MTL - I Really Am a Slag Shou!-Chapter 119 Scum That Dark Sentinel (10)

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Because he slept too much during the day, at night, Joey was not sleepy at all, and even watched the entertainment program intently.

Calm and his son looked at each other, Chi Zhao walked to the bathroom with a calm look. The moment he closed the door, he quickly ran to the side of the toilet, put the toilet lid down, sat down, and collapsed to cover his face.

He had already told the system about the specific things on the road. Since then, the system has never said a word.

Chi Zhao was uneasy. No matter how he looked at it this time, he was not cautious enough. He didn't dare to throw the pot to the system anymore, and he was ready for the storm.

Chi Zhao was weak and guilty, and the voice of the calling system softened a lot.

"System, I know it's wrong. Just say a few words. Don't be mad at yourself. The data link is already fat. If you get fatter, how can you debut?"


【Ok? what did you say? 】

Leng Buding heard the words, and the system was surprised.

[Angry, why should I be angry? 】

Chi Zhao: "... because I messed things up."

The system was even more surprised.

[Isn't this often the case, if you mess up every time I get angry, my motherboard has completely burned out. 】

That makes sense.

Chi Zhao was silent for a moment, "Then why are you not talking for so long?"

[Preparing for the finals, one of my competitors is the newly launched virtual idol Carol. You do n’t know how much its debut merchant has spent on it. It is the most advanced virtual idol we have. Beat it. It's not easy! There is another competitor. Wow, I will say that you will be shocked. Its status is too scary. I must prepare well. In case I can only get a third place, I am so thankful! 】

It's very good to get the third place. When the system just went to the competition, he thought it would be wiped out in the semi-finals. Who knows how to pass all the five passes and cut into six finals.

Chi Zhao couldn't understand so far. He is the person who listens to the system for the most time. The system's singing is not bad. Why can't he be a singer? How can he reach the finals? Is it because the people there have a different aesthetic perception of music than the people on earth?

Although I think so, but Chi Zhao wouldn't say that, he still held up a few words like "Don't worry, you are so good, you can definitely win the championship! No matter how terrible others are, they are definitely better than you ... Well, by the way, who is your second competitor? Is it really that scary? "

【of course! 】

The system lowered his voice and his tone became serious.

[Before participating in the competition, it was a smart rice cooker! 】


For a moment, Chi Zhao thought he had something wrong with his ears.


[Smart rice cooker. 】

The finals are about to happen. The system is nervous about the game and at the same time it is nervous about his task. It is really not easy, so Chi Zhao always wanted to be more attractive to the system and not want to hit it anymore. however……

Can't help it.

"A rice cooker is afraid of an eggplant! How big is the memory of a rice cooker? Is there a trillion? What it will say is just a few words. Start cooking rice, cooking rice, please invite you to eat, so you are afraid of it. Is there anything to be afraid of ?! "

After three seconds of silence, the system struck Chichi's mind with a sigh of sigh.

[Because it is a very low-grade rice cooker, it was eliminated hundreds of thousands of years ago. However, such a low-level intelligence can actually survive without repairs and inspections. It continues to expand and become a virtual intelligence that can survive in the virtual network. It even competes with the world's most advanced systems and defeats other systems. Do you think such opponents are not terrifying? 】

Chi Zhao: "........."

Seems pretty scary.

[So you see, host, you do n’t even understand such a simple matter, just messing up the task once, what am I angry about? 】

The systematic tone was like the loving father touched the head of his mentally impaired son lovingly, but Chi Zhao purposely refuted, but couldn't say a word.

After coming out of the bathroom, Chi Zhao always felt unhappy. Even Xiaohong noticed Chi Zhao's mood. She tilted her head and looked at Chi Zhao for a while, then twisted her head back. She did not intend to care about her master.

Turn off the lights and listen to Joey's faint and long breathing sounds, Chi Zhao closed her eyes, thinking that the first thing tomorrow is to buy a house.

In a world where mental power can be converted into images and weapons, for Chi Zhao, there is another benefit to having mental power, that is, he can track the direction of the system backwards.

In the past, Chi Zhao could only rely on intuition and habit to make vague judgments. Now, as long as he uses his spirit to go deep into the brain, he can know what the system is doing or not in his mind.

However, doing so is risky, and may be discovered by the system.

Waiting patiently for an hour or two, Chi Zhao carefully stretched out a spirit wire, and found that the system had reached the deepest point, and was intoxicatingly practicing singing. He just rolled over safely, opened his eyes, and pondered carefully. The information that the system unintentionally revealed today.

Such things as rice cookers have been eliminated in the world of the system for nearly a thousand years, which shows that the civilization there is not much different from the civilization of the world in which they live, at least, they are relatively similar, and they also eat rice there They also make rice. There they also have life that needs to eat whole grains.

Countless speculations turned in my heart. After a minute, Chi Zhao exhaled lightly and closed his eyes again. This time, he really entered the dreamland.

The next few days, while Chi Zhao was busy with various trivial matters, he secretly poked Leo to come in and confront him.

Ji Zhao thought of several versions that could bluff Leo back, but Leo never appeared again for three days.

Chi Zhao did not deliberately hide his whereabouts. Even if he was not the chairman, he could find the place where he lived, but this was the case. Leo didn't come. Does this mean that he won't come?

After so many worlds, Chi Zhao is most afraid that the protagonist does not play cards according to the routine, and the facts have proved that the protagonist of each world has never played cards according to the routine.

If the two do not touch, Chi Zhao will not have the opportunity to complete the task. After waiting for two more days, Chi Zhao cannot wait any longer, and he decides to take the initiative.

Coincidentally, as soon as he was ready to take the initiative, someone came over there.

But not Leo, but two government workers in suits.

The other party was not at all obsessed with water, and after showing the certificate to Chi Zhao, he soon explained his intention.

After the last terrorist attack, the government has been looking for the senior guide who has protected half of the population, but now it still finds nothing. Therefore, the government decided to investigate one by one, and asked each guide and ordinary people to go to government agencies to be a spiritual force Test, you can go after testing.

The other party is very polite, but Chi Zhao is not an ordinary citizen who rarely deals with government officials. In the second world, his husband is an admiral. In the fourth world, he is also an emperor for a lifetime. For these governments Officer, Chi Zhao is most familiar. It looks polite now, if Chi Zhao reveals his intentions, their attitude will change immediately.

Looking at the spirit bodies around these two officials, you know what their true attitude is.

Chi Zhao smiled slightly. "Yes, but I am the only one in my family. If I leave, I have to take my son."

The above is very important for the search for advanced guides, because they found that there is no such one in the registered guides, which indicates that the other party is either hidden or not registered. No matter what, he can no longer be hidden. Go on.

When the country is short of talents, we must not let go of any advanced talents.

The place they are going to is not an ordinary government agency. It is really a bit of a hassle to bring a child.

The two staff members on the opposite side thought for a while and finally proposed: "So, you can take your child over, but you can't let the child enter the test room, just leave the child in the reception room on the first floor. Protect your child, can you see it? "

Chi Zhao didn't say yes or no, "Your test room is on the first floor."

"Fourth floor."

That's OK, Chi Zhao thought about it, the distance from the fourth floor is not too far, leaving Xiaohong beside Joey, there should be no problem.

Now that there was no problem, Chi Zhao was taken into the test room soon, while Joey remained in the reception room, with a half-large little red lying on his legs.

A long time ago, Chi Zhao told Joey that when there are outsiders, don't show that he can see Xiaohong. Being strong is a good thing, but it should be kept low-key as much as possible. After all, two fists are difficult to defeat four hands. In case someone deliberately provoked, how troublesome it is.

As a result, Joey was motionless at this time, looking very well-behaved, provoking the love and resentment of the staff accompanying him.

Alas, he can have such a cute son anytime.

In the always quiet atmosphere, suddenly, Joey's eyes moved. He stretched out his hand and looked a little strange. In fact, he put Xiao Hong in his palm. Just two seconds after he finished this action, he would The door of the guest room was pushed open. When they saw someone, the staff immediately stood up.

"Mr. Chairman, Good night."

Leo smiled and nodded, looking good, the staff was flattered, and the chairman was usually not so kind. What happened today?

At the same time, he did not forget to be close to the chairman, "Master, is there anything wrong with you here?"

There were a lot of places to sit in the reception room, but Leo walked straight to the staff, but took his seat with integrity, glanced at Joey who was curious and looked at himself, and Leo's smile was deeper.

"I heard that the advanced wizard hasn't been found, so I'll take a look and inquire, by the way, what's going on."

staff member:"……"

Dare to come to the teacher to blame!

The smile on the staff member's face was stiff, he smiled dryly, and quickly found a reason to run out to inform the boss. Before leaving, did not forget to ask the chairman to take care of this well-behaved child temporarily. The staff member felt that he It is very clever. This will not only hold back the chairperson's footsteps, but also give yourself plenty of time. As everyone knows, Leo is smarter than him, and he is the one who is being tricked.

There were only Joey and Leo in the room. Leo moved closer to Joey. He whispered, because he hadn't dealt with the child, and it seemed a little restrained at this time.

"My name is Leopold. What's your name?"

Joey's voice was arrogant, but unexpectedly generous. When he last met, the child didn't like to talk. Leo thought he was introverted.

"My name is Joey."

Immediately after that, Joey blinked and dumped the unproblematic question from the father to this strange uncle, "What is your relationship with my father?"

Leo froze. "It seems your father has told you this."

Joey nodded, and replied solemnly: "I know, but I don't believe my dad, he is a pinocchio who doesn't have a long nose, and there is no truth in his mouth."

Xiaohong pinched in her heart: "..."

You're a daddy! Turn around and sell your dad!

Leo laughed.

It wasn't a faint smile, or a polite smile, but a happy laugh from the heart. For years, Leo had never been so happy.

After laughing several times, Leo also put away a relaxed expression, and nodded solemnly, "Okay, how about our exchange of information, tell me what kind of person your father is. In exchange, I will tell What do you, me and your father do? "

I thought Joey would agree, but the latter narrowed his little eyes and shook his head very coldly, "No."

Leo was strange: "Why not?"

"Because the values ​​are not equal. I do n’t want to know this question from you. Even if I do n’t know it now, one day, I will investigate it through my own efforts. And the question you asked me is that you are very What you want to know is that I want to put my dad's information out of my mouth. Do you think I'm so stupid? "

The child was not tall next to the green plants, but the words in his mouth were one after another, and Leo stunned for a long time. Then, the staff who hurried back immediately after notifying the news heard the message from before they opened the door. Hearty laughter from their majestic chairman.

staff member:"……???"

The author has something to say: I have a cold, and it will start updating tomorrow.

This world is indeed not abused. It ’s more everyday, rest assured. The author has traveled a long distance to the Arctic Circle, obtained the forgiveness of Mr. Tianwen, and recovered his self-esteem.

Thanks for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution ~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [grenade]: He Ning 1;

Thanks to the little angel who cast [mine]: Mingyue He Jiaojiao, Yuan Xiaoping, and He Ning;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:

50 bottles of Ding Yuan; 3040421836 bottles; in fact, I do n’t understand 30 bottles of Hubaler; 20 bottles of flowing water; autumn is a good old attacker 12 bottles; say no one, dreamer 237, ~ dear ~, laugh at spring and spring Dian Dian, Amu Muyu, He Ning, Tess Xiaotiantian, Kai Kailuo Desolate, Qinghe with a smile, set off for spring, green tea, crane, mermaid torpedo cold front; 10 bottles ... 6 bottles of a bottle of wine; Gong Yin ★ natal cat, 5 bottles of raw flowers like summer flowers; 2 bottles of nacht, salted fish dad; Shen Xi Shengyue, Yingying Yingying, millennium rain break, bright moon He Jiaojiao, deep world xy, autumn Qiu, I do n’t know Xuanyuan, Youdou a, Muzi Fuli 1 bottle;

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