MTL - I Quit Being The Devoted Supporting Male Character-Chapter 230 The passerby in the campus text, Professor A 17

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  Chapter 230 The Passerby Professor A in the Campus Text 17

As soon as   Hua Yuhuan said this, the two of them knew that this matter was completely irreversible, and the previous low-pitchedness had no effect at all.

   People are naked just to see jokes, and they have no intention of letting go of the two people.

   The meal ended in discord, and the two owners could only scold their mothers in their hearts.

   hurriedly contacted a lawyer for the next appeal, but faced with such solid evidence, it was of no use at all.

   Even after asking two or three times, there is really no way out.

   It will only take a year before the two of them come out and make plans.

  Because of the kidnapping of the professor by Shangguan Qiuye and Beitangmo, the teachers in the academy were panicked, and no one knew if the next student would just kidnap the professor because he didn't like the professor.

   On the one hand, the academy appeases the professor and the teacher, while on the other hand, the two students are directly expelled, and even the student status report gave him a serious demerit, and he did not complain at all.

   Although knowing this thing may be completely useless to the two of them.

   After all, even academic qualifications are the icing on the cake. With their family background, they don't have to be like ordinary students, they are born with things that others have never had in their entire lives.

  Shangguan Qiuye and Beitangmo were in prison waiting for news from outside, but I waited for about half a month and only waited for a visit from their mother.

When    asked about the situation outside, the answers they gave were ambiguous. One time they said they could go out, and another time they said they were not very clear.

   Neither of them are stupid, they know something must be going on outside.

   There is even a secret conjecture in my heart that there must be someone outside who wants them to get out, and there is no need to think about who it is.

   At this time, the hope in their hearts was finally dashed.

   After Gu Jingyu's affairs were over, he returned to the school and resumed his teaching career.

  The students in the college have been dizzy recently. The reason is that most of the questions in the weekly test are now done by Gu Jingyu alone.

   Originally, this kind of thing only happened in Gu Jingyu's class. Later, I didn't know which professor started first, and later it became the high school entrance examination topic for all students. Gu Jingyu made it all by himself.

   Now if the academy asked them to rate the teacher they were most afraid of, then Gu Jingyu would undoubtedly become the top teacher without exception.

   After half a year, Jiang Xiaowei came back from abroad as an exchange student. At the same time, she brought a boy with her.

   is a foreign boy with a pair of blue eyes, not very handsome, but a very attractive foreign guy.

   This person is her boyfriend, whom she met in an accident abroad. After spending some time together, the two fell in love.

   That boy gave up his studies there for Jiang Xiaowei and transferred to the Department of Finance and Management of Huaxia University.

   After I came back, I also heard about Beitangmo and Shangguan Qiuye, and knew in my heart that they were targeting Gu Jingyu for something.

After   , I felt very guilty. After a while, I went to visit Gu Jingyu's dormitory, with her boyfriend by her side.

   When Gu Jingyu saw her, he was a little surprised.

   After so long, he became more and more immersed in the students of the Experience Academy, and he had forgotten the hero and heroine he thought before.

   Jiang Xiaowei suddenly appeared in front of him at this time, which made him a little strange.

   "You are this?"

   Jiang Xiaowei quickly bowed to Gu Jingyu.

   "Teacher, after I came back, I also heard about what happened before. Shangguan Qiuye and Beitangmohui did something like this to the teacher, which should have something to do with me, so this time I came to see the teacher."

   Gu Jingyu's eyes flashed, it turned out to be because of this incident.

   glanced at Jiang Xiaowei and invited them in.

   The two chatted for a while. Jiang Xiaowei has made great progress in the past half year. She deserves to be the heroine.

After   , Gu Jingyu said goodbye to her.

  Jiang Xiaowei became a prosperous student in the academy. She and her boyfriend participated in the student council in the academy, and became the vice-chairman when she was a sophomore.

   You must know that the student union in Huaxia College is the most powerful except for the teachers, and manages the entire campus.

   Even after graduation, the resume of the vice president of the student union in the college will bring her a different brilliance.

  Today is destined to be a special day.

  Jiang Xiaowei and her boyfriend met on the first anniversary of their acquaintance, so they finished their affairs early and prepared to go out on a date.

   On the other side, Beitangmo and Shangguan Qiuye came out of the prison, and the drivers from the two gates waited there early for them.

   The two people who came out were no longer as high-spirited as before, their faces were gloomy, and their bodies were full of black aura, which looked even more frightening than before they entered the prison.

   Beitangmo returned home and firstly accepted a warm greeting from his parents. After a good rest for a while, looking at this familiar and unfamiliar room, Beitangmo felt a little melancholy for a while.

  Thinking of the real reason they went to prison, the expression on his face instantly turned gloomy.

   When Shangguan Qiuye returned home, he was taken to the study by his father.

   As soon as I walked in, a book the size of a brick flew towards me.

Without realizing it for a while,    hit him directly on the forehead, and bruises appeared on his forehead.

   "Shangguan Qiuye, you are really good! You are the most powerful of so many people in our family, and you were actually sent to prison."

  Shangguan Qiuye stood upright at the door of the study, and after an unknown amount of time, he walked over slowly.

   picked up the book and put it on the table.

   Then he stood straight in front of the Shangguan Patriarch.

   The things he experienced this year really made him fall into a big somersault.

   Acting too recklessly back then, will become what it is now.

   Now, after a year of precipitation, he suddenly felt a little ridiculous when he recalled what he did a year ago.

   "Shangguan Qiuye, I contacted a foreign university. Try not to come back for the past four years. After this period has passed, you can come back!"

   As long as Shangguan Qiuye goes out now, everyone will remember that he is a legal person, and there is no way to continue living.

   Send him abroad, and after four years pass, everyone will forget what happened at that time, and even if not, the influence will gradually diminish.

   Shangguan Qiuye obviously understood this question and agreed very easily.

   What he didn't expect was that after he agreed, the owner of Shangguan went out of the study and answered a phone call.

   and hurried out.

   (end of this chapter)