MTL - I Rely on Kisses to Clear Survival Games-Chapter 53 Wraith Campus (7)

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Asking whether a person likes another person is not a rare thing. However, in the haunted classroom, the question asked by the female ghost is so weird, not only out of the expectation of Cheng Zhichu, but even Ouyang et al. People are also embarrassed, and almost for a time they have to forget the fear.

White Yi Xiang looked like a dead female teacher, gently raised her eyebrows.

Even if she didn't know what her question was for, he still replied with a slight scorn and no hesitation: "Like, I like to know."

At the same time as he answered, he looked at Cheng Zhichu, who was sitting next to him, and smiled at him.

In the face of his seemingly loving sight, Cheng Zhichu’s heart suddenly missed a beat, his ears were red, and he couldn’t help but bow his head. The thoughts were a bit confusing at this moment.

what happened……?

Cheng Zhichu still remembers the special requirements of this branch task. When they answer the question, the answer can not violate the setting of the copy, and at the same time can not violate their own reality, it is considered a pass.

Bai Yi said that he likes him, and the female ghost does not seem to punish Bai Yi. It means that Bai Yi really likes him... that is to say, the love of friends is also considered "like", so Bai Yi can pass the question. ?

Although I feel that the facts should be like this, at this moment, Cheng Zhichu’s mind still couldn’t help but think of it – if Bai Yi really likes him?

......Impossible, this is too self-love, how can Bai Yi like him!

Cheng Zhichu was not too light, and he shook his head and dispelled the thought. He felt that his face was too big. How could this idea be produced? This is simply a slap in the face of Bai Yi.

Don't think about it anymore, Bai Yi is definitely a favorite of his friends. Even so, he should be content with it. At least Bai Yi is really looking at him as a friend...

So in the heart to comfort himself, Cheng Zhichu felt that he should be happy, but I do not know why, but he inexplicably felt a faint loss.


When I heard Bai Yi’s answer, the female teacher’s expression on the stage did not change. It was still a dead face.

She operated the computer that came with the desk. The lights in the front row of the classroom suddenly went out. The projector on the ceiling lit up and the screen was lowered to reflect the image.

Everyone looked at the screen, especially Ouyang, who was sitting in the second row, and his face turned white.

What appears on the screen is a paused video image. The page shows Bai Yi, Cheng Zhichu and Ouyang. They are all teenagers. Cheng Zhichu has a school uniform. Bai Yi and Ouyang wear a ball suit. The background is the school lawn. .

The sky is dark in the picture, and the lights on the campus are already lit. However, the weird thing is that even if the light is not good, the image is still very clear, as if it was not recorded, but what people saw with the eyes on the spot.

The teacher played this video.

"...I am really grateful to Bai Yi, and if you have helped me, I still don't know when to find it."

Cheng Zhichu touched the hearing aid worn on his ear. He was deeply stunned by Bai Yi. His look was full of gratitude: "I am sorry, I have delayed the seniors for so long, and the schoolmasters have not been able to participate in the basketball game..."

"It doesn't matter. I still have the chance to play in the future, but if your hearing aid is lost, it will be very troublesome."

Bai Yi coveted him, and said, "Let's find it, you don't have to worry about it."

"I really appreciate Bai Xuechang, I..."

Cheng Zhichu seems to think of something, and quickly touched his pocket, took out a few pieces of milk sugar into the hands of Bai Yi, embarrassed to open the way.

"Sorry, I don't have anything on my body now. I can only thank the seniors so much. I will send you back later."

Bai Yi shook his head and smiled and stopped him: "I really don't need it, Cheng Xuedi, I am not helping you to send me something. If you want to thank me, I will accept the sugar, which is enough."


"Well, my brother, it’s not early, go home soon, and the senior will play with you later."

He licked the hair of the elementary school brother, his tone softened, and the boy’s face was suddenly red.

Cheng Zhichu was a little helpless and whispered: "Okay, then I will go back first. The senior is also, the road is careful..."

"Well, okay, see you tomorrow." Junmei’s senior student gave a slight meal and laughed again. He gently called, "Know the younger brother."

The name of this relative attracted the younger blush, and once again bowed to Bai Yi, he left the bag and hurried away.

Bai Yi and Ouyang Ming sent him away. When his back disappeared completely outside the school, the smile on Bai Yi’s face disappeared instantly. The look indifferently thrown Cheng Zhichu’s sugar into the trash can, as if he had discarded it. What useless garbage.

Ouyang did not reveal the slightest unexpected color. Instead, he smiled and said: "It’s a fool of a girl. I actually carry sugar and carry sugar out as a gift. It’s really shabby.”

Bai Yi looked indifferent, and he was undecided about his words. Ouyang left the basketball and left with him. He said while walking: "The fool knows that he is very good at deception. It will definitely take a long time to like the white brother..."


At the end of the video, Ouyang’s face has become very ugly. In addition to him, Zhao Xiaopeng and Liang Wenbin have also changed their faces. Lu Jie bites his lower lip. Only Shen Qiqi, who is not very close to them, reveals the color of surprise. The eyes swept between Bai Yi and Cheng Zhichu.

"This is a fact that has happened. You can't deny it, Bai Yi."

The female teacher's tone has no ups and downs: "How do you explain this? Do you dare to say that you really like Cheng Zhichu?"

"I don't remember the old things." Bai Yi replied indifferently. "I only know that I am very fond of the beginning of the day. Would you like me to prove it to you?"

He said, he sat down, close to Cheng Zhichu's face, and made a desire to kiss, but the female teacher immediately said: "No, you sit down, your question has been asked."


The handsome man moved a meal and slowly retreated. Yu Guang swept the past. The female teacher said nothing for a few seconds. The tongue suddenly fell out of her mouth. She bent over and shunned, avoiding his gaze.

Ouyang, who was sitting in the second row, was terrified, because the people in the video had him. He was afraid that the next person to be called was himself. However, the female ghost did not call her, but looked at Liang Wenbin. Said: "Liang Wenbin, please answer my question."

"..." Liang Wenbin's eyes hidden behind the lens slightly swept his eyes, his expression was very unnatural, holding his injured arm and slowly stood up.

The slide on the screen switched to the next one, and it appeared to be a photo of Su Ling. Several people in Ouyang were shocked. When the video was just played, Gu Zhen, who had purposely avoided the eyes, also raised his eyes and looked at the Su in the photo. Ling.

This is a photo of the photo. The teenager in the photo is wearing a school uniform, but it is not from Chengnan Middle School, and his age seems to be smaller. It should be a photo taken in junior high school.

The juvenile's eyebrows are still exquisite and beautiful, with black hair and black eyes, pale complexion, cold and indifferent look, and it looks very gloomy. There is no such thing as the cheerfulness and vitality that young people should have. Even the photos taken during the life are still the same. Angry ghost.

"Which school is this school uniform?" asked the female ghost.

"It’s twenty-seven." Liang Wenbin’s throat rolled and added, “The uniform of the middle and middle school in the 27th.”

"Why do you know his school uniform?"

"Because my junior high school is in twenty-seven."

"Do you know Su Ling when you were in junior high school?"


"What did you do to him then?"

"..." Liang Wenbin’s head instantly oozes a thin layer of sweat, "I..."

The slide on the screen switches to the next one, and several photos are taken continuously at the same time.

The background in the photo is in the bathroom, Liang Wenbin wearing a twenty-seventh school uniform, showing a cold smile, although wearing glasses like now, but there is no temperament at all, even face.

He glared at Su Ling's hair. Su Ling's face was full of bruises and bruises. The corner of his mouth broke open. The school uniform was stained with blood stains, and there was even a trace of blood on the ground.

He was pulled by Liang Wenbin's hair and collar and squatted to the side of the squatting pool. Liang Wenbin pressed his head down in disgust, as if to force him to drink the water in the urinal.

Seeing these photos, Cheng Zhichu suddenly widened his eyes. When he recalled that Su Ling appeared next to Liang Wenbin, he also called him "Liang Xuechang", and he did not feel very awkward.

Because they have known each other, and Su Ling has also suffered from Liang Wenbin’s school violence. Su Ling seems so gloomy. It is likely to be related to his experience. Even he later committed suicide by jumping off the building. Maybe he also took off with Liang Wenbin. Can't work.

Cheng Zhichu couldn't help but look back at Liang Wenbin. Obviously, the latter is also very clear. At this time, these photos will be released, and there will be no good things waiting for him. Therefore, his face is pale, his face is cold and sweaty, and he is temporarily fading. Can not help but push the chair to escape the road, put your hand to the door handle, you have to press.

But in the next second, he disappeared.

More precisely, there was a black hole in his foot without warning, and it was too late to react. Even the expression on his face did not change at all. The whole person fell straight.

The black hole seems to absorb all the sounds. After Liang Wenbin fell, the black hole was silent, and he could not hear his yelling, and he could not hear the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.


A few seconds later, a small blood flower spurted out of the black hole and sprinkled sprinkled on the ground.

The black hole gradually faded away, and only a small piece of blood remained. In addition, there was no trace of Liang Wenbin.


Lu Jie screamed with a terrified scream. Ouyang and others also stood up, and the pupils shrank. The huge fear made their chests seem to be crushed by heavy objects. They could hardly breathe. They just wanted to The horrible place immediately fled.

"sit down."

However, the female ghost's plain and simple words, let them fall into the ice, waking up in a cold, and sat down in a sluggish manner.

Liang Wenbin’s sudden death completely defeated their psychological defense. Zhao Xiaopang burst into tears and cried incoherently.

"I don't want to die, I want to go back! I beg you to let me go, I will go back to Su Ling to burn paper, give him a hoe, let me recognize him to do cognac! Just let me go... I beg you, Su Ling, let her let me go..."

"You also bullied Su Ling?" After Shen Qiqi heard it, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and he looked at Zhao Xiaopeng, who was crying and blushing.

"No... I am not, I don't want to..."

Zhao Xiaopeng flustered and denied, suddenly became very excited, with red eyes, raised his fat fingers to Bai Yi, screaming loudly: "It is him, it is Bai Yi! He is instructing us to do this! !"

"Su Ling, you have to revenge and look for him to report! I have no enmity with you, I have no reason to bully you, those mixed things are white easy to force me, I will do it! And Ouyang - ”

He immediately turned his head and panicked and stared at Ouyang with resentment: "It's all you, those who tortured Su Ling are all out of you! You are a beast, so you can think of no one's idea, you are still not an individual. !!"

"Fuck. Fuck, can you tell me this kind of fart?"

Hearing that he pushed all his responsibilities to himself and Bai Yitou, Ouyang suddenly changed his mind and immediately screamed.

"You are forced? Zhao Xiaopeng, you are also very embarrassed to say this? The most active person who hits Su Ling is his mother! You used to sit on Su Ling and let him learn to climb the dog. I advised no. Advise you not to do this, ah? You **** is not listening, and finally crushed the viscera of Su Ling, so that the person who left him with sequelae is not you?!"

"Fart, you are a shit, what kind of good guys are you, you have to take the cigarette **** to burn the eyes of Su Ling. Why don't you say that?"

"When are you crazy? I will really start? I am scaring him, who will really burn his eyes, I don't want to be expelled from school!"

"Frighten? You must not be scared. You were clearly angered by Su Ling's eyes. I really want to ruin him. If I and Liang Zi pulled you, his eyes would have been abandoned!"

The two men broke out in a fierce quarrel. In a few words, they almost all said what they had done before. Cheng Zhichu heard the aversion to the cold, and Yang Qianfan’s tender face also showed a horrifying look, but this time it was not him. Deliberately disguised.

"You said that what you did was Bai Yi's instigation?" Gu Zhen looked a little dark, his eyes swept over Bai Yi, and asked.

"You do not know?"

The two men who looked red and red looked at Gu Zhen. Ouyang smiled and said: "Also, although you are friends, but you are two friends, and you are close to each other, how can he expose these scandals to you, then he will be finished. ”

"It doesn't matter if you say it to you now, yes, it's what he is instructing. We seem to be friends of Bai Yi, but it's just a dog he raised, he let us do what we do."

"From the beginning of junior high school, we often beat Su Ling and continued until he died. This is because Su Ling is --"

"Quiet, don't disturb classroom order."

The female teacher who had been silent for a moment suddenly knocked on the desk and stopped Ouyang’s words. Ouyang, who was on the sigh of relief, remembered that they were still surrounded by ghosts, and suddenly they were stiff and silent.

"The next question..."

The female teacher’s pale mouth suddenly climbed out of a few mites, her mouth opened and closed, and she fell a little dander. The faint gaze fell on Cheng Zhichu’s body.

"Cheng Zhichu, it’s your turn."

Cheng Zhichu jumped up, stood up, looked at the eyes of the female ghost, and licked his lips.

The slides that were shown continued to switch, and this time there was a photo of Cheng Zhichu’s youth.

Unlike the videos and photos that are uncomfortable in the front, this photo is soft in color, and the outside sunlight is poured into the classroom through the window, reflecting the light-colored eyes of the teenager, giving a beautiful transparency. He was surrounded by several classmates, sitting at the desk, smiling and happy, talking to them.

"Do you know who sent this photo to you?" the teacher asked.

Of course he doesn't know... how does he know.

Cheng Zhichu thought so, but he guessed that he should not know the setting, because the teenager's eyes in the photo did not fall on the lens, the attitude was very relaxed, and the focal length of the photo was a bit fuzzy, it seemed to be shooting in a hurry. The photographer does not want to let the teenager know.

"...I don't know." Cheng Zhichu paused and replied.

The female teacher slightly decapitated, raised her hand and touched the screen that reflected the photo, saying, "So look for the answer yourself."

Her voice just fell, Cheng Zhichu suddenly noticed that the surrounding scene changed, but it was a blink of an eye, he left the classroom, standing under the teaching building.


The fountain in front of the teaching building spurts out the water column, and the crystal water drops from the air into the pool, which reflects the colorful colors.

The campus is full of green grass, and the shadows of the trees are calm and beautiful. This is the sun setting when Chengnan Middle School has not been relocated.

Cheng Zhichu briefly squatted and found that Bai Yi and others were gone. He thought of the sentence that the female teacher had just said and asked him to look for the photographer himself. Now it is likely that he was moved here by her.

[Trigger branch task: look for the photographer. 】

[Task content: Who shot the photo? You are very curious, you have to find that person. 】

[Task reward: 1000 points of survival. 】

Hearing the task released by the system, Cheng Zhichu had already had some guesses about the photographer, but he was not completely sure, so he decided to enter the teaching building.

The photo should not be accidental. It should be taken in the classroom of seven classes a year. If you don’t know how to get to the classroom, you will find that there is no one inside. At this time, it is time for class, there should be no one in the classroom, so they should be Go to a place like a playground or a music classroom.

Cheng Zhichu did not rush to leave, but first opened a clue to see if there were any clues in the classroom.

There was a pair of footprints on the ground, which went to the outside of the classroom. With the two footprints, he followed the past and the footprints went out of the teaching building and extended to the playground. Many students were taking physical education classes.

When Cheng Zhichu followed his footprints, he had already figured out his own state. He is now like a ghost. People here can't see him, so he has no scruples. He walked directly into the playground and found the owner of the footprints.

It is Su Ling.

Seeing the boy sitting on the edge of the playground with his knees, Cheng Zhichu had a feeling of fruitfulness.

Compared to the noisy playground, Su Ling's side is cold and clear, as if there is an invisible wall that separates his surroundings from the playground into two worlds.

Cheng Zhichu looked at this silent young boy and suddenly felt very distressed. The time here is obviously in the summer, but the teenager is still wearing the school uniform of autumn and winter, wrapped in a tight and sturdy body, probably to cover the scars on his body.

No one came to him.

The teenager hugged his knees, half pale face buried in his arms, black hair messy, only revealing a pair of beautiful black eyes, like a quiet and clever black cat, but after watching him for a while, Cheng Zhichu suddenly found the juvenile His eyes were unexpectedly focused, and his eyes were always chasing a figure on the playground.

At this time, the playground had a footstep sound, and the boy immediately closed his eyes and pretended to be false.

At the moment when he closed his eyes, his dawn brightened up instantly, as if the man he was expecting had finally arrived.

"Su Ling, are you still okay? Still very uncomfortable?"

Then Cheng Zhichu heard his voice.

He went back and saw the young man's appearance coming over.


Bai Yi's Diary · Part 53

The person in the video must not be the real me, just the appearance of my appearance.

How can I throw away what I first gave to me? Even if it is crazy, it is impossible.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the grenade & mines, and the tears of the stars, Li Han, uni_ seven young masters, Lucy Hartfili, you are really stupid, sweet, demon, 1279 is a Landmines that have been abandoned, smashed, Confucius, and the sound of the fire! =3=2k novel reading network

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