MTL - I Plunder Endlessly In the Interstellar Age-Chapter 472 script

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【I am endlessly plundering in the interstellar age】【】

"The content of the overall cooperation is as follows. Beiliang will no longer attack the Federation of Law Enforcers of the Tianhe System, and the Federation of Law Enforcers will no longer embarrass Beiliang, and sign a permanent truce agreement."

"For the sake of the overall situation, Chen Han voluntarily handed over the management and control of the United Front to the Federation of Law Enforcers of the Tianhe System."

"Beiliang will also withdraw from the United Front. Any behavior of Beiliang has nothing to do with the United Front and will not be protected by the United Front or the Tianhe System."

"I agree to this condition, and specifically merge the United Front into the Federation of Law Enforcers and become part of the federal force."

"Any behavior of the United Front in the future will be equivalent to the Federation of Law Enforcers. Attacking the United Front is equivalent to attacking the Federation of Law Enforcers. The two have an inseparable relationship."

"At the same time, the planetary fortress is opened to the United Front, which can freely enter and exit, and is protected by the planetary fortress in order to carry out deeper strategic cooperation."

"Now there are no conflicts within the Tianhe system, let alone so-called power disputes and enemies."

"This is all thanks to the efforts of the United Front, which has twisted the Tianhe system into one."

"The same will be true for the Tianhe system in the future. Infighting is prohibited, unity is the goal, and the goal is to focus on internal development and upgrade to a second-level civilized galaxy."

"If you insist on finding an enemy, it is the Phobos system, and those galaxies that intend to prevent the Milky Way from regaining its autonomy!"

"It's time to wake up, all the stars of the Milky Way system, the Milky Way system shouldn't be like this, and neither should you!" At the end of the talk, Qiao Qi spread his hands and looked around the people and all the equipment in the venue.

He has said the cause and process of the matter, and it is time to tell the most important conclusion.

The most important of these is of course the recognition of the Beiliang Armistice Agreement and the United Front.

As long as he speaks this way, the United Front is equivalent to stamping the official seal.

In this way, neither the conventional reality nor the Law Enforcer Federation of other galaxies can openly attack the United Front.

As for why the emphasis is on the merger of the United Front into the Federation of Law Enforcers instead of Beiliang, the reason is very simple.

First of all, Beiliang is a gang, with too many stains and too many enemies.

If you agree with Beiliang and start a strategic cooperation with Beiliang, there must be a lot of discordant voices from the outside world.

The United Front is different, it is an alliance formed by all the planets and forces in the Milky Way System, which is fundamentally different from Beiliang.

It can only be said that the United Front was founded by Chen Han, and the two are related, but neither can represent the other.

Those who have grudges against Chen Han and Beiliang, who have their grievances and debtors, go to Chen Han and Beiliang, and it has nothing to do with the United Front.

It was one of Mu Qianye's strategies to announce that both Chen Han and Bei Liang had left the united front.

Because they will do bad things in the name of Beiliang in the future, such as going to other galaxies to launch attacks.

If you don't draw a clear line with the United Front, the consequences of these things will be borne by the United Front in the future. She doesn't want to do this.

Anyway, the so-called renunciation and separation are only on the surface. In fact, what should be done is what should be done, so let the outside world listen to it generously.

I don't know if it was because of Prison Qi's speech, countless media people raised their hands in an instant, eager to ask questions.

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【I am endlessly plundering in the interstellar age】【】

In the past, every time the people above finished speaking, they could raise their doubts. This is the rule of the press conference, and this time is no exception.

For such a large-scale press conference facing the entire Coos, it is best to be the first to ask questions.

After all, at least people from the Tianhe system are watching, and this is the time to make your media famous.

The only more difficult thing is that the things that Jiang Qi said were too exciting, which made the questions they had prepared before somewhat useless.

But it's okay, anyone who can come here has a quick brain, and it's not difficult to rethink some sharp questions.

For example, whether Chen Han gave up control of the United Front, or Beiliang left the United Front, they were very interested.

What's more, the United Front has become an official organization, which is all news.

Faced with tens of thousands of people raising their hands, Prison Qi did not panic, as if he knew how to deal with such a situation.

After a short pause, Cun Qi pressed a code on the virtual screen, and soon a young girl at the front of the venue stood up.

She first gave a slight nod to Prison Qi, and then slowly said: "Dear Consul, hello, I am the representative of Kazixing participating in this press conference, and I am very happy to ask you questions..."

Prison Qi didn't let the young girl finish speaking, and waved her hand, signaling that she doesn't need to add these meaningless opening words.

The young girl was slightly embarrassed by this, but immediately returned to her normal expression and nodded: "That's right, Your Excellency the Consul, if what you just said is completely true, it means that the identity of the Consul of the Tianhe System is There's a lot of moisture."

"Is there no way within the Federation of Law Enforcers to avoid similar incidents from happening? Doesn't this need to bear any form of consequences?"

What she meant was obvious. According to Gong Qi's confession, everything about him was false.

Since it is so fake, why can you still stay in this position? They should be replaced with qualified personnel immediately.

Otherwise, if Qiao Qi could be a puppet once, wouldn't he be a puppet a second time?

Is it really necessary for a person who relies on despicable means to stay in power?

Although this question is not the same as most people are eager to ask, it is also what many media people and the public want to know.

Prison Qi's confession just now is really contagious and true.

However, instead of talking so much, it is better to step down first, shoulder your own responsibilities, and then think about how to be responsible to others.

Such a sharp question did not make Zhou Qi angry, but instead smiled without changing his face: "What you said was a bit more tactful. It's not watery, but a decades-long scam."

"I will definitely pay the price, which is what I should have suffered."

"I don't know if you still remember, Chen Han once exposed the relationship between the Tianhe system and the Phobos system, the secrets of the war, and things like me and Edith."

"Those are all true, and Chen Han has indeed seen them thoroughly enough."

"Related incidents have caused me a lot of trouble. I was warned, interviewed, and internally investigated. The position of the consul has long since been lost."

"But I can tell you clearly that none of this makes any sense, because it's all controlled by Edith."

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【I am endlessly plundering in the interstellar age】【】

"I can go down, but can you guarantee that the newcomer is not from Edith?"

"No matter how decent he looks and how well he speaks, he may be in collusion with Edith, just like I used to be."

"If I didn't say it myself, would you know the inside story? It's impossible."

"So don't be in a hurry to pull me down, someone will punish me naturally."

"The most important thing at the moment is how to prevent the Tianhe system from being infiltrated by Edith. This is the most important thing."

"If you can't do this well, then it's meaningless to replace anyone else. What will happen to the future of the Tianhe system?"

"Why can Edith do as she pleases? Because she has connections within the Federation of Law Enforcers. When it comes to voting, many consuls will turn to her."

"Do you think other consuls don't know these things? They know, even better than anyone else."

"But they don't want to control it, and they don't want to offend a third-level civilized star system for a first-level civilized star system."

"Anyway, no matter what happens to the Tianhe system, it won't affect their interests. It's better to sell Edith to save face."

"It is this kind of connivance that has caused the Tianhe system to suffer so far, and that has led to the current war situation in the gray hole system."

"But wait, everything is just the beginning. No one knows Edith's ambitions better than me. She wants much more than that."

"Now I'm just accumulating strength and pulling it out. When the Milky Way system is drained, the gray hole system is swallowed up, and she has absolute power, she will naturally attack other galaxies."

"At that time, the Phobos system is estimated to be upgraded to a fourth-level civilization, and the surrounding third-level civilized star systems may not be spared, right?"

"Those who like to watch the fire from the other side, watch it, the fire will burn on your head one day, I hope you can keep calm at that time."

"If you want to punish me, you can, but please don't forget that Edith is the culprit, and she has to bear the corresponding consequences!"

"If it can't be done, and the unreasonable behavior of every consul cannot be restrained, then there is no need for the Federation Parliament to exist. Find a good day to dissolve it, and each galaxy has its own management."

"Anyway, there is a superficial unity and restriction between each other, but secretly, whoever has the biggest fist has the final say. Why make it so complicated?"

After finishing speaking, Prison Qi widened his eyes, with the expression of a dead pig not afraid of boiling water.

It looked like he was getting annoyed at the young girl's sharp questioning, giving himself up and talking nonsense.

In fact, all of this was arranged in advance.

It's not that Katz Star doesn't exist, but that Katz Star is one of the core planets of the United Front, and the Secretary-General turned to Chen Han.

The official media has long been merged by the Tianhe Voice managed by Su Wen. Even the young girl who just stood up is actually one of the artificial humans under the Tianhe Voice.

Even though this kind of script method is used in such an important press conference, if it is exposed, the authenticity of the press conference will be greatly compromised, and the outside world will not believe what it says.

But there is no way, because it is important, it is necessary to control the rhythm throughout the process and let everything develop in the desired direction.

Of course, this does not mean that the questions prepared in advance are not sharp. Like the question just asked, it is also very sharp.

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【I am endlessly plundering in the interstellar age】【】

It's just that the prepared sharpness is more like a guide, completely different from the unexpected sharpness.

Behind the incoherent speech of Prison Qi just now, in fact, countless information was thrown out, and a large part of it was aimed at the Federation of Law Enforcers.

All this is not nonsense, basically true.

The consuls of other galaxies have a lot of partiality towards Edith in various aspects, turning a blind eye to it.

Now that he's telling everything, he doesn't mean much else, just to muddy the water in Coos to the point where it's unbearably muddy.

In this way, the law enforcement federations in various galaxies will be questioned a lot in the near future, and they cannot fully focus on Beiliang.

As for whether the Federation of Law Enforcers will really sanction Edith, or make some internal changes, Prison Qi dare not think about it.

If it could be changed, it would have been changed long ago, why wait until now.

What's more, the consuls of various galaxies don't want to make too many changes in their hearts, which means restricting themselves, and no one will dislike too much power.

These are the contents that Prison Qi was going to say, but if he said it directly, it would seem too deliberate, so he arranged for his own people and set up a question-and-answer format to make everything appear real and natural.

But the people at the venue didn't know that all this was arranged, and they were all taken aback by what Qiao Qi said.

It gave them the feeling that Zhuang Qi was completely crazy for daring to say these things.

If it was only aimed at Edith before, it would be a galaxy in Phobos.

At this time, Prison Qi is suing the law enforcement federations and consuls of all galaxies.

Even if it had nothing to do with them, just being in the venue made them feel cold all over.

If it was said that they broke the news in Excited Prisoner Qi before, then they suddenly felt that some things were not so convenient to report at this time...

Chen Han and the others in the backstage were not under so much pressure, but were happy in their hearts.

They arranged such a session, such a set of questions and answers, it will definitely have a miraculous effect.

Because if the relevant words come out of his mouth, they will definitely be arranged.

It is estimated that it will be said to slander the Federation of Law Enforcers, challenge the authority of the Federation of Law Enforcers, and put on hats one after another.

But Prison Qi is a member of the Federation of Law Enforcers, UU Reading He doesn't need to slander him, right?

If you want to target Prisoner Qi, you can. Internal problems can be solved internally. At most, they can be discussed in various meetings. It will not go to the point of using the fleet, so that Beiliang can fish in troubled waters for a while.

At the same time, the law enforcement federations of various galaxies cannot use the fleet, otherwise they will be in a hurry and will be said to want to kill them by invading.

And most importantly, it will bring a lot of trouble to Edith, and she will suffer a lot of condemnation.

Otherwise, Edith would have nothing to do with just dealing with Qi Qi, and there is a high probability that she will not be able to convince the crowd, so many people are watching.

After a series of operations, the initiative is completely in Beiliang's hands, and he can buy a lot of time invisibly.

Anyway, Chen Han and others have already considered the process and direction of the incident dead, and if there are no accidents, there will be no accidents.

When the people who were watching the live broadcast first marveled at the unknown side of the Law Enforcing Federation, they felt that what Zhuang Qi said made sense.

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【I am endlessly plundering in the interstellar age】【】

They hated that Yuan Qi had occupied this position for many years and did nothing, and they didn't want to see Yuan Qi exist again.

But if you think about it from another angle, what if it is really like what Jiang Qi said, and the person who is exchanged is not as good as Yuan Qi? So what should they do? Continue to be manipulated?

I didn't know before, I didn't feel anything.

After knowing the truth, many things can never go back. No one wants to be enslaved by a pair of invisible hands.

It's a pity that they were not there, otherwise they would have to say something.

(end of this chapter)