MTL - I Rely on Kisses to Clear Survival Games-Chapter 11 Midnight Mansion (9)

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[Found clues, gain 50 points of experience and 100 points of survival. 】

[Name of the item: Diary of Mrs. Mei Jie (2/2). 】

[Item type: copy props. 】

[Can you bring this copy: No. 】

[Note: The diary of the first generation of the hostess in the mansion, it seems to hide some unknown secrets. 】


Cheng Zhichu looked down at the **** half-diary in his hand, and was about to open it, but suddenly felt the faint vibrations around him, scared him to kneel on the ground and smash it into a ball, and directly lost the diary.

But this vibration only lasted for a few seconds, and it was returned to death, no longer heard. Cheng Zhichu quietly looked up, rounded his eyes and watched the surrounding and diary for a long time, confirming that there should be nothing coming out. This shook his head back and the cat was in the corner of the basement and relied on it. Peace of mind.

What is the movement in the end... It doesn't seem to be caused by the diary, it seems to be above... Is it related to Bai Yi?

Cheng Zhichu is somewhat worried about Bai Yi. Although they don't know much about it, Bai Yi takes care of him very much. He has saved him more than once. He will worry that Bai Yi is a matter of course.

If even Bai Yi had an accident, then he was afraid... Also, he made a flag, and if he had time to think about it, he might as well hurry to read the diary and rush back to meet Bai Yi.

Cheng Zhichu pressed the distracting thoughts in his heart and focused on the diary. He first opened it and found that the number of pages was large, but the content of each page was very short, and the writing became more and more messy. Strong fear.

【what happened? I heard the baby crying in the middle of the night, more than once. I am sure this is not my illusion, but all the servants are not married, there can be no children here. 】

[I obviously let people bury the necklace, I can get up and dress every morning, it will always appear in my jewelry box.

At first I thought it was someone who was pranking, so I was furious, reprimanded all the servants, and replaced the bedroom with a new lock to prevent someone from sneaking in, but it was useless, and the necklace would still appear.

I started to feel fear. It was terrible. Whether it was burned with fire, chopped with an axe, or thrown into the river, it was impossible to destroy the necklace. No matter what it did on the previous day, it will definitely be new the next day. It appears in the jewelry box as it is. 】

[I am doing a nightmare of horror every day, always dreaming about the necklace. The jewel above it is like an eye. There is a cold and evil sight in it, watching me quietly, when I don’t pay attention At the time, the necklace will **** a hand and grab my neck until I am drowned.

I woke up in cold sweat and heard the baby crying again, but this time it was even more terrifying. It cried and cried, and suddenly changed its voice.

It started to laugh. 】

[I understand, this must be the kind of Mary's kind! It has to retaliate against me!

It shouted "Mom" and "Dad", first giggling and shouting, but without responding, it cried hysterically, the voice was sharp and sharp, but suddenly it became extremely calm, even indifferent, short Say one sentence:

"It turns out they are all dead."

[I only heard the sound of it, but today it has changed, and the servants have heard it.

They are terrified and want to leave, but I can't promise their request.

I invited the priest to let him completely destroy it. How can I tolerate this kind of chaos in my residence? 】

[It kills! It actually killed people! ! It killed the priest and threw his head on my bed, letting me see the phoenix's fleshy face in a blink of an eye!

Can't stay in the mansion, I have to move away immediately! 】

[I can't go out...

Not only me, everyone can't get out, all of us are trapped in this mansion...]

[It is growing up, its voice becomes like a little boy, and it starts to say more.

It is asking me why I want to kill its parents, why should it be smashed, "Joshua" is not a good name, at the end, it also said, still said...

The next dead person will be me...]

[...! ! ......! 】

The diary went to the last page, and Mrs. Mei Jie seemed to have fallen into madness. The words she wrote were messy to the lines that were painted indiscriminately. Cheng Zhichu could not recognize what she had written.

After the diary lasted for one or two pages, it stopped abruptly, and all the backs were blank. The paper was almost soaked in blood and immersed in maroon.

Seeing here, Cheng Zhichu has been fully affirmed that the final boss of this copy is Joshua, the fetus who died with Mary in the same year. After his death, he became a ghost and grew up, killing Mrs. Mei Jie. All the living, but also killed the innocent second and third residence owners!

At this time, Cheng Zhichu suddenly heard a sneer, and he heard the same thing as he had touched the necklace before. He couldn’t help the cold hair, then he felt a sinking on his neck and hung a thin Long and cold things.

I don't have to think about it at all. Cheng Zhichu also knows that this is the emerald necklace. At this time, the late system description suddenly appeared, and the description of the necklace has undergone tremendous changes.

[The curse appears, dangerous, please pay attention. 】

[Item name: Joshua's necklace. 】

[Item type: curse. 】

[Can I bring out this copy: Yes. 】

[Note: This is the only relic left by Charlie and Mary to Joshua. It bears witness to their death, bearing the pain, despair and hatred of their death, becoming a vicious curse, and the grievances with Joshua. The integration of the spirit will kill all the living beings that are possessed by it. 】

[Hazard level: a]

[practical level: c]

[Effect: After wearing, you can order the ghost to do one thing for the wearer. Each copy can be used once, and there is no chance to limit the number of attempts before success. 】

[The conditions of use are "the order of the command must not exceed the scope of the ghost", "the object of use cannot be a copy of the boss" and "the power of the ghost cannot exceed the power of the wearer". 】

[Side effects: Unless it is hand-delivered by Joshua or has a power that is far stronger than the curse, the necklace will kill the person wearing it in any way possible. 】

Cheng Zhichu's face was pale, although it seems that he can take this curse as his own, but he is too self-aware, it is clear that he is only dead on the end of wearing a necklace!

He slammed the necklace and pulled it to the back of his neck. His fingers were stunned by a pair of cold hands.

"Don't pick it up."

"This is a gift for you."

The voice rang from behind his back, with a little smile, it sounded low and charming, but it scared Cheng Zhichu to sneak away - he obviously backed against the corner, how can he come out from behind!

He simply refused to pick up the necklace. He immediately climbed his limbs and fled forward with the ground. At this time, the basement sounded like a buzzing current. The electric lights that had not been used for many years suddenly lit up, and the dark basement was brightly lit. He was stunned by the glare and closed his eyes, tears in his eyes, and then he suddenly felt someone raised his hand and wiped his tears.


Cheng Zhichu was scared and screamed, his face was pale, and he was not far from the death on the spot. The voice was low and smiled, his hands extended, and he was drunk from his back into the cold, ice-like embrace. Stroking his face.

"fear me?"

The person who hugged him was full of laughter, and the temperature was moderate. Cheng Zhichu was shivering and his teeth were shaking. But he was more afraid of the existence of this person. When it appeared here, it could only be...

"Don't be afraid, come see me."

Cheng Zhichu didn't dare to blink, feeling that Joshua turned him over and let them face. Although he couldn't see it, Cheng Zhichu could still feel that Joshua's gaze fell on him. It was like a real thing. He touched his skin, and he couldn't stand the pressure. He finally opened his eyes.

Under the bright light, the young man in a black tuxedo rushed his lips, his skin color was pale, his eyebrows were soft and beautiful, his hair color was extremely pale gold, and the dark blue eyes reflected the different shades of light, beautiful and beautiful. The jewel, just looking at Cheng Zhichu in a hurry, held his hand and gently dropped a kiss on his fingertips.

"About... Shuya..."

The young smile looks gentle and elegant, but lifeless, like a cold, dead, exudes the atmosphere of darkness and death, so that Cheng Zhichu did not break his courage, and even could not remove his sight, stiffly calling out his name. Was forced to oppose him.

"If you want to call me like this, you can."

Joshua smiled and took the hand of Cheng Zhichu, and led him to touch his eyebrows. He whispered, "Do you think I look so good?"


Cheng Zhichu didn't dare to speak, because who knows why a man should ask this kind of question, if he doesn't want others to say that he looks good!

"The one who came with you, me and him, which one do you prefer?"

When Joshua saw that he did not speak, he took his face and approached the past, forcing him to look up at himself: "Do you prefer him more?"


Looking at his handsome face, Cheng Zhichu stunned. He didn't understand what Joshua asked them to do. He thought that Joshua should be Bai Yi, so is there any restriction on Joshua's killing? Need him to answer an answer to kill him or Bai Yi?

"Isn't the answer? You don't like it, or... Do you prefer him?"

The long silence of Cheng Zhichu caused Joshua's smile to converge, and a faint haze was in the eyebrows.

His fingers were patrolling on the neck outside the collar of Cheng Zhichu. The touch was warm, soft and full of anger. It was... very different from him.

He loves the vivid and vivid appearance of Cheng Zhichu, but he also understands that such a journey can never belong to him.

- Only if you break it, take all your bones into the belly, let your soul stay in this darkness forever, and you will truly become something that belongs to only "I".

- By then, no one can include you, including "he."

Joshua showed a smile, gentle and cruel, hot and cold, and the fingers on the neck of Cheng Zhichu gradually tightened, and then he slammed his throat.


Bai Yi's Diary · Part 11

Before I entered this game, I already liked the beginning of the game, and it has been going on for many years.

My soul has broken into many pieces. They each have different looks, memories and identities. It seems to be very different from me and has become another person.

Only knowing the beginning.

Only like him is something that every "I" can't give up.

Even if the soul is broken and the memory is missing, "I" is no longer me, and I and all "I"... still love him. 2k novel reading network

Read The Duke's Passion