MTL - I Rely on Kisses to Clear Survival Games-Chapter 19 Abandoned hospital (3)

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In the dark and silent environment, only the light of the flashlight is the only source of light. Cheng Zhichu and his group went to the door of the hospital. Da Gao pushed the iron gate of the fence open, and the rusted bearing gave a toothy sound.

A few people walked into the courtyard, and by light, Cheng Zhichu carefully looked inside the courtyard.

Because it has been abandoned for a few years, the hospital has become very desolate and ruined. The grass grows wildly from the broken floor tiles. There are **** and all kinds of smashed glass and concrete blocks everywhere. The guard room and several bungalows have collapsed, the walls and The tree was also posted with a large poster and a lot of white banners.

Also my family's life!

The hospital has hidden dangers for many years, and it is equivalent to intentional killing!

Return my child back!

A slogan indicates that some **** pasts have occurred here, and then go inside, you can also see a lot of **** red paint on the ground and walls, and the "closed door" written by a brush. "The big characters are still shocking."

It seems that the hospital had an accident in the past, so it was forced to close the door... Is it a serious medical accident?

Cheng Zhichu secretly thought, following other people to the nearest building, Da Gao will break the majority of the glass door and open it.

At this time, Cheng Zhichu’s mind suddenly had some memories. For example, he remembered that this was a private hospital. There were two buildings. Now they are in the outpatient building, which is four stories high. The building behind is the inpatient building. When he received psychotherapy a few years ago, he lived on the top eight floors.

And he also vaguely remembers the way it is here. When you walk in, it is the hall. The guide desk is on the left side. There is a huge led screen on the right wall. The information about the hospital will always be scrolled...

Cheng Zhichu suddenly picked it up. At this moment, he seemed to see the appearance of the hospital when it was still intact. The marble floor light can be seen, the basin is covered with a pot of green plants, the wide hall is filled with people, and the central area is the gateway. The escalator upstairs has long corridors on both sides, which are the offices of various clinics and doctors...

In the face of such a complicated terrain, he was a little overwhelmed, and then he was by his side, and a clean and clear male voice said softly to him.

"Little beginning, come over, go here."


No, this is not his memory. What is he seeing? !

Cheng Zhichu was shocked and suddenly woke up, and some eyes widened in shock.

At this time, he had already walked into the outpatient building, and the one that caught his eye was the old, ruined lobby on the first floor. It was covered with dust everywhere, and the unevenly stained ground was splashed with mottled blood and paint.

On his left is the smashed guide, the led screen on the right has been dismantled, and the center of the hall is an escalator that has long since stopped. Everything is exactly what he saw in his memory. The same.

[This is your memory. 】

[You have lived in this hospital for a short time, so you are familiar with the terrain here. 】

[At the same time, you also discovered a strange phenomenon: in the memory just now, there is a man talking to you, guiding you the way, but you can't remember who this man is. 】

[Is this a missing memory, or is it due to the recurrence of the disease? You are not sure. 】

[You need to find the truth. 】

[Trigger branch task: mysterious voice. 】

[Task content: investigate whether the sound really exists. 】

[Task Reward: Weapon Synthetic Shard x100. 】

It is a sideline mission, rewarding weapons or synthetic debris!

Cheng Zhichu was not inspired by the spirit.

He has seen relevant content in the forum. The squad task will have a certain chance to be triggered by the player in the copy. If it is completed, it can be selected by the player himself. After completion, there will be more generous rewards.

What he wants most now is the synthetic debris of the weapon, because the weapon cannot be purchased, it must be synthesized by debris, or it is a lottery to hit the luck. His novice gift packs and sweepstakes did not produce fragments or weapons. Now he is still in a state of unarmed punch. The only thing that can save his life is Joshua's necklace, but whether it works or two.

So he has to complete this quest to get the hundred pieces of weapons!

Cheng Zhichu felt that the difficulty of this task did not seem too high, he should be able to cope with it, if it is not... he would have to consider the shameless request for Bai Yi to help him.

"The hospital map was destroyed."

Da Gao went to the map sign next to him and took a flashlight with a flashlight. He couldn't help but frown, because it was full of paint and nothing could be seen.

"I know the terrain here." Cheng Zhichu said, taking the initiative to say, "Because... I used to be a patient here, so I still have the impression."

Da Gao is undecided, just saying: "First look for other clues in the hall, two or two groups, pay attention to the distance not to be too far apart."

Cheng Zhichu opened the clue flashing skills and looked around the hall. Because the area is large, he doesn't see it very clearly. It seems that there are several places in the vagueness, but it is not very clear.

Meng Xin, the sister of the twin sisters, also had the same skills, and her sister went in one direction. Cheng Zhichu also screamed Bai Yi, and the two came together in front of the bulletin board and took a yellowed newspaper. The above was revealed.

[Found clues, gain 50 points of experience and 100 points of survival. 】

“‘There is a major safety problem in the safety management system in the hospital.’”

Bai Yi played a flashlight for him. Cheng Zhichu pinched the two corners of the newspaper and read the title above. "Light Love" is the name of this hospital.

This is a news report. The time was five years ago, and the time when the hospital was closed was the same year. It should be that the hospital was closed shortly after the report was issued.

The report disclosed in detail the safety incidents occurred in Guangai Hospital, which occurred twice in three months.

The first time was the failure of the escalator in the hall. A girl was involved in the death on the spot. She was obviously in the hospital, but she did not even get the chance to rescue.

The second time was a fire at the top of the inpatient department, which resulted in one death and two serious injuries. The cause of the fire has not been ascertained. The report believes that there must be major hidden dangers in the management of the hospital.

The report was sharply worded, and the whole article was seriously criticized for loving the hospital. After Cheng Zhichu finished reading it, I felt that this was definitely not posted by the insiders of the hospital, but those who pulled up the banner.

At this time, Cheng Zhichu naturally remembered that his "discharge" time was a few months before the accident, so he was completely unaware of these things, only knowing that the hospital was closed.

This seems to be somewhat unreasonable. Although these two accidents have caused the hospital to fall into a public opinion storm, it seems that it has not reached the level of being suspended. Is there anything else that has happened?

"Oh my God, it’s terrible..."

At this time, there was a small exclamation from the sisters. Cheng Zhichu turned around and they both waved their hands and signaled others to come over.

Cheng Zhichu went over and saw the big-character newspapers held in their hands, and his face could not be changed slightly.

These colorful posters were printed with very **** photos. He recognized the location and was waiting for the elevator on the first floor of the inpatient department.

Because the inpatient department has a large flow of people, plus the need to transport beds and wheelchairs from time to time, there are a total of six elevators, the space and the load are very large, and in the photos, all the elevators are parked on the first floor, the doors are all It is open, you can see that the floor inside is full of blood, and even flooded the elevator.

The scene was extremely chaotic, the elevator was full of people, the expression was full of sorrow and fear, some people were covered with blood, and they were crying and crying, pulling the medical staff, many people lying on the ground, and others were being dragged from the elevator by the rescuers. When I came out, my limbs were obviously deformed, and even one of my heads broke open, and a yellow-white brain was flowing from the inside.

The text below the photo explains the source of this **** scene.

Just half a month after the fire in the inpatient department, the hospital even had a third accident: six elevators fell at the same time, three of them fell directly from the top floor, and the other three fell from different floors. Come down.

None of the three top-level elevators were spared, all of them were killed. The other three people also suffered from different levels of casualties, and the number of deceased was as high as 50.

The accident caused an uproar in the local society. Residents protested to the government and demanded that the hospital be closed. Many families of the victims were over-excited. They posted banners and large-character posters in the hospital, which damaged hospital buildings and facilities. Even the hospital leadership and medical staff were beaten, causing extremely bad effects.

Later, due to various reasons and pressure from various parties, the hospital was forced to close down and stop operating. Apart from the most expensive equipment, everything else was basically left behind and remained the same, that is, what they saw now.

“We found the list of deceased people in the elevator accident.”

Speaking loudly, he handed out the list of the dead who Ji Yunxiao got. Cheng Zhichu received his hand and used a flashlight to make a rough look. When he saw one of the names, he actually felt the familiarity.

Luo Wei...

He meditated several times in his heart, and suddenly recalled that this was the name of his attending doctor.

In his memory, Dr. Luo is a middle-aged man in his forties. He looks elegant and always smiles. He treats people with gentleness and patience. All patients and nurses like him. Is he also killed in this elevator accident? Passed away?

Because Dr. Luo’s name is not common and appears on the hospital’s list, Cheng Zhichu can basically confirm that the deceased is Dr. Luo.

The ring will make him have some kind of identity relationship with the ghost here. Is Dr. Luo a ghost, so he becomes his patient?

Cheng Zhichu’s brain flashed this thought. He just wanted to tell the other person about the discovery, but suddenly he was stagnation because he seemed to hear something faintly.




"Little beginning, come over."


Bai Yi's Diary · Part XIX

I didn’t remember it at first, but before he entered the game, he met with me – twelve years ago.

That is not a good meeting.

At the time, I was still young. Because of fear, his little body was shaking. When I saw me entering the room, he subconsciously hid in the closet and shut himself up, rejecting anyone's approach.

I calmed him over and over and told him that I was not a bad person. I wanted to save him, but it was useless. He didn't trust me. He desperately went to the depths of the closet and began to cry in a low voice.

I dare not touch him because I am worried that he will be more stimulated. Until his parents arrived here, reaching out to the closet and shaking his voice to comfort him, he came out of the closet, cried and rushed into his mother's arms, and let me see the bruises and scars on his body. .

Looking at him like this, I can't say a word.

I'm going crazy. 2k novel reading network