MTL - I Quit Being The Devoted Supporting Male Character-Chapter 297 Be an npc7 in a holographic online game

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   Chapter 297 Being an NPC7 in a holographic online game

   When Mingyue Tianya was doing the quest, Gu Jingyu had already disguised his program chain, exactly the same as the player's.

   Even the bleed bar and experience bar can be displayed on the head, and you can also interact with the player privately. Basically, what the player can do, Gu Jingyu can do except offline.

   At the moment when he disguised the program chain, the programmer responsible for the server running the entire game in the game company "The End of the World" suddenly saw a little change in the program, and rubbed his eyes softly, but there was nothing wrong.

  I thought it was because of my dazzling eyes, I explained good things to another person who was on duty, and got off work happily.

   At this time, the city lord's mansion, the city lord has disappeared.

   When you come out of the city, you can see NPCs walking on the road, as well as players who have just come in.

   suddenly seemed to think of something and came to the vicinity of Mingyue Tianya.

  Mingyue Tianya has found a place in the pig's head. Like the butcher shop, it has a faint smell, but it is obviously lighter than the butcher shop.

   is also very clean. Looking from the outside, you can still see the clothes hanging in the yard to dry, but there seems to be no one.

   Just when Mingyue Tianya wanted to go in, he was suddenly frightened by a person who appeared.

   After seeing the blood strip on Gu Jingyu's head, he felt relieved.

   "This brother named ellipsis, who are you?"

  Gu Jingyu looked at him and said, "I received a mission to help Mingyue Tianya find out the truth about the disappearance of the butcher shop owner. Are you Mingyue Tianya?"

   Mingyue Tianya was stunned. He didn't even know that there was assistance in this task.

   Click on your own task box to see, there is a teammate displayed in the task details above, which is an ellipsis.

   But there are not too many quest rewards. From the looks of it, everyone has the reward. He doesn't know what it is, but he guesses that it should be the same for everyone.

   "Okay, brother, just follow me first, have you found any clues now?"

  Gu Jingyu shook his head, Mingyue Tianya was not disappointed, as he expected.

   "Then I'll send you a team invitation first, just agree to it. As for the back, brother will take you to fly!"

  Mingyuetianya has always been friendly to game newbies, but it doesn't get along well with the streamer.

   When you are with a novice, there is no special exchange of interests, and you don’t need to think too much.

   When you are with the host, you always have to worry about whether you will be deceived, or directly fooled.

  The competition in the game anchor industry is too fierce. Although there are some people who are not as bad as they think, they are unpredictable, and he can only stay away from these people.

   Gu Jingyu smiled and nodded, looking a little obedient, exuding a new signal from his body.

   "Now I'll share the news with you, probably..."

   said the basic situation, and then Mingyuetianya wanted to enter the yard, but couldn't get in at all.

   There is no key and no invitation from the host's house. As a player, you cannot enter the house belonging to the npc.

   You can only have permission to enter unless you are doing a task.

  Gu Jingyu took out a key from his simulated backpack and handed it to Mingyue Tianya.

   "This is my quest item, do you see any use?"

   Mingyue Tianya saw the key and took the key to open the door of Pigtou Li's house.

   As soon as I entered the door, I noticed something was wrong. From the outside I could only see a little bit inside the courtyard, but when I entered, I noticed something was wrong.

  There are three dishes and one soup in the yard, and three rice bowls that have just eaten part of it.

   It's just moldy and hairy, and the smell is a bit unpleasant.

   Even the clothes that came out of the sun had a touch of dust on them. It seemed that there had been no one in this yard for a long time.

   And the food on the table indicated that the family was in a hurry when they went out, or something interrupted their meal.

   looked inside the yard, probably these two clues.

  Gu Jingyu glanced at the corner, it was a set of knives, which should be used by Pigtou Li to kill pigs, there was something strange inside.

   "Tianya, look at the things in the corner, is there a butcher knife missing?"

  Mingyuetianya noticed the props in the corner, walked over and opened it, a **** smell came to his face, and he almost fainted.

   At this time, he had to complain about the game dealer again. It was so realistic that he could even feel the taste.

   Indeed, the most important butchering knife was missing in it, and Mingyue Tianya had a bad feeling in my heart.

   I observed the yard several times, and finally determined that there were no clues, so I planned to enter their room to have a look.

   The room was not locked, so it opened with a push.

After    pushed the door open, Mingyue Tianya was taken aback by the scene inside.

The    was full of blood, sprayed everywhere, and the smell of blood could no longer be concealed after the door was opened.

  Gu Jingyu followed behind and saw the scene inside. It was really disgusting inside.

  I don't know how the artists of this game reproduced such a scene.

  Mingyue Tianya really can't stand it, and I feel that my spirit has been greatly impacted.

   "Brother, I'm sorry, I really can't take it anymore, so I'll go offline first, and then come back up when I'm slow."

   Before seeing Gu Jingyu nod, Mingyue Tianya disappeared in front of Gu Jingyu.

  The program chain at that moment, the background Gu Jingyu silently remembered in his mind.

   Walking into the room, in addition to the very disgusting blood sprayed, there is also a sharp butcher knife and a table that has been covered with blood.

  I looked at the whole house and found nothing different. Suddenly, I saw a broken piece of fabric from the quilt above the bed, which was incompatible with this bed.

   This was obviously pulled from the clothes, Gu Jingyu picked up this piece of fabric and carefully rubbed it.

The feel of    is considered a high-grade fabric in the game settings, and it belongs to the clothes that can only be worn by dignitaries.

  Pig Tou Li is just an ordinary pork seller, and there should be no relationship with anyone who can afford this kind of material.

   So, who will this fabric belong to?

  Because this is just a copy of the program chain, it cannot develop itself, and it is still necessary to wait until Mingyuetianya goes online before continuing to develop the story.

   went back to the city master's mansion, laying on the bed and recording the program chain of those players observed today.

   closed his eyes, and suddenly the housekeeper at the door came knocking on the door.

   "Lord City Lord, it's time for dinner, I don't know if City Lord is as usual or does he have any needs?"

  Gu Jingyu opened his eyes and ordered a lot of dishes.

   The housekeeper obviously didn't react. Logically speaking, the city lord in the plot just said something as usual.

   Fortunately, this game has a very high degree of free development, and it reacted immediately.

   "Okay! City Lord wait a moment!"

   Thank you all angels, I feel much better on 11th, I will work hard, there are still more than 500 days before the postgraduate entrance examination, and I have not decided on a major, just memorize words for two hours every day.

   I hope that after this failure, I can succeed next year.

   I still owe three days of updates, and today I have one day.



   (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion