. , the team lined up.

“Why waste time for it?”

At this time, Ouyang heard Bai Yi say this, and he almost gave him a squat - brother, if you are so impatient, I beg you to hurry, why wait here? ? !

However, when the math class started, Ouyang was already numb and calm. I felt like I had figured out what Bai Yi meant. It must be that Bai Ge wants to "inadvertently" let Cheng Xuedi know how hard he is waiting in line, and learn from the bitterness. Brother's goodwill!

So I consciously understood the main point. Ouyang immediately took out the mobile phone and took a number of photos waiting in line for Bai Yi, and prepared it for the teenager.

However, when he walked out of the store, Bai Yi, who had never been better in his face, glanced at him and said faintly: "Don't tell the superfluous things."

"Ah? Oh..."

Ouyang took a bit of a sigh of relief and felt that he had understood it, but now it seems that he does not understand it - not to make a good impression with bitterness, why not say it?

Also, Bai Ge used to be called "Cheng Zhichu" and "Cheng Zhichu" behind Cheng Xuedi. When did he become "initial"?

However, all this is not the most painful thing that Ouyang feels today, but the phone that Zhao Xiaopeng suddenly called.

"Bai Ge, Cheng Xuedi went to Su Ling, he was eating with Su Ling!"


Ouyang was almost scared by the face of Bai Yi.


Bai Yi's Diary · Part 56

I hate to know that I first focused on other things.

If this "thing" is human, I will hate ten times.

If this person is someone I hate (including those "I"), I will want to kill.

... Only the kiss of the first time can comfort me.

The author has something to say: Don't say it, everyone knows that some people are dreaming.

Thanks to Fengjing-Demi Rabbit official certification class representative. Deep-water torpedoes, shallow water bombs and mines that brew coffee and drink (Maya, the two babies are really expensive...), you are really stupid grenade, eye-protecting mines x2, and star-shaped tears, Sinan Lucy Hartfili, a word into a singer, a Ling Ling demon, Pan Yan North, 1279 has been a waste, 舜曦, reminder and kiki mine! =3=2k novel reading network

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