MTL - I Really Am a Slag Shou!-Chapter 114 Scum that dark sentry (5

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The vacation time always passed very fast, more than five years later, when the doctor came over holding a petri dish in the black workshop, Chi Zhao's heart was not only indifferent, but he even wanted to laugh, but now, After nearly six years, Chi Zhao's mentality has changed dramatically.

Standing at the door of his home, a middle-aged aunt watched Chi Zhao returned from work and immediately came forward to talk. It's been five years since Chi Zhao moved to this place. Everyone knows that he is a single father, and he is also a highly spiritual guide, and he takes good care of him.

When I first moved to this town, Chi Zhao had little money left in his pocket. The black workshop is indeed a black workshop, which is a word, black.

In less than a year, he earned all his savings. When there were no children, Chi Zhao adhered to the attitude of being full and not hungry. He never thought about how he would live in the future, but now he is pregnant. There was a little guy waiting to be fed. Chi Zhao's father's love halo went online for a second. Before long, he opened a clinic on the commercial street of the town.

This is not a clinic in the ordinary sense, it is a clinic that specializes in serving sentries.

After some time without a guide, the sentry will go to the white noise room provided by the hospital for a day or two. The so-called white noise is the natural noise of water and wind. In such a room, the sentry can only hear the natural sound, and all the other stimulating audio is isolated. Staying in such a room for two or three days, the sentry A highly nervous spirit can relax.

The hospital provided a white noise room, and Chizhao provided a noise-free room here. He covered the entire clinic with his own mental strength. No matter the sentry guide or even ordinary people, there was a sense of peace and tranquility after entering. feel.

Chi Zhao relied on opening a clinic to support his family, because the effect is really good, and most townspeople now know him. According to word of mouth, Chi Zhao's clinic is also well-known, and the sentries of Shilibaxiang are willing to come to him Spend money here to relax.

The customs are simple and the business is good. Until then, Chi Zhao didn't understand the meaning of the vacation world. He didn't want to leave here.

Chi Zhao's life is very comfortable, and the system life is very hot. It doesn't even want to prepare for the finals, and it is in Chi Zhao's mind every day.

It is nothing more than to persuade Chi Zhao, and go back quickly, it's time, it will be cold if you don't go back to daylily!

Chi Zhao was very indifferent. "Daylily has been cold for a long time. Why go back? The plot collapses. The protagonist is not Xi Daddy but real Daddy. What's the use of going back? return."

[... the plot collapses, don't we have other ways to complete the task? 】

"You say abuse, but how do you abuse it?"

The system opened his mouth and wanted to answer. As a result, a word didn't pop out, but he suffocated himself enough.

Yeah, how can it be abused?


In the past, I could abuse my heart because it was lying there to win the world. Just after Chi Zhao passed away, I formed a beam with the protagonist without doing anything. Along the beam, the two love and kill each other. purpose. But now, Chi Zhao and the protagonist have no injustice and revenge. The original Liang Zi was Chi Zhao and the elder brother went to bed, and this is no longer possible.

The contradiction between the protagonist and the protagonist is that the protagonist loves the protagonist and must not, thereby hurting the protagonist. If Chi Zhao acted according to this script, the system imagined that picture.

— Leo, I like you.

— Great baby, I like you too.


The system is sorrowful. The already fat data link is getting fatter and fatter now. It doesn't know how to persuade Chi Zhao to return to the main star, and how to continue to complete the task. Seeing Chi Zhao's heart will take root on this planet. Go up, but at night, Chi Zhao said he was ready to return to the main star.

The system was shocked.

[Why did you suddenly change your mind? 】

Chi Zhao turned her head, glanced at her son who was playing the game of "whatever moves with a hair" with Xiaohong, and then said to the system solemnly, "This afternoon, my aunt Audrey told me that the child went to school The student status is divided, and if there are many schools in a student status district, then the best school is very sought after, and the first day of registration will be full. "

After listening for a long time, the system still didn't understand what Chi Zhao said.

【and so……】

"So let's hurry back! Joey won't be able to attend the best school in the country later this year!"


The system almost crashed.

I'm so embarrassed to say that you bitterly persuaded you for so many days, but the only thing that made you change your mind was your son's school status? !!

The system is so tired that it doesn't want to take photos anymore.


Anyway, just go back, just walk away. Within a week, Chi Zhao took care of everything here. The clinic was closed, the house was rented out, and all the cash and deposits in the house were taken. Chi Zhao Holding his little friend's little hand, he got on the spaceship bound for the host star.

Chi Zhao named his son Joey. The child is less than five years old, has a very quiet personality, and has a good relationship with his peers. The super gene has appeared since he was born. Now that Joey has n’t gone to school, he has learned a lot of elementary knowledge just after reading it. Chi Zhao was worried that he became precocious because he was too smart. He always took him out to play or invited a bunch of children to play at home, but it was useless .

Joey doesn't like to play with his peers. He would rather play with Xiao Hong. You shoot me. I don't want to play with other children to build blocks. Chi Zhao wondered for a long time. In the end, Xiao Hong helped him find out. .

Joey thought the kids were too stupid and it was boring to play with them.


Such a lackluster character must be inherited from the lacklustre protagonist!

But think about it, Chi Zhao thinks that Joey has such an idea. It is understandable. After all, he is not a person in the world. Joey's favorite thing is to read books, while other children like watching cartoons at this age. Joey is the child of the protagonist, and is destined not to become dull. If you take him back to the genius-like star, maybe he will find like-minded friends.

This is why Chi Zhao wants to return to the main star. He can rest on a remote planet for the rest of his life, but he cannot deprive his children of the right to fly higher.

At night, the father and son slept in the same room. The room on the spaceship was relatively small, but fortunately, all the internal organs coaxed the child to sleep, and the pool looked towards the vast starry sky.

When he took the spacecraft last time, he was always frightened, because the destination was a black workshop of the illegal institution at that time, and he had not enjoyed the long galaxy. Now he is in a mood. The pool looks out at the beautiful scenery, and can't help showing a nostalgia Look.

It's been a long time.

The value of the success of the last world has been reached as early as two years ago. No accident, it is still out of 10. The system scanned Chi Zhao's current body data, but it couldn't analyze what he was thinking, so he asked.

[What do you think about the task? 】

Chi Zhao retracted his gaze and smiled, "Do you see Joey and Leopold looking like?"

The system tells the truth.

[Not like. 】

The protagonist is white-white platinum hair, and a pair of iconic emerald green eyes, while Joey has linen hair, and the eyes are low-key tea gray. The two senses are also different. The protagonist's features are serious and cold, and they have the taste of the Kaolin flower. Joey has not yet opened it, but he can already see that he is not serious at all, even a little boy. Females, when they grow up, they must be the kind of feminine looks that specially recruit young girls.

Speaking of this problem, the system is very moved. The fake goods of the original owner are three points similar to the protagonist. Now the real Prince is actually not like the protagonist at all. I really do n’t understand how human genes are arranged.

Hearing the system's response, Chi Zhao's smile was deeper. "Then you say, does the protagonist hate Noah?"

The system thought again.

[I hate it, I ca n’t say it, I just hate it. After all, like a fly, I always haunt him ...]

Seeing that the smile on the host's face was getting weird, the system was silent for a moment.

[Just say what you want to do, stop selling. 】

Chi Zhao sat upright, stretched out a hand, and snapped his fingers upward.

"It's simple. Don't Leopold hate me so much, I go around him from time to time to brush my sense of presence, and at the same time, I will continue to do my business, study, raise children, Blind date. "

By the way, Chi Zhao is still a single guide now. He is already 28 this year, and it will be 29 soon. For an excellent older guide, the state will be responsible for arranging a blind date.

Quickly figuring out the joints, the system mood is a bit complicated.

【You're thinking……】

"That's right!" Chi Zhao's voice sounded a little excited. "He doesn't know who I am, and he will definitely continue to hate me. When my presence feels enough, he likes me, and then he will fall into himself. Doubt. When he was struggling to accept me, I was already dating someone else. Even if not with each other, it would be good to know a few more people. It can also be used as a protagonist, great. "

"By the way, and Joey, even you do n’t think they look like each other, others definitely do n’t feel like it. As long as I do n’t say, no one knows who Joey ’s father is, and I will casually say a sad story at that time Let ’s say that Joey ’s father has died, and that he has died to protect the country. How can the living person survive the dead? Do you mean it, unification? ”

The last question was asked, Chi Zhao's tone was slightly dignified, and the system looked silently at Chi Zhao with a smile that was becoming more and more abnormal. He couldn't help but light a bit for the poor protagonist.

Terrible, such a lover.


With infinite vision for the future, Chi Zhao soon fell asleep, and on the other side, on the distant protagonist, the protagonist Leopold was facing three trials.

Almost all members of the Greenwich family came over to force Leo to commit the crime.

"Miss Victoria is a first-level guide, and your family is quite the same as you. What else are you dissatisfied with! Just to let you see each other, not to kill you!"

The speaker was Leo's father, and Leo looked up silently. "I said, I have a partner."

Again, Leo's father's face turned blue. At the beginning Leo said this sentence, he would still believe that it has been so many years now, and then believe that he is mentally ill.

"Where is your partner, you say you have it, but bring us to see you!"

The author has something to say: Zhao Chizhao: I can't accept you, because I have someone in my heart. I have a dead husband called Louis

Leopold: ...

Chi Zhao: He was tall and mighty and handsome, because his family had lost his life and the country gave him a pennant and hung it in our house. You can't beat him, you know?

Leopold: ...

Thanks for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution ~

Thanks to the little angel who threw out the [grenade]: there is a short, unreasonable carrying, 1 jackdaw in this world;

Thanks to the little angels who cast [mines]: 3; 2 hard-working Diao Chan kings; 1 bright moon He Jiaojiao, Mu Yan, sexymini, 1 smile and clear lotus;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:

30 bottles of heart warming; 24 bottles of tomato tower sauce; 20 bottles of Liyi, Luo Nuo, Forgotten, and Mulberry; 19 bottles of twisted flowers; 15 bottles of Fujian maple; , 10 bottles of Jiang Li Pi; diva, buy it by yourself, cross the ocean in the tower, Shusheng freehand, witch house da stay, Fu grass as firefly, 5 bottles of mirror night shadow; 3 bottles of lost magic cat; 2 bottles of white; silver ring, foul bottle of evil, man is Wang Badan, Li Nai, Ming Yue He Jiao Jiao 1 bottle;

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