MTL - I Really Am a Slag Shou!-Chapter 139 Scum that little wolf dog (9)

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Wen Yu's eyes have been staying on Chi Zhao's side consciously or unintentionally. At this moment, seeing his face suddenly darken, Wen Yu came without thinking about it.

Standing next to Chi Zhao, Wen Yu glanced at Wen Mu who was still beside him, and then whispered, "Father, what's wrong?"

Chi Zhao kept silent, he gently shook Wen Mu's hand and let him close his hands. Wen Mu obediently did so. Wen Yu did not see what Wen Mu held, but his eyes kept staring. The two held hands.

Although the man was his own brother, Wen Yu also felt that he was a bit annoying at this time.

Chi Zhao turned his back on Wen Yu and didn't see his expression. He smiled slightly at Wen Mu, "A Mu, is it your sister who gave you something?"

Wen Mu turned around and looked in one direction. There was a woman in her twenties who was chatting with the owner of the house. Chi Zhao frowned for a while, but she didn't remember who she was.

Depressed, Wen Yu said in his ear: "Father, that is the eldest daughter of the Wang family."

There are too many families with Wen Xijun. Unless the other party is important, Wen Xijun can't remember the looks of all the family members in the other party. Wen Yu's timely reminder made Chi lighting white.

It's a bold passerby.

There are many names of forces in the plot, but no matter which force and family, there is no surname Wang.

Chi Zhao knew, he looked down at Wen Mu who was still waiting for his answer, "A Mu, go and give this thing back to that sister, be polite, and let Uncle Jiang see that you are a gentle and polite Boy, you know what? "

Wen Mu blinked softly, and soon, he smiled sweetly, "I see, father."

For the children of the Wen family, Wen Xijun is half of the sky. What they say, they do whatever they want, regardless of the consequences.

Wen Mu came to the Miss Wang family. When the Wang family saw him suddenly appear, and she had something to say, she was a little bit stunned. She was still lucky and thought that Wen Mu could not be so ignorant. As a result, Wen Mu is so ignorant.

In the presence of the owner Jiang and other guests, Wen Mu returned the room card to her, and he said the same thing in a few words. His volume was not high, but Wen Mu was a focal point. When they came here, many people came to see them. When they heard what Wen Mu said, their eyes on Miss Wang's eyes became a little delicate.

The Jiang family master got better, he took a deep glance at Miss Wang's family, then turned his head and looked at Wen Mu, "A Mu, there are many masters' collections in your uncle, should you look?"

The owner of the Jiang family left with Wen Mu and directly hanged the Miss Wang family who was blushing and white for a while.

Chi Zhao watched the whole process. At this moment, he couldn't help laughing, then turned to Wen Yu and said, "You look at A Mu, don't let him be in trouble again."

Wen Yu looked at the remaining smile on Chi Zhao's face. He pursed his lips before nodding.

There are too many children and too few guardians. Although Wen Mu was watched and no more incidents occurred, but the other side was not watched.

When Chi Zhao was called, several adults were standing here, standing beside Wen Xi with a frown on the other side, and on the other side, a little girl who was about the same age as Wen Xi was crying with pear flowers, and she was tight. Holding her skirt, tears fell down, not to mention how distressing.

Chi Zhao has a headache. This is a contradiction between the children. Does he care about this?

Besides, isn't Wen Xin standing there? Why bother bringing him here.

Seeing him coming, Wen Xi's original cold expression became tense, she seemed very nervous, realizing that her existence made the little girl uncomfortable, Chi Zhao had no choice but to stand still.

Seeing him standing on the edge like an outsider, Wen Xi became even more sad. She lowered her head and did not look at anyone anymore.

People around saw Wen Xijun coming over, and everyone's look changed more or less. Most of the women standing here were women. The chirping sound of Chi Chiu's head hurt, and he frowned. After looking around the crowd, finally named Wen Xin: "Axin, what's going on."

No matter what is inside, when outside, Wen Xijun will still protect her children. Wen Xin is relieved. She goes out with a sense of pity and soon makes things clear.

Several girls of the same age stood together and talked, and the other girls in the middle were gone. When it was time to be gentle with that girl, Wen Xi suddenly poured the girl's wine, and then the girl cried.

Many people saw it. Wen Xin rushed over to ask what was going on, but Wen Xi didn't say a word, and said with a stubborn neck, yes, she just wanted to splash her.

Chi Zhao has no experience with small girls. Although he was a recognized friend of women in the class before the accident, the twelve-year-old girl is not the same as the twenty-year-old girl.

Chi Zhao looked at Wen Xi, but Wen Xi looked down at her toes, and for a while no one spoke, and there, the girl's mother spoke.

"We are not unreasonable people, Mr. Wen. Today we are here to celebrate the ceremony of the two ladies of the Jiang family. It ’s ugly and not good. Daughter, it's better to just let it go. "

She didn't mention a gentle apology, and there was a very generous look inside and out, but Chi Zhao frowned.

Isn't that equivalent to sitting on the ground and doing something wrong, but also giving it up?

Chi Zhao ignored the mother. He asked Wen Xi, "Ah, why did you splash her?"

This incident is not the same as Wen Mu's incident just now, and the situation has been deadlocked. Soon, everyone else who was still chatting about wine tasting came to see it. Wenlie and Wenzhuang also came over, and saw one of the protagonists here is gentle, and asked in wonder: "What's wrong?"

Pity but still don't speak.

The girl over there didn't cry anymore, and there was a tinge of contempt in her eyes that looked at meekly.

Look, garbage is garbage, and even the ability to justify itself is really pathetic.

All the family members came to their side. Wen Mu even squeezed over others, ran to her, held her hand, and asked her what was happening. The gentle eyelashes trembled. She raised her head and looked Pool photo.

Chi Zhao has always hated being watched. The situation at this time made him feel irritable. He wanted to bring his children over to a harmonious reception. I didn't expect so many bad people here, and I knew one by one. Child.

Chi Zhao stepped in front of Wen Xi, pressed her thin shoulders, his eyes dropped, and his voice was low: "There will be no more shameful time than now."

So let's go.

After understanding his subtext, Wen Xi silently spoke for a second, and she said openly: "She said, I grew up in a stinky ditch, and only eat garbage crayfish. Our family are all dirty and disgusting hybrid dogs. It has tarnished the atmosphere of the entire circle, and my family and I should return to the rotten, black stinky ditch and continue to eat the garbage she kindly throws at us. "

The insulted person was clearly tender, but she said nothing. First, because no one heard these words, and the girl was a well-recognized child, she could easily be beaten up by the time she spoke. By then, she could not say so many people at all. Second, that girl was all about her. What has always been in her mind, she would rather be put on a hat with a bad temper and aggression, rather than let these words spread through the ears of those gossip people.

Immediately after the words of pity, the girl stood up immediately, her eyes widened, and her face was unbelievable, "I haven't said that! Why do you stigmatize me so much!"

At this time, the faces of the other members of the Wen family were already hard to read. Wen Lie took a step forward. For the first time, there was no gentle smile in his eyes. "What do you mean, my sister is lying?"

"She can pour a drink on the spot, and there's nothing strange about turning black and white."

Gentle and temperamental, he rolled up his sleeves and wanted to hit someone. However, it was a woman who said that, and he couldn't do it.

Wen Yu blocked Wen Zhuang, who was most emotional. He stared at the girl who was being held in his mother's arms.

In fact, he wants to do more than Wen Zhuang. Compared to Wen Zhuang, who will be fragrant and cherished, Wen Yu's eyes are the same for both men and women, but it's not a good place to start.

Wen Xi was guarded by her brothers and sisters. Even the big brother and sister who had always been kind to others were angry. Wen Mu held her shoulders and let her lean against her. There was a sour sensation in the nose, and Wen Xi suddenly wanted to cry a little.

For the first time, she felt that she was also a home child.

For the first time, she tasted being protected.

Wen Xijun never said a word, but the six children were enough for them, and the girl's family and friends came together. Everyone is a civilized person. Naturally, it is impossible to quarrel and torture, but it is the civilized people who speak to make people even more angry. They have thorns in each word, and each sentence is secretly saying that they are gentle.

I don't know how long after that, it was about three minutes. It was very abrupt, and a girl's voice sounded in a corner.

"... Ha, don't you really think you can still be our friend? Are you worthy? You're a crayfish picked up by your dad, do you know that? They all grow in the stinky ditch , Eating garbage and corpses alive, full of toxins and dirty things in your head, you see, is it just like you? "

These words are full of bitter and mean voices. They are full of people who look down on people. The surroundings are instantly quiet. Everyone looks at the source of the sound. Wen Xijun presses his mobile phone expressionlessly, then raises his head: "I need to continue Listen? "

The girl was speechless. She looked at Wen Xijun pale and could not understand how he recorded what she had said.

Tenderness also shivered.

"Before coming to this reception, I was not assured of the two children at home. They were only twelve or three years old this year. Children of this age have no ability to protect themselves and are easily bullied, so I put them on them. I didn't expect the monitoring device to be used. "

Chi Zhao couldn't see the horrified look of everyone, he turned around and showed a formal smile to the owner of the Jiang family.

"I stayed shortly. The child was aggrieved and he had to coax back when he went back. Mr. Jiang, thank you for your hospitality."

The owner of the Jiang family wanted to say something more. Chi Zhao stretched out a hand as a gesture of pity to hold himself. Then he turned to look at the little girl who was beaten silly.

"You seem to be 13 years old this year and 14 years old next year. Fortunately, there is a total of three years of prosecution for our country. The age of 14 years is the age of imprisonment. This lady, stay with you more Parents, they will visit you in prison in the future. "

Looking at the two mothers and daughters over there, Wen Zhuang also eccentrically accepted the sentence, "That's not necessarily the case, the feng shui turns. Who knows if her parents will have a chance to visit her then?"

He smiled gently, "Surely, there are always plenty of time for idle people."

Repeated threats, true or false, turned the mother's eyes black. She clung to her daughter's shoulders, but couldn't pull her face to apologize.

After leaving the Jiang family, standing in the place where no outsider was, Wen Xi finally couldn't hold back his mood and slammed into Chi Zhao's arms.

Chi Zhao was startled. Just when she wanted to pull the little girl away, she felt the trembling of Wen Xi's slender body. Chi Zhao smiled helplessly, and then patted Wen Xi's back gently.

Seeing this scene, the children standing aside smiled invariably. Tenderness is one of the most restrained and cold-blooded of all people, which can make her so excited. It can be seen that today ’s events have affected her. How big.

I really want to thank my father, fortunately he brought a device that can monitor.

At this time, in the mind of Chi Zhao, the "monitoring device" was not satisfied.

[I obviously transferred the recording to your mobile phone, why didn't anyone hug me? 】

Alas, solitary widowhood has no power.

The author has something to say: 520 happy ~

Thanks for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution ~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [mine]: 1 moon, He Jiaojiao;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:

Yijiang Jinshui drops begonias and engages in 10 bottles; there are 7 bottles of cabbage in the nest; 5 bottles of 玦 涣; one bottle of dreams and autumn memories of the thousand graves; 1 bottle of Shanhe Riyue zyl48, millennium rain break, Linai, Mingyue He Jiaojiao ;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! 2k novel reading network