MTL - I Rely on Kisses to Clear Survival Games-Chapter 51 Wraith Campus (5)

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Zhao Xiaopeng's tone has faint excitement and eagerness to try. It seems that telling ghost stories to others in this environment can bring a more exciting experience.

A few people in Cheng Zhichu will not stop him, because they know that there will be ghosts afterwards, and there are ten and eight. The image that appears in the ghost story is to be understood in advance and prepared.

"I still don't want it." Lu Jie shook his head, and the pure face revealed a hint of embarrassment. "I am afraid of ghosts."

"Everyone has heard it, isn't that a few ghost stories?"

Shen Qiqi picked up the exquisite eyebrows and didn't take it for granted: "What the dark shadows in the canteen, the music classroom at 13 o'clock in the morning, the blood footprints in the hall, the girls in the chemistry classroom who were experimentally disfigured... all ruined, not at all fresh."

"There are two ghost stories, you should have never heard of them."

Zhao Xiaopeng shook his head, chubby fingers pointing at the fountain pool, said.

"One is this fountain pool. It is said that when the yin of the night is the heaviest, the fountain will bleed the bleeding water, and there will be **** corpses in the pool."

"There is a savage ghost who hides in the pool during the day and wakes up at night, waiting for the late returning student or teacher."

"As long as there is someone close to the past, the devil will suddenly reach out and drag people into the water-"

At this time, Zhao Xiaopeng’s voice stopped abruptly, and his face’s expression solidified. His eyes were round and staring at the fountain, his lips trembled, and he seemed to see something terrible.

Seeing his look like this, other people have a tight heart and subconsciously turned back, but saw that the fountain is still empty, only a layer of dust.

Zhao Xiaopeng showed a smirk, and stretched out his hands to take a shot on Ouyang and Liang Wenbin, so that the two couldn’t help but be shocked. Only then was he deliberately scared, and immediately turned back and screamed with Zhao Xiaopeng. .

Cheng Zhichu saw no water in the fountain from the beginning, so the mood did not fluctuate, and he was not afraid of it. On the one hand, Zhou Luochen’s metamorphosis and cold branches brought him too much impact. On the other hand, Bai Yi always Holding his hand, causing him to be a little distracted now.

"What is another ghost story?"

Yang Qianfan gave a photo of the fountain, with a bit of curiosity in his tone, the appearance of a ten-native naive boy.

However, when he saw the picture displayed on the camera display, his gaze passed a trace of darkness, and he handed the camera to Gu Zhen quietly.

Zhao Xiaopeng was chased by friends for several times, and asked for mercy again and again, and answered the boy's question: "Another ghost story... Hey, don't bother, let me talk!"

"...Children, I am not scaring you, but this is true. Eight or ninety years ago, this place was still a wasteland, especially at the school, it was a mass grave."

"Where the poor people had the money to build a tomb, they just throw people here with straw mats and rolls. The ground is full of bones, stinking, and it’s cloudy at night, and occasionally someone passes by here. You can also see the shadow of white flowers appear."

"The land was rectified later, saying that the school was very popular and could keep the yin, so we built our school, but in the middle of the night, those ghosts would climb out of the ground and wander aimlessly in the school. ”

"If you encounter these ghosts, you must hold your nose and mouth for the first time. You can't let them hear that you are gasping. Otherwise, they will disturb them and let them know that you are a living person. You will swallow your life, hehe, Being separated by a group of ghosts, I am afraid that it will be worse than being eaten by the ghosts in the fountain..."

Gu Zhen looked down at the camera and looked back at the fountain.

In the dim moonlight, the fountain is still quiet and dry, and the mottled stone bricks have a slight crack because of the lack of water, and they grow soft grass.

However, the fountain in the camera is spraying out a **** water, and the blushing water waves are tumbling, floating on the eyes, teeth, tangled hair and fine bones.

A black palm with blood beads slowly extended out of the blood and laid on the edge of the pool.

Blood and water spewed, overflowing from the pool, flowing over the floor covered with floor tiles, and gradually spread to the position where the pedestrian stood.

In the end, Gu Zhen boarded the steps of the teaching building. In the camera, he avoided the contamination of blood.

The blood continued to flow in the pool, but no matter how much it poured out, it never crossed the steps of the school building.

After a moment of rest, the black palm took a few points and slowly retracted into the pool.

If the scene in the camera is inverted, the blood and water are mixed with the human organs and immersed in the pool. The infiltration into the bottom of the pool disappears, and finally becomes the same as the actual pool, and becomes dry.

Gu Zhen returned the camera to Yang Qianfan.

At the same time, Ouyang used the shackle tool to open the lock of the teaching building, and the group went in.

Zhao Xiaopang continues to talk about the ghost story just now.

"... Now, these ghosts are also advancing with the times. I heard that after we graduated, the school repaired the elevator in the teaching building. In the middle of the night, the ghosts will ride up the elevator. Hey, look, the elevator is there... ..."

He reached out and pointed at the elevator, but he stunned, his expression changed abruptly, and the flesh of his face followed, his eyes stunned and horrified.

"You are enough. When we are fools, we want to let us be a second time?"

Some of Ouyang couldn't stand Zhao Xiaopang's tricks. He just wanted to hit him, but he found that the latter was trembled with his teeth. He said, "No, no, elevator... there is something in the elevator..."


Ouyang still didn't believe it. He didn't want to look back. He suddenly found that some old classmates' faces were not quite right. They stared in the same direction and seemed to see something terrible.


The sound of the mechanical operation rang in the quiet corridor, but it was already out of power early, how could the elevator run?


Ouyang's body was stiff and slowly turned back.

The display panel next to the elevator is brightly lit with red numbers. The floor shown above is...

"b18..." Liang Wenbin trembled, "... eighteen underground."


The number jumped and turned from b18 to b15.

"There are really ghosts here, run!"

When Ouyang Yan was pale, he quickly ran to the door that had just been opened by him. However, if the door that was opened by the gap was driven by a force, he closed it "嘭" before he touched the doorknob, clearly locking or bad. No matter how he twists, the handle is not moving.

"Please wait patiently, the elevator has reached the underground floor."

A cold, dull female voice appeared without warning, broadcasting the number of layers the elevator arrived.

"Open the door! Open the door!"

Ouyang desperately used his fist to slam the door of tempered glass, and even used tools to knock out the cracks, but it had no effect. Lu Jie and Liang Wenbin ran to the window, and those windows also closed automatically, completely turning them out. Sleepy in the teaching building.

“The elevator has reached the fifth floor.”

Gu Zhen and Bai Yi looked calm, and Yang Qianfan took care of the other people and did not pay attention. He took a photo of the elevator and his eyes were dignified.

Cheng Zhichu has also experienced several times. Although it is still a little nervous, it is much better than before.

If there is no copy character such as Ouyang, he will choose to use the card to destroy the coming ghosts, but because they are there, the effect of the cards is too conspicuous, which will make these people suspicious, so they can't be used.

He has no better way. He can only think of going upstairs first, and then looking for opportunities to get out of the role of the characters and deal with these ghosts.

He didn't know if Gu Zhen thought about him, and Gu Zhen also said, "Go up the building and avoid it."

Ouyang and others were flustered at this moment, and they heard that Gu Zhen said so that they didn’t even think about it. They had to rush to the stairs. However, at this moment, the elevator suddenly slammed and the sound of mechanical operation stopped. .

"The ground has been reached."

"Come on your nose and mouth." Gu Zhen slightly frowned, and Shen Sheng reminded, "Don't say anything."


The door of the elevator was opened, and the lights inside were flickering, reflecting a bunch of white flowers.

One, two... dozens of shadows fluttered out, the whole body was white, even the hair was translucent milky white, the clothes were ragged, the styles were old and new, some were old people, some were young people. .

These ghosts obviously exceeded the capacity of the elevators. They didn't know how they squeezed into the elevators. They looked dull and stunned, and they walked very slowly.

If it wasn’t for the real reminder, Ouyang and others were afraid that they would have been screaming out loud. It is so okay, they are also shocked by the cold sweat, trembling, desperately holding their nose and mouth, not afraid to reveal any sound.


Zhao Xiaopeng is a fat man who loves to sweat. At this time, he was scared to sweat and sweat. After a while, the sweat has already wet his clothes. Perhaps because of this, the atmosphere of his living is too heavy, a few The ghost who passed by him suddenly stopped, his nose was arrogant, and he smelled the smell gently in the air.

They were almost attached to him, smelled on him, and carefully discerned his breath.

The heavy cold forced him to Zhao Xiaopeng. His cold hair was upright, his eyes widened in horror, sweat poured into his eyes, and he was irritated with red blood, but he didn't even dare to blink.

The ghosts did not leave. They seemed to be suspicious, but they were uncertain. Suddenly they stretched out their slender tongues and slowly approached his face as if they wanted to take a sip on his eye.

Seeing this scene, Gu Zhen frowned, knowing that Zhao Xiaopeng is likely to be unable to hold it. If he does not hold on, it will cause a chain reaction, and other copy characters will certainly scream out, no longer hesitate. A thin piece of paper appeared between his fingers.

This is a piece of paper that has been cut into small paper people. The paper man is simply outlined the outline of the woman, the black and red dress, and the eyes closed.

He gently loosened his fingers, and the two eyes on the paper suddenly opened, and then the paper did not wind automatically, and the ground fell silently into the elevator.

A moment later, a young woman came out of the elevator, her skin color was pale, she was wearing a red dress, and she looked very charming. However, it was obviously not a living person. She patted her hand gently and attracted all the ghosts’ eyes.

"Hey, hey..."

The smile on the pretty woman is very false. If there is a pair of people, a leather mask, and the hands are patted with a strange rhythm, every time she takes a picture, all the ghosts take a step toward her, as if they all obey her call.

The woman stepped back toward the elevator a little bit, and all the ghosts gradually entered the elevator, and soon the outside was empty. Only a few ghosts remained in place, but they were also uncontrollably attracted to her.

Zhao Xiaopeng and others did not see that this was a paper man flying out of Gu Zhen’s hands. He thought that this woman was the most powerful one among the ghosts. To bring them all back, they were watching nervously and praying that she would hurry. With these ghosts left, they immediately fled, ensuring that this life will never set foot here again.

But why, the ghost around him still doesn't go...

At this time, Liang Wenbin's eyes were slightly moving, and he glared at the ghost around him, his eyes dyed with fear.

Unlike other ghosts, it is the only ghost that has not been summoned by a beautiful female ghost. From beginning to end, its footsteps are motionless, even if other ghosts are gone, as long as there is one here, they are afraid to run, especially him. He is around him, how dare he go.

I beg you, go quickly, go back to the elevator...

Liang Wenbin pleaded with the ghost around him. He didn't dare to look at it. However, this time he suddenly found that the ghost was wearing the school uniform. It seemed to be the student here. He couldn’t help but look at the ghost face subconsciously. .

The ghost is a young man's figure, wearing a summer school uniform, and his thin shirt makes him look slimmer and looks clean.

As if I felt Liang Wenbin’s gaze, the boy looked back slightly and glanced at him.

The young man's eyebrows are handsome, his face is cold and cold, and even a bit gloomy. However, when he noticed his gaze, the teenager gently evoked the corner of his lips and shouted softly.

"Liang Xuechang, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Liang Wenbin’s pupils squashed and could no longer control himself, shouting loudly—

"Su Ling!"


All the ghosts suddenly turned back and brushed their heads, and the cold eyes fell on Liang Wenbin.


Bai Yi's Diary · Part 50

This time I didn't find a chance to kiss the beginning of the knowledge, I could only hold his hand, and some regrets.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the mine of boiled water and coffee x4, and Li Han, you are stupid white sweet, star tears, northern melons to eat dates, Lucy Hartfili, 1279 is already a waste , 舜曦, uni_ seven young masters and mines with the wind! =3=2k novel reading network